Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Competition for Fluttershy's heart

Chapter 96

[Hell yeah! Last night was fucking awesome!]
<So many new positions, so many domination's, so much pain! I loved it!>

I opened my eyes and smiled, last night was awesome!

Twilight, was still laying next to me, her back to my front and my left arm over her.

She wasn't kidding when she said she would make last night the best night of my life! Because it was!

[I loved every fucking minute of it!]

I chuckled lightly and snuggled up to Twilight. I intend to just enjoy this moment.

"How was your night?" Asked a female voice from across the room.

My eyes went wide and I sat up quickly. I looked around till I saw the owner of the voice... Grace?!

"What the fuck are you doing in here?!" I said, trying to keep my voice down.

She giggled and jumped up from the chair she had been in, "I'm here to make sure you keep a promise you made to me."


She grinned, "Yes, a promise. Remember? You said you would get me a marefriend."

I shook my head, "I don't remember..."

"Either you help me, or I beat the crap out of you. Your choice." She said with a smirk.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll help."

She smiled, "I knew you would."

I rolled my eyes and slowly climbed out of bed.

"But first, put on some clothes." She said with a smirk.

"What.." I looked down to see that I was totally nude... nothing on....

"FUCK!" I half yelled as I grabbed a pillow and covered myself.

Grace giggled, "You're just lucky I'm not into males, or I'd be all over you."

[Oh God, this is all kinds of wrong!] Break said while shaking his head.
[Oh really? You didn't think that when we first met.] Kill said with a smirk.
[... Fuck this.]

I chuckled and looked around for my boxers... where are they?

<Next to the bed.>

I looked down and chuckled. There they are.

I bent down and picked them up and looked at Grace, "Could you turn around?"

She sighed and turned around.

I dropped the pillow and quickly pulled on my boxers, "Now you can turn around."

She sighed again and turned, "You ready to go?"

I shook my head, "I can't go anywhere really, I have a contest to judge."

[Did you just now remember that?]
{Yeah, I remembered when I was putting on my boxers.}
[You're a weird kid Lance...]

Grace growled, "But you promised! We just went over this!"

I held up my hand, "I know, but I can still help you."

She raised an eyebrow, "How?"

I smirked and turned around. I picked up the notebook I kept by the bed and wrote down a address, "Here, go here and talk to this mare. We use to hang out a few months ago, and during that time, I found out she liked mares. I think you have a chance." I then walked over to Grace and held the paper out to her.

She furrowed her brow, "Who is it?"

"Octavia." I answered with a smile.

Grace took the paper in her mouth and eyed me, "If this doesn't work, I'm coming after you."

I nodded, "It'll work, don't worry. She'll be all over you." I hope.

Grace smiled slightly before walking out of the room.

<Wait.... how did she even get in the house?>
[I don't know, and I don't want to know.]

I turned back to the bed and smiled. I might as well enjoy some extra cuddling before heading out.

[Do it!]

Four hours later, Ponyville, town square

[Do we have to do this?]
{Yes, I told Seth I would.}

I was nearing the center of town, and I could already hear the cheers of a large crowd of ponies... how many ponies wanted to see this? Why do they want to see this?

When I finally reached the center, I could see a large stage with a equally large crowd in front of it... why?

"Lance!" I heard Seth yelled out.

I looked towards the back of the stage to see Seth waving at me.

I sighed and made my way over to him, "Dude, really?"

He smirked, "Yes, really. I have good news!"

"Good news? The only good news I need is you're calling this off."

He shook his head, "Nope, not that. Remember, I'm paying you to do this."

I rubbed my face, "Then what's the good news."

He smiled, "I have a another judge for the contest. I think you'll like her."

Another judge? "Who?"

He chuckled, "Follow me, I'll lead you to the judges booth."

I sighed and allowed him to lead me to the judges booth, which was just a table with 'Judges' written across it.

Seth jumped up on the platform and began talking to somepony.

I pulled myself up onto it and looked over to Seth and.... oh you got to be kidding me?!

Seth pointed to me, "This is Lance, the guy I was telling you about."

I face palmed, "Dude?! How did you get her to come here?!"

Seth smiled, "I have my ways."

"Lance Greenfield, we meet again!"

I glared at her, "Shut up you fucking tramp!"

Seth gawked at me, "Dude?!"

I pointed my hand at her, "Fuck you Trixie!"

Trixie laughed, "Your temper has risen since the last time we meet."

I slammed my hand on the table, "Bitch! Why the fuck did you agree to come here?!"

She smirked, "Because, Trixie want's her revenge for that little show in Manehattan."

I gritted my teeth, "You stupid bitch! Stop talking in the third person! It's fucking annoying!"

<Lance.... why are you being so aggressive?>
[Don't you remember Dawn?! This bitch messed with us back in Manehattan! Lance, kick her ass!]

Trixie laughed in that annoying way of hers, "Does it bother you when Trixie talks like this? Well to bad!"

"Stop it! What the hell is wrong with you two?!" Seth yelled as he looked between us.

I pointed to the stage, "Get ready for the show!"

He shook his head, "But dude..."

I growled, "Go, or I will take points off!"

His eyes widened and he jumped off the judges platform.

I glared at Trixie, "Me and you are going to try and get along during this stupid competition. Got that?!"

She smirked, "Sure thing, Trixie will try and be nice to the ape."

Ape... ape! That bitch!

<Calm down Lance!>

I exhaled and sat down, "Just judge the damn contest!"

[Two things: One, that bitch better be glad Twilight isn't here! Two, where is Malbatorus?]
<I have no idea dude...>
{Wait, where is he?}
[Beats the fuck out of me.]

"Trixie will!" Trixie said taking a seat next to me.

I put my hands to my face, "Damn bitch..."

"Ummm, excuse me, Lance?" Said a small voice below me.

I looked up and looked downward to see Fluttershy. I smiled nicely, "Oh, hey there Fluttershy, what's ya need?"

She hid behind her mane, "Oh, well... Seth told me to come to you before this started... is that okay?"

I chuckled, "Sure, it's okay... wait, do you even know what this contest is about?"

She jumped up onto the platform and shook her head, "No, he just said be here."

Wow.... this contest is a contest for her, and she doesn't even know it.... just wow.

"What is she doing up here?!" Trixie growled.

My eye twitched and I twisted to face her, "You will be nice to her or I will beat the living fuck out of you!"

She lifted her nose into the air and huffed.

I looked back to Fluttershy and smiled, "Just sit next to me if you want... don't mind her."

Fluttershy nodded and slowly sat down.

"Psst! Lance!" I heard somepony whisper yell.

I looked towards the stage to see Seth peeking out from the curtains, "Can we start?"

I sighed and waved my hand, "Go ahead."

He smiled and ran back stage. A few seconds later, I could hear the sounds of whispering and a few things being knocked over.

Suddenly, Spike was pushed through the curtains and onto center stage. He looked around and sighed. He then lifted up a mic and smiled, "Welcome everypony to the first ever 'Brony win a heart'. There will be three events. The comedy act, the... the sexy act, and the musical act."

Oh God, I should have seen this coming.

He pointed to the curtains, "First up for the comedy act is Seth!"

Seth ran out onto stage and bowed.

"Hey Ponyville!" He said happily.

I leaned forward, "You have one minute, and it started ten seconds ago."

His eyes went wide, "Damn!" He looked around and quickly picked up a board off the stage, "Watch and be amazed!"

He then slammed it into his face... repeatedly.

"Times up." I said leaning back.

He collapsed, "My score?"

"Two!" Trixie yelled out.

"Meh, not that funny. But its funny because its your face. Four!" I said with a smirk.

Fluttershy gulped, "Uhh... one. I don't like ponies getting hurt."

Seth groaned and rolled back stage.

"Next up, Alexander... oh sorry, Silver Charger!" Spike announced.

Alexander walked out onto stage, pulling tow large walls behind him. He sat them apart in the middle of the stage and smirked. "Watch this." He then shot some kind of magical balls at each wall.

He reached behind his back and picked up a fish. He then threw it through one of the portals and it began to continually go from one portal to the other.

Alexander smiled and put his face in path of the fish.


Alexander fell to the ground with a heavy thud after taking many hits to the face.

Trixie laughed, "Nine! You amused Trixie!"

I crossed my arms, "Ten, because its funny to get hit with a fish."

Fluttershy shook her head, "One."

Wow, she really doesn't like ponies getting hurt.

As Alexander crawled back stage, Spike announced the next contestant, "Next up, we have Shadow Breeze."

Shadow slowly walked out onto the stage and gulped, "Hey..."

Nervous much?

He rubbed his hooves together and gulped again, "Uhhh, I will... uhhhh..."

No act planned out... wow.

He looked around and then looked my direction... wait correct that, he looked at Fluttershy.


Did he just pass out?

[Yes... yes he did.]

"Oh my! Is he okay?!" Fluttershy said standing up.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "He's fine. Don't worry."

"Five, because that is funny!" Trixie said with a smirk.

"Zero, because he had no act planned."

"TEN!" Fluttershy yelled, scaring the crap out of me.

"Wow there!" I said to an excited looking Fluttershy.

She looked at me, "Lance, give him a higher score! He hurt himself!"

I sighed, "I can't Shy, I already gave my rating."

She began to glare...

"TEN!" I yelled out, fearing the Stare.

As Shadow was drug back stage, Spike walked to the center of the stage, "Next up is the... *Sigh* the sexy act." He then walked back to the side and announced the first one up, "First up, Seth!"

Seth walked out... wearing his normal clothes.

I put a hand to my face, "Explain?"

He smiled, "I'm already sexy!"




Ouch! Three zero's!

Seth sighed, "Damn, I knew I should have worn the dress."

Once he was back stage, Spike announced the next one, "Next up, Silver Charger!"

Alexander walked out wearing a red full body suit with a some blue on it. He had on black... mare shoes. He also wore a little hat and a small pair of black tinted glasses.

He smirked, "How sexy am I?!"

"Ten!" Trixie yelled out, a strange look on her face.

"Meh, four."


Alexander smiled and began to walk back stage.

"Look at that flank..." Trixie whispered.

I looked at her, "What?!"

She shook her head furiously, "NOTHING!"


"Next up is Shadow Breeze!" Spike announced.

A few seconds pasted, and nothing...

"GET OUT THERE!" Somepony yelled back stage.

"PLEASE NO!" I heard another yell.

Suddenly, Shadow was pushed through the curtains... OH MY GOD! BWAHAHAHAH!

Shadow stood there awkwardly, biting his lip. He was wearing a Wonder Woman suit... and to top it all off, he had a big red bow on his head.

"Uhh.... Three?"

"Dude! That's so damn funny! Eight!"

"Ten, you look so cute!"

Shadow smiled awkwardly and ran back stage.

Spike walked to the center of the stage and sighed, "Next up is the musical act."

I leaned over to Fluttershy, "Let's see who sucks."

She glared at me, "Be nice!"

I leaned back to my spot.... wow.

"First up is Seth!" Spike announced.

Seth galloped out and yelled, "Lets do this!"

He picked up the mic and smiled. He then began to sing 'Story of the year'.

Once he finished, he bowed.




He hit the ground, "Damn!"

When he was back stage, Spike announced the next one up, "Next up is Alexander."

Alexander ran out and chuckled, "Let's get this song going!"

He then began to sing 'Gotta keep your head up'. (I think I just messed that name up.)

Once he was finished, he smiled happily, "So?"

"TEN!" Trixie yelled out.

"Meh, seven."


He smiled and walked back stage.

Fluttershy smiled, "Next up is Shadow!"

I nodded, "Uhhh... yeah?"

"Hey! Fluttershy!" Somepony yelled.

We looked over to see Greg, a smirk on his face.

"What?" She asked nervously.

"Did you know this contest is for who gets go date you?" He said with a smirk.

"What?!" She half yelled. She then smiled, "Really?"

He nodded and jumped off the stage.

Fluttershy turned back to the stage and smiled happily.

I smiled, I think she's okay with this idea.

She looked at me, "So, next up is Shadow?"

I nodded.

"Yay!" She said happily.

I wonder what Shadow has planned.