//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Gary Catched His Own Pony // by dtlux1 //------------------------------// Gary Oak was outsidse his Grandpa's lab when he was 8 years old. He was wishing for the time in his future when he would be 10 years old and choose his own starter Pokemon when he heard some sort of swooshing noise. "What was that?" asked Blue. He saw a blue box suddenly appear in front of him. "What?" he asked. He noticed one of the people to step out of the box, a little older than he remembered him being. "Hello Blue." he said. "Is that you red?" asked Green. "Yes," said Red, "I am from the future. I am 16 now." "Really?" asked Gary. "Yes," said Red, "I came to see you." "Hello," said Twilight the TOM, "I am with Red." "WHAT KIND OF POKEMON IS THAT!" screamed Trainer Green. "That's Twilight the James type Pokémon." said Red, "I caught her in Ponyville." "I can't wait to catch one of my own." said Trainer Blue, "I am only 8 now, but I will catch one when I am 10." "What ever you say Gary," said Red, "What ever you said. "Hello," said Lucario, "Nice to meet you, and bye." They then walked out a Door shaped like the letter N that said exit above it. "I need one of those Ponies." said Gary. "I vow to get one in the future, and I will make sure it is better than his. He then went back to playing with the Pokemon. 2 YEARS LATER! "Now that you are both here," said PROF. OAK, "You can choose your own Pokemon." "Do I get to pick first?" asked Red. "No," said PROF. OAK, "This story is about my grandson, so he picks first." "I told you I'd be better Red." said Green. "No Blue," said Red, "I will still be better." "I will get a pony before you do." said Gary. "I still have no idea what you are talking about." replied Red. "You will." replied Green. "Please stop arguing," said PROF. OAK, "And pick your Pokemon." "Ok." said Blue as he went over and looked at the Table. THIS IS THE POKEMON MAGIKHRP. DO YOU WANT THIS POKEMON? "No." he replied as he went to look at the next pokemon. THIS IS THE POKEMON FENNEKIN. DO YOU WANT THIS POKEMON? "YES!" screamed Gary as he chose it. DO YOU WANT TO GIVE A NICKNAME TO YOUR POKEMON? "Yes." Green replied agin, a little less fast. WHAT IS YOUR POKEMON'S NAME. PLEASE TYPE IT HERE. "Fennekin." Blue said as he typed in the name. YOU HAVE CHOSE THE NAME FENNEKIN. CONGRADULARTIONS! "YAY!" screamed Gary. "And I choose this one." said Red. RED OBTAINED LUGIA! "WHAT!" screamed Green, "WHY!" "I needed a starter that would be better than your starter," replied PROF. OAK, "So I got Lugia for him." "Ok then." said Red as he bagan to leave, "I'm gonna start my adventure now." "WAIT!" screamed Blue, "Let's have our first pokemon battle together." "Ok." replied Red. TRAINER RED HAS ISSUED A CHALLANGE! "Oh for god's sake Gary," replied PROF. OAK, "I will have to show you how to battle, won't I?" "No." said Green. "All you have to do is lower the other Pokemon's HP down to 0." replied PROF. OAK. "Then you win." "I beat you Red." replied Blue over his Grandpa, "Give me my money." "You need to give the winner money." said PROF. OAK matter of factly, "I will pay this time, but next time I won't pay." "Can we go now?" asked Gary. "Yes." said PROF. OAK, "You will need to take pictures and send them to me though. I will judge them accordingly, even though you two will commenly forget about the pictures. Just make sure they are perfect. Make them low quality close ups. See you later." Then the Rival music started to play as Blue left the Lab. "I wonder where I will go next." he said. He then went on his quest to find a pony just like the Red from the future had. He then went out a Blue Screen of Death shaped door.