A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

37 - The Cost of Love

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 37 - The Cost of Love

The other girls were already waiting in the lobby, greeting the pegasi. A guard came and lead them to the the meeting room, Vandir already there, Martin missing. He was reading something and put down the paper to get up and greet them. “Good afternoon.” He said, shaking each pony’s hoof before sitting down again. “Now we just have to wait for Martin.”
“Always late, that one.” Mike said, sitting next to Fluttershy.
The door opened and Martin entered the room with Metanoia and Rose. “Sorry about that, had to get a guest.” He said, forcing the other two to sit as he sat next to AJ.
Mike faintly smiled at Rose. “Hey Rose, how are you?” He nodded at Metanoia.
Rose sat down next to Fluttershy. “Hey Michael, I’m ok, and you?”
“Can’t complain, not dead yet.” He chuckled before turning to Martin. “How’s being a pony treating you? Find anything that you like about it better than a human yet?”
He smiled at his friend. “Aye, things have been good.” He said with a glance towards AJ.
She blushed and winked as Mike laughed. “Not that I don’t mind high school gossip but I think we came here to talk about the situation at the border.” Vandir said with a small smile on his beak.
Martin cleared his throat and got up, looking at everyone. “Aye. The border is secured. At the moment, our army is capable of making sure no enemy enters Equestria and therefor no army will get close to the Griffin Kingdom, at least from this side.”
There was a collective sigh of relief across the table.
“But the war continues. Most of the states have managed to calm down their citizens but there is still war in some parts of the empire.”
“Indeed.” Vandir held up the piece of paper from earlier. “Our intel says at least a third of the states are still at war.”
Martin nodded. “Aye, our army cannot leave the border. But we have an entire army of soldiers that could.”
“The Iron Army?” Mike asked.
Martin nodded. “Yes. They don’t need sleep or food, they don’t die. They rebuild themselves. They have a strong enchantment that protects them from most magic. But we risk that we throw the war states into a state of terror instead.”
“Not everyday you see giant suits of armor coming towards you.” Dash said.
Martin sighed. “Indeed, they show no mercy or pity. They kill anyone or anypony we order them to.”
“We have to find some way that they won’t attack innocents or our own ponies.” Twi said.
“We would need someone to give them orders at the front line. We can give them simple orders and tasks.”
“Who were you thinking of sending?”
Martin looked around. “I don’t know. We should send one of our commanders. I can’t go.”
Metanoia chuckled. “Do you really think those oversized tin cans would listen to anypony but the Grandmaster?” He glared at Martin. “And you’re one of us now, how ironic.”
Martin rolled his eyes. “Well, they follow simple orders. If I tell them to follow someone else’s orders, they will.”
“But will they be able to tell who the original pony giving them orders are?”
Martin nodded. “They might be nothing more than metal, but the enchantments are very powerful. They allow for minor intelligence, they will recognize voices and faces.”
He rolled his eyes and was silent.
Martin smiled victoriously and nodded. “The Agathor Order cannot exist any longer.”
Vandir eyed him silently as Ganir’s eye twitched.
“But there shall be a new order. No matter the species, they are allowed to join. This will have its HQ in Longford Castle in the Everfree Forest.”
Metanoia laughed. “The Everfree? Who in their right mind would go there?”
Pinkie raised her hoof enthusiastically. “OH! OH!! ME!! I WOULD!!”
They all chuckled. “I would as well… and many others did before us. The first requirement is to find the castle, meaning you have to be brave enough to either fly or walk through the forest.” Martin said.
Dash rolled her eyes. “Any pegasi could easily find it from the air.”
“Not if we activate the magical barriers.”
“Didn’t stop me…” She said, leaning back in her chair, hooves on the table.
“How’d that end?” Mike said with a faint smile, his fur still singed and discolored.
“Uh… good point.” She said, a small blush on her cheeks.
“The joy… anyways, back to the army. Should we activate the soldiers and if yes who do we put in charge?”
Vandir was silent for a moment. “I vote in favor of activating the soldiers and I nominate Barskir to lead them.”
Ganir looked at him, horrified.
“He is a good warrior with a lot of experience from what I’ve seen.” He paused. “I shall nominate him as well.” He looked at the others. “Does anyone disagree with our choice?”
“You’re all mad! He’s too old to be going out to battle! What happens if he dies? Hmm?” Who’d lead this stupid army of yours!?” Ganir snapped.
Everypony turned to look at him as Martin raised an eyebrow. “Then we find someone else, they follow the last order they were given. And I highly doubt he will die with so many soldiers around him.”
Ganir leaned back in his seat. “You’re all crazy!”
Martin rolled his eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know and that I care about.” He muttered. “Anyways, does everyone else agree?”
Mike looked around before turning to the new pony. “You’re the soldier, I’ll trust your call.” Everypony seemed to agree with him.
“I just wish we didn’t have to fight…” Fluttershy whispered.
Rose and Metanoia remained silent as Martin smiled. “So its decided then!”
“Seems that way. And they should end the war quickly, with as little destruction as possible, right?” Vandir asked.
“That should be possible. And afterwards should we leave them in the different states to ‘look’ after things for awhile?”
“...That would be for the best… just be ready to pull them out in case the ponies don’t want them there.”
It was silent for a moment. “So… any reason why you dragged him in here?” Dash asked, pointing to Metanoia.
Martin scratched his head. “Well… it was something about a truce. Why don’t you explain it?”
He sighed. “When I first surrendered myself, I offered a truce. If you took care of the Northern states, the UEA would leave you alone. And it seems as if you kept your end of the bargain. But the UEA won’t attack you if you keep to the north and let us take care of the south.”
“What do you consider… ‘taking care of the south’?”
“Nothing you should be concerned with.” He said flatly. “We’re a democracy, all we’re going to do is remove the leaders and create order before letting the ponies decide what to do next.”
“As long as you seek peace and not war.”
He grinned mischievously. “That’s all we ever wanted.”
Mike glared at him as Fluttershy scooted closer. “That’s a bunch of crap and we all know it.” He said. “Look, I’m all for giving him the benefit of the doubt, but look at the evidence…”
Martin sighed. “I know… there were some serious war crimes but still. We have to give them a chance. At least we should consider it. What do you think Vandir?”
“I would… but yet, it’s not my place to say. I’d make sure what he said was the truth then try him for the crimes we all know he committed.” Vandir said, raising an eyebrow. “The only bad thing is we need witnesses for his trial, and I can only think of three.”
Martin nodded as Metanoia looked between the pony and griffin. “But I thought we’d agreed that after this squabble at the border, I’d go freely?” He asked.
Martin sighed again. “Yes… but considering everything that happened, we must keep you here for a trail. I’m sorry.”
Metanoia closed his eyes and muttered to himself. Martin sat back down, running a hoof through his mane. “Is there anything else we need to do now?”
“Well… I should mention something.” Vandir said, straightening papers.
“Ok, go ahead.”
“After the meeting, I’ll be returning home for my report to my father.”
Everypony smiled. “Wonderful. I hope you’ll have a troubleless journey.”
He smiled and nodded. “Thank you again for hosting me and keeping me entertained while I was here Ms. Sparkle.” He said, bowing to Twilight.
She blushed and smiled. “It was an honor.”
He smiled remained as he bowed before each element and to the former humans. “And it was a pleasure to meet each and every one of you. And to see two humans return to the land. I wish it was under better circumstances.”
Martin waved a hoof. “We’ll handle it.”
“Then I wish you luck.” He said, making sure he had everything.
Martin turned towards Ganir. “Will you be going with him?”
Ganir nodded, looking pale as he seemingly disappeared, a blade suddenly protruding from Vandir’s side. The griffin fell, Ganir hopped around the room, knocking over torches, a small fire blocking the exit. The guards charged him and were taken out. Metanoia quickly grabbed Rose and pushed her away, keeping her out of the way.
Martin’s eyes widened. “You fuck nugget!” He tried to charge but stumbled and fell, tripping over his own hooves.
He laughed at him and Dash charged him as he easily twirled out of the way. She connected with a pillar, hard enough to crack it. She slid down and laid at the base of the pillar, holding her head. “This is too easy!” He said, his eyes glowing.
Martin got back up and grabbed a sword from a dead guard. He swung it around and accidentally let it go, flying towards Mike.
Mike ducked as it sailed over his head. “Hey watch it!” He said, the sword parting his mane.
Twilight shot him a strong magic attack, that did nothing but singe a few feathers on his chest. Martin looked around frantically as the remaining guards distracted the deranged pegasus. Applejack tried to buck him away, the griffin grabbing her hind hoof and tossing her aside. Pinkie caught her and the two disappeared under the table. Rarity and Fluttershy rushed over to make sure Dash was ok as Twi continued to distract the griffin, trying to help the guards.
“Jesus! How does one even fight with hooves?” He grabbed a fallen spear and threw it towards Ganir.
He caught it easily with his talons and used it to finish off the last guard before he flung it towards Twilight. She jumped out of the way, crashing through the table. “What’s wrong Grandmaster?” He asked. “I thought you were supposed to be strong? This is pathetic!”
Mike flew towards him, hoping to catch him off guard as the griffin swatted him into the wall. He fell onto Dash, the two of them in jumbled together.
Martin looked around helplessly. “Oh come on, I call hacks!” He said, the griffin calmly walking up to him. “I have learned one thing though…”
“Oh? And what is that fool?” The griffin asked with a chuckle.
Martin grinned, turning around quickly and bucked him the chest. The air was knocked out of the griffin as he sailed through the room and landed heavily near Metanoia and a struggling Rose. The griffin groaned in pain as Metanoia laughed.
“Served you right for forgetting that earth ponies buck hard.” They glared at each other, neither attacking the other.
Martin walked up to Ganir, grabbing a sword on the way. He jumped on the griffin’s chest, knocking the little wind he had recovered and pointed the sword at his throat. “Now…”
The griffin chuckled. “Tough luck newbie.” He said, flicking the sword and as it fell out of Martin’s hoof, punching him in the face.
Martin stumbled back, holding a hoof to his cheek. He grunted in pain as he fell to his flank, glaring at him. “You call that a punch to the face? Your griffin ladies wouldn’t know what that was!”
Ganir picked up the sword and flung it at him, landing right between his legs. “Yeah, your bluff won’t work.”
Martin flinched. “Shu-shut up… you failed bastard! Sometimes I have the desire to puke everytime I see that ugly face of yours!”
He laughed as he walked slowly towards Martin. “You really think your petty insults work? I’ve heard better at the hatchery.” He grabbed a spear and held it tightly. “This’ll do nicely.”
Rose finally pushed Metanoia away and grabbed the end of the spear. “No!” She yelled.
The griffin irritatedly looked at the pony before he whacked her with the end of the spear. “Get away from me you traitor.”
The spear froze, ripping itself out of his grasp. “Don’t you ever hit my daughter again.” Metanoia said coldly.
She looked up at her father. “Why would you protect me?”
He looked at her sadly. “Because I’m your dad, that’s what we’re supposed to do.”
She faintly smiled as Ganir glared at the pony. “What are you doing?” He seethed.
“He said to kill them, never said anything about hurting my daughter.”
Ganir grabbed a sword, twirling it in his talons as he stared at the blade. “I do as I please, you have dropped too low to give me order! Once I get my payment, I’ll live like the griffin king himself! But first, you all must die!” He said, launching himself at Rose.
The griffin stopped, suddenly encased in a purple aura. He turned, Twi finally able to get up. Metanoia tackled him, the sword flying out of his grip. The two wrestled on the floor, trading blows left and right. Finally, Ganir was able to get the upper talon, grabbing his throat.
“Don’t get in my way!” He yelled, lifting the pony off the ground.
The hilt of the sword swung and landed squarely between the griffin’s eyes. He dropped the pony, holding his head. “You’ll pay for that!” He grabbed Metanoia’s horn and threw him to the ground, placing a foot on his neck. “DIE!” Ganir pushed with all his might.
With a loud snap, the entire building echoed as a blast wave shattered every window in town, the town hall barely staying together. Everyone was airborne for a brief moment before landing harshly on the ground. Metanoia was surrounded by a black scorch mark, his burnt body unmoving. Everyone groaned in pain, Martin forcing himself up. He stared in horror at Metanoia as Ganir laid against a wall and struggled to his talons.
“N-now to finally-” He was cut off, a spear shredding his throat.
Everypony turned to the end of the spear, Rose letting go. She stared at her hooves before looking at Ganir. He slowly turned towards her, raising a talon before dropping to the floor. Blood sprayed from his throat as he tried to stop it, his talon quickly turning red. He garggled something, blood squirted every time he tried to speak before finally he went silent, his lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling.
"Wh-what have I done?" She asked, horrified at herself.
"It's never easy, ending someone's life." Death said, appearing out of a doorway.
She gasped. "Who- who are you?"
Death sat the lantern near Ganir and something wispy slowly escaped his beak. "I'm the beginning and end, the one put in charge of souls." He smiled. "You can call me Death." He stared at her for a moment. "And you're Rose correct?"
She nodded.
"It seems as if you finally understand my job… it's never easy being the end. Ponies beg for their lives, promise me glory. But things need to end if there is a beginning." He stared at her, his yellow eye glowing. "Only people that have killed can ever understand the feeling of being an ender. Understand that you've just taken a life, to guarantee yours."
She backed away and looked at the griffin. “I-I only wanted to protect the others…”
“You did… at the cost of a life. But yet, the world continues.”
She looked at the others, they were frozen in time. “W-what’s wrong with them?”
“I’ve slowed down time.” He said, picking up the lantern and attached it to his belt.
“I-I don’t understand… what happens now?”
“That’s up to you, only you can decide what to do with this knowledge.” He said, walking over to Metanoia and the same wispy substance slowly came out of the unicorn’s mouth.
“H-he protected me… wh-what will happen to him?”
“He’ll spend some time repenting his sins… then if he’s learned from them, he’ll be sent to whatever he thinks is a peaceful rest.”
Tears dropped onto the floor as she turned away, sniffling. Death put a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll make sure his process is sped up for his final act.”
She looked at him, tears pouring down her face. “H-how can you do all this?”
It grew colder as Death’s eyes hardened. “Because I have to.”
“B-but what if it was somepony close to you? Could y-you just forget about them… and do your job?”
A lone tear slid down his face. “I do what I must, even at the cost of my heart. If I don’t then the world would fall into chaos not even Discord would be happy with.”
She looked at the floor, her body shaking with the barely controlled sobs. “Is there no rest… for someone like you?”
“A very small one… but enough to keep me moving.”
She nodded. “I-I hope you get some rest soon…”
He smiled. “I will.” He grasped the air and opened another door, disappearing into the void. Rose watched as the world went back to normal speed. Martin staggered towards Ganir and checked his pulse.
“Is he?” AJ asked, helping Pinkie pull Dash and Mike from the rubble.
He closed his eyes and nodded. “Dead.” He looked at Rose. “Are you alright?”
She was quiet, her eyes puffy as tears poured down her cheeks. “I-I’m not sure…” She fell onto her flank and covered her eyes with her hooves.
He walked over and sat down next to her, pulling her into a hug. “I know what it’s like…”
She cried, the tears neverending. Fluttershy walked over and patted her shoulder gently. “Shh… it’ll be ok…” She said reassuringly.
“Aye, I know how terrible it can feel… but just think about what would have happened if you hadn’t done it.”
She nodded as she coughed, trying to get air.
“Ow… my head…” Mike mumbled, holding a hoof to his forehead as he leaned forward and saw the disaster. “What did I miss?”
Martin glared at his friend, putting a hoof to his lips. “Shh…”
Mike staggered his way over to the group, his eyes wide as he passed Metanoia’s and Ganir’s corpses. Fluttershy gave him a quick hug as he sighed. He patted Rose’s shoulder.
The fire blocking the exit finally died away, thanks to Pinkie and Rarity, allowing guards to rush in. They took care of the debris, nurses and doctors checking on the wounds. Vandir was alive, barely, and was rushed to the hospital. The guards also took care of the bodies, transporting them to the morgue. Everyone was silent as they sat in the lobby.
The town itself was a madhouse, ponies rushing to and fro, guards everywhere. Nurses and doctors worked around the clock to heal any of the ponies hurt in Metanoia’s shockwave. Anypony that wasn’t hurt was outside, cleaning up all the glass or helping to repair the town hall. Shining Armor walked inside, surrounded by guards.
Twilight ran over to him and hugged him tightly as he looked for Martin. “Martin, can you come here?” He asked.
Martin walked over, looking out at the ponies. “What?”
“What happened here?” Martin and Twilight shared a look before the two explained what happened as several ponies came and went, checking on the others or bringing food and water. Finally, they finished and Shining stood there, staring at both of them. “I see…”
“So… what brings you here?”
“Well origianlly it was to see Twiliy and talk to you about this new order of yours…” He said, looking at the ponies. “But I think that could wait.”
“Till tomorrow?” Martin asked and Shining nodded. Martin faintly smiled as the brother and sister walked outside before turning back and heading towards AJ.
“Hey sugarcube…” She said when he got closer.
He walked up to her and hugged her tightly. “Looks like there won’t be any politics for awhile… wanna go back to the farm or do you want to stay here?”
She eyed Rose asleep in Michael’s hooves as him and Fluttershy whispered between the two of them. “Ah’m not sure what to do…”
He looked at Rose. “Should… should we bring her to Nurse Redheart, maybe she can think how to help?”
She sighed. “Ah don’t know, guess it wouldn’t hurt…”
He nodded and walked over to the two pegasi. “Would you bring her to Redheart, make sure she get’s someone to talk to?”
Mike slowly nodded. “Yeah, I can do that.” He paused. “Did he really save her?”
Mike was silent. “I’m glad he did… maybe he was ok after all…”
“Only because someone looks grim doesn’t mean they are…”
Mike faintly smiled. “And this coming from ‘Mr Attack with a sword, ask questions later’...”
Martin chuckled. “Ya know me… maybe Death has a good side as well, aye?”
“I wouldn’t doubt it.”
“We’ll see… neither of us can see the future.”
“Which I’m glad for… what a terrible thing, to be able to see fate but yet too afraid to do anything in fear of changing it… or causing it.” He got up and with Fluttershy’s help, put Rose on his back. “Well, we’ll go get Rose checked out.”
“Don’t drop her…”
He chuckled, Rose’s grip tightening around his neck. “I doubt I will.”
Martin smiled and patted his friend’s shoulder. “Aye, have a nice flight mate.”
He nodded before him and Fluttershy took off, heading towards the hospital.
Martin sighed and watched the two for a moment before heading back to AJ and sitting down next to her. “She’ll be alright.”
“Ah hope so... Ah feel bad for her losing her pa…”
He nodded and grabbed her hoof. “I won’t let that happen to anypony else here… I have to learn to fight with this new body.”
“Ah hope ya don’t have ta…”
“But maybe I will…”
“And how do ya plan ta do that?”
He shook his head. “I don’t know… maybe Shining Armor could help?”
She nodded. “Ah bet he could show ya a thing or two.”
He smiled at the cowpony. “Come on, let’s get back to the farm, I’m sure we both need some rest after this.”
She grabbed his hoof. “Aye…” She said with a small smile, the two of them off towards the farm, the moon slowly climbing into the sky.