
by Said Words


It's a beautiful day in Equestria. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the normal bustle of ponies is about the streets of Ponyville. Except for Ms. Cheerlie's group of young ponies. They have to sit inside.

Sit inside and learn. Scootaloo thought tiredly, tapping her desk with a forehoof. She couldn't stand her teacher's boring, constant blabbering about Equestrian history. She looked over to her friend, Sweetie Belle, who appeared to be taking notes in her journal, looking interested in their region's history. How does she do it? Scootaloo thought. She'd never be able to focus like that, eyes glued to Ms. Cheerlie, eager to learn. Bored once again, she moved her eyes over to Apple Bloom. Applebloom appeared to be reaching over to Diamond Tiara's desk, something absent from her red mane. Her bow. Scootaloo looked to Diamond Tiara's desk and sure enough, there the bow was.
Right as Applebloom was finally about to get her precious bow back, Ms. Cheerlie said:

"Class dismissed!" and with that, Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon bolted out the door. Scootaloo ran up to Apple Bloom.

"She took your bow again?" said Scootaloo.

"Yup, and I reckon she's gonna never give it back...you know her." said an annoyed Apple Bloom. Sadly, they did know Diamond Tiara, the pony who made their lives miserable. Sometimes Scootaloo wished she would just dissapear...but she knew it wouldn't ever happen. She's like a cockroach, thought Scootaloo no matter how much you try to step on her, she'll just come crawling back. Scootaloo smirked. She kinda looks like one too.

"Uh, shouldn't we go get your bow back Apple Bloom?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Of course!" replied Apple Bloom, and with that the three fillies bolted after their bow thief. Diamond Tiara, meanwhile, had stopped to see how good the bow looked on her.

"Well, how does it look?" asked Diamond Tiara.

"See for yourself." replied Silver Spoon, holding up a mirror.

"Oh gosh no!" said Diamond Tiara, throwing down the bow in disgust. "It so doesn't match my beautiful mane." Silver Spoon nods, though she thought it had looked fine. But, that was just how their relationship worked sometimes. Diamond Tiara liked hearing the things she wanted to hear, anything else she would cast aside. Being the daughter of a pony named Filthy Rich clearly showed in her personality.

"Got it!" exclaimed Scootaloo as she snuck up on the unexpecting pony and snatched the tiara from Diamond Tiara's head. She then grabbed Apple Bloom's bow, of course, and ran back to her friends, where they exchanged a three-way hoof bump.

"You little...give it back!" screamed Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle came into a three-way huddle. After a few short seconds they exclaimed in unison:

"No!" and with that, they dashed out of the schoolyard, and kept on running until they reached the Everfree Forest.

"Do we keep going?" asked Sweetie Belle, concerned.

"Uh, yea." said Scootaloo. "They're right behind us!"

"I don't know..."

"Just come on!" and with that, Scootaloo bolted into the forest.

Apple Bloom shortly did the same. "Well, I don't wanna get caught so..." Apple Bloom leaped into the forest after her friend.

"GIVE...IT...BACK!" shrieked a horrifyingly angry Diamond Tiara. After Sweetie Belle heard that, she dashed after her friends.

In the forest, the three friends were horrified. It was too dark to see, and navigating in the dense forest was already tough enough. Even Scootaloo was terrified, looking this way and that for any signs of danger.

"Y-you guys scared?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Uh...a little...maybe." admitted Apple Bloom. "It's just so...dark!"

"Well duh, it's the Everfree Forest." said Scootaloo, trying to sound courageous as she could in a situation like the one she and her friends were in. "But I'm not scared...I'm fine!"

"THERE YOU ARE!" screamed Diamond Tiara, a few hoof steps away from the three friends. Silver Spoon followed shortly behind, panting.

"But now I am!" screamed Scootaloo as she and her friends ran as fast as possible away from their pursuers. A little too fast. Fast enough to not notice the large ditch that they had all just fallen into.

"I've got you now, fillies!" exclaimed Diamond Tiara, still trying to catch the three friends.

Once she recovered from their tumble, Sweetie Belle screamed. "Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, wait, it's a-" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon crashed into she and her friends. "ditch." Sweetie Belle finished, right before feeling a large bump in the side of her head. Suddenly the world began to spin, and with that Sweetie Belle fainted, her friends circling around her, way too many things in their heads about what would become of them all.

"Sweetie Belle!" shouted Apple Bloom, shaking her.

"Uh, Apple Bloom." said Scootaloo.

"Wake up Sweetie Belle!"

"Apple Bloom." said Scootaloo, a bit more firmly this time.

"Come on already Sweetie! "

"APPLE BLOOM!" That finally seemed to get Apple Bloom's attention. "Look up." So, Apple Bloom did. What she saw looming above her, was an enormous ditch, about twelve feet high, with no clear way of getting out of it anytime soon. Of course, she had a hard time seeing that, as it was so dark.

Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara was panicking about their situation. Not because of Sweetie Belle being hurt, or the fact that they were all stuck in a ditch with no way to escape, she was panicking about her precious tiara. "Where is it?!" asked Diamond Tiara to a barely-conscious Silver Spoon. "Where is my tiara?!"

"I dunno, Scootaloo had it, remember?" answered Silver Spoon. When Diamond Tiara heard this, she marched over to the filly. "You!" she shouted at Scootaloo, "Give me my tiara!" Scootaloo checks all around her, but doesn't find any sign of the precious object.

"I uh," stutters Scootaloo. "Must have dropped it...outside of this ditch." Diamond Tiara uses this opportunity to strike.

"Well, fly out and get it! You are a pegasus. Oh wait, I forgot." she snickers. "You can't even fly!" she then bursts into mocking laughter and walks over to Silver Spoon, where they exchange a hoof bump. Scootaloo retaliates.

"So what? I-I will one day! I'll be as good as Rainbow Dash!" said Scootaloo confidently. But one day wasn't that day, and that day, they were all stuck in a ditch. Alone. With no food. And worst of all, thought Scootaloo, with Diamond Tiara.