//------------------------------// // Chapter 15-The Alicorn Amulet // Story: The History of the Alicorn Amulet // by Old Ben Kenobi //------------------------------// Moonswift had heard of the beauty of a full grown dragon's hoard, but none of the stories her family had ever told her even came close to preparing her eyes for what they beheld inside that mountain. The inside of the mountain was truly enormous; its cavernous interior must easily have been six hundred metres tall and three  hundred wide. She gasped in awe as she saw the walls of this cavern, as they were all covered cracks, revealing huge deposits of gems in a kalidascope of colours; they sparkled with the light of a million stars in their blue, green and purple hues. Moonswift was so overcome by awe, as were her companions, that they did not notice, at first, the floor of the cavern. They slowly looked down, and saw something almost infinitly more beautiful and awe inspiring than the glittering stones in the wall. A vast mound of gold and jewels covered the entire floor of the mountain. The floor was covered in gems that seemed to be emitting some kind of glow, lighting up the mountain in a warm, soothing way. But there was one thing in the centre that was misplaced in this hoard of beauty; a huge, hulking, dark mass contrasting the beauty surrounding it, like a fat caterpillar in the middle of a flower patch. "Behold Orm," whispered Starswirl, "Greatest of the dragons in the North." The dragon was huge-Moonswift guessed he must have been about forty metres in length. The creature's tail alone was twenty four feet long. His two black, umbrella-like wings were folded in on itself, but they did not cover the vast, black, shining spikes that rose from the creature's back. Its head was nothing like Limlung's long, almost wolf-like snout. Instead, the monster's face reminded  Moonswift of a snake, as it was short and blunt. Its eyes, however, were shut, and it appeared to be snoring. Two columns of grey smoke rose from its nostrils, and every now and again, there would be a small, orange flame in its nostrils.  Starswirl eventually tore his eyes away from this sight, and called the other two to attention. Limlung was reluctant to look away; the gems seemed to be creating a form of intense hunger on his face. He dragged his eyes away from them to look at Starswirl. "As you can see, our quest is nearly at an end." Starswirl said.He paused, the only noise being the constant growling snores of the slumbering beast below. "There are many gems in this cave, some of value and power greater than anything either of you could imagine in your wildest dreams, even yours Limlung," he said to the drooling dragon. "However," continued Starswirl, "I am after only one of these gems. All the rest, you may take as payment for your loyalty to me." Limlung snapped out of his daydreams and concentrated fully on Starswirl. "You may have noticed the main obstacle in our way however-the one hundred and twenty foot long dragon. However, if you listen closely, I have created a plan that may just win us the day..." The dark green, wingless dragon slithered down from the ledge. He saw the gems, exposed in the mountain like a wound, but forced himself to ignore them. His claws dug into the ledges on the rockface as he crawled down, gecko-like, to descend upon the golden hoard of treasure. As he hit the pile of gold with a soft clink, he moved, snake-like, through the gems towards the hulking, dark creature. As he got closer, he saw the creature twitch, and its room-sized head, with eyes still closed, face him. He stood, stock still, as the column of smoke dissipated from the monster's nostrils, which started sniffing the air. It's jaws suddenly opened, and with a voice like thunder, the dragon said "Who dares disturb my rest?"  Limlung, for all his dragon bravery and pride, could not help but shiver. The voice sounded deep, like an earthquake or the rumbling of a storm. But there was something else there as well; a dark, forgotten whisper that radiated only fear and malice. Limlung, however, thought of the debt he owed Starswirl, and plucked up his courage. "Great Orm," he said, in a half growl,half whisper, "I have trekked through many places and seen many things, all to come to this one mountain. Such a place is befitting of one so terrifying and majestic. I wish to do your will, mighty Orm, so that one day I may become one tenth of the dragon you are." Limlung hated every word he spoke; dragons are naturally proud creatures, but Starswirl had given him very specific lines, so that Orm woukd not immediatly incenerate him. The only thing greater than a dragon's sense pride or their sense of greed is their sense of honour, which was lucky for Starswirl in this case. At the words which Limlung spoke, Orm laughed. This demonic sound caused the gems in the cavern to vibrate, and a few rocks collapsed from the sides of the mountain. "Interesting words for a dragon to say," said Orm in his deep, loud voice, with his eyes still closed. "That name you called me by, Orm, is one I have not heard in a while. Tell me, dragon, where did you come across my name?" Suddenly, a light flashed behind Orm. The wyrm turned around suddenly, his nostrils desperatly sniffing at the air. "What was that?" he snarled.  "Nothing," said Limlung quickly, "I am sure your grandness would be more than aware of everything going on in his cave; look how fast you found me. But tell me, oh greatest Lord of Darkness, why is it you shut your eyes?" This was a question that had been bugging Limlung since he had started talking to Orm, and he needed to know why. There was something that wasn't quite right about it. The great black dragon smiled. It really was not a pleasant sight to behold; it was like all your worst nightmares, condensed into one look. "My, my what a curious little creature you are." Hissed the dragon, "Sometimes, you will find things are not always what they seem. Do you really want me to show you why I keep my eyes closed?" Meanwhile, Starswirl scampered quietly through the gem pile. He was relieved his scent-dampening spell had worked. Limlung was doing an excellent job of distracting the creature, he thought. Perhaps he would really find the Fire Ruby, then he could finally test out whether his experiment would be a success.  Where would a dragon hide their most prized treasure? He wondered. He looked up at the great beast, and noticed its wings moved slightly everytime it spoke. Then he saw it. A tiny glint of red, adorning one of the creature's back spikes. Starswirl cursed his luck; the dragon had to go foil his plans in the most irritating way possible. There was only one way Starswirl could think of to get to the gem; dragons have extra thick scales, he reasoned, so the creature should not be able to feel him if he climbed across its back. In theory. Gingerly, Starswirl placed his hoof on the dragon's arrowhead tail, and started creeping forwards. Limlung, meanwhile, pondered Orm's question. At last, he decided he needed to know. "Yes, great drake, please show me your eyes." The creature's grin got even wider. "Very well," he cackled, and opened his eyes. What Limlung then saw haunted him to his very soul. The closed black eyelids parted, and revealed two glowing, lime green eyes with red pupils. On either side of them, there were what appeared to be rippling ribbons, made purely of purple smoke. Slowly, Limlung felt the world around him melt away, and the dragon's horrible, mocking voice echoing in his ears: "Did you believe you could fool me?" The voice laughed, "Maybe your tricks  would have worked on the creature you thought you would encounter; that vain, stupid creature who's body I took over long ago. No, you have not met a foolish lizard. I am your nightmares. I am your fear. And soon everything, everyone, everywhere will know of my name and the terror I will inflict upon the land. I shall once more be known as the greatest wizard in Equestria. I will have my revenge on the princesses that took away my power, and the world will know to fear the name of King Sombra!" Limlung was in a meadow. He felt peaceful; more peaceful than he had ever felt in his life. To the North, there was a blue river flowing, and birds were chirping in their nests in the trees. A glorious eastern wind blew over his scales; it was a warm summer's day. Limlung gazed at the trees, and felt even more elated than he had before. What he had assumed to be fruit turned out to actually be gems, the largest, most delicious looking jewels he had seen in his life. He started salivating, and put a claw forward to get to the trees. Suddenly, huge, black iron bars exploded from the ground on all sides, encasing him in a cage. He felt himself being ensnared by a shadow, and he was being pulled downwards, along with the cage. He looked around himself in confusion.The sun dipped over the horizon, and the shadow pulled him down under the ground. He found himself in a room full of gems. He tried to reach his claw out to them, but none were in reach. Figures entered the room. There were two dragons, who Limlung noticed as his parents, and Starswirl the Bearded. His heart lept. Maybe they would help him get out. "I am so pleased to see you..." he started, but stopped as he saw the faces of his visitors. They were all looking at him with utmost fury. "You have betrayed us," said his mother, in her soft, icy tone. "No..." began Limlung, "You have let me down," his father roared, his voice like a hurricane. "No," said Limlung, louder this time. "And you have failed me." Ended Starswirl. "I could get you out. I could free you. And so could your parents. But we won't. You deserve the suffering that will come to you." One by one, the figures left the room. Limlung could take it no more. "No!" he roared, but to no avail. The only answer he got was his own echo from the walls. Starswirl snuck over the dragon's back, only yards away from the gem. Just a little more, he thought, and I can have the ruby. Just a little more... The dragon was very still. It looked as if he was focusing all his concentration on one thing. The Fire Ruby was in reach. He concentrated, and the ruby glowed blue. Starswirl slowly summoned it towards him, then grabbed it in his hoof. He teleported back down onto the gems, picked up the bag that lay on the floor, and started rifling through it as fast as he cold. The dragon sensed something nearby. Reluctantly, Sombra lifted his gaze from Limlung to investigate the movements. This let Limlung free,  and his eyes, which had been turned lime green, faded back to their original gold colouring. Tears were falling from them.   The black dragon turned his head to face Starswirl, who had taken something small and black out of his bag. "What are you doing here, wizard?" snarled Sombra. "Do you really think you can defeat me when I am in this form?" Starswirl gave him a mock bow. "Oh, great and fat dragon," he said, imitating Limlung's respectful tone of voice, "I do believe you have met your match. For I shall create something so powerful that you will be bannished like you were before, spirit!" With his magic, he clicked the Ruby into place on the amulet, and it glowed red. "Behold the power of The Alicorn Amulet!" shouted Sombra, as he placed it over his neck. Limlung had crept away whilst Starswirl had distracted the beast, and Limlung had made it back to Moonswift. "What happened?" she asked quickly. "Are you alright? Did Starswirl find what he was looking for? I saw everything, but Starswirl told me not to move, he said..." Limlung held up his paw to silence her. "The dragon," he panted, "He is not himself. He is-he is possesed by the spirit of the Unicorn that took over the Crystal Empire," Moonswift's eyes widened. "What are we going to do? What powers does this spirit have? How can we stop..."  Limlung held a paw up to stop her. "Calm yourself, Moonswift," he said "Starswirl will soon sort everything out." "But how?" She demanded. "How can he stop that creature?" "Very easily," said Limlung, "With his Alicorn Amulet." "Alicorn Amulet?" enquired Moonswift. "That's why we came here," explained Limlung. "Now he has the Ruby, I don't think he'll mind me telling you." "Telling me what?" said Moonswift, her voice getting panicky. "The whole point of this quest was to find the Fire Ruby in this mountain to supply energy to his Amulet," Said Limlung. "Oh no," whispered Moonswift. "We must get him away from that ruby. We must get him away from that Amulet!" "Why?" asked Limlung, in a concerened tone. "Because if we don't," she said in a panic, "All of Equestria will be doomed." When Starswirl put the Amulet on, he felt a great surge of power coursing through his body. He could do anything, anything he wished, and his magic would obey. So this is what Alicorn powers are like,he thought to himself, giddy with excitement. But, he heard a little voice, at the back of his mind.  What you could be with this amulet, it whispered. No longer would you have to look up at the noble alicorns. They would look up to you. All of Equestria would bow down to your hooves, you would have no equal. All you must do is claim the Amulet as your own. "Yes," breathed Starswirl, "The Amulet answers to me! "  He turned to the great dragon, and there was a red flash in Starswirl's eyes. "You, worm, will be the first to fall. Soon, all of Equestria will follow down your path. You shall obey me!" Limlung looked at Moonswift in shock. She went on to explain; "Long ago," she said, "My people were experts in gems and their powers. The most powerful was the Fire Ruby; a gem specifically aligned with dragons. When the dragon is old enough, the gem would be produced, and its power would reflect the soul of its maker. If the dragon was a good and well meaning one, its ruby would produce wonderful enchantments of light magic on those around it. If its creator had been evil, however, the power would be dark and cruel. I do not know how long this wizard has possesed this dragon, but if the spirit had been there when the ruby was produced, this ruby will have uncontollable amounts of darkness in it, as the soul of this spirit will inhabit the ruby. If used in conjucation with a magic device, it will corrupt its wearer's heart. A wizard as powerful as Starswirl with an evil heart would be increadibly dangerous, and when his powers are amplified..." Limlung shuddered. Moonswift looked down at Starswirl and the dragon. She said one sentence: "I need to stop him." Starswirl cast a mind control spell upon the beast. It looked at him, its eyes glazen over. And then it laughed. A laugh so evil, so full of malice, that Moonswift and Limlung clutched their very hearts. "I knew it," hissed Sombra, "Ever since you stepped into this room, I saw the darkness within you. The ambition. Your Amulet will have no effect on me, because the Amulet IS me!" Starswirl gazed at him in horror. "And now, Starswirl, your time is up. With this Amulet, I will have more power than ever before!" And with that, an orange burst of flame burst forth from the dragon's mouth. It sent Starswirl flying across the cavern, and he hit the wall with an thud. Moonswift teleported herself down to the floor and ran to Starswirl's dazed body. The dragon grinned. "Another pony?" he smirked, "Well, isn't that interesting?" Moonswift ignored him and went up to Starswirl. "Starswirl," she gasped,  "Are you okay?" "I've been through worse," he laughed. He seemed to have come back to his former self, albiet much more tired than before. Sombra's revelation had humbled him. Moonswift noticed the Amulet, and tried to pull it off. "It's no use," said Starswirl. "I've magically sealed it to myself-only I can take it off," He looked into her eyes. "You must be the one to use the Amulet," he said. "What?!" Said Moonswift, "But..." "No time to argue!" said Starswirl, "You must trust me. Take the Amulet!" She looked at him, then nodded. Starswirl removed the Amulet and placed it on her neck. As soon as it had been placed on, Moonswift felt the magical energy build up inside her, just as Starswirl had. She could do anything, anything she wished. Suddenly, a voice whispered into her head; Take the Amulet, It whispered. All those ponies who bullied you in the past, who tormented you, now you can take the revenge. Do you not hunger to be in their position? Take the Amulet, clam it as your own, and you will rise higher than they could ever hope to be. "No," she said out loud, "I need to use this for one job only; I do not need great wealth or power to be content." She looked at the great creature, its face smug in its victory, and she knew exactly what to do. She smiled, and using the exact same spell she had used to save Starswirl's life when drowning, only a thousand times stronger, her horn glowed red, and she shot a beam at the dragon. The creature was locked in place, its jaws gaping open in frozen laughter. Suddenly, out of its mouth, a darkness poured. A darkness of pure shadow, with two green eyes. It was screaming; "No, you can't do this to me!"  But it had already fully left the dragon's body. It crept out of the cave, out of the mountain, with a final, parting warning:  "I will be back. No matter how long it takes, I will get back my Crystal Slaves. And Equestria will know my wrath." The spirit was blown away by the breeze. The cavern fell silent. The three quest members lay resting, their adventure over at last. After about an hour of them resting, Moonswift asked Starswirl a question. "Starswirl," she said "How did you know that the Amulet would not affect me like it just affected you?" Starswirl chuckled. "My dear,' he said, "Isn't it obvious? All my life, I have been striving to be greater, to be more powerful, never stopping to think, was I content? Could I not stop where I was? But you Moonswift, you have never desired any kind of greatness or power. You simply desired to live on the land, away from your sisters, and live your life like that. How could Sombra influence a heart as pure as yours?" Suddenly, something struck Moonswift. "The dragon!" she exclaimed, and got up. Orm was lying on the floor, breathing in and out heavily. Moonswift walked up to his snout. "Are you alright?" she asked him nervously. "Save your pity, pony," he snarled, "I am dying. That fell spirit entered me in my last moments. Filthy...creature..." he wheezed. "Isn't there anything we can do?" asked Moonswift, tears forming in her eyes. "None of this was his fault: he doesn't deserve to go!" But it was too late. The dragon shuddered, gave out his last breath, and was still. Everyone stayed silent for another hour, the silence broken only by Moonswift's weeping. Eventually, Moonswift looked down at the amulet. "What should we do with this thing?" She asked, picking it up. "It's rightfully yours now; you were the only one capable of withstanding the darn thing," said Starswirl. "What you do with it is up to you." Moonswift, Limlung and Starswirl stood upon the mountaintop. Moonswift walked forward, amulet in hoof, and threw it with all her might down the mountain. "That's that," she said. "Now let's go." As Limlung walked away, she noticed Starswirl looking dejected.  "It was all for nothing," he said as she approached him, "The danger and torment we were all put through was for nothing." "That's not true," she said sternly "Imagine If the dragon had awoken, and it was possesed by Sombra. Imagine the damge it could have done if we hadn't stopped it." Starswirl looked up at her and smiled. "I suppose you're right. Now let's go home." As the ponies and dragon went back through the tunnel, a figure walked up to the red and black amulet in the snow. A brown hoof picked it up, and the figure examined it closely, before placing it in his bag and walking back the way he came.