//------------------------------// // Dork Love // Story: Part 1: My Little Falls~ A GF and MLP Crossover // by Clover Skies //------------------------------// “I heard laughter, and wherever there’s laughter, I’ve got to be there!” Pinkie said as she and Mabel barged through the lab door. “Pinkie!” Twilight said as Dipper said, “Mabel!” and Pinkie and Mabel gasped. “Ooo, Dipper! Looks like you’ve found yourself a girl- pony- friend thingy! I’m surprised someone actually overlooked your dweebishness!” Mabel giggled. “Mabel, Pinkie, we were just laughing because I put some of the Potassium Chlorate in the- well, you wouldn’t understand. Basically there was a big explosion, and it was pretty funny.” “An explosion of love.” Mabel teased. “Mabel…” Dipper blushed and looked away. “Come on, ponies! Let’s PARTAY!!!” Pinkie said as she and Twilight jumped up the steps. “Mabel, can I talk to you for a minute?” Dipper said nervously. “Sure! What’s up, Dipster?” Mabel’s voice became serious. “I… I… think imnlv…” Dipper mumbled as he twiddles his hooved. “What? Speak up.” “I- I- think I’m in love with Twilight!” Dipper blurted.