The History of the Alicorn Amulet

by Old Ben Kenobi

Chapter 13-A meeting in Canterlot

The rain battered down on the streets of the town of Canterlot. The wooden settlement was built into the side of a mountain, and it was shaping up to be one of the finest places in the land. It was rumoured even the princesses had their eyes on the place. 
There were shops galore; book shops, clothes shops, even the odd magic shop, among the homes of the Canterlot citizens' homes. The hooded figure cantering across the street, however, had his eyes on only one of these shops: 
Ye Olde Artifact shop 
The figure pushed the door open witha brown hoof, and a bell rung. He wiped his hooves on the mat, as a gruff voice emenated from within the dark, candle-lit room.
"May I help you, traveller?"
The figure in the doorway lifted his hood, to reveal the weather-beaten face of Bragoon.
"Uncle Ascrod?" He said.
"Bragoon?" Replied Ascrod. "Is that you?"
"Yes," said Bragoon. "But I have no time for chatting. I've come to tell you about some things I found on my travels."
And so, Bragoon told his uncle of his meeting with Starswirl and Moonswift, and how they went into the cave behind the waterfall. It was here Ascrod interrupted him.
"Did Starswirl mention where he was going?" He hissed.
"Well," said Bragoon, "Ah did here him mention something about going to the Crystal Mountains."
"The Crystal Mountains?" Exclaimed Ascrod. "But what would a wizard want in..."
He trailed off. It appeared that a great revelation had occured to him. He stood up, a hoof to his forehead.
"What's wrong?" Asked Bragoon.
Ascrod started pulling open draws and riffling through papers and scrolls, which he then distributed upon the floor. 
"Where is it, where is it?" he muttered, before finally grabbing onto an ancient, torn scroll with what appeared to be a map inscribed on it.
"There's no time to explain," Ascrod growled. "You must get to this mountain before the Wizard. What he would unleash if he succeded in this quest would be too dangerous, too terrible for the world if it ever got into his hooves."
"B-but," Stuttered Bragoon "He probably didn't get out of that cave. I warned him about the creature that lives there, but he wouldn't listen..."
"Foolish colt!" growled Ascrod. "Starswirl is more than capable of dealing with the creature that lives in that cave. No, what we have to worry about is what lies in that mountain."
"What is it?" Asked Bragoon "What must I find?"
"A red gem," explained Ascrod, "Imbubed with what looks like flickering, dark fire. This gem will, if used correctly, generate unlimited power. But this one holds a darkness. A darkness that, if let loose, could cover all of Equestria in shadow."
"What should I do if I find it?" Said Bragoon. He could see in his Uncle's eyes that this matter was of extreme importance. 
"If you find this gem," said Ascrod "You must bring it to this shop. Nowhere else."
"But, what about the princesses? Surely they would know what to do with this item."
"No!" shouted Ascrod. "If this gem fell into the hands of anypony with that kind of power, the world will already be lost. Especially the Princess that rules over the night; there is something I do not trust about her. No, you must bring it back here."
Bragoon made to leave, when a question occured to him.
"Uncle, how is it you know this and Starswirl made no mention of it?"
Ascrod looked into his eyes with a much softer face.
"There are some ponies, such as Starswirl, who take notice only of what they they know to be true. Although most myths you will come across really are just old pony tales, there are some with nuggets of truth in them. Now go! I take it you know the fastest ways to sail to the mountains, and this map will take you directly to your destination. You have little time to lose!"
Bragoon nodded.
"Farewell, uncle," he said, before trotting out of the shop as fast as he could.