
by ParadoxPony


Maybe I no no! They are still angry...But he looks so lonely...Where's his filly?

MoonShadow's dark purple coat shivered in the cold night air. It had long since been time for her to leave, being out all day and from then, the night's darkness. But tomorrow the trains to foreign parts of equestria would leave the station, taking all visiters to ponyville with it.

Maybe no one will notice...

The mare placed one hoof into the dim lit streets, then another. Few could be seen that night, understandable, the moon was hidden in clouds, making the street lights the only source of heat or sight.

He was sitting on the outside tables of a porch restaurant, but his eyes did not wonder, his smile long gone, and she could almost taste his disappointment.

Another step...

No pony inside, a carriage sped by along the road, splashing rainwater over her coat and turning it brown.


She could see his lips moving but the words did not cross her ear.

Step, step...

Timberwolves could be heard howling beyond the town. Zap apples would be here soon.


He looked up from his misery and cup of mint tea by the smell of it, and matched eyes with hers. A small shock traveled through the pony's back. She hadn't noticed how close she had gotten.

A smile long since forgotten to her graced her lips. Unlike last time, he never smiled back. He just... looked at her, his eyes a little red and puffy.

His voice stuttered, "She's never been gone this long....." The Professor let out a long and surprisingly deep sigh. "It's been 5 months DarkShadow...."

She didn't bother to correct him.

He wiped his face and pasted a smile atop it.

"No need to bore you with my troubles miss Shadow..."

The stallion got up and turned to face an empty town.

"She's been gone loner in the past I suppose..."

"You let your daughter disappear for FIVE MONTHS?"

"I'm sorry, but...WHAT?!"

"Is she not who you cry over?"

He winced, wiping away at his face again.

"I believe you are mistaken, I don't even have a daughter."

"But I saw.....She was?...You. Where.....But-But?"

"You..You were watching me?"

MoonShadow's face turned the same color of the rising sun.

"I was..I-I-"

She could feel her ears turn hot and her hooves trembled beneath her.


Professor stopped her, placing a hoof on her mouth. Her eyes turned the size of pin heads at the sudden physical contact.

"Don't fret miss Shadow, I know you are just trying to stay alive by finding it yourself, but following me wouldn't help. I don't know where she is."

MoonShadow's feeling snapped from awkwardly cute, to completely confused. His hoof retreated from her face.

"Um...Yah! You got me! So, why don't you talk to me about....her..."

Her? He knows I feed on hate. Her...She.... She must be FULL of it!

"Well, she usually comes to find me... She's always different. Always telling about some place I've never been... I think she's been taking out another stallion..."

"Oh...You're...her coltfriend?"

"WHAT?" Now he turned red, "No NO NO NO NO!...........You don't know what I'm talking about do you?"

"Not especially." MoonShadow shifted her weight between hooves, refusing to meat his eye.

A hoof found her chin, tilting it up toward it's owner.

"Please, let me help you MoonShadow. There is so much more to life."

He could feel her shaking, and a well remembered pain sank into his heart as wet, salty beads formed in the mare's eyes. Through gritted teeth, she pulled herself away from him.

The mare continued to shake.

Her shaking turned to weakness.

She could only watch helplessly as a single tear fell from her face onto the pavement.

Her weakness turned to sadness.

The Professor placed a hoof o her shoulder, her coat shivered at the touch and he could tell where the carriage from earlier had drenched her.

Her sadness turned to fear.

MoonShadow allowed her legs to buckle up under her, they would buckle anyway.

And her fear turned to anger.

The worry full stallion leaned in to help her up. She instinctively knocked him to the ground with a quick movement of the hoof.

A purple mark formed on his right eye.


The shocked Professor took a step back, then stopped. Recognition reaching his mind. The terror that took most ponies was not taken by him, in fact, he looked rather pleased with himself.


Instead of an explanation, he only spoke a name, "Luna."

Adrenaline shot through her and left at the same time. Fear and shock was clearly pasted on her face, and he could see it.

"Ah, so you are the last of your kind. The rest left you didn't they? Anger, fear....and pain too? Hmm...I wish I knew it early...I don't see what's so wrong with joining back with them dear one." He began to reach his hoof out to touche her, then resisted as not to cause another rift between them. " I know what you did to Luna...And.." He looked away and squeezed his eyes tight, "And my companion."

MoonShadow listened intently. The Professor cleared his throat.

"Well, " A hoof was extended her way, "What do yuh say?"

Her body shook uncontrollably.

"Miss Shadow?"

Will a heavy heart, the mare forced her hooves into action, moving at a gallop toward the everfree.