Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Chapter 62 audio

Sorry about that.... I accidently hit unpublish lol

Chapter 95

"I should have known." I said shaking my head.

Seth began to beg, "Dude, come on! You have to be the judge for the competition!"

I shook my head again and crossed my arms, "No, I don't know if you know this, but a mare's heart isn't a prize that just be won in a competition."

Seth sighed, "But dude! I've been waiting ten months! You have to be the judge!"

I exhaled, "No, I don't feel comfortable being the judge for a..."

"I'll pay you a hundred bits."

I smirked, "I suddenly feel a change in my views. When is the competition?"

He smiled happily, "Yes! It's tomorrow... Oh damn it!"

"What is it?"

He looked up and sighed, "I don't know what we're even going to do for events."

I smirked again, "I can come up something."

He pumped his hoof into the air, "Alright! I'll go tell the others! Thank you so much dude!"

He then spun around and galloped off towards Ponyville.

"Bye?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry about him Lance, he's just excited." Zorrow said, crouched down in some bushes that overlooked Sweet Apple Acres.

"Uhhh, are you spying on Applejack?" I asked curiously.

He sighed and turned, "I'm not spying! I'm observing!"

Isn't that the same thing?

[No Lance, its not the same thing. Spying means your gathering information for someone else. He's clearly gathering information for himself.]

Zorrow furrowed his brow, "Uhhh... where's Spark?"

I pointed behind me, "Right behind me next to Kara."

He shook his head, "No he's not. It's only Kara."

"What?" I turned around confused. "Spark?! Kara, where's Spark?!"

Kara looked beside her where Spark had been and shrugged.

[You lost your kid.... Your a great parent Lance.]

I looked around frantically, "I'll see you later Zorrow!"

I ran over and picked up Kara. I then began to sprint off towards Ponyville. Where did he go?!

Spark's POV

I was walking down some street in Ponyville, taking in the beautiful town. Why can't we live here? I mean, mom and dad talked about moving here, but they keep saying something about the school's being better in Canterlot.

I don't care about that, I would rather live here. All the ponies here are so nice, none of them even care about my looks.

A mare walked by and smiled at me, "Good morning."

I smiled back and waved, "Good morning!"

She chuckled and continued on her way.

Yep, I'm so talking to dad about moving here.

"Look! It's another one!" Said a colt who had just walked out of a story, he was followed by two other colts.


They walked up to me and glared, "Who are you?"

One leaned forward and whispered to the lead pony, "I think he's Stripes brother, look at him, he looks just like him!"

The lead one glared, "Are you Stripes brother?!"

I shook my head, "No, I don't know a Stripes."

"He's lying Blitz! He has to be!" The one on his left said.

Blitz held up his hoof, "Quiet! I know he's lying."

I shook my head and took a step back, "No, I'm telling the truth!"

"Grab him!"

The two ponies beside Blitz jumped forward and grabbed forelegs.

"Hurry! Get him over to that alley before somepony sees us!" Blitz said.

They then began to force me to walk to an alley between two buildings.

Once there, they threw me against the wall and stood above me, "What should we do with him?"

Blitz chuckled, "We'll get to all that in a second. But first," He reached down and pulled me to my hind legs, "Where is Stripes? We haven't seen him in a while."

I gulped, "I don't know a Stripes!"

Blitz's snarled, "Bad answer."

He then hoofed me in the gut, causing me to gasp painfully.

"Now, tell us and we'll go easy on you." He said.

"Yeah, tell us and we'll go easy on ya!" The one behind him said.

What do I do? I don't know what they want!

"Tell us!"

I began to breath heavily, "I don't know who you're talking about!"

Blitz growled and hoofed me in the face, hard!

He let me fall to the ground, but he gave me a sharp kick before I came to a stop.

All three of them towered over me, smiling.

"Last chance wimp!"

I coughed, "I don't know!"

Blitz chuckled, "Okay guys, lets show him we mean business!"

I closed my eyes and prepared for the hits.


I winced, but felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes to see a very large pony, bigger than my dad, standing over me.

What the... who is he?!

"What are you three doing?!" He growled angrily.

I looked over to see Blitz and his two friends on the ground all holding their faces. Blitz had a small amount of blood pouring out of his mouth.

Blitz pulled his hooves from his face and yelped, "Mr. Bleak?!"

Mr. Bleak stomped his hoof, "I said! What are you three doing?!"

One of the others answered weakly, "We're only playing!"

Mr. Bleak smirked, "Don't lie to me boy." He pulled a ruler from his back.... a ruler?

He held it out and smirked, "So, who's first?"

They all three yelped and ran down the alley and took a sharp turn.

Mr. Bleak looked down at me and smiled, "One second." He then shot off after them.

A second later, I heard the sounds of a ruler hitting flesh and the yelps of pain.

Suddenly, Mr. Bleak was back in front of me, "So, what happened here?"

I gulped, "I don't know..."

He chuckled and put the ruler back on his back, "Don't worry about them, they're not going to bother you again."

I smiled and stood, "Thank you."

Mr. Bleak smiled back down, "It was no problem Spark."

My eyes widened, "How do you know my name?"

He chuckled again, "Simple, I know your father."

Wait, dad did mention something about this guy! Darn it! Why wasn't I listening?!

"Spark!" I heard somepony very familiar yell out.

I looked to the end of the alley to see my dad running towards us, Kara in his arms, as always, "Dad!"

When he reached us, he looked down at me, "Spark! Why did you run off?"

I gulped, "I'm sorry dad, I just wanted to see the town..."

Dad glared, but suddenly looked worried, "Spark?! What happened to you?!"

I cocked my head, "What do you mean?"

He leaned down and put Kara down, he then put his hand on my face. I winched when he touched my snout, "Your bleeding out of your nose!"

I didn't even know I was....

Mr. Bleak tapped dad's shoulder, "Don't worry Lance, it was only those three bullies that messed with you. I took care of them before they could actually hurt Spark."

Dad's eye twitched, "Those fucking.... never mind. Thank you Mr. Bleak."

Mr. Bleak smiled proudly, "It was no problem Lance. I told you I would protect Spark."

I raised my eyebrow, "What does he mean dad?"

Dad chuckled, "Well Spark, Mr. Bleak here is your Godfather."


He nodded, "Yep, he's agreed to watch over you and keep you safe... when I'm not around."

I looked at Mr. Bleak, "Thank you Mr. Bleak!"

He smiled and rumbled up my mane, "You're welcome Spark. I'm happy to watch over you."

I smiled, I like this guy, even if he looks scary.

Dad picked up Kara and chuckled, "Come on Spark, lets get you home... let me deal with your mother about that cut."

I nodded and waved goodbye to Mr. Bleak.

As we walked out of the alley, I looked at dad and Kara.

Why does Kara always want to have my dad carry her? Is she that lazy?

I shook my head and continued to follow dad.

Lance's POV, five hours later

[Dayum! Twilight made us her bitch!]
{I know.... how was I suppose to lie about Spark's injury... damn, she was pissed!}
<Hey, at least she was nice enough to not go raging Twilight on us.>
[Yeah, I guess.]

I chuckled and sat down beside Spark's and Fawn's beds, "Okay you two, you ready to have a book read to you?"

They both nodded happily and snuggled up in their blankets.

I rubbed my hands together, "Okay, which book do you want me to read to you tonight?"

Spark smiled and reached under his bed, "Here dad! I found this book in your room, can you read it to us?"

He then hoofed (Handed?) me the book.

[Lance! Remember what I said! We've been over this! Time to rip off your own genitals!]
I gulped, {No Break! Don't do it!}

My right hand began to reach down to my groin area.

"What are you doing daddy?" Fawn asked curiously.

[Oh, your lucky the kids are here!]

I pulled my hand up, "Nothing... nothing at all... You ready for me to start reading?"

They both said yes excitedly.

I chuckled and looked down at the book in my hands.

Image made by: GSHgunner

I smiled, I loved this book!

I opened to the first page, "Daring Do forced herself to keep up right as she walked through the hot desert sun. She so wanted to get out of this heat, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. This was one of many of the challenges of the desert. Lack of water being the biggest concern.

Daring Do had already went through her five canteens of fresh water two days ago, and was already feeling the effects of dehydration. This wasn't going to stop her though, she never gave up when faced with simple challenges.

Up ahead, she saw what looked to be a pond, but she never fell for mirages. Instead of running towards it, she just kept her steady pace. Sure enough, she walked through the fake pond.

She kept going, hours passed, and still no sign of water. She saw a cactus and sighed a sigh of relief. She made her way over to it and carefully broke the top off. Inside was her prize, water.

She stuck her muzzle into it and began to slurp up the small puddle. It wasn't much, but it would suffice for now. She whipped her mouth with her right foreleg and..."

One hour later of reading

I closed the book silently and looked at my two sleeping children.

Damn, I'm a lucky guy to have them in my life!

<We sure are Lance, we sure are.>

I smiled and slowly stood. I placed the book on the nightstand and bent over Spark's bed. I have him a small good night kiss on the forehead and pulled the covers up around him.

I then moved to Fawn's bed and did the same.

[This moment is so full of d'awwww!]
<Yes it is.>

I walked out of the room with a smile on my face. I then made my way into my and Twilight's room.

Twilight was on the bed on her stomach, a book in front of her.

I smiled and walked over. I climbed into the bed and put my hand on her side, "Hey Twi." I then gave her a kiss on her cheek.

She smiled and closed the book. She then rolled over onto her back, "The kids asleep?"

I nodded, "And Dali's not here."

She smiled slyly and put her hoof on the back of my head, "So we're alone?"

I nodded with a smile, "Yep, all night."

She giggled, "All night to ourselves?"

I put my leg over her and smiled down at her, "Yep."

She locked her back legs around my waist, "You know what we're gonna do?"

I smirked, "Oh yeah!"

She giggled and wrapped her forelegs around my neck, "We're going to study friendship."

A goofy smile formed on my face, I've always wanted to hear her say that in a moment like this, "We are huh?"

She nuzzled my cheek, "Yep, a very special kind of friendship."

I brought my hand up and rubbed the back of her neck, "I like were this is going."

She put her mouth next to my ear, "I'm going to make tonight the best night of your life."

I smiled in excitement, "Really?!"

She nodded and licked her lips, "You ready?"

I leaned down and gave her a long, loving kiss on the lips, "Yes..."

She smiled slyly, "Get ready Lance."

She suddenly pulled to the side till she was on top. She leaned down and licked my cheek, "Your mine for the night."

"I'm all yours Twi." I said happily.

She looked down between us, "But first, lets get your clothes off. I want to see what you look like under them."

Oh yes! Tonight will be awesome!

Oh man, sexy sexy XD Now, I'm asking a serious question. I'm not much for sex scenes, even though I do do them, but would you all like me to write a sex scene for the next chapter? It's all up to you. If the answer is no, I'll be skipping ahead to the next morning. Just leave your answer below lol.