//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The Disarray Brothers // Story: The Disarray Trilogy Part 1: Of Harmony and Chaos // by Ink Blotch //------------------------------// The Disarray Trilogy Part one: Of Harmony and Chaos Written by Walker “Ink Blotch” Holden Edited by Joe Huang Chapter 3: The Disarray Brothers The trip through the void was much quicker this time. What had before taken almost ten minutes only consumed ten seconds. Twilight knew that it meant that Princess Luna had used a Level Seven transmission spell. However, her thoughts were more preoccupied on her brother at home. “Will he be all right? Of course he will. But what if they got to him? They have been around for quite some time; why wait until now to strike? But what if…” Twilight did not get a chance to finish her thought. As light blinded her eyes, she and her friends were outside the library in Ponville. Luna turned to the Six. “Friends, we have arrived, and I must now leave. I wish you the best of luck. We shall report at any development.” With that, Luna spread her wings and took off through the void again. Twilight turned to her friends. “Girls, we need to be prepared for whatever is coming. First things first, we are going into the library and make a battle plan for when the…” She paused for just a moment, trying to remember what Discord had called them. “Disarray Brothers arrive. I don’t know when they will be here or what they will do, but until then assume that everypony is in danger.” Applejack stepped up and exclaimed, with her can-do attitude: “Well what the hoo-hay are we waiting fer? Let’s get ready fer the varmints.” “Yeah Twilight, don’t worry. We won't let anypony get that pretty little neck of yours,” Rainbow Dash said with a confident look on her face. Twilight was glad to have strong friends at times she had trouble being so. “Okay then. Girls, follow me.” Twilight, now with a confidence she had lacked earlier, strode up the library and entered. “Spike? Spike?” Laughter could be heard from the dining area of the library, and a few moments later Spike was around the corner happy to see his friends. “Hey, you guys are back. Aw man, you would not believe the guys who came in to-” Spike was not able to finish his sentence, as Twilight had thrown her arms around him and gave him a hug. “Oh Spike, I'm so glad that you are okay.” Spike, looking dumbstruck, pulled himself out of her grasp and made sure his spikes were straight. “Uh, yeah I'm okay. Why wouldn’t I be? “We will explain as we go along. For now, we need to close up the library.” Spike, looking utterly confused, but gave up and ran over to close the drapes. “Oh yeah, Twilight, you have some visitors.” “Visitors? Who?” “They say their names are Wisdom, Bliss and Rage. They haven’t told why but they seem to want to meet you. Are you guys finally getting some fans for saving Equestria all those times?” Spike chuckled to himself as he continued closing the library. Twilight and company looked nervous. Rarity asked, “Spike, dear, um... what exactly do you know about them?” Spike, eager to talk to Rarity on any subject, listed, “Well, my lady, there’s Wisdom: he's a unicorn, big guy-- oldest, I think-- with black mane and an orange body and a cutie mark of… a crown, I think it was? Then there’s the pegasus, Bliss-- you will love him. His cutie mark is a cloud with silver ribbon wrapped around it, his body is blue, and his mane looks like a cloud. Finally, an earth pony named Rage: testy guy, but I think it’s only because he doesn’t have a cutie mark. Let’s see... he has a mahogany body and a dark red mane.” “Anything else?” Spike thought for a moment. “Oh yeah, I think I heard Rage mutter something about Discord one time. I'm guessing that must be how they heard about you guys.” Feeling proud of himself for remembering so much, Spike looked up to ask Rarity if he could do anything else but was met with a look of horror. He looked at his other friends but saw similar looks. Twilight spoke up first. “S-Spike, we have to go. Now!” “Huh? But Twilight…” The clip-clopping of hooves were heard from behind them. Twilight froze with fear. She knew that behind her was possibly one of the most powerful creatures in all of Equestria. She inhaled deeply and prepared herself for what image of horror would meet her. She bit her lip and turned around quickly. “Hi, the name’s Bliss. So nice to meet you!” The last thing Twilight had expected was an open greeting from such a happy looking pony. As Spike had described Bliss was a sky blue with pure white hair that puffed up like a cloud. “You must be Twilight! Oh, I have heard so much about you!” Bliss grabbed her hoof and shook it furiously. “We were just talking to Spike about Ponyville and you and all your friends that live here. Me and my brothers haven’t been here long enough to meet all of them, but we met Ms. Cherilee when we first arrived she was really nice to us and and… is something the matter?” Twilight was breathing deeply, staring at the blue and white Pegasus. She calmed herself and opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Spike. “See, told ya you would like him. It’s almost like having another Pinkie. Bliss is just an awesome kind of pony.” “Aw Spiker, you're too kind.” Bliss rubbed the top of Spike’s head with his hoof, but suddenly he became engulfed in a purple aura and his entire body was thrown to the ground. When Bliss looked up he was met with the menacing glare of Twilight Sparkle. “Don’t you DARE touch him!” “Whoa whoa! Twilight, what is your problem?” Spike said standing between Twilight and Bliss. “My problem is that this sorry abomination and his so-called “brothers” have been alone with you for Celestia knows how long!” “Twilight! That’s rude on so many levels! These guys are cool. They haven’t caused any problems for anypony.” “Not yet, Spike, but they will soon enough. They are creations of Discord bent on releasing their master to wreak havoc on all of Equestria!” Spike stared at Twilight for a moment and then broke out laughing. “Ha! That’s a good one, Twi.” Spike mocked a look of terror and yelled. “Look out! It’s the Lord of Terror, BLISS! Ha ha haaa! Well, well Bliss what do you have to say to that?” Bliss opened his mouth, but closed it and thought very hard, tilting his head back and forth and scratching his head. Finally, he looked over his shoulder into the dining area and yelled back. “Hey, what do I do if they know all about us?” Bliss was returned by an angry voice. “Bliss! What the hell are you doing?! Don’t talk to us! You’ll give us away! OW! Hey what was that for? Hey what are you doing? OW! Cut it out! Damn you!” Through the entry way of the kitchen, a unicorn stood, dragging the tail of another earth pony in his teeth. He walked to his pegasus companion and spat the tail of his brother out. Rage smoothed out his tale and glared at his brother. “That hurt, you son of a-” Rage was once again met with a hoof to the head. His brother looked annoyed at this. “Rage, we have been over this: no swearing at a friend's house.” “They aren’t our friends, so what does it matter?” This time Rage dodged his brother’s hoof. “Good, you’re learning. Now then: Miss Sparkle?” Twilight, trying to comprehend the three, was caught off guard by the sudden shift of attention. “Yes?” “My initial hope of your being clueless of our true nature has sadly failed. My only question is: how did you find out about us?” Rainbow took lead and exclaimed. “Well how did you expect to stay hidden with cotton candy clouds everywhere?” Bliss, who was standing again blushed as both of his brothers looked at him questioningly. “Well, I might have made a couple. But any extras I didn’t eat I got rid off.” “Then how,” Rage asked, brow furrowing, “did one get to Ponyville?” “Well it’s a possibility that one might have gotten away when I wasn’t looking…” Rage’s brow furrowed more, but Wisdom spoke up. “It doesn’t matter how the cloud got away. All that matters is that these ponies know who we are. Celestia couldn’t have known everything on her own, so Lord Discord must have explained some minor details to them. Our Plan A has failed, but this is why we always have a Plan B. Twilight Sparkle we may now start negotiations.” Twilight, still surprised by the turn of events, attempted to make herself look as threatening as possible, but felt that she was failing. Looking up to the orange unicorn she was displeased to see that he had lazily allowed his flat black banes to cover part of his face. “You have no leverage! Why would you even think that you have the advantage here?” Wisdom looked over to Spike. “Hey Spike, has that tea hit your digestive track yet?” Spike looked surprised, and quickly looked down to his stomach. “Y-you wouldn’t. But-but why? Bliss?” Bliss wasn’t looking at Spike, but instead stared off into space with seemingly thoughtless eyes, and for the first time had an emotionless face. Twilight stomped forward to Wisdom and had her face inches from his. “What did you do to my brother?” “You have beautiful eyes, Ms. Sparkle,” noted Wisdom, with a smile. “To answer your question, we let him taste a special blend of tea we made out of Nightshade berries.” Spike began to panic, breathing deeply and looked to Twilight. “Wha-what are Nightshade berries?” Twilight lost any look of intimidation she might have had before and was left with a panic stricken look. She tried to say something, anything, but her voice was lost. Instead, with a long wicked smile exposing his teeth, including four out of the ordinary canines, Rage stepped up to answer. “Nightshade, my dear reptile is one of the most potent natural poisons in existence. A small handful is lethal to a grown stallion needless, to say a baby dragon. There are very few cures, but Lord Discord left us specific instructions on how to brew the best and we just so happen to have a bottle hidden in Ponyville.” Wisdom took the lead again. “It would take a few days to make more. As I said, Miss. Sparkle, negotiations are now open.” Everypony looked at Twilight expectantly for her response. Tears weld up in her eyes; she fought back the tears, but failed. “You sick piles of mule manure. W-what do you want?” Tears poured down her eyes as she succumbed to the Unicorn. “But if you even think of holding out on the antidote, I will kill you!” Everypony was shocked at the sudden outburst from Twilight. Never had they heard Twilight even mutter anything like that. “Very good, Miss Sparkle. We have roughly four hours until the poison takes effect, so allow me to get right at it. The thing that my brothers and I want is the freedom of Lord Discord and an audience with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Twilight was prepared for these demands, and thought long and hard about how to answer. She could in no way condone this demand. But if she didn’t, her brother would die. She decided to bide for time until she got an idea. If she could get them to slip on the antidote’s location then she and her friends could simply incapacitate the Disarray brothers until they could get help… "That’s it. If I convince them that I will help, then I could take them straight to Canterlot, straight to Celestia! No wait… Celestia will already be gone looking for Discord’s lab." “Well, Miss. Sparkle?” Wisdom asked impatiently “Does your brother’s life mean that little to you?” Twilight lost herself again. “Shut it, I don’t care about anything but him right now!” Twilight calmed herself. Easy Twilight, He's only playing mind games. Spike isn’t going to get any better by you just yelling. But… how will he get better? She was completely helpless. She couldn’t just let them release Discord ,but if she didn’t obey then Spike would die. She had to submit. It was then that she realized in horror that if Celestia was gone, even if she submitted she would not be able to hold her end of the bargain in time. She hung her head in submission. Twilight Sparkle had lost. “I-I give up… I a-agree to your ter-terms.” She could barely hold herself together. “But C-Celestia is gone. I don’t know wh-where she is and I can't release Discord on my own.” Wisdom looked at Twilight with the same indifferent look, but it was felt by everypony that underneath he was smiling wildly. “That’s fine, Miss. Sparkle; as long as you Pinkie Promise to keep up your end of the bargain, we can give you the antidote.” Twilight gawked. “What did you say?” “I said as long as you Pinkie Promise I will personally give you the antidote.” “But how do you know about Pinkie Promises?” Wisdom shook his head, as if talking to a child. “Isn't it obvious? Or did Discord not explain our creation enough? Your essence was used to create us, and so trace memories are existent within us. Not even that, but trace knowledge about your social circle. Birthdays, favorite foods, personal fears-- and the Pinkie promise. We know that Pinkie will never allow one to be broken. So just make the promise and we'll be cool.” Twilight saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Spike was going to be okay! But then by the look on Pinkie’s face she knew once the promise was made there was no backing out. She had no choice. Twilight walked towards Wisdom once more. She raised her hoof and repeating the movements from memory, chanted. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” And the pact was made. Wisdom smiled. “Good, now then, I will hold my end of the bargain. We hid The antidote with the first pony we met when we came to Ponyville: Miss. Cherilee. She doesn’t know what it is, but she is expecting for one of you to come and pick it up from her. Just mention your friend Wisdom.” Wisdom continued to smile. Everypony glared at him with looks of hatred, fear, or both. Bliss finally came out of his stare and returned to his cheery mood. “Well, if we are done here, I think that I will just go get some lunch. I really want to try Sugarcube Corner.” Twilight glared back at Bliss. “Hold on. I agreed an audience with Celestia and eventually Discord’s release, but for now I will not let any of you wander Ponyville!” Twilight felt the fighting spark return to her as she plotted to make their wait miserable. “Rainbow Dash?” The blue Pegasi stood at attention. “Just give me an order, Twi. “I want you to fly to Canterlot and leave a message for Celestia. I can’t do another teleportation that far, and I'm not letting Spike send any messages after eating Nightshade, so if you can I want you to go to Canterlot and leave with the guards a message explaining our situation and their demands.” “But Twilight, are you sure you can be alone with those three?” “Trust me, Rainbow. I have a plan for our guests.” Rainbow glanced at the trio. “Okay, Twilight. Be careful. Remember what Discord said: these guys are just as strong as you or me.” “I will be okay, just get going. Clock is ticking.” Rainbow gave a sullen nod and the next moment was out the door, leaving behind a cloud of dust collected from the oldest books. The rest stood waiting for their orders. “Fluttershy, can you go to Cherilee’s and get the antidote?” Fluttershy, apparently still nervous from the encounter with the brothers, was startled to get such an important job, but nodded quickly to get to leave. “Oh yes, Twilight I’ll go as fast as I can.” Fluttershy spread her wings and fluttered out the door, making the dust left by Rainbow Dash unsettle. “The rest of you, and I mean the rest of you.” She looked at the Disarray brothers. “Follow me to the basement. I have an idea for our guests.” Twilight led the way to the doorway to the basement where the spare equipment was kept. All seven ponies went in, but Twilight stopped Spike at the door. “Spike, I want you to stay up here, lie down, and wait for Fluttershy. Once she gets back, drink the antidote and both of you come down here. Got it?” “Okay... and Twilight?” “Yes Spike?” “N-never mind…” “Okay. If you have any problems, just yell down.” Spike went to the window to await Fluttershy’s return. Twilight reluctantly turned to follow the other ponies. The others were already at the bottom. The Disarray Brothers were looking around at all random equipment while the other ponies watched them carefully. Twilight used her magic to levitate boxes and scrap metal around the room until she found what she was looking for. A small box came to her and the rest returned to their respective spaces. The metal began to twist and pile on top of itself into the wall, creating a kind of crudely made prison cell. When the cell was complete, Twilight opened the box and pulled from within it a small metallic ring and a regular rubber band. “Okay, first: Wisdom, come here.” The unicorn obeyed without fuss. Twilight slipped the ring onto his horn. “This” She explained “Is a training belt. I used it as a child to limit my magic and now I'm going to set it to weaken your magic. Now you.” She said motioning to Bliss. “Ooh, what do I get?” He asked enthusiastically. Twilight enlarged the rubber band with her magic, stretched it around Bliss, and let it snap around his wings. “That’s it? That’s your ace in the hole for immobilizing me? Admittedly, it is effective, but come on, this is downright degrading…” Twilight ignored Bliss’s complaints, and instead ushered the three into the cell. Rage sarcastically said, “Wow, you really pulled out all the stops for us, Twilight. How long do you plan on keeping us here? Because I got tickets to go to one of Blues’s concerts…” “Until we get word from the princess.” She said ignoring his sarcasm. “Until then, we are going to take turns watching you day and night. Speaking of which, girls?” Twilight looked to her remaining friends with tears filling her eyes. “Thank you all so much for helping. I know it seems like a lot to ask. But I really don’t want to be alone with these three tonight…” “Aw hay sugarcube.” Applejack exclaimed. “It ain't anything at all. We wouldn’t leave you alone with the varmints!” “Of course we would stay with you, darling. Why we could have another slumber party! Without the giant tree of course…” “YAY!” squealed Pinkie. “A Party!” Twilight was finally overcome with the emotional stress of the day and let tears of joy stream down her face. She and her friends all shared in a group hug. “Girls, *Sniff* Thank you.” “Well, that’s just beautiful” The statement had come from Bliss, who was lying down in the cell looking at the friends in awe. “How come we never hug like that, Rage?” “Because I hate you.” Twilight stared at the Disarray brothers, wondering what Discord had been thinking when he had created them.