//------------------------------// // Rainbow Dash's day // Story: Perfect day // by Xgex //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash's day Spike opened the cyan door labeled loyalty. He saw rainbow dash sleeping in a tree just outside her house. The tree was her favorite spot to nap while on the job. The dragon saw discord flying in the distance. He landed on Dash's house and snapped his fingers. Spike began seeing black when discord whispered. "This one's boring if you ask me." Spike woke up on a branch and fell down. The dragon went to ponyville to make twilight cast a cloud walking spell on him. He soon noticed the Cider Season Banners on the entrance of town. "Typical" The dragon saw three stormy trails of smoke heading to Sweet Apple Acres and decided to follow it. He noticed that the whole town was deserted and he assumed that everypony is at the farm drinking cider. He ran towards the farm and saw himself in the distance. He followed his imposter and saw that his clone was speaking to Twilight. "Dash is going to cloudsdale and we are coming with her. Right?" The Dream spike said "Yes, we are attending Dash's Wonderbolt's tour" Twilight answered "Call our friends spike so i can cast a cloud walking spell, Wouldn't want them to miss Dashie's debut as a Wonderbolt." Twilight continued "Be right back" Spike walked away from Twilight as she trotted to the hot air balloon station. Spike went to the flower shop to get Noxious Lily. The flower shop was closed so he went up the balcony to get to the danger garden. He climbed up the suspicious blue phonebox owned by Roseluck's Friend, Doctor Whooves. The dragon went inside and saw the hazardous sign on the second floor greenhouse. Once inside he saw poison joke, Everfree vines, A Plant named Audrey and Noxious Lilies. He wore a gasmask and grabbed a stem. He went down the stairs and unlocked the doors. He saw the mane 4 trotting towards the hot air balloon. He saw the dream Spike entering the library while the others continued. He went in the library to knock out the dream spike. "Freeze Spike!'. The Real Spike was wearing a gasmask so he could not be knocked out by the noxious lilies. He threw the stem leaving the dream Spike unconscious. The Real Spike grabbed the book dream spike was carrying and went out. He removed the masked and ran towards the hot air balloon. :"Spike you're late, Give me the spellbook we are running out of time" Twilight said. Spike handed the book and Twilight cast the spell. The five entered the hot air balloon and departed for cloudsdale. The Balloon went up and up until they saw the city in the distance. Applejack threw her lasso to the rainclouds and parked the balloon at the cloud. The five went towards the plaza and saw many pegasi has gathered at the clouds. "Hang on.....Fluttershy get ready" Twilight and fluttershy carried the two earth ponies while spike rode twilight. The five landed on a cloud to view Rainbow's Debut performance. The crowds roared as Spitfire made the opening flight as Soarin and Fleetfoot followed forming three lines in the sky. The three circled forming a tube like cloud. Rainbow finally appeared and flew upwards.On the top of the tube Rainbow flew down the tube at top speed until. BOOM WHOOSH BOOM WHOOSH BOOM " A TRIPLE RAINBOOM, SHE DID IT, SHE DID IT" Fluttershy shouted. "WHAT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE" Spike stared at amazement but soon realized that this whole thing is just a dream. How am i gonna find a hole at the city of cloudsdale?. The wonderbolt's took their bow and went away the plaza. The five friends went to the Wonderbolt's Academy to congratulate Rainbow Dash. Spike found this as an opportunity to find the hole in the building and decided its time to split up. "Hey girls I need to go to the little dragons room. " Spike ran away holding his crotch and left the four in the entrance. Spike roamed the academy for a while.He saw spitfire in the distance and decided to greet her. "Hey spitfire where's rainbow dash?" Spike asked with a grin "She's preparing for a mission you may find her in the briefing room" Spitfire left Spike as she flew away from him. Spike ran to the briefing room but was stopped when he saw a giant grey thundercloud in he distance. 'Nightmares of Rainbow Dash.......A Squall?" Spike followed the signs to the briefing room and saw dash zipping up her suit. "DASH, where are you going?" Spike paused to catch his breath. "Spike get out of here it's dangerous. A squall is heading towards cloudsdale and it will devour the whole city!" "I'm going with you.....To face your nightmares" Spike drew a tear as he saw Despair in dash's eyes. Dash sat down to ease the tension "I....Just can't do it...Spike.....The whole city is counting on me to destroy the squall......and i just can't do it" Dash said crying "Yes you can ...Are you loyal to the city?" "Yes" Dash said "They trusted you to destroy the squall ,yes?" 'Yes" Dash stood up to look outside the window. She saw screaming pegasi and griffons. She took her goggles and mounted spike on her back "You're right spike. The city of cloudsdale trusted me to save them. And that's what I'll just do!" "Lets go Dashie! " "Still no hole......" The Pegasus flew top speed to attempt a sonic rainboom. BOOM The powerful shockwave opened a gap to the squall and Rainbow Dash went in to see the source of the storm. Once inside she saw nothing but a dark void filled with despair of the pegasi. Laughter echoed around the space. As hundreds of eyes popped out to see the two shaking in fear ' LOOK, THIS ONE'S STILL FILLED WITH POSITIVITY!" 'Yes, and filled with determination too!" " Let us feed ON YOUR SADNESS and pain, AS WE destroy YOUR TOWN" "Who are you?" Rainbow Dash asked " WE ARE GREMLINS!!, destroyer of harmony and peace" " DON'T even try TO FIGHT US, We ARE LEGION" The multitude of eyes slowly went closer to the two "Spike..........RUN!" Rainbow Dash fell from the cloud as the legion of gremlins pull out the cloud she was standing on. "CEASE TO EXIST' The cloud released a red thunderbolt frying spike and rainbow in the distance. The Pegasus fell Fast towards the Everfree forest. Spike took hold of the unconscious dash's and steered her cold body towards the forest. Spike spotted the hole and quickly tried to push dash into the hole. He only found one solution. Steer dash towards the hole. As they reached the point near the bottom. Spike has failed to push dash to the hole and decided to cushion rainbow. to make sure the impact doesn't crush her. He hugged her and braced for impact. "Another sacrifice..." Spike was crushed by rainbow dash and crashed into the hole. "HACK, COUGH, HACK, Hahaha I'm still alive" Spike stood up dancing to see Rainbow Dash waking up and falling from the tree. "Spike? what happened?" Rainbow stood bewildered. "Dream. A dream." Spike still rejoiced. "SNAP" "Cmon spike time for round four" Rainbow dash turned into stone as Spike was once again in the room. "Will you keep doing this discord?" Spike asked. "Of course, I'd like to remind you of OUR game. Besides they are freed, they are just.......Stone" Discord pointed the three doors still unlocked. "NOW CHOOSE" Discord said smiling