That's what friends are for.

by Discordantnoise

Just a dream...

Ch. 1
Just a dream...

The girl looked at her sleeping friend,unsure of whether or not to wake her from her restless sleep.The slightly younger sleeping girl was tossing and turning,tears leaking out of her tightly closed eyes.Shuddering,she quietly sobbed,tormented by some horrible nightmare.That's what did it.Steeling her resolve,the slightly older violet eyed girl woke her troubled friend,who cried out in fear and punched her between the eyes.With a pained yelp,the older of the two crashed to the ground,prompting the younger to say,"Crap!Twi,I'm really sorry!"

Rubbing her forehead,Twilight replied,"That must have been some bad dream you were having,Hikaru!"

Shuddering at the memory of it,Hikaru only nodded.Sitting on the bed,the older girl asked quietly,"Karu,you need to talk about it?"

Shaking her head slowly,Hikaru replied,"Twi,you don't wanna know,really.And besides,it wasn't just a dream,it was a memory."

Shaking her head firmly,Twilight gently turned Hikaru to face her and said,"Karu,if its hurting you this badly,I want,no,need,to know."

With a pained sigh,Hikaru answered in a quiet voice,"It happened a long time ago.Before I moved here,when I lived w-with my parents.I was around four or five.It was nighttime,and I'd heard funny noises downstairs.When I came down to see what was happening,there was-there w-was b-b-b-" Hikaru broke down in tears,unable to continue.Twilight held her friend close,trying to comfort her and pained that she could not.

In a hoarse whisper,Hikaru continued."There was blood everywhere,and my mom and dad were gone."

Tears sprung,unbidden,to Twilight's eyes.So that's why she was so scared of everyone when she came here,why she was so terrified to make friends.She was afraid of losing them,she thought to herself.Hugging her friend a little tighter,she made a promise,saying,"Don't worry Karu.I won't leave you,I'll stay with you."

This seemed to ease her sadness a little,and she replied,"Thank you.I...I think I can sleep again now."

Smiling at Hikaru's words,she left the room,turning off the light.