//------------------------------// // Twilight's day // Story: Perfect day // by Xgex //------------------------------// Spike found himself on the the entrance of Ponyville. The dragon quickly ran to the library to see another spike cleaning the house. "A copy of me?' The dragon saw twilight trotting down on the stairs to find spike belching out a letter from the princess. The dream spike waved his hand signaling goodbye to twilight as she went out of the house. Spike gave chase when suddenly he saw discord in the distance. The draconequse smiled as he snapped his fingers. The trotting twilight was stopped, When a herd of cows stampeded near her. The infuriated spike tried to find a way to get past those cows as they block the way. "Discord why you.." Spike's cursing was stopped when he found the hot air balloon flying in the distance " I got it" The dragon climbed on the loose rope. He found pinkie pie piloting the balloon. The pink pony was sporting a grin as she piloted the balloon. "He,he,he Ready to go far away spike" The sinister pinkie made the balloon fly higher away from twilight. "What are you doing Pinkie?' Spike said in protest. The pink pony Transformed into a puff of smoke as discord rose out. "Too bad twilight's on her way to the crystal empire for a tea party, and you're not invited." The god of chaos flew out of the balloon and poked it with his sharp chicken claw. Making a hole it in an instant. The courageous dragon jumped out of the balloon and landed in a large bale of hay. The Balloon flew far away as spike rushed to the train station. "One ticket please." The lavender alicorn bought a ticket to the crystal empire to see her brother and sister-in-law. As she entered the train the conductor pony shouted "ALL ABOARD" as he went inside.As the train ran spike managed to hang on to a railing of the train. "I wont let discord win, I WONT." The dragon finally managed to grab on to the window as the train went to the crystal empire. He opened the doors one by one to find twilight and finally found the Very important pony carriage. He found finally found twilight sipping tea on the train. 'TWILIGHTYOUHAVETOLISTENDISCORDHASYOUASLEEPTHISISADREAMALLADREAMWAKEUP" The dragon shouted as twilight stood up to say "Spike say it slowly" Twilight said calmly "Ok twilight discord has captured you and put you in a spell so please wake up" Spike said "C' mon spike what did you eat, this is just nonsense, Discord is reformed and will not harm a pony" Twilight stated Spike kneeled on twilight. "This is not real all of this is not real, All of this is made by discord to fool you into submission" Spike still stubbornly kneeled on front of twilight as two armored crystal stallions entered the carriage. "Princess Twilight come with us, We are the royal guards of the crystal empire please come with us to ensure your safety against evil beings!" The two escorted spike out of the room "HELP! DON'T BELIEVE THEM TWILIGHT YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!" The dragon was kicked out of the VIP section and into the Coach carriage. Spike tried to knock on the door but was answered with silence. "Nooooo, Discord why even bother to let me play your game when you know you'll win" Spike gave up on the knocking and sat on a chair. He pondered on how to make twilight realize that this place is a dream. The train went to a halt as they finally arrive at the crystal empire. The dragon slipped out of the train to find twilight. The dragon thinking the princess went to the castle he quickly departed to the castle grounds immediately ************************************************************************************ "Flash sentry do you really have to accompany me to the throne?" twilight asked "No twilight its my duty to guard you." The two arrived at the throne room as Twilight reread her invitation Dearest friends Sister-in-law I invite you to Cadence's and shining armor's foal shower Meet at crystal empire throne room at 10:00 Don't be late (I'm referring to you Luna) - Princess Mi Amore Cadenza "Been so long since i seen those two, They already have a foal too, I wonder what's his/her name?" Twilight's pondering was interrupted by faint laughter. Discord, Maybe Spike was right, but those guards told me he was a changeling." "Here they come" A mare whispered in the crowds. As fanfare played Cadence and Shining Armor went out carrying their baby on the traditional saddle ************************************************************************************** "Huff, Puff C' mon Spike where is the darn crystal empire throne room" The dragon has been running round the castle when he saw a blur in the hallways. He investigated the hallways and found it to be endless like an optical illusion. Spike grabbed a loose scale and used it mark pathways a he walked and walked on the illusions he found his scale. But there is one problem he just went straight meaning discord cast a infinite loop spell on the castle leaving spike wandering the maze. "Wait a doorway' The dragon rushed to the door but was blocked by a huge hole in the castle. The same one in the forest. if i fall here i wake up.......WAIT if twilight fell down here she will wake up from this dream but the question is how?" The door was in spike's reach but one wrong step leads him to live his nightmares. A rainbow enveloped spike's eyes as he hoght AN OPTICAL ILLUSION this hole is an illusion" Spike threw his scales on the hole. Some fell some stayed put as if the pathways followed a certain pattern. Luckily for spike it was shedding season so he loosened some scales and sprinkled the hole with his scales. The scales float similarly to the shape of Twilight's cutie mark as Spike solved the puzzle he entered the door and saw twilight ,cadence ,shining armor ,flash sentry and other crystal ponies as they sing a traditional foal shower song. "STOP!! Twilight come here and wake up" the song was interrupted but twilight followed spike anyway. "I know this is a dream, discord, Cadence and shining armor would never engage in foal making, While the REAL flash sentry is deployed in canterlot AND a foal of an alicorn and a unicorn is a UNICORN not an alicorn." Twilight galloped to spike when the the Royalty and Crystal ponies began to deform and wither. "'StaY witH Us fOrEveR" The ponies began grabbing twilight's hind hoof and dragged her to the altar. "NO TWILIGHT." Spike grabbed twilight's fore hoof and pulled with all his might. Twilight cast a teleportation spell leaving spike to be devoured by the deformed ponies "JUMP INTO THE HOLE AND LEAVE ME HERE" Spike shouted with all his might until he was devoured by a wave of deformed ponies "No DoNt LeAvE Us TwIlIgHt SpAhCkLE" The voices screamed Twilight jumped into the abyss ending the nightmare once and for all The purple alicorn woke up with spike on her side. "Good job buddy' Twilight congratulated Spike for sacrificing his life to save her "Where's discord? Spike asked "I'm here "SNAP" Too bad twilight isn't a part of our game" On a snap of a finger twilight was turned into stone by discord "But....But...She woke up" Spike embraced the stone twilight "She's okay, i can assure you ........Well one down feel proud of yourself?" Discord teleported spike into a room with doors labeled loyalty, kindness, magic, honesty, laughter and generosity. "I choose"