//------------------------------// // NCC-1701-E // Story: Doctor Whooves and the TARDIS Crew: Come Little Children // by Russell Dickson //------------------------------// Chapter Seven NCC-1701-E Ditzy Doo place the TARDIS right in the frount of the star ship, there was no way they were going to miss see the TARDIS. Time Turner was a little worried about Ditzy take bold action like that, what if it was a hostile race that would attack first. But, before Vinyl could even get a welcome message out, the TARDIS had been given clearance to land in shuttle bay one. Princess Luna and Ditzy Doo set the TARDIS on it's way. Captain Jean-Luc Pecarde and Commander Riker made there way to the shuttle bay. Captain Pecard remarking. "It will be good to see the Doctor once again." Commander Riker replied. "It been a long time since Delta IV and the Borg/Cybermen Alliance. I wounder what the Doctor and his companions, Amy and Rory, have been up to?" The door open to the shuttle bay. As the TARDIS started to appear. Commander Riker then said. "I will never get use to the sound that ship makes, it's almost like the Doctor has the parking brakes on." As soon as the TARDIS landed and had stop, the doors open and Time Turner ran out, shouting. "I am the Doctor! We got a cubs load with Borg on our tails. RUN!" At once hear the name "Borg" Captain Picard started giving out orders on his personal communicator. "Mister Worf, contact all Rederation outpost. Borg in this sector. Lieutenant Barclay, Lay in a course to the nearest star base. Mister Date, Engage warp speed as soon as possible. Doctor with me." Captain Picard turn on his heals and was about to go out the sliding doors when Commander Riker pointed out. "Captain, he a pony?" From inside the TARDIS came a voice. "Riker right, Jean-Luc. He not the man he once was!" Slowly Captain Picard turn around and said. "Q?" The voice one more said. "Dear Jean-Luc. How have you been? I have miss you so much." Paptain Pecard asked. "Why are you hiding? That is not like you, Q" The voice replied. "Oh...I got a little skin problem, it is sort of embracing." "Discord! Get out of my way." Demanded Princess Luna. "Not now. YOU...you...Little sister Alicorn." said the voice. "What is going on in there?" Asked Time Truner. As both Captain Picard and Commander Riker joined Time Truner as the all stood in frount of the 'Police Box' doors. Then a voice that sounded like Ditzy Doo said. "Just push him thougth if he will not get out of the way." "The doors only open in!" said the Discord/Q voice. Ditzy voice replied. "I know my own TARDIS. The doors swing both ways. Big Mac, just give him a good push." At once all of the TARDIS crew fell out of the open doors and onto the deck of the Star Ship Enterprise. One by one they got up and under them all was the chimera. "Get off me! You Ponies! Get off me now!" he demanded. Once he was on his own feet, he looked over to Captain Picard and once more said. "OH! Jean-Luc. Good to see you. uhm. What do you think of my new look. I call it Discord."