//------------------------------// // Famous Life's // Story: Sketti Go: The Brilliant // by Xx soul sorrow xX //------------------------------// When i was famous it was good because I was famous. It was nice to be famous though I already had enough money and riches. But it was good and I had Oogoo my pet tiger though he ate some plants that was poison in my garden and he died and it was so sad and I cryed. But my mom was there for me always and she hugged me so tight and real tight. Then she buyed me a dinosaur imported from Japan and it was cool. I named her Georgina and I loved her but not as much as Peter Sparkler since I married him and he was my #1 true love/. I still had the whale that lived in our climat-controlled swimming pool that's indoors. I liked it and I swaam with it and swimmed with it. It was fun to swim and I had lots fun.1 I was famous so the poparazi came and they snapped pictures of me and I smiled at them. I grinned and they saw my perfect teeth. They were straight n' shiny and they looked photoshopped but they weren't. They were like #ffffff that's how white n' shiny they were. So beautiful. Alot of ponies came and bringed diamond rings and threw them at me and said "Marry me Sketti!!!" But I said No, Sorry I'm taken." And I kept the diamonds since it was nice of them to give it to me. I had a collectin of diamond now. I used it to scrape gum off my horse-shoes since I'm a pony so I wear horseshoes y'know. One time I went dumpter-diving with my friends Deth Darkblood who was in the Peter Sparckler chapters and also Mintlily. They ended up getting marry'ed but I didn't go to there wedding sense I was busy that day. But yeah I went w/ them and we found an old fax machine and we took it apart and it was so fun. I bringed my husband Peter and we had a great romantic time in the junk yard with the old food and cockroaches and gross seagulls. I saw a fridgerator with a moldy food in it and a old boot with a plant growing out of it. I looked at it then I slammed the door on the plant and it died. The boot was still in there though. "Why woudl some-one put a plant in a boot????" I laughed. Peter hugged me and we kissed. It was so romantic under the moon in the big pile of garbage and the gross smells and Deth and Mintlily who were also kissing. Yeeeah/. When we got home it was a nice time with the paprazi banging on the doors and I was sleeping but they screamed at me all night and I had insomnia I Couldn't Sleep. So i screamed back at the people and they cryed and they snapped photo's and I got blinded by the camra flashes. I screamed and I fell to the floor and I heard a crash but I was parilyzed and I couldn't move. I was immobilized by love in the night. Peter defended me and he screamed and he yelled at the paprazi but they got him too!!!!!!! Oh no my love Peter!!!! I cryed and I still couldnt move but he fell down besides me. There was a stray tear falling from his taer-eye. I touched his face with my nub hoof and he cryed and I cryed. The paprazi people ran away and they runned into teh house but I was parlyzed. I cryed and I just didn't know what to do My life was ruined and i coudln't move... But i had my love by my side and It'll Be Okay so I cryed my self to sleep.