Battle Path: Equestria chronicles

by PressStart

prologue/ chapter 1: Home rebound

Since the very first six battle pathers, most warriors travel to carve their own path. They grow in strength to someday do the impossible like the battle path heroes a hundred years ago. Equestria was a nation like most that had heroes pass by to get to their destination. The nation never had a problem with dark times, considering they are neighboring the feuding nations Daimor and Pteria. Though even quiet and gentle nations get their problems. On the day of the Summer Sun Celebration where the sun is risen for a new year, a tyrant attacked taking control of the land. His name was Discord, Ggd of Chaos and the now new ruler of Equestria. The two princesses Celestia and Luna couldn't hold the power of the elements of harmony and they scattered. Celestia died in battle and Luna simply vanished without a trace. The citizens waited a year until their hero finally showed up.

Chapter 1: Home rebound

by: PressStart

Rainbow Dash finally returns home from the four years she was away. The scarf and goggles she got from Fluttershy still remained on her body since she doesn't fight without wearing them. She finally finished her martial arts training and decided to hum Fluttershy's lullaby like she always does. She was so ready to show off her mad skills to everyone else, but remained calm so she could seem more mature. As she entered ponyville for the first time in four years, she noticed that the place was empty. She just scratched the back of her head with the hand that wasn't holding her small bag over her shoulder.
"Maybe Pinks is throwing a party. I highly doubt that everyone knew I'd get here today." Rainbow Dash said shrugging her shoulders. As she walked further she started to wonder where everybody was. There was nobody in site, even the marketplace as empty. Rainbow Dash started to worry when she saw a man running. It was Mr. Cake running from three thugs with swords in their hands. Only one of the thugs had a bat and was catching up to Mr. Cake fast. The thug was about to hit him when Rainbow Dash swirled around in front of Mr. Cake and blocked the bat with her arm.
"Do ya have a death wish girly?" The thug said snarling at her. She just snapped at being called girly and socked the thug in the face making him go flying past his two comrades. The burly looking thug attacked next, swinging his sword. Rainbow Dash evaded easy cause her opponents fighting style was sloppy. She then quickly punched twice at the stomach and did a massive kick in the same location. She defiantly thought she broke something cause the thug spat out blood after she kicked him. The thug fell buto the ground with a thud and she turned to the last thug.
"Boo." She said with a smirk making the thug drop his weapon and run away. She was glad that she was this strong, yet she didn't have to give much effort to beat them. Rainbow Dash turn to Mr. Cake and asked
"Where is everyone? Who were they?"Rainbow Dash asked turning to face Mr. Cake. Mr. Cake swallowed and calmly said "Much has changed since you've been gone. This man appeared calling himself the God of chaos. He has taken control of the whole nation of Equestria and killed princess Celestia." Rainbow Dash was shocked. She never knew that Equestria, a place that welcomes everybody, would end up like this.
"What about princess Luna? Is she alive or dead?" Rainbow Dash asked extremely concerned on the matter. Mr. Cake shook his head and replied "No one knows what happened to her. It happened after Celestia died, she just vanished without a trace." Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and sighed in relief that Luna might still be alive. Suddenly someone yelled from behind Rainbow Dash "THAT'S HER. THAT'S THE GIRL WHO KILLED DITCH AND REAL RAW." Rainbow Dash turned around to see the thug that run away brought backup. The backup was a man wielded a very big mallet and looked like he was no push over unlike the three thugs.
"Rainbow that's Giga. He is one of Discord's seven generals. We need to escape and fast." Mr. Cake said panicking, but Rainbow Dash didn't budge a inch. Instead Rainbow Dash told Mr. Cake to run and she got ready to fight as he fled the scene.
"Girly shall die." Giga said in a extremely deep voice while walking up to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash pulled down her goggles from her forehead and adjusted them over her eyes.
"Bring it jumbo." Rainbow Dash said smiling confidently. The battle started with the mallet coming straight down and Rainbow Dash barely evading it. She then quickly punched twice at the Giga's side which had little to no damage. The cycle continued having her punch, kick, and dodge Giga. The fight seemed endless and the only one making any progress was Giga who was making craters everywhere. Rainbow Dash stopped moving to see if she can spot Giga's weakness, cause if she keeps fighting with no progress happening she won't be able to survive one blow. Rainbow Dash didn't even have two seconds and she was already hit. The impact broke her ribcage and sent her flying a half a mile. Rainbow Dash spat out blood and noticed that the mallet was about to hit her with a single blow. It was like she was going to die and she didn't even get to see her friends yet. Suddenly a woman with every inch of skin covered by black clothing appeared. The woman's light blue hair was tied into a pony tail and she had arm blades attached. The woman not only blocked the attack, but she saved Rainbow Dash's live as well.
"Who are you?" Rainbow Dash said amazed by the sudden appearance. The woman chuckled and replied "Has you already forgotten about me Rainbow." The woman replied chuckling at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash didn't seem to notice who the woman was, even if the voice sounded familiar. The woman started to fight Giga and had better luck in the fight then Rainbow Dash did. The woman even evaded more gracefully and with one cut the blades did devastating damage to the Giga's chest. Giga stood up like nothing happened, which amazed Rainbow Dash. Even at the account that Rainbow Dash would never stand, let alone survive an injury like that.
"He is tough muscled like I thought. Getting you medical help is more important than killing him." The woman said backing away from Giga.
"I'm fine. Just kill him." Rainbow Dash said coughing up more blood. It hurt for her to talk. The woman shook her head and said "No your ribcage is broken and your coughing up blood." Before Rainbow Dash could say another word, the woman picked her up avoiding more injuries by not touching the broken ribcage. The next thing Rainbow Dash knew was that she was on a bed in some underground cave. The cave was weirdly lit up by the shallow water that covered the floor. She suddenly realized that she wasn't feeling any pain and noticed that she was bandage up.
"I really been out cold. I'm all healed up." Rainbow Dash said looking at the bandages on her.
"Actually you were out for a couple hours and your on a pain reliever drug. The place you are in is called moon water cavern. Since the water glows down here." The woman said walking in with the cloth on her face removed. The cloth was now ruffled around the neck and Rainbow Dash can now see the woman's face realizing who she was. It was the only princess that was named the shadow assassin.
"Luna your alive?" Rainbow Dash said definitely surprised at the fact the babysitter that took care of her when she was little was standing right in front of her.
"How about a hug?" Luna asked and Rainbow took her up on that. Except they only got ten seconds into the hug when a blue and white haired woman entered the room. Luna let go of Rainbow Dash and said "Ah, Vinyl. Good of you to show up. Rainbow, this is Vinyl Scratch. She will be taking you to a location so you can get that ribcage fixed." Rainbow Dash just looked at her, then finally asked "To where?"
"To Fluttershy of course. She is a cleric now, so it will be easy for you to be all healed up. Plus you will need her when you locate the scattered elements of harmony." Luna said as she smiled towards Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what she just heard, that she simply said one word "What?"