Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Spark in the palace

I must say this now. Spark may be able to us magic, but he can only do one thing: Telekinesis. He may be able to do more later, but that's all I'm giving him. Why did I just tell you all this? Well, I kinda didn't want to read comments saying I'm making Spark a mary-sue, because I'm not. Anyways, carry on.

You will also notice something. When Spark is with Lance and Twilight, he acts confident and happy, but when he's with others, he acts more mature and less confident. Just like me XD.... I need to stop putting my flaws in those characters, do you agree?

Chapter 94

"And that pretty much sums it all up." I said, finishing up my explanation of what Mr. Bleak told me about Spark. I left out everything else, because I made a promise, but I did tell them everything about me and Spark.

Twilight had a shocked look on her face, but it soon formed into a happy smile, "So, Spark can use magic?!"

I shrugged, "I guess."

Spark was jumping up and down happily, "Does this mean I'll be like mom?!"

Twilight smiled and picked him up, she then began to nuzzle his cheek, "I hope so, I want to teach you so many things!"

I chuckled and stood up, "Hang on there Twi, I don't want our son to be into this magical stuff so soon."

Twilight looked at me and frowned, "But Lance! I've always wanted to have a foal I could teach magic too, and now I can! You have to let me, please!"

I walked over and put my hand on her shoulder, "Twi, you can teach him to use it, just please keep it to low level spells. Okay?"

She smiled happily, "Don't worry honey, I wouldn't teach him something to advanced."

Spark looked at us and smiled, "So, when can we start mom?!"

I looked at Spark and rubbed his head, "Hold up buddy, I want to take you somewhere first."

Spark and Twilight looked at me curiously and Twilight asked, "Oh? And where are you planning on taking him?"

"The Palace." I answered simply.

Twilight looked confused, "The palace?!"

I nodded, "Yep, I think I should talk to Frederic about this."

"Why not Princess Celestia? Wouldn't see be a better source of information?" Twilight asked while cocking her head.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I may go to her if Frederic can't help me."

Twilight sighed, "Go to her first."

"But I..."

Twilight gave me a stern look, "Go to her first!"

I sighed in defeat, "Fine. Come on Spark, lets go see Uncle Frederic."

Spark jumped to the floor and smiled happily, "YAY! I have two Uncles?!"

I laughed and bent down, "Oh, you have a lot more than two my boy."

His smile widened, "I do?! Awesome!"

I chuckled and began walking to the door, I could hear Spark running up behind me.

Before I could open it, I heard Kara squawk unhappily. I turned to see her holding her wings up to me, a sad look on her face.

I bent down and rubbed her head, "Sorry Kara, but you need to stay here."

She made a sad sound and jumped upward, trying to get in my arms.

I sighed, "Fine, but you're staying with Spark while I talk to Frederic."

She smiled happily and jumped into my arms and relaxed.

I stood and looked down at her, "Oh you... Remember, that wing heals, your flying."

I turned and opened the door. I walked out and let Spark come out, but before I could close the door, Twilight yelled out to me.

"Remember, Princess first!"

I sighed, "Sure thing Twi." I closed the door and smiled down at Spark, "We're talking to Frederic first."

He snickered, "Good one dad."

I chuckled, "Just don't tell your mother, she'll kill me... I'm serious about that Spark."

He laughed and began to walk, "Sure thing dad, I won't say a word."

I smiled and began to follow my son, "On ward!"

Twenty two minutes later, outside of Princess Luna's and Prince Frederic's room
Spark's POV

I stood outside of the large door with my mouth wide open. This place was huge! This door alone is bigger than dad! And he's big!

Dad put Kara down and smiled, "Okay Kara, I want you to stay out here with Spark, Okay?"

Kara gave a sigh and walked over to me.

Dad smiled and stood up, "Thank you." He then walked into the room, leaving us alone.

I looked around and sighed, "What are we suppose to do?"

I suddenly received my answer when the door opened and a large human stepped out, just like dad. But this one was slightly larger and wore different clothes.

He smiled down at me, "Hey Spark, you can play with Nova and Star Chaser if you want."

I cocked my head, "Who are they?"

The man, who I now know is Frederic, smiled, "My kids. They're down the hall and to the right if you want to see them."

I looked down the massive hallway and shrugged, "Sure, thanks Uncle Frederic."

Frederic smiled and rumbled my mane, "No problem kiddo." He then turned and walked back into the room.

I looked at Kara and smiled, "Do you want to come with me?"

Kara looked at me and then at the door. She looked like she was confused on what to do.

I chuckled when I figured out why she was looking at the door in confusion, "Don't worry, dad will come get us before he leaves."

Kara shrugged and jumped onto a bench and sat there.

I sighed and began to walk down the hall, "Suit yourself."

Okay, down the hall and to the right... sounds easy. I walked down the hall, looking at all the paintings, but one caught my eye.

It was a painting of two ponies, one a Alicorn and the other a Pegasus, fighting a strange winged creature. In the background, I could see a few destroyed houses. I looked at the Pegasus and cocked my head, he looks familiar... DAD?!

The Pegasus in the picture is my dad! My dad! He fought that thing with Uncle Frederic?! I have to ask him about that later!

I turned and continued down the hallway, till I finally came to another room, this one had 'Nova and Star Chaser's room' written on it.

I built up my courage and opened the door. On the other side, I saw two Alicorn's fighting, not real fighting, but the kind little kids do when they're playing.

"Uhhh, hey?" I said nervously.

They both stopped and looked at me. The colt raised an eyebrow, "Who are you?" (Why can they talk? They're Alicorn's, I don't have to explain much after that.)

I gulped, "Spark."

The filly smiled, "OH! I remember mom telling us about you! Remember Star?"

Star Chaser sighed, "Yes, I remember. But sis, don't call me Star! Call me Chaser!"

Nova hit his shoulder, "Okay, don't get your wings in a bunch."

Star Chaser rolled his eyes and looked at me, "So?"

I looked around, "So what?"

He sighed, "Are you going to leave or what?"

Nova pushed her brother out of the way and smiled at me, "Don't listen to him, come on in."

My heart skipped a beat when she smiled at me... why did it do that?

I walked into the room nervously and looked around. It was fairly large, bigger than most of my house.... yeah, this room is huge!

Nova laughed, "I take it you like our room."

I looked over at her and chuckled a little, "Yeah, I do. It's better than my room."

Star Chaser smirked, "I could have guessed that."

Nova shot him a dirty look, "Be nice!"

Star Chaser smiled, "I am being nice Nova, if I wasn't being nice, I would have done this." His horn began to glow brightly.

I suddenly felt myself being lifted into the air... oh come on! Star Chaser than tossed me into the air.

Luckily I had wings and was able to catch myself.

Nova stomped her hoof and glared at her brother, "STAR! Don't do that to him! He's trying to be our friend!"

Star Chaser shrugged, "Yeah, what if I don't want him to be my friend?"

What the... why is he being so hostile towards me? I just got here...

Nova sighed and shook her head, "Star, you should try and be friends with him. Please, for me?"

He shook his head, "Nope, you can count me out. Tell dad I'm going for another flight around the castle."

Nova facehoofed, "Star... you are so stubborn."

He smiled proudly, "I try sis." He then jumped into the air and flew up to me, "Listen here Sparky, I don't like you much, and if you so much as hurt my sister while I'm gone, your going to feel my wrath. Got that?"

I gulped and nodded.

He smiled, "Good." He twisted around and flew towards the open window.

What's his problem.... I didn't even do anything to him.

I slowly descended to the floor and let out a sigh.

Nova also sighed, "Don't worry about him. He's only being protective of me... again."

I looked at her, "What did I do to offend him?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, he's just being Star Chaser is all."

Well, I guess I could try and find out next time I see him. "So, what do you want to do? I don't know how long our dads will talk."

Nova furrowed her brow and moved her lips to the side, deep in thought.

Wow.... she looks kinda... cute? Why am I having these thoughts? Why are my wings stretched out?

Nova looked at me and giggled, "Spark, why are your wings stiff?"

I felt myself blush, "I don't know..."

She giggled again, "I can't think of anything to do but talk. So, why does your dad have to talk to mine?"

I shrugged, "I guess its because I can use magic... but I didn't even know I could."

I know they said I could use magic, but come on. That's kinda impossible, I don't have a horn.

Nova's eyes widened and a large smile formed on her face, "You can use magic?!"

I gulped, "I-I guess."

She turned around and walked over to a table, "Here, lets give it a try." She picked up a cup in her mouth and walked over to me. She then placed the cup a few feet from me, "Try to levitate that. This should be easy, mom said all unicorn's come with the ability to levitate objects, its sorta the first thing you learn."

I doubt that. I don't think I can... I looked up at her to see her giving me a encouraging smile.

On second thought...

I looked at the cup and began to focus on it. I kept focusing till I had a slight headache. I knew this was impossible.

"Come on, you can do it!" Nova cheered.

And my confidences is back up! I closed my eyes and focused on the cup. I pictured it floating upward. I focused harder on the mental image of it floating till...

"You did it! You did it!" I heard Nova yell at the top of her lungs.

I opened my eyes to see the cup floating a few inches off the ground... YES! I really did do it!

Sadly, once I looked at it, I lost focus and it fell to the floor.

Nova was prancing around and chanting, "You did it! You did it!"

I smiled, this was so awesome!

"Spark!" Nova said suddenly as she stopped and looked at me with a large smile.

I looked at her nervously, "What?"

She began to flutter her wings in excitement, "Do you like pranks?"

Pranks? I guess... "Yeah, why do you ask?"

She smiled happily, "Aunt Annabel and Aunt Vinetion told me all about the pranks they've pulled. I've always wanted to pull one on somepony!"

I cocked my head, "Aunt Annabel and Aunt Vinetion? Where are they? I kinda want to meet them now..."

Nova giggled, "Oh, Aunt Annabel isn't here. I think she said something about spending time in chaos... I don't know what that means though. Aunt Vinetion is with Aunt Celestia, but we can't bother them."

"Why can't we?" I asked curiously.

Nova blushed, "Uhh, last time me and Star went in there, we caught them doing something..."

My face turned red, I think I know what she means... "Oh... I guess we stay away from them then."

Nova nodded, "Yeah, we should. But anyway, back to the pranks. Do you want to pull one?"

I smiled, "Yeah! It could be fun."

Nova smiled and began to jump, "Yay!"

Darn wings, why do they keep stretching out like that?!

Nova ran over to the door and opened it, "Come on! I know this one guard who we can prank."

I ran after her, "Coming!"

She lead me down a few passages and corridors. And I was right, this place is huge!

Nova skidded to a halt. I also skidded to a halt, "What is it?"

She turned and smiled, "He's right over there!"

I looked past her to see a grey unicorn wearing golden armor. Whoa, he looks cool!

Nova began to fly upward and motioned for me to follow.

I gulped, come on wings! Don't fail me now! I began to flap my wings, and I felt myself slowly, but surely, rise upward.

Once I was next to Nova, she pointed to the object next to the guard, "Okay, I want you to try and turn that radio on."

I nodded and focused on the nob. I heard a click as it turned on... wow, I'm getting the hang of this!

The radio blared to life, "Alright, now, we have a special guest with us today!" White said exceitedly.

"That's right, White! With us today, to do a live performanece, we have the amazing: Yaplap!!~" Grey exclaimed, the sound of something hitting the mic following his voice.

White mumbled something below his breath at this. Sounded like 'Watch the Mic when you backflip, moron!'

"Anyways, take it away Yaplap!" said White, and this song began to play.

Whoa! That song is... just wow!

Nova raised an eyebrow, "This song is... strange."

Down below, the guard was looking at the radio with curiosity, trying to find out how it turned on by its self.

Nova giggled and levitated a water balloon up to me... where did she get that?

"Here, drop this on his head." She said holding back her laughter.

I looked at her, "What? Why me?"

She shrugged, "Because..."

I sighed, "Fine." I grabbed the water balloon and flew over the guard... am I really about to do this?

I looked back to see Nova, smiling with excitement. Yep, I'm about to do this.

I looked down and took a deep breath, I'm going to regret this, I just know it. I released the balloon.


The guard jumped back in surprise and looked around, "What the buck!"

Time to leave...

I spun around and flew after Nova, who was already flying away.

Once they were safely back in Nova's and Star Chaser's room, Nova fell to the floor laughing like crazy.

"That was funny!" She said still laughing.

I stood there, forcing out my laughs. I didn't find that very funny, I mean, sure it was funny in a sense, but meh. I just don't find it this funny.

Nova stood and wiped a tear out of her eye, "Wow, we need to do more pranks like that one."

I forced out a chuckled, "Yeah, we sure do."

She nodded happily, "But not right now. I want to do something else."


Stupid wings! Why do you keep popping out?!

Nova giggled, "Why do you keep opening your wings?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, they keep doing it by themselves."

She walked over and looked them over, "Strange, my wings have never done this." She reached out and began to try and push them back down to my side.

My face burned red when she touched my wings. What's wrong with me?

"Go down!" She growled as she tried to push them down to their normal position.

Why do I feel so nauseous? Wow, her hooves feel good... WHY DO I KEEP THINKING LIKE THIS?!

"AHA! Gotcha!" Nova yelled out as she finally pushed my wings down.

I turned to face her and forced a chuckled, "Thanks Nova..."

She smiled proudly, "No problem Spark!"

We stood there for a few seconds in silence till...

"Haha! That's my boy!" Came a voice from the doorway.

I turned to see my dad, Kara in his arms. How long has he been there?

He chuckled, "Come on Spark, we're going to see Uncle Seth and Zorrow."

I smiled, "More Uncles?!"

He nodded, "Yep." He looked past me at Nova, "Hey Nova, how you doing?

She giggled, "Hey Uncle Lance! I'm doing great! Me and Spark had so much fun!"

Dad smiled, "I'm glad. Come on Spark, lets get a moving." He turned and began to walk away.

I turned to Nova and smiled, "See you later Nova."

She giggled and waved, "Bye Sparky."

My heart fluttered when she said that. I suddenly felt light headed... oh here we go...

I began to stumble after my dad, head swaying side to side.

.... What's wrong with me?

Lance's POV

I looked back at Spark, who was swaying side to side as he walked.

I smiled, that's my boy alright.

<Awwww! He's in love!>
[Ugh! Love is over rated!]
<... That's not what you said during our little talk about our love for Twilight.>
[Fuck you Dawn!]

I chuckled, its a good thing I'm not a concerned father.... wait.... should I be a concerned father?

Nah, those are the boring kind of dads, I'll try and be the fun, supportive father.


<Huh, Lance. Spark just passed out.>


I turned to see Spark, unconscious on the floor. Damn, that boy must be love sick... love sick hehehe.

I walked back to Spark and picked him up. What am I going to do with this kid?

After I had him in my arms in a comfortable position for me and Kara, I began to walk for the front door of the Palace. Time to find out what this little competition is that Seth is setting up. This better not be something that has something to do with Fluttershy....