A Aliena Orbis

by Gidget_TheGear

A day with the girls(Edited)

Three days passed as he wallowed in depression. Hell, the only reason he could sleep at night is because Fluttershy sang him to sleep each night. He hardly went into town and when he did he avoided everyone. He was so depressed that it actually seemed as if the colors of Equestria had dulled. He hadn’t seen any of the girls save Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and when he saw her he quickly turned the other direction. Finally, as he sat in the bathroom, he decided to look at him in the full length mirror Rarity had given Fluttershy. His long brown hair looked absolutely disgusting and greasy as he had not actually showered in days. Yet it also seemed… flat and dull… as this had never happened before he was a little curious… but, he was far too depressed to actually care. His plain black shirt was wrinkled and coated in various animals’ fur and seemed almost like a dark grey. His white pants seemed stained by the dirt. His white shoes were coated in grime. Fuck, don’t even mention his smell, the only reason Fluttershy hadn’t said anything was because she was too nice to tell him that he smelled like the underside of a camels balls. He took a deep breath and called out. “Fluttershy are you home?”
“Yes. What… um… what do you need?” Her quite response came from behind the door.
“Well, I am going to take a shower and these are the only clothes that I have… do you know where I can have them washed?” He asked a bit ashamed.
“Yes. I can take them to Rarity… I mean… if that’s ok.” She stated.
“Yes that should be fine. Thank you.” He said his depression still evident in his voice. He quickly undressed and set the clothes outside of the door from behind the door. Fluttershy eeped from the other side of the door. “Sorry, are you ok.”
“Um… yes… I am just fine. I just wasn’t expecting shoes as well.” Her quiet reply came.
“Shit, sorry those must have gotten stuck in the pant legs. I didn’t mean to put those out there. If it’s ok can you set them by the front door so that I can wash them later?” He asked, his voice sounding dull.
“I can take those over to Rarity as well… if that is ok with you of course.” She stated meekly.
“I guess that’s fine…” He replied in a way that can only be described as being well grey.
“Ok.” Was all she said before walking away. He took his shower but, didn’t get out when he was done. He just stood there underneath the shower head until the hot water went cold and it forced him to get out. He looked out to see if Fluttershy had returned. Not seeing her anywhere he wrapped a towel around his waist and looked at the mirror once more. He no longer looked gross but, he still seemed to look lackluster. Even his eyes looked duller than usual. Still too depressed to really think this over he headed to the room that had been converted to guest room for him and sat down on the edge of the bed. He put his face in his hands and began to silently cry. Before long he felt a really soft furry hand rubbing his back. He jumped a little at the touch and looked up to see who it was and, much to his confusion, it was Pinkie Pie. He laughed sadly and said, “so you really can get anywhere at any time for any reason, I didn’t even hear any of the doors open. Is your Pinkie Sense real as well?”
“Yep, it sure is.” She said her eyes looking at him with a knowing he never thought was possible.
“Do you know what is going on?” He asked never looking away from her brilliant blue eyes.
“I know enough.” Was all she said.
“I miss them so much…” He stated trying to hold back his tears.
“I know you do and I know that we can never replace them, however, know this, no matter what happens, they still love you and who knows maybe you can find a way to see them again one day.” She continued while giving him a hug. He turned towards her and put his arms around her and once again bawled his eyes out. They stayed like that for half an hour before he pulled himself together. He pulled away, took a deep breath and smiled. Instantly the colors around him seemed brighter and the world seemed more vibrant. Pinkie Pie smiled in an astonished manner.
“What?” He asked in confusion. Her smile grew and she had a bit of a twinkle in her eye.
“OHMYGODYOUCANDOITTOO!” She exclaimed almost too fast for him to understand.
“Do what exactly?” He asked even more confused. She pulled a mirror out of nowhere and pointed it at him so he could see himself. His hair seemed to be back to its normal dark brown wavy self, his eyes seemed to have more luster than they did moments before, and still he dismissed it. “I still have no clue what you mean.” He said looking at her puzzled. Her smile never left her face.
“You can do this.” Instantly her pink coat became darker, the white shirt she had been wearing seemed to turn a bit dingy, the blue jean skirt faded, her mane and tail went flat and became darker as well and her eyes lost any of the previous sparkle. After a few seconds her mane and tail re-inflated and she was back to her normal Pinkie self.
“Wait… I actually deflate when I get depressed?” He asked still a little confused.
“Yeppers. I haven’t met anypony who can do that as well.” She said curiosity obviously hinged on every word. His eye twitched a bit before he laughed and laughed and laughed. At some point Pinkie joined him in his laughter. After a while he noticed that Fluttershy was standing in the doorway his clothing, folded and cleaned, in one hand and his shoes in the other. She had a bright smile on her face. He slowly caught his breath, still slightly chuckling.
“Guess what we found out.” He managed, still chuckling.
“I don’t know what you found out but, I would imagine it was good from all that laughing.” Fluttershy stated with a happy tone in her voice.
“I don’t know if it’s good but, it struck me funny none-the-less. When I get depressed I ‘deflate’ like Pinkie Pie does. She got me to ‘re-inflate’ not too long ago. I wonder what else I can do that she can do.” He said through a wide smile. Fluttershy seemed to get confused for maybe half a second before she herself had to stifle a quiet chuckle.
“I don’t know how the girls are going to react to two Pinkie Pies.” Fluttershy said through her smile.
“Bubble Berry, not Pinkie Pie. That’s the male form.” He said without thinking. Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide. “Um… I mean… uh…” He stammered out. “Damn it!” He exclaimed softly. Pinkie Pie once again had that knowing smile on her face. “Pinkie Pie… I’m not supposed to say anything about that… mind helping me out?” He asked quietly enough that Fluttershy couldn’t hear.
“Hmm… what would I get out of it?” She whispered back.
“One favor. The only limit is that I can’t die.” He answered quietly.
“Silly, I wouldn’t get you killed. You promise?” She asked in her hushed tone.
“I promise.” He answered getting a bit anxious that Fluttershy would get suspicious of our conversation.
“You Pinkie promise?” She continued, a small lilt to her voice.
“Yes I Pinkie promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” He answered back in a hushed tone.
“Okie-dokie-Lokie.” She stated before looking at Fluttershy. “He and I started thinking up male names of all our friends after we figured out that he can do some of the stuff that I can.” She quickly continued then smiled a big smile and squeed.
“Oh… ok… um… could you tell me what you came up with for me?… I mean if you don’t mind… you don’t have to…” Fluttershy asked meekly.
“Butterscotch.” He answered with a smile, thankful that the possible crisis had been avoided. “Rarity is Elusive, Rainbow Dash is Rainbow Blitz, Twilight Sparkle is Dusk Shine and Applejack‘s Apple Brandy.” He continued.
“That is actually very nice.” Fluttershy quietly said with a smile back on her face.
“Now… um… not to be rude but, can I get dressed. I don’t think nice mares like yourselves would care to much for me trying to do that with you still in the room.” He stated with a bit of humor. Fluttershy’s face turned scarlet and left immediately… with his clothes…
“Okie-Dokie.” Pinkie said as she bounced out closing the door. He just stood there for a bit waiting for Fluttershy to realize she had taken his clothes. He rolled his eyes after three minutes passed. Finally, he heard a knock on the door.
“Um… I seemed to have taken… uh… your clothes with me when I left… um…” She said through the door. He smiled and shook his head trying not to laugh.
“I know.” He said as He made his way to the door and opened it. She handed him his clothes and shoes and hurriedly left shutting the door again. He quickly got dressed and put his shoes on, cracked his neck and headed out into the main living area of the cottage. Fluttershy was feeding Angel bunny a carrot and was turned away from me as he walked in, “Fluttershy,” he said trying to get her attention. She eeped in surprise before turning towards me, “I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me through my little depression and for taking me in. You truly exemplify your element as your kindness truly knows no bounds. Can I show a bit of his thanks by giving you a hug?” He continued. Fluttershy smiled and walked up to me.
“Of course you can.” She said before giving him one of the warmest hugs he had felt in a long time. He smiled and returned the hug. He realized then that Fluttershy was actually quite a bit shorter than him as his chin actually sat on her head. Probably around 5’ or 5’1”. he thought as they hugged. When they stopped hugging he took the time to actually look at her and saw that she was wearing a green sleeveless sundress that complimented her fur, mane and eyes very well.
“You look really good.” He complimented absentmindedly. When his eyes made it back to her face again she was once again blushing, the red of her cheeks actually making her even cuter. “I’m sorry if I make you uncomfortable at all.” He said through a grimace.
“N… no… n… not uncomfortable… ju… just… unexpected… I don’t usually get… a lot… of… um… compliments…” She stammered out quietly.
“I don’t particularly see why you wouldn’t. You are absolutely gorgeous.” He said with a confused look. Her blush deepened. “Sorry, let’s um… let’s go see Twilight to see if she has any news from the Princesses before I cause you to burn up.” He continued as he looked off to his left at nothing in particular.
“Yes… um… let’s” she said more quietly than normal. They headed out the door and had an uneventful walk to the library. I knocked on the door and waited. Soon enough the door was opened by the knee high purple dragon that was Spike, he actually didn’t have to wear clothes and was almost identical to the Spike pictured in the cartoon, save for looking realistic instead of cartoony. Still even if he looked realistic he still was completely adorable.
“Hey Spike, is Twilight here?” I asked.
“Yep.” He answered and said in a louder voice towards the inside of the tree building, “hey Twilight! Tec and Fluttershy are here!”
“Coming!” We heard from up the stairs as we walked in. Clopping soon followed as she walked down the stairs with a book floating next to her head to the left, books in her left and right hands and a book off to her right floating as well. She set the all of her books down on a table after bookmarking them. “It’s good to see that you are feeling better Tec.” Twilight said as she sat down in a chair and motioned for us to do the same. I did so and saw that Fluttershy had as well. Then I remembered what had happened not too long ago and began to chuckle again before breaking out into laughter again. “It’s good to see you laughing but, what’s so funny?” She quizzed. As I was unable to catch his breath I looked at Fluttershy and politely motioned for her to explain.
“Well, it seems that both Tec and Pinkie Pie share some of the same quirks.” Fluttershy replied in her quiet fashion.
“Ok, I still don’t see how that is funny.” Twilight stated in a confused fashion. Pinkie Pie popped out of an empty ink bottle and said.
“Tec deflates like I do when he gets sad and poofs up when he becomes happy again. It just isn’t as noticeable on him. We don’t know what else he can do that I can buuuuuut, we are going to find out.” Pinkie Pie smiled a Cheshire grin and bounced out of the house and closed the front door. Twilight looked confused for a moment, then looked at him, her alarm apparent and her eyes wide.
“Wait you mean there could be two Pinkie Pies!” She nearly shouted, coming up off of her seat slightly. I finally caught his breath before answering.
“Probably not entirely, I have a bit more inhibitions then Pinkie seems to have. Still, her and I will be experimenting later. I am curious if I can do some of the more unexplainable things Pinkie can do. Probably not, is my guess.” I took another deep breath and completely regained his composure before continuing. “However, that isn’t what I came here to speak to you about. Have you received anything from Celestia detailing whether I have permission to expose my knowledge or not?” I could see her struggling with the knowledge that I could possibly have Pinkie Powers but she seemed to have calmed down a bit after I told her that I probably don’t.
“Unfortunately, no. I have yet to receive any word on that.” Twilight seemed a bit down when she said that, “however, we will get to see the Princesses in less than a week’s time, that is if you don’t mind coming to my coronation.” She finished.
“That is something I wouldn’t miss for the world.” I answered with a huge smile on his face, oh yeah, I get to see her become a Princess, I thought happily. Twilight smiled happily as well. I took the time to notice what she was wearing. She had an indigo button up vest on with a white button up shirt on underneath and a black skirt on. “Damn why the hell are you girls so beautiful.” I said without thinking. Both Fluttershy and Twilight stammered a bit as matching scarlet blushes grew across their muzzles. “Damn it all, I did it again!” I said vehemently. Spike was laughing and rolling on the ground clearly enjoying their embarrassment. “Well, at least it’s true.” I continued under his breath. I stood up and finished with, “Well, before I fluster either of you anymore I need to go and talk to Rarity and thank her for washing my clothes and shoes. Fluttershy thank you for taking me here.” I turned to walk out before hearing Spike exclaim.
“Rarity! Can I come with?” I took a deep breath and turned around.
“Normally I would say ‘no problem’ but right now I have to talk to her about something of a more personal matter. Sorry Spike. Next time for sure.” I stated as sincerely as I could. I motioned him over to him. He came closer and I whispered, “don’t worry I won’t try to put any moves on her.” His purple scaled face shone bright red as he stiffly nodded, walked to the stairs and sat down. I smiled and waved to the girls and Spike and walked out quite pleased with himself. I headed off towards Carousel Boutique feeling almost happy enough to bounce like Pinkie. On his way over I noticed Applejack selling apples from her stall and decided to talk to her. “Hey Apple Jack, how’s the day treating you?” I asked with a huge smile.
“Pretty good so far.” Applejack said. “So, ya feelin’ any better, pardner?” She asked, her concern obvious.
“Quite a bit better, actually. Pinkie Pie found a way to cheer me up. Afterwards I spoke to Twilight to see if any word had come from Canterlot. Unfortunately none yet.” I explained with a wide grin. “So, how much have you earned so far?” I asked.
“Well, ah got 12 bits in the last hour. Ah had Big Mac over here minden’ the stall this mornin’ not sher how much he pulled in.” She answered.
“Hmm. Well, I don’t particularly know if that is good but, good luck with the rest of your day none-the-less. Talk to you in a bit. I need to go and talk to Rarity and thank her for her help. See ya.” I said as I walked off. The Carousel Boutique was not too far from the Twilight’s Library, you could see it from her front door, so the actual walk there didn’t take him too long. I opened the door and heard the bell above him ring. “Rarity are you here?” I asked slightly loudly.
“One second, darling, I’ll be right with you.” I heard her state from up the stairs. Well, the Carousel Boutique looks almost identical to what was in MLP. That’s four places on that list. I thought still smiling. Rarity soon came down the stairs wearing a lovely red gown with her red glasses set up upon her horn. “Oh, Tec, how are you? I heard from Fluttershy that you weren’t feeling all that great.” She continued once she saw him.
“Yeah… She kind of said something that made me remember that I wouldn’t be able to see my family or my old friends anytime soon. Pinkie found a way to make me smile.” He answered. “I’ll be fine now.” He continued. “Anyways, I actually came over here to thank you for what you did for me this morning. Thank you very much for making sure my clothing got clean. I, also, am going to need more clothing than what I have on. I will do what I can to pay for them, as I can’t actually pay money for them I will do odd jobs and run errands for you. I don’t really need much though. Please, will you help me with this?” He spouted out a worry apparent in his voice.
“Of course dearie and don’t worry too much about paying me back right now. I may have you do something for me later but, then again maybe not. It isn’t like your build is much different from a pony body. Though your shoes are much, much different.” Rarity stated as she went over to her work table. Ah, hell, why not I made half of the other Mane 6 I have met blush already, what’s one more. He thought.
“You know, you look utterly gorgeous and that dress really compliments you nicely.” He said to her, she was turned away from him and slightly bent over her work station giving him a pleasant view of her flank. Well, that is a nice view and I’m not even an ass person. He thought. Her flank wasn’t overtly big but at the same time wasn’t small and he guessed that it was pleasantly soft.
“Why thank you.” She said as she turned around and caught him in the act of staring at her flank. His eyes slowly traveled up to her face as a guilty grin formed on his face. She had her glasses down in atop her muzzle now but was looking over the top of them with a knowing smirk on her face. His face felt like it was in a furnace he was blushing so badly. Well, I guess karma works here too. He thought as he looked everywhere but at Rarity. “Darling, you really should watch where your eyes wander. A gentlecolt should have a more trained eye than that.” She stated. He saw a chance for redemption and took it.
“Ah, but Rarity my eyes are trained. They are trained to only partake in beauty, in all forms. Be it physical or internal.” His blush faded as he partook in a bit of chivalrous sounding smartassery. This time it was her turn to blush. She turned back towards her desk it seemed as if she was bent over a bit more but he couldn’t really tell.
“Well then, um… I think I will your clothing ready before Twilights coronation.” She managed to say, without turning towards him.
“Ah, speaking of that. I have been invited to her coronation and would very much like to attend. Would it be too much to ask if you have something I could borrow to wear? I wouldn’t want to look anything less than dashing for that and I know that you don’t settle for anything less than utterly fabulous.” He said to her, his eyes continued to wander towards her flank but, wouldn’t let himself stare as he quickly found something else to stare at just to find his eyes wandering once again.
She quickly turned around and looked at him, her face filled with utter glee. “I won’t have you borrow anything, I will just have to make something for you. Something that will be absolutely gorgeous. Something that will accent your natural beauty and show just how handsome you can be.” She stated; her eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement. He could almost see the amount of ideas running through her head. Soon he was in nothing but his black boxer briefs getting all of his measurements taken. When she started measuring down his thighs he closed his eyes and thought don’t get a boner repeatedly as he tried not to think of how hot the mare measuring him was. “You seem to have a lot less fur than I thought you would. I mean, after Fluttershy told me what you told her, I expected you to have quite a bit.” She said thoughtfully.
“Well, normally I am furrier than I am now. Not much more but still more. I shaved the day prior to me being transported here.” He said gracious to have something to think about other than the mare in front of him.
“Shaved?” She said quizzically.
“Yeah, I prefer to have very little or no body hair. Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you it isn’t fur, it’s hair. My kind lost almost all of our ability to grow fur once it was no longer a necessity.” He answered. Thankfully his measurements were taken without incident. Not so thankfully he let his guard down after he put his shirt on and his mind wandered. His manhood peeked out of the opening in front, which, while not too noticeable, was a bit stretched. He immediately tried to hide what had occurred behind his pants but, the blush on her face told him that he wasn’t quick enough. “Um… I’m… um… well, sorry… that is something that sometimes happens…” He muttered as his face flushed scarlet.
“Well… I… suppose so… um well… I have to go and start on your… clothing…” she stammered as she quickly made her way up the stairs slamming the door. He returned to putting his clothing on after he tucked his slightly protruding member back where it belonged. Good thing I didn’t get completely hard that would have been far, far more awkward. He thought. A muffled moan came from upstairs as he put his shoes on and rather than ponder on what she was doing he booked it out of the Carousel Boutique and found himself in the middle of town. He was bent over breathing heavily, less from the running and more so from the mental stimulation that had just occurred.
“Hey, haven’t seen you around since the day you got here.” Rainbow Dash said from above him. She didn’t sound too amused.
“Yeah, I kind of had a little breakdown. Pinkie fixed it.” He answered as he caught his breath and looked up. … bad idea… she was in a denim skirt and was flying just high enough that he could see that she wasn’t wearing any panties under her spats. He immediately looked down. “Um… you… you should come lower to the ground…” He managed to say.
“Why?” She asked genuinely confused. He looked around to see if anyone was around, seeing no one within hearing distance, he told her.
“I can tell you aren’t wearing any panties underneath your spats.”
“Oh…” was all she said before closing in on the ground. He didn’t look up until he could see her hooves hovering inches above the ground. She wore a dark blue t-shirt on with the logo ‘Wonderbolts’ printed in yellow and yellow lightning bolts going down from her shoulders. Also, he noticed that her wings were pretty small and only extended to her elbow. Well they are magical denizens of a magical world, he thought as his brain tried to apply Earth biology to the light blue Equestrian. She had her hands on her hips and was looking at him with an unamused looking half smirk she still had a bit of a blush on her face but, it was barely noticeable. “So, you said that you had some stunts you could share with me?” She asked almost deadpan.
“Yeah… I kind of said that in the spur of the moment… I can give you some ideas… but… I can’t think of any right now.” She rolled her eyes. “However,” a mischievous grin played itself across his face, “I do have a prank we can do right now.” That got her attention and her face lit up with excitement.

Half an hour and 14 bits later

Pinkie Pie was bouncing through the park with her normal glee and happiness. Suddenly she was jerked off her feet. “Weee!” She screamed in delight as she was turned upside down and dangled from a tree by one hoof. She heard a something pulling against something and giggled with pure happiness. In no time at all she heard something snap and felt herself being sling-shot into the air. “WEEEEEEEEEEE!” She screamed with a fun filled smile on her face. She found herself slamming face first into a giant tiered cake with pink and white frosting. She noticed, before she hit, that the cake had red icing on it that spelled out, ‘Got’cha Pinkie, Tec and Dash’. She giggled as she popped out of the cake and said, “That was fun, can we do it again?” Her face still turned up in her adorable perpetual smile. Rainbow Dash and Tec were laughing their asses off from behind a bush as she got out of the cake and, somehow, licked all of the icing and cake bits off of her in one fell swoop. She devoured the cake in record time and bounced over to them giggling. “Hey Dashie, hey Tec!” She exclaimed happily. “You know what this means right.” Her smile grew to a Cheshire grin and she got a glimmer in her eye that caused both Dash and Tec to stop laughing and shiver a bit. “PRANKWAR!” She screamed joyously. Dash and Tec looked at each other and thought the exact same thing… Oh, shit… what have done… Then they both took off in opposite directions.

About 10 minutes later

Tec was breathing heavily from all his running as he looked up to see where he was. Somehow he ended up directly under the tree where they had set up the first part of the prank. He heard flapping and saw Dash flying towards him. “That was so awesome!” She said once she got close enough.
“You can say that again.” He said as he laughed some more. He held up his fist and Dash quickly responded in kind “Oh, you know those stunts I was talking about?” He asked after they laughed a bit more. She raised one eyebrow and nodded an affirmative. “I remembered something that you may like to see.” He said with a wide grin. She smirked at him and they headed back towards town. Three minutes later they made it back to the middle of town. Tec judged the distance between each of the buildings and thought, Yeah, should be fine. He stretched his legs, back and arms a bit. He checked his pockets, something he had yet to do since he got to Equestria, and found that he had left his black biking gloves and his handy spring loaded switch blade in his pocket. He knew his shoes weren’t preferable for what he was going to do but, decided to try anyways. “Hey Dash, can you hold this for me?” He asked as he pulled both of his gloves and his knife out and held out the knife for her to take. She did with a confused expression. He slid the form fitting gloves on and stretched his legs a bit more. He looked around a bit more and plotted a bit of a route. Then, he took off. He ran up to a nearby tree and ran up it a bit before catching himself on a branch and flipping himself off of it and onto the top of the flower shop. He continued his running and picked up speed before leaping off of the flower shop and ‘rolling’ in the air over to a nearby building with a flat roof. He picked up speed and did a sort of spinning flip that led into a back flip over to the next flat roofed building. Catching himself on the edge and pushing himself into another spinning flip that turned him around, he bolted forward making more and more flips as he went from one flat topped building to another finally ending up next to Twilights library jumping over to one of the tree’s branches bounding off of it doing another spinning flip and rolling on the ground before ending up on his feet. Rainbow Dash was flying about 15 feet away from him with a giddy look on her face and her wings flapping stiffly. She landed right next to him and got right in his face. Her wings were still spread wide apart.
“That… was… So… AWESOME!!” She exclaimed giddy with excitement, she almost sounded like she was squeaking her voice went so high. “You HAVE to teach me how to do that!” She continued.
“I… can… but, later… ok…” He said between deep breaths. After a while he finally caught his breath and said, “Hey, hand me my knife.” She did and he pocketed it again, he pulled his gloves off and used the Velcro on them to fasten to his pants. “Hey, I’m starving wanna grab a bite to eat?” he asked her.
“Sure, let’s go.” She said as they headed off towards a nearby café. After they ate and parted ways he walked and thought. Where do I want to go next? Let's see if Applejack is finished. He was still a bit tired from the running but, wanted to make up for the past few days. He made his way over to check if her stall was still up and found her standing next to it packing everything up.
"You need any help?" He asked as he neared the stall.
"Sher. Why don'tcha load up some of them apples over there inta the cart." Applejack answered as she pointed to some buckets under the stall.
"Ok." He said as he loaded up the buckets. He found them to be a bit heavy and was thankful that he was in better shape than he had been in a long time. Thank the gods for my interest in parkour and martial arts. He thought. After loading up all of the buckets, he decided to be a bit chivalrous and offered to pull the cart. Needless to say he was sweating his ass off when they finally pulled into the Apple farm. Big Mac came and took the cart from him once they entered and Big Mac non-nonchalantly pulled it into the barn. He just looked at the barn and thought, fucking earth ponies. He caught his breath and stretched. He looked at Applejack and saw that she was wearing jeans that fit her very snugly, a long sleeved, white, button up shirt with a green vest, that was left open, over it and, of course, she was wearing her brown stetson over her blond locks. All though she was toned, she was, also, pretty curvaceous. "You girls are almost unbelievably beautiful." He said quietly. Apparently not quietly enough as her face immediately brightened in a blush.
"Um... well... Ya, really think so?" she stuttered.
"Well, yeah. I mean, take you, for example. You are toned but, at the same time you have curves on you that would make a lot of women from my world jealous. Your eyes are utterly stunning and, while you may not take care of it like Rarity does with hers, your mane and tail are beautiful." He stated matter of factually.
"Wow... Ah, ain't never got a compliment like that..." She said. She was still blushing but her face had a look of disbelief.
"Well, I suggest you get used to it. I kind of have a habit of complimenting beauty when I see it. Especially when the outer beauty matches the inner beauty." He said with a smile on his face. Applejack shook her head in disbelief. He walked over to her and brought her into a warm hug. "If anyone ever tells you that you are anything other than absolutely stunning they’re just an idiot." He said quietly. He could feel her heat up as they hugged and he let her go. "Hey, wanna let Winnona play with Anubis at some point?" He asked.
"Sher... why not..." She stated her face still beyond red. After that he waved goodbye to her while he walked to Fluttershy’s cottage as the sun went down. All in all that was a good day. Started off a bit rough but ended great! He thought as he laid down for a little nap, after all that running and jumping and working he was beyond exhausted. Darkness settled in as he fell asleep feeling better than he had in days.