This Beautiful Darkness Shall Protect Me...

by Timemaster

35-A king am I!

I fell.

I fell for hours, days, or maybe years, and could only think. Of what, I do not remember. But... I remembered myself before slamming into something without pain.

I woke up on top a pile of rubble in, what I presumed, to be the real world again. I smiled, looking leftwards. There was a body of a humaniod dog, and I put on its armor. It was too big, but with a simple handwave, it fit on me perfectly. The things I remember now of my past lives was odd, for I could recall magic used by previous mes, but that does not matter.
I fly upwards, through the roof of the building, and keep on flying until I reached the bottom of this planets mesopause, and looked down on this small world. This small world that is filled with joy and happiness, also has hideous monsters and heinous criminals. Why? Because its leaders are powerless.
I swear to this planet, and all of its inhabitants, that I will save this planet in the one way I know how.

By ruling it.

I woke up from underneath the rubble, melting it into ooz around me. I felt much weaker than before, but that just might be Wizard's sickness from using too much magic. Underneath me was, what I presumed, to be the actual leader of the pirates. He had this look to him. (he also had a nametag that said 'Captain')
I go upstairs, marveling at a weird gap in the ceiling. Well, marveled, because I then saw a big pile of loot. But not any loot!
I saw magical trinkets of all shapes and sizes, each emanating a beautiful aura. I put on the ones I liked, and deconstructed the ones I did not. What I chose was a cool cloak that seemed to have a kind of stelth enchantment. That is funny, because the cloak is extremely decorated—like a true king's cloak should be.
There was also a small crown that must have gone to a king or prince or something, for it was enchanted with a calming spell. Thank goodness, for I needed that after nearly being killed by rocks as a god-like mage.
I gloat lightly, the crown making me feel good and sound nice, and silently exclaim, "A king am I!"