Burned Passion

by worldwide339

Chapter 1-Crushed

It was raining today, and it matched my mood.

After two blissful months, my girlfriend Peace Harmony, broke up with me. It doesn’t help that I’m a Pegasus in an earth-pony city for school. It also doesn’t help that I mostly got a girlfriend because everyone else was getting into a relationship, but we were happy. One of my friends, a bat-pony named Tarot Fortune, didn’t seem to get the point.

"So you were together for a month?” she said munching on a peach on our way to school. I sighed, as a couple other students nervously walked around my sharp-toothed friend. Tarot wouldn’t hurt a fly if not provoked but she did like to freak the other ponies out.

“Two months, Tar,” I said frowning, “and it was a good two months.”

She laughed and nudged me with her wing, “I know World-Wide buddy, no need to scrunch your face up. There are plenty of birds in the sky.”

I chuckled at her joke, “don’t you mean fish in the sea?”

“You should know that wings and water don’t mix.” Tarot said, fluttering her own bat wings, she was quiet for a moment but then smiled. “Actually, don’t I have a fish in mind, Zone Blitz is single...”

I couldn’t help my blush as I turned to the object of my affection: He was an earth pony, bigger than me, royal purple coat, a mane gelled up to a sort of Mohawk on his head, a football as his cutie mark, and a really nice smile. I’ve seen him before, he was a football player, and I really didn't think he was impressive with a helmet on. Without the helmet, he looked down right hot. Tarot has lunch with him and says that he’s a good pony but he’s two years older than me. He was fooling around with his friends, playfully tossing paper balls at each other. He looked adorable as his cheeks flushed and he laughed.

“Defiantly a coltcuddler…” Tarot said, snapping me out of my stupor with a smirk, her golden eyes flashing. “Let’s get your stallion Wide.”


Tarot snickered, “Well, you got your cutie mark finally, so you can move up in your classes. We can have some of the same classes, and you know Zone is in my classes.” I suddenly felt embarrassed as I looked at the globe on my cerulean flank. I had discovered my talents for maps and geography just in time to apply to the same school for royal guards in training along with Tarot in her second year. It was my dream to travel the world and find new places with my talents but I needed some training first. Ponies with cutie marks got to go to special classes together, and I had watched them from afar long enough.


“Exactly,” Tarot said, interrupting me. “Now let’s go, we have our technology class with Wing nut and Fire wall!”

Just making the bell, me and Tarot walked up to our three other friends: Avalon Seashore, Firewall, and Wing Nut. Tarot immediately started talking with Firewall about our latest project and Avalon was trying to untangle Wing Nut from the wires. I was so happy that I was oblivious to everything that was going on. Avalon saw how dazed I was and had to ask me three times before I answered. “What?”

"World Wide, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, just a little happier than normal." I said trying to keep the blush from rising to my face and avoiding Tarot’s smirk.

"Why?" Wing Nut asked still tangled in the wires.

I was so nervous, I tried saying it, but I was too afraid to say it. Tarot was now snickering and nudging me. I decided to say it. "I fell in love with a football player."

"Really, dude?" said Fire Wall.

“Who?” Avalon asked.

“Yeah Wide, who?” Tarot asked with fake innocence.

I blushed even harder, “Zone Blitz.” Firewall stomped his hoof and shoved a bag of green apples to Tarot, who was a bit too happy to see my distress. I felt the need to back pedal. "Yeah, he doesn't even know I exist, but one day he will." I said.

“How about today?” Tarot said, not looking from her screen. I didn’t need her talent for seeing the future to know who was about to walk through the door. When I saw him I got so flustered, I decided to run and hide under the table. Oh man, even the way he walks was hot. I feel like I fell in love all over again. After he was gone, I came back out, and as luck would have it, Avalon, Fire Wall, and Wing Nut were giving me smiles and goofy looks while Tarot gave me an annoyed pout.

“Awe, you’re no fun Wide” she said, although a smile was tugging at her mouth.

"Is he the one you fell for?" Asked Avalon sassily, peeking over the computer to get a glimpse. I was blushing from head to toe, when she said that.

"Y-yeah, so." I stuttered.

"Dude, he is way out of your league." said Fire Wall.

"Yeah, but that's what you said about Wing Nut, and now you two are dating." I proclaimed. To make my point Tarot ‘accidently’ slapped him with her wing. He growled, but the bat-pony only had to flash her fangs to get him to shut up. I gave a smile of thanks.

"Look, let's not have a fight. World Wide, he is way out of your league, but if that is what you want, then that's what we'll support." Avalon said. "Right you guys?"

“Yup! Let’s set you up,” Tarot said absently, checking her computer. When we all looked at Wing Nut and Firewall, they were both wrapped up in wires.

"Really guys, Really?" I said.

"Sorry, didn't hear what you said, but we will support him and his love and stuff," said Wing Nut. Fire Wall gave a nod of agreement.

"Thanks you guys." I said.

"It's no big deal, we're in it together, and stick by your side no matter what." said Tarot, Avalon nodded happily.

The teacher, Camera Flash, walked in and started to call groups together.

“…group #12, Tarot Fortune, World Wide,” Tarot nudged me with a smile, “Wing Nut, Fire Wall, Avalon Seashores…oh, and Zone Blitz.” I felt my heart leap into my mouth as Tarot nudged me even harder and Avalon barely concealed a squeal. Zone Blitz trotted up with a friendly smile, unfortunately, his friend Line Backer was right behind him. A jerk, bully and a bit touched in the head, it didn’t take a genius to see the nasty comment waiting to be spat from his mouth.

“Sorry I gotta leave you with these weirdoes Z.B.,” he gave a creepy wink at Tarot and Avalon. “You know, we can always switch Bonbon and Carrot Top for you two.”

Tarot hissed and Avalon stuck out her tongue. Thankfully, Line Backer took the hint and walked away.

"Hey, don’t listen to that idiot" Zone Blitz said.

"We don’t care about that idiot." Avalon said. "Why do you even hang out with him?"

"He's on the football team too, and we bonded pretty fast." He said looking in my direction. I was really blushing right now. "Hey, is your friend okay? I’ve never seen that shade of red."

“I want your adopted foals.” I said suddenly.


"I have to go." I said in a flash. I had ran away from them. "That was the stupidest thing I have ever done." I said to myself. I was so embarrassed, and I really wanted to do it over again, but there is no way I can. I am a Pegasus and unicorns' don't have that kind of magic. I'll be stuck with it for the rest of my life.