Finding South Dakota

by Daylight Storm

You belong to me

You belong to me

The nurse was busy telling me what to be careful about but I didn't hear a thing I couldn't if I tried. As she spoke I heard a bell tolling in the distance. As the bell tolled sound started to become distorted around me and time slowed down.

"What is going on?" I thought and then air around me grew cold.

Before long the others stopped moving all together and the world tinted orange. I looked at the sky it was moving really quickly and what clouds I could see were red.

"That's weird even for Equestria." I said and covered my mouth.

My throat! It... it didn't hurt at all come to think of it none of my body did but at a glance it was clear as I dragged my "hoof" along my arm and smeared the blood there that I wasn't better but there was no pain at least. I tried to get out of the bed but couldn't move, looking again I noticed that I could move but not any object other than myself or what was on me, meaning the blanket was trapping me. Sliding backwards and out from the covers I sat on the bed and looked backwards. The blanket was still in the same spot in the shape of me under it that was when I tested my new body.

"Yeah they ponized me alright." I said outloud flexing my new left forehoof.

It was weird how it bent like that same with my legs. I dared to stand upright and was met with a face full of nearby dresser.


I felt blood dripping off my face I must have broken my nose with that attack of stupidity but again no pain. Trying again I managed to stand up shaky but I got used to it though I could tell that my new legs would not like this normally. Leaving the room and using the wall to brace myself I walked down the corridor and checked the other rooms. Everypony was frozen nothing was moving but me.

"Well clearly whatever is going on has something to do with me. Grandpa's always said I had the devil's luck but so far I have yet to see the good part of that luck." I grumbled.

My new ears flicked knocking my hat over my eyes smearing it with blood.

"Ah damn it." I said and tried to wipe it off.

"Hello?" A voice called out.

What the?

"Hey is anyone there?" I called out.


It was a voice I moved down the hallway and down the stairs I heard the calls for help echoing up ahead.

"Get away from me!" The voice called out again now clearer and I finally was able to see who was calling for help.

It was a mint green unicorn strapped down to a table. There was strange presence wrapping around her hind legs that she was kicking at.

"Help!" She called out again it was starting to get a hold on her.

I got to the door but couldn't open the door it was a knob designed to be open by the unicorn doctor most likely.

"What the? Damn it!" I said fumbling with the knob.

"What are you doing!?" She said finally hearing me.

"I can't open the door!" I said still trying.

"Just turn the handle it's not rocket science!"

"I don't have fingers anymore the damn doctor cut mine off!

"Then bite it you still got teeth don't you?"

She was right. I grabbed the knob with my mouth and turned it bursting into the room. When I threw the doors open I rattled the nearby desk and a lamp fell over blasting the presence with light. It screeched in pain and withered away from her and into the darkness nearby. Seeing this I grabbed the lamp and shined it directly on the presence. It screeched again and slide into the air duct nearby.

"That was close." I sighed putting the lamp down.

"Hey great job and all but can you cut me loose before that thing comes back?" She asked.

I moved up to the table and put my hooves on it. Looking around I noticed release buttons and pushed them and she sat up rubbing her horn.

"Gah this thing has been itching like crazy since I got it." She said and sighed in relief as she finally scratched it.

"What do you mean since you got it?" I asked and hit the button for her legs but it got stuck I started to bite at the leather strap to cut her free, after all I wasn't about to try to wield a knife in my mouth at the moment.

"Some weird... smokey thing slammed this into my forehead awhile ago." She said and watched me work.

Finally I bite through it and she rubbed her leg.

"Smokey thing... did it have a red horn?" I asked.

"Yeah it did and green eyes."

That was one of the monsters that did this to me...

"Were you in a forest?" I asked next but she shook her head.

"No I woke up on this table last thing I remember was a thunderstorm going on then I woke up here a few hours ago. I've been strapped to this table the whole time. Then that thing came into the room and slammed this... thing into my head and after that I was attacked by that thing you saved me from. I thought I was going to die to tell you the truth." She said leaning toward me and I screamed.

"You did." Was all I could say pointing at her face.

Her left eye... was gone just a gaping hole and I could see a clear wound all the way through her head as if something had been slammed through it.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

That's right the pain thing... I couldn't feel pain either so how could she even know? She must think her eye is simply bandaged as save for the hole most of her face was bandaged.

"It doesn't matter... I'm beginning to think you and I have passed on." I said and I grabbed my jaw and pulled on it making her scream.

My jaw nearly broke away from my face as I pulled on it making the wire come undone no way I could be alive and do that.

"W-we can't be dead!" She denied.

"Your strapped to a morgue exam table." I said and she looked down with a scream there was a drainage sink under her still filled with the blood that didn't drain out.

"No... no no no I can't be dead!" She sobbed.

I looked at my left fore hoof at the scars of my missing fingers.

"I'm amazed I lasted as long as I did." I thought.

After awhile she calmed down though I'm not sure how long awhile was really with no time flowing it could have been days or minutes. Plus you know we were underground. I took this time to think back on last night in the forest. I remember the camp fire and the 4 monsters that did this to me. It was hazy but I remembered part of the conversation. I had woken up once before they left me there but didn't remember until now as my mind had a chance to process with the pain gone.

That night

"Hmm... I'm not satisfied with the results." The star monster said.

"Well it was our first try after all I think we did a splendid job." spoke the animal monster.

"A good job? This monstrosity will never pass as one of them it has no mane fur or tail and a single examination will prove it doesn't have magic either!" The dark one yelled.

"But we have learned something very important we don't need the body it's self simply the soul. One of my children has informed me of a terrible accident and the victim is hanging by a thread. She will be for our next test subject a fully functioning body and thanks to my efforts we have a soul to practice with." The insect monster said holding up a lantern with it's magic.

A mint green will o wisp with a lyre in the center was visible.

"Better yet this soul is highly compatible with the existing body the wavelengths are surprisingly compatible." She grinned.

"Do as you see fit I will be taking this one as agreed upon. It's flame is almost snuffed out and it will be a perfect vessel for me. After all it belongs to me now." The star monster said and forced it's way into my body the pain overloaded my senses and I passed out again to wake up when I thought I originally did.


"That thing is inside me." I realized.

"Correct." A voice rang out and we both gasped.

The star monster rose up from my shadow and I slide away from it but she followed.

"What is that!?" The unicorn screamed.

"Silence!" the star monster commanded and she whimpered softly.

She curled around my body and I felt it growing colder then before as her face moved in front of my own.

"Hello Son." She said plainly.

"Son?" I asked.

"Indeed you are my son. You are also my Vassel and Vessel from now on."

She caressed my face with a soft but sinister smile.

"It is thanks to me that you are still on this plane after all. Without me the collector would have dragged you to Tartarus by now." She claimed.

"Tartarus... Hell?" I asked.

"Well it's very similar to your so called hell but unlike yours ours is quite real indeed and far more woeful. You see Anthony that is your name right? Ugh such a ugly thing I'll have to take care of that later. Tartarus is both the origin and end of all things. Ponies dragons monsters we all crawled out of Tartarus and we will all return to it. I myself however am the exception. I wasn't born of tartarus no no I was born of the moon. I am the living embodiment of the moon's darkness as well as the nightmares it creates. They feed me they strengthen me and until quite recently they held me against my will." She growled.

Celestia... even I knew this tale very well by now.

"But my son you don't know the whole tale." She said interrupting my thinking.

"Wait how did you know I was thinking about that?" I asked.

"I am apart of you now everything you know I know as well~" She hummed.

"But that doesn't make sense how can you be the incarnation of the moon?" I asked.

"You know the answer but you dare not speak my name." the monster spoke.

"I'm afraid too." I admitted.

"You have no choice say the name of your savior! Say the name that will pluck you from purgatory away from the vile beast that stalks the halls, gathering weak and helpless souls and dragging them to their doom. Say the name of one that will heal you enough to let you awaken and that of your sister too. I am bound to you but she knows to much I will not let these secrets escape into Tartarus I will link your souls together and control you both now say it boy say the name of your mistress, your mother, your queen!" She commanded.

I gulped as I felt time begin to start back up my pain returning, and my heart starting to race once more. Before my eyes the gaping wound in the unicorn's head healed over as she shook her head pleading quietly not to speak her unholy name.

"Nightmare moon."