Vinyl Secret.

by Proud Blank Flank


Okay so I lied. Star Shy isn't Vinyl Scratch's older sister and Vinyl didn't suffer from amnesia. I created a false reality that you as a reader might have been gullible enough to believe, but even then I did what I did and I can't take it back. I have no regrets, simply because if I regretted my past, I wouldn't be truly thankful for what I have in my life right now, though; I faced many situations in my life where, at the time they happened, I wished they hadn't. But after the storm had passed and everything in my life cleared up for the better, I learned that the good I have, came from the bad.

Chapter 6: Awaken.
(30 Minutes later)

System Reboot. . .
Vinyl Scratch slowly opened her eyes to find herself laid flat against the cold floor within the darkness of that very room. Vinyl raised her head and looked around, though she couldn't see anything within that void of black. Trying to collect her thoughts of the previous hour, she rubbed her head and eyes with her hooves, unfortunately; she had no memory of what happened.
Dry tears and some kind of other liquid stained her face, which made her curious about what lurked in the dark that she had no vision of. An empty feeling of dread took refuge within her being that produced nausea. If Vinyl had eaten anything when she arrived to her parents house, she might as well have heaved right there.
She placed her right hoof flat on the floor, pushed herself up, and stumbled back down. A stinging sensation engulfed her hoof with such ferocity it made her teeth clench. She tried once again – placed her hoof on the floor, pushed herself up, and endured the discomfort.
Vinyl stood up straight, taking one step forward, and found her hoof in a puddle of a warm gooey liquid. Her heart pounded as she raised her hoof to her face to take a sniff. Whatever liquid that now stained her hoof smelled like blood. Vinyl shook her hoof, releasing the juices, fell back to the floor with her hooves over her face, closed her eyes tight, and wished nothing more but to be able to see in the darkness that surrounded her.
A discharge sounded off within her head. Kinda like the sound an old camera makes when the flash had to charge after use. Vinyl shuddered from being startled from the loud sound. Her eyes flinched tighter then opened slowly. To her surprise, she could see her hooves, then she looked up and everything she saw was shaded from light green to pitch black. All the windows were covered in drapes and the door was closed, which would explain why no light penetrated into the house.
She rubbed her eyes in disbelief of what her eyes could do. Vinyl looked up past her hooves and made out the shape of a pony, laid out on the floor in front of her in a pool of green light. Vinyl stood, suppressing the sensation her hoof gave her, and hesitantly stepped towards the body.
There lay Star Shy, sprawled out in a pool of her own blood with her hoof covering the EMP. It must have been activated, thus shutting down Vinyl's brain and turning off the power within the house. Vinyl gasped, backed away slowly with her hoof over her mouth, and started to tear up. The stinging sensation in her hoof fired up again, which made her look to see what it was.
A deep incision ran across her hoof and dry blood surrounded it. Her hoof started to shake uncontrollably in front of her eyes. Vinyl looked at Star Shy's body again and saw a new shape that settled itself into Star's skull.
Vinyl fought back her tears in order to squint. Tiny shiny particles scattered the floor next to Star's figure as if it had snowed only in that one spot. Vinyl then traced the blood back to where it had come from. A transparent object shaped like the bolt on Rainbow Dash's cutie mark resided in Star's forehead.
Vinyl took assumption to what the object had to be. She didn't want to admit that Star Shy was dead, nor did she want to accept the fact that a shard of glass punctured the fillies skull. No longer could she hold back her tears that built up within her ducts. The empty feeling within her body began to release sorrow through her eyes.
She took a few more steps back, bumping into the couch that was positioned behind her. Vinyl fell to the floor once again, taking in the inevitable truth that became of Star Shy. Lifting her hoof to rub her eyes, she acknowledged the presence of the opening on her hoof.
Her eyes weaved back and fourth between Star's body and her hoof. If Vinyl scratch had held the shard within her grasp, it would perfectly match the cut. Could she have killed Star Shy? She had no evidence to suggest other wise. With no memory of what happened after Star Shy activated the EMP and the fact the cut on her hoof matched perfectly with the size of the shard.
Vinyl's mind went blank and she started to giggle.
“This is all one bad dream and I haven't woken up yet. Heh. . . Heheh. . . Heheheheh. . . She's not dead, I'm just dreaming. Okay Vinyl, wake up now.” She said calmly. She giggled, laughed, and went on about how she would wake up any second.
“I'm gonna wake up any second now, and I'll be back in my bedroom sleeping.” She continued. Her pupils went into separate directions and she laughed hysterically, at least; until she realized she wasn't dreaming. At that point her giggles turned into sobs.
Jingle Jingle made the sounds of keys outside the door. She completely forgot that her parents had left. Keys jingled, despite the fact that the door was unlocked, and the door knob turned slowly.