//------------------------------// // An everyday life // Story: Finding South Dakota // by Daylight Storm //------------------------------// The next morning I woke up and yawned. Man that was a wonderful dream last night so what If I'd never really met the girls I'd always have the chat room. I picked up my camera and checked it over the pictures i took were gone the back had popped off again as usual. I still smiled though and got up and went downstairs I started cooking myself breakfast when I heard noises behind me. Turning around I dropped the frying pan startling the girls. "Whoa Tony you okay?" Rainbow dash asked eating a piece of toast. "W-what the!?" I half screamed. "Are you okay Tony? You look so frightened." Fluttershy said looking back at me. "W-what are you doing here!?" I demanded pointing at Fluttershy. Twilight looked at me with a bewildered look on her face. "Ya'll invited us remember?" Applejack said. "No I didn't! Did I?" I pondered. Clever as always Twilight soon figured out the problem. "Oh I know what's going on." She said then rolled up the newspaper she was reading and slapped me across the face with it a few times then unfolds it and resumes reading again. "Better?" I rubbed my jaw and nodded my head having finally calmed down. "Good so how is breakfast coming AJ?" She asked. I turned around as well and saw AJ had seized the frying pan I had dropped and was cooking eggs with it. "Almost done ya'll like scrambled eggs Tony?" She asked me. "Blech that must be my sister's doing I hate eggs I don't even keep them in the house." I waved her off and sat at the table. "You have a sister?" Rarity asked brushing her mane to finish getting it how she liked it for the rest of the day. "Yeah she's a pony like you girls." I answered taking a sip of the apple juice in front of me funny I don't remember buying this either, amazing flavor though. "Wait... if she's a pony why did you freak out when you saw us?" Twilight asked putting the paper down it was mostly in defeat as she couldn't read it anyway. "And how? I mean we had to use a royal level spell to get her that doesn't explain your sister at all." Came Fluttershy's response. "Well... She's not really my sister I found her in the basement one day there was a sigil on the floor she was teleported here somehow. As for why i was so shocked to see you girls she... is very different from how you look." I drank more of the juice and sighed. "Very different." "Can we meet her?" AJ asked as she served up everypony and myself. "No she never comes out of the basement to afraid to let anyone find out she isn't a human. Oh which reminds me you girls can't go outside unless it's in the backyard. That means no flying Rainbow dash sorry." I said and tucked into the pancakes she had made to go with them. They had a hint of apple to them amazing but still where did she get them? She wasn't really a farmer... was she? Well needless to say Rainbow dash was not happy about the no flying rule. "If anyone see's you it's all over I've told you all this if you're seen we're screwed." I finished after she had finally calmed down. "True... I mean it would be the same thing if we took him home it would be big trouble." Twilight said backing me up. "Yeah I may live in the middle of scenic no where but there is a road and people do drive down it now and then." "Tch so what am I going to do for 3 days?" Dash grumbled folding her forehooves. I grinned and reached under the table pulling out a box inside it was every movie Harrison ford was ever in. I put this collection together after listening to Dash go on and on about the wonderbolts. Harrison while he wasn't personally one of my favorite action stars was still legendary and the indiana jones series enough was sure to satisfy even Dash. Before you ask I left the need for speed series out on purpose that's one train wreck I didn't want going on in my house. "Eee so awesome!" Dash said snatching the box from me and flew into the other room to watch them. "Wow she already knows how to work the DVD player." Twilight said watching her. "She insisted I teach her how if she ever got here." I said with a smile. "What can I do?" Fluttershy asked. "Hmm... there is a forest behind my house if you promise not to go too far you can see if there are any animals nearby. I'm not sure if the animals around here are friendly to ponies but you can try your luck if you want." I said pointing it out to her. With a triumphant look on her face Fluttershy excused herself from the table and headed for the forest humming to herself. "What in tarnation happened to your backyard!?" AJ screamed when she say it. I looked out the window. The backyard was like something you see outside of a hermit's place abandoned neglected and the yellow grass was consuming all of it. Huh come to think of it I didn't even know I had a backyard. "Dang nabbit Tony ya'll can't have yard like that you can't grow nothing!" she scolded then throws her napkin down, puts her hat on and heads outside as well. Meanwhile Pinkie had found my pie plate and lifted the lid off but only to find crumbs to greet her. "What no snacks that's a crime against nature!" She said in outrage and started cooking. "Ugh darling your fashion sense is horrible I simply must do something about it." She said then leaves the room into the craft room belonging to my grandma and locks the door. From behind it I could hear the old sewing machine coming to life just like when I was little once again. Once they had left I simply smiled at myself and finished the last of my apple juice. "You clever boy." "Hmm?" I said and looked at the only one left Miss Sparkle herself. "You knew what we'd want to do when we got here. I can tell you let the backyard go bad on purpose, the pantry just happened to be stocked with a ton of cake and snack mixes ready to bake, and you're wearing that nasty shirt and shorts Rarity hates those colors and that marker is bleeding a little you made that eyesore last night didn't you?" She said. "I have no idea what your talking about Twilight." I said placing a picture book of the english alphabet on the table. Twilight snatched it up and brought out one of her own and set to work translating the letters so she could read the books in the house in a matter of hours leaving the room to find a quiet place to do so. "No idea at all." I smirked and kicked back in my chair quite pleased with how well my planning had actually gone off. However elsewhere as I'd later discover my new found happiness came with a price and the debters were already in action to collect payment from me. Far away on the other side of the portal deep in the heart of the largest forest in the world the Everfree 4 dark souls had come together for a meeting beyond time and space. Though you now their names well my friends by the time you read this at the time none of us did and in respect of that the mystery shall be written here as well. Each of the 4 came into the light of a small campfire one by one. The first a creature that seemed to be made of the stars themselves each step kicked up stardust as she moved close to the flames. The next was a travasty of nature. The creature could not be classified it was created from the limbs of various creatures so simply slapped together as if in a rush to create... anything. This foul one snicked as if remembering a funny joke as he glided up to the flames as well. The next creature another girl was as elegant as she was sinful. Even in something as simple as her movements moving up to the flames she gave off a devilish air and her tiny guardians reflected that same nature. While devoid of her elegance they shared her malice and her burning desires as well as the insect like appearance of this close but so far away race. The last to approach the flame could been far off into the distance as he moved toward the fire. He walked with pride and nobility and the shining red horn on his head glittered with very little light. But his eyes are what drew the most attention. A sinister green and red with teeth sharper then blades. By the time he reached the flames all had known well who he was without needing to see the crown on his head or the regal cape that covered his flank. "So the spell worked I see." The star monster spoke her voice displaced and distorted. Unlike the other 3 who had solid bodies her's was literally made of the stars as if a great tragedy had struck her and this was all that was left. "Indeed the imprinting was a perfect success. As we speak those silly girls have already passed on our little gift to him." The animal monster laughed floating just off the ground. "In just 3 days time the coming storm the enchantress foresaw will provide the power needed to drag him to this world and into our clutches." Said the insect creature licking her lips teasing her fangs on imaginary sustenance at the thought of it. "Indeed how fortunate we find ourselves working together after all. I had my doubts but anything to avoid the fates we have suffered in the past and recent present." The dark one spoke looking at the star monster. "Unlike the rest of you I wasn't given much time to plan and my defeat was needed in order to bring about their downfall. If they don't come together then driving them apart won't be revenge enough." She spoke a shooting star passing from the tip of her mane and across her face. "We have been given a chance few ever will. Our minds have been sent back in time to set right our defeats at the hooves of those so called Mane 6. Even in your defeat you have indeed laid the way as promised. Now it is our turns to do the rest." The insect queen spoke. "It is rather difficult doing much of anything in my state what with my body petrified still but being out of that stone prison is good enough I didn't escape just to be sent back in on the same day." The animal monster growed and clenched his paw. "I too am more sluggish then I'd like with my body locked away but being out early has allowed me to venture in and out of the dimension I sealed my empire in I will begin my side of things as soon as he is here." The dark one noted. "Then we shall regroup in 3 days. Keep your power in check at this point all of us could be easily defeated by Celestia no we will act carefully in a few short years we will all be back at full power and hopefully even more so. Don't abandon the plan working alone is what causes us to fail in the past once this is over then we can kill each other for who gets to rule got it?" The star monster asked. They all agreed and went on their separate ways. What possible plan could 4 of Equestria's greatest villains have in store for me? And why do they need an average joe to do it? Well my friends that is what you are reading... to find out.