Finding South Dakota

by Daylight Storm

House guests are magic

Chapter 1

house guests are magic

I decided to play a video game that night while I waited for the girls, normally I'm anxious but I had spent the last 23 hours being anxious so I gave myself a break and fired up Twilight princess. While I didn't talk to another of their friend's called Luna directly, Twilight has told her about the series and Twilight princess struck a similar cord with her so she loved hearing about the lore. I had a feeling about this Luna and I would be good friends someday if she ever came online. Midnight came and went and I hadn't even noticed I wasn't to surprised this wasn't the first time Twilight had tried to reach this "world" as she claimed and I wasn't going to get my hopes up again. Something always came up so I just indulged the fantasy earlier. After awhile I shut off the game I was tired and it was getting late even for me. I yawned and headed for my room flicking the light on I heard groaning.

"Turn off that light." a purple unicorn groaned.

There was another one a cyan pegasus who covered her head with her pillow.

"Come on turn it off." She begged and turned over away from the light.

"Oh sorry" I said and flipped the light switch off.

I walked a few steps down the hall way when I came to stop.

"Wait a..." I said and turned back flipping the light back on.

They all got up wide awake as they looked at me.

Next thing I knew I was buried alive in a six way glomp.

"Oh my gosh it worked! I can't believe it!" Twilight cheered.

I was knocked for a loop and I looked around the room at the rest of them. There were 6 of them all together just like they claimed. Each was a different color and had a distinct look to them. The first one Twilight of course which meant she was Lil Cele was a purple unicorn with a north star cutiemark. I didn't pay much attention to her explanation of them at the time, it just sounded to weird. After all she claimed that everyone in the place she lived had a tattoo on their butt er I mean flank that signified what they were good at. Heck if we had that here almost 12% of the nation probably won't be unemployed!

"What happened?" I asked as another pony a yellow pegasus helped me up Bunnyluv most likely from how delicately she seemed to be.

"Twilight cast the teleport spell but nothing happened so we went to bed." She said so softly I could barely hear her.

Twilight checked her book and bonks her forehead using her horn's aura to see in the dark.

"Oh duh it's a dream spell it didn't activate until we were asleep!" She exclaimed.

"No wonder it never worked we tried it during the day every time." Said a white unicorn with a purple mane Glory2fashion was my guess.

Fluttershy nuzzled my arm her muzzle, it was soft almost silky in texture. I've been to a farm before the horse I knew didn't have muzzles that soft plus they didn't talk either.

"We were so worried about you we were so disappointed when it didn't work." Fluttershy said and sat next to me.

I rubbed her head gently she flinched a little but liked the affection and leaned into it. A magical talking horse, the funny farm would have had a field day had I actually told anyone about this.

"Before we just thought it was because the princess didn't want us to teleport this far away. But it was just egghead messing up as usual she never thinks her plans through." Rainbow dash said shrugging ah 20%Cooler no doubt about it now I could guess the rest at this point.

It was simple really the pink one bouncing about was clearly Live2party. That would explain why she has the most spelling errors for her this was holding still most likely. Which left... J's Apples heh I already knew her name ahead of time, kind down to earth Applejack. Every bit as southern and the living embodiment of the life I am now ashamed to think was a lie this whole time.

"Wait... why is it still dark? Oh no I've gone blind!" Pinkie screamed and tripped over her own tail.

"Hold on I flipped the switch back off in surprise when you glomped me." I said.

I reached back and flipped the switch back on the girls gasped and moved away from me Twilight and Rarity actually light their horns up to cast spells in a natural reaction to what they say before them.

"W-what the hay are you?" Applejack yelped.

"Uh... I'm human I told you that." Was my response.

"We though you were role playing you taught us that remember?" Rarity muttered and started to play with her mane in her nervousness.

"Yeah I did but I told you flat out I was a human before we started roleplaying."

"W-what do we do?" Rainbow dash asked looking at Twilight.

"He's... handsome."

That was not the response I was expecting to hear let alone from Fluttershy the one so shy it was literally in her name!

"Yeah... you are. But regardless that doesn't matter, after all your still our friend right girls?" Twilight said.

They all agreed in unison it brought a smile to my face.

"Still though... ya'll are a human wow ya'll look so different then I thought." The cowgirl said with a smile.

I picked Applejack she couldn't have weighed more than 40 pounds or so.

"You're one to talk look at how little you all are. I mean I know that your little ponies, But come on you're not much bigger than my dog." I laughed then set AJ down.

"Goodness you're taller then the princess." Twilight realized as she trotted around me to get a better look.

I didn't wear anything special just a white shirt that had Never soft in marker on it, a pair of faded blue jeans and a old Nintendo 64 cap I got from a cereal box when I was 9 or so.

"Hmm... not by much her horn makes her taller." Rainbow dash said flying up to my height.

"Still doesn't matter I'm the tallest so I'm in charge that's how it works right?" I asked.

"No it's not!" Twilight counted.

"Celestia is the tallest being in your kingdom. And I am the tallest person in this house there for Twilight Sparkle I am your leader." I said pointing at myself with a grin.

The unicorn stuttered for a moment trying to think of some way to prove me wrong that's when it hit her... as advanced as their law system is when you really boil it down it really was that simple.

"Damn it he's right."

"Come on Twilight I'm just messing with you." I said rubbing her head she growled softly but didn't move her head away looks like this is something ponies do enjoy, makes sense as they don't have hands to rub just right.

"Ooo... that does feel good." Twilight submitted humming as I kept going.

"I want my head rubbed too!" Pinkie said and pushed Twilight out of the way and rubbed her head against my hand... yeah that works.

"We can sort all that out tomorrow come on I got your beds all set up downstairs." I said lifting my hand away from Pinkie's head.

"But can't we stay with you? I want to talk more." Pinkie said latching onto my leg.

"Now now darling don't make a fuss." Rarity smiled pulling her free from my leg.

"We can talk more in the morning." I stated and looked them all over.

"My gods I can't believe it. Your real, all of you are real it's breathtaking.

"Come on Romeo you can sweet talk us later." Rainbow dash said and pushed me out the door.

I showed them to the guest room I had set up ahead of time. It was out in the pool house the reflecting water from the pool looked like an ocean I often slept out here on warm nights. I couldn't actually swim so I kept the pool at only 4 feet deep which was still more then enough for the girls should they decide to swim.

"It's beautiful thank you." Twilight said her eyes glittering along with the water as she smiled at me.

"Okay breakfast is whenever I wake up so I hope you're hungry night." I said leaving.

They all waved goodbye and chatted with each other I watched for a moment then headed to my room. Inside I picked my camera and put a new roll of film in. I develop my own film I had the free time after all. Time... yeah that's one thing I have to much off. My life has always been like this as long as I can remember. But I'm not here to drag on about my life right now. I went down stairs and back to the pool room. The girls had already fallen asleep I wound my camera and took a picture of each of them then one of me in the middle with them.

"Just to prove to myself I wasn't crazy." I thought and headed to bed.

I returned to my room for the last time that night and went to sleep. If this was a dream I finally had one to be proud of for a change.