A Aliena Orbis

by Gidget_TheGear

Into the rabbit hole(Edited)

… Tec's strange dream faded as he felt himself edging towards wakefulness. “… light I think it is just asleep,” a young male voice stated quietly. Who the hell is in my room and how did they get in my house? Tec thought. Being a cautious person he kept his eyes closed.
“Regardless, we need to report this to the princess. Spike, write up a letter and send it to her. I will subdue him if he wakes.” A female voice said in a whisper. It was at this point that he noticed that he seemed to be on a floor his blanket was still over him for the most part and his dog was completely hidden underneath it. Princess…? Spike…? Why do those seem familiar and why am I on the floor? he thought now that his mind was fully awake.
“No problem Twilight.” The one who was called Spike stated in his hushed voice as he began to creep away. Wait… What did he…
“TWILIGHT?!” Tec exclaimed loudly as he shot up off of the floor and caused his dog to panic and bark excessively from under the blanket. His dog tried to run off and ended up taking the blanket with him. He saw a lavender colored streak and then something hit him and he was out once again.
… Once again he began to wake. “What in the name of Celestia is it?” He heard a slightly accented female voice state in confusion. He noticed that he was no longer touching the ground but could not feel what was holding him up. Did she just say Celestia? He thought as he started to come to.
“Well, it sher ain’t no pony.” A country girl voiced. Wait…. Pony… His thoughts continued.
“I haven’t seen something like this before. Though, he seems somewhat similar to something.” A very quiet voice muttered.
“Fluttershy, how do you know that it is a he?” A slightly boyish female voice asked. That confirms it… He thought.
“Because she knows animals very, very well and can usually tell these things Rainbow Dash. I thought you would know that by now. To answer your questions I am a human.” He stated without opening his eyes. His excitement built as a smile crept its way across his face. A stunned silence filled the room as he tried to move and found himself entirely immobile. “Twilight, would you mind releasing me? I kind of have to use the restroom.” He said as he opened his eyes. Well… we were wrong about at least one thing… they aren’t full ponies… He thought as he took in the girls around him. Twilight had lavender fur, purple eyes, and a purple and pink striped, indigo mane and tail, he guessed she was around 5’3”, and was wearing a shortish, purple skirt and a light blue button up top, her wings folded up behind her. A look at her horn showed a soft purple glow. Her mouth was wide open in confusion and shock. Pinkie Pie’s fur was a light pink and was wearing a short pink sleeveless dress with balloons on the skirt of it a balloon beret in her poofy, pink mane. Her blue eyes looked at him with a strange knowing and she had a ridiculously wide smile. Rarity’s fur was white and her curled mane and tail were a very dark purple. She wore a simple white shirt and a blue skirt she had a pair of red rimmed glasses on which told him that she had been working. She too had an aghast look. Rainbow Dash’s fur was light blue and her mane and tail seemed to exemplify her name. Her eyes were a very dark pink that was almost purple and her wings were folded up against her back. She was wearing tight fitting black shorts and a white tee shirt a pair of goggles hung around her neck. Applejack had orange fur and a blond mane and tale that were both pulled up into pony tails, he giggled internally about that. Her eyes were an emerald green that made him stop and stare for a bit. She wore her brown Stetson, a long sleeved, green, button up shirt and a pair of jeans with a belt with an apple as the buckle. Fluttershy had soft yellow fur and a pink, wavy mane and tail. Her eyes were a gorgeous aquamarine. Her wings were also pulled in against her back. She wore a white turtle neck shirt and a black pair of pants. “Yes, I know who you all are. Yes, I can talk. No, I can’t tell you why I know. I need to talk to Celestia and see if she thinks it would be wise to tell anyone why I know. Now please I really have to go to the bathroom.” He continued as his bladder clenched with effort. He moved slowly in the air towards a door as Twilight and her friends began to come out of their shock. Then a pair of snickers came from Applejack and Rainbow Dash. At first, he was confused as to why they would laugh until he felt it… “Well… that is why I said I had to go… I could explain why… but… I am not going to.” He said as he continued slowly forward. “Well, at least you know for sure that I am definitely male. Now please hurry, I really have to go.” He was pushed into the room and the door shut behind me a purple glow illuminating it as he regained control. Well then, I never thought something like this would happen to me… He thought as he finished up and went to the door. He breathed deeply and noticed that the air was really sweet for some reason. He heard whispering on the other side of the door. “I’m done.” He said loudly. The door opened and he found myself surrounded by a bubble of lavender magic sectioning him off from the girls. Shrugging, he sat down against a wall and closed his eyes and took another deep breath. “So, when do you think Celestia will be here to check up on me?” He asked without opening his eyes.
“Right now.” A new voice stated. His smile deepened.
“I said Celestia, not Luna. Good test though.” He opened his eyes and stood up, stretching a bit. Both Celestia and Luna were standing in front of the shield with curious looks adorning their faces. “Though, both of you should probably step into the shield and put up some kind of silencing spell, one that doesn’t allow for any sound to leave so that no information is given prematurely before you both decide if they should know.” He cracked his neck and beckoned them in. More silence followed.
“I have a question before hand. How do you know that you are blocked in by magic?” Twilight asked confusion apparent on her face.
“Can you not see the… well, I guess not. I can see your magic in front of me in the form of a barrier. I know that it is yours because of its color. Yours is somewhere between lavender and pink. Rarity’s is light blue. Celestia’s is a very bright yellow and Luna’s is a midnight blue. Does that answer your question well enough?” His face changed to an earnest one showing that he was in no way mocking her.
“… Yes… I guess…” Twilight shook her head a bit more confused than before. Celestia and Luna teleported into the portal and looked at him, if they were surprised at all, they showed none to me. Luna’s horn lit up a bit and a layer of her midnight blue intermingled with Twilight’s light lavender.
“We know that you stated that you were called a human but, what exactly is that?” Celestia was looking at me trying to understand.
“Humans are a type of bipedal, societal creature surviving solely because of a large brain. That brain makes humans one of the most dangerous predators known. We are omnivorous and can survive solely on vegetable and fruit matter but, most prefer not to do so and we need still need a good deal of protein. Any further questions on that subject?” He asked still looking quite sincere.
“You state that your kind ‘survives solely because of a large brain’, yet you also state, ‘you are one of the most dangerous predators known’. How can this be if you have no natural weapons?” This time is was Luna who asked.
“It is correct to assume that humans have no natural weapons, however that means nothing if we use our intellect to create tools. These tools and prehistoric human’s natural aggression slowly dwindled humanities natural predators down to nothing. Also, just so it is known humanities natural aggression is still present we just temper it with understanding.” He sat back down at this point as he was still a bit bogged down by being hit with whatever Twilight had hit him with. His guess was magic but he wasn’t quite sure. He looked up at the two princesses before him. Celestia’s fur was pristine white and she wore a gown of the same brilliant white that came down to the floor. Honestly the only break from white on her was the adornment of gold that dotted her gown, the purple of her eyes and her multi-hued mane and tail that were flapping in a non-existent wind. Luna’s fur was indigo, her eyes were a grey-blue and she wore a black dress with silver adornments. Her starry night sky mane and tail were flowing in a non-existent wind blowing in the opposite direction of her sister. If I have to guess Celestia is about 6’2” and Luna is about 5’10”, as it is they dwarf my 5’6”. Tec thought.
“Your kind killed off entire races?” Luna stated in horrified confusion.
“Unfortunately I cannot deny that. However that is not what I meant when I said that. What I was speaking of was that most of the predators that thought of us as easy game soon learned we were not and taught there young and it became known that humans were too much trouble and not worth the effort and loss. Thus, humanity flourished. Mind you humanity thinks itself to be the only sapient race on our planet as well. Also, we evolved to taste bad to almost all creatures.” He answered still looking at both of the princesses. Celestia decided to enter the conversation at this point.
“You say that humanity thinks itself to be the only sapient race on your planet but, you do not see things that way do you?” A smile crept its way across his face once more.
“You would be correct in that assumption, just because something does not behave or speak the way you believe a sapient creature should does not mean that it is not a sapient creature. This behavior is pure arrogance in my belief.” He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. “However this is not the information I don’t know whether it would be wise to share.” He finished.
“Then what is it?” Celestia said, her voice full of patience.
“Put a lie detector spell on first, if you have one, and I will tell you.” He stated not bothering to open his eyes. His eyelids lit up for a second as brilliant light hit them. “Ok, let me preface this by stating that humans are pretty advanced when it comes to technology. We have also gotten to the point where a good portion of our day can be devoted purely to entertainment. Don’t get me wrong we still have to work and do a bunch of things and some have more free time than others.” He opened his eyes. “Humans have something called a television in which we can watch movies, shows, cartoons or other things, all of which are supposedly created within different humans' imaginations. I have a theory that anything that appears in one’s imagination is nothing but a glimpse into another world, though it gets horribly warped it seems. I know of you, your sister, the elements of Harmony, Discord and many other things purely from a cartoon from my world. Now, that does not mean that my knowledge of things is perfect or anything of that nature. Hell, in the cartoon that I watched you and all of the other denizens of this world were quadrupeds that had no need for clothing. I have no clue whether or not the information I got from the cartoon is relevant past certain names, voices and positions. I will have to see what is relevant from the show and what is not. Also, my being in this world does not prove my theory to be correct. It is only evidence.” He continued his long speech; her spell did not react even once.
“If not for my spell I would find that hard to believe.” Celestia said her eyes holding confusion. “Now I have another question for you. Would you harm any of our subjects?” She continued.
“That question is a bit harder to answer. No, I would not go out of my way to harm one of your subjects unless I was trying to defend myself or my friends. However, I also can’t make any promises because I am very protective and can become very vindictive. It also depends on what you mean by harm. Even when I become vindictive I wouldn’t physically hurt anyone, but there are far worse things than pain.” He said, his face contorted into a slight grimace. Once again her spell stayed dormant. “Also, I wish to become friends with Twilight and her friends. I actually kind of idolize what was presented in the show and would like to see how much of it is true. I am actually really excited as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, what the cartoon I was speaking about is named, was one of my favorite shows. Finally, if you decide that I am too much of a danger to risk please tell Fluttershy the reason I look familiar is that I am in the same biological grouping as chimpanzees, gorillas and other apes. Before you ask I have no clue how my dog and myself got here.” He finished after the grimace disappeared. Celestia looked at her sister and both of them seemed to zone out for a second. After which they looked back at him.
“We have decided that you may remain free but, under watch until you prove yourself, one way or another. However, we have yet to decide whether or not you may tell anypony of your theory or of the reason for your knowledge. Now, one final question before we depart. What is your name?” Celestia had a thoughtful look on her face as she asked this.
He smiled and took a breath. “You may call me Tec.”
“Very well Tec.” Celestia said as she looked to Luna and Luna took her spell down. She then looked to Twilight and nodded her head. Twilight’s spell disappeared and the girls looked at him apprehensively. “Twilight, this is Tec. He is not currently allowed to tell you how he knew anyponies names. However my sister and I do not think that he is an immediate danger to anypony and he has expressed the wish to try and become friends with you and your friends. I must ask would anypony be willing to house him for the time being?” She continued looking upon the girls in front of them. Pinkie Pie got a large smile on her face and her head began to fill up like a balloon before Fluttershy stated in a small voice.
“I… um… wouldn’t mind housing him… um… for now… that is if you don’t mind.” He smiled at Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.
“Thank you Fluttershy it would be an honor to accept your hospitality.” He said as he walked up to her and kissed her hand. He looked up to see her blushing up a storm. “Pinkie Pie I am very sorry but, I think you and I would get into too much trouble, though, I am hoping for a Pinkie Party sometime in the near future. Now, I have a question for you Fluttershy. Did my dog, Anubis, give you any trouble at all? He is kind of skittish of new people and animals but, he truly is a good dog.” He finished as Pinkie Pie’s head deflated.
“My, my what a gentlecolt.” Rarity said with a vibrant smile on her face. Fluttershy’s blush began to fade as she answered.
“He was… um… he was… just fine… He really was… truly adorable…” She backed away slightly.
“Thank you very much for making sure that Nubi was ok, I love him and would be sad if anything happened to him.” He said with a very thankful smile. He turned to Twilight and saw Celestia and Luna pop out of the room. “Twilight, I wish to have many conversations with you about different theories and other things. It will truly be nice to have someone to speak to about things of a more academic nature.” Twilight began beaming. He turned towards Rarity. “I have a couple of things I would like to commission from you if you wouldn’t mind. I can pay you in labor if need be. I also have a couple of things I would like to talk to you about later, I may not be any kind of expert but I do enjoy looking at and trying to design things of beauty.” Rarity’s smile only grew. He turned towards Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Rainbow Dash I would absolutely love to talk to you about some possible stunts you may be able to pull off.” Rainbow Dash kind of rolled her eyes. “Applejack I… kind of need your help with something if you don’t mind. Do you mind stepping out for a bit so we can talk about this in a more private environment?”
“Well, the princesses said you weren’t all that dangerous and ya sher don’t seem like yer bad or nothin’, so naw I don’t mind one bit.” Applejack said. He walked out of the door with Applejack and followed her towards Sweet Apple Acres. After about 10 minutes of walking in silence and a whole lot of shocked staring, they finally made it to her home. “Hey Big Mac, this here is Tec. We’re gonna go and talk in the barn and he says it’s a bit private so make sher everypony knows not to come in ok.” She shouted to a large red stallion who was wearing nothing but jeans showing his toned abs as he worked in the field.
“Eeyup.” He shouted back without looking. Once they were in the barn, Applejack asked.
“So, what is that ya need help with?” She drawled out.
“In my world I picked up the habit of lying about things. Now, I have fixed a lot of that with age and experience but, I still lie about small things here and there. You are the element of Honesty and I believe you are probably the best one to help me break this habit. Would you mind helping me with this?” He asked slightly sheepishly.
“Well now, that wasn’t what I was expecting at all.” Applejack said as she got a thoughtful look on her face. “Sher I don’t mind helping you. Mind you if you hurt Fluttershy or any of the other girls I will not hesitate to put a hurtin’ on you.” She continued. He smiled and went to hug her but stopped himself an unsure look on his face as he said.
“Thank you so much.” Applejack smiled and pulled him into a hug.
“Yer real friendly you know that?” She stated.
“I try to be nice and give others respect. Though if someone loses my respect it is really hard to get it back.” He said as they pulled away. “Now I have to go check on my dog and talk to Fluttershy about my living arrangements. Talk to you later. Also, if you need any help with anything just ask, I will do what I can.” He started to walk away then stopped. He turned towards Applejack and asked, “Would you mind telling me how to get to Fluttershy’s house please?” He blushed with an embarrassed grin.
“I’ll do ya one better, I’ll take ya there maself.” She said as she walked out of the barn with him in tow. After another 15 minutes of walking and even more stares they got to Fluttershy’s house. Fluttershy was out amongst her animals talking to them and comforting Anubis. He whistled and pat his legs and Anubis shot out towards him jumping up on his legs and licking his face once he bent down.
“Oh, yes that’s my Nubi isn’t it. Yes, yes I love this boy.” He said as he got the smallish dog off of his legs and got Nubi to follow him. “Thank you once again Fluttershy for this. If you need help with anything please don’t hesitate to ask. I love animals and, while I am by no means an expert, I will definitely help whenever I can.” He said to Fluttershy. Then he turned towards Applejack. “And thank you for showing me the way.” He said to her waving good bye as she headed towards Sweet Apple Acres. “So, you offered for me to stay here quite quickly, even though it is quite obvious you are very shy. Have you had someone in your home before?” He asked Fluttershy as he came up to her. This will either be evidence for or against let’s see which. He thought as he looked at her.
“Well… um… yes… I helped one of my friends before… he was um… really lonely and I didn’t want to see you like that… and you seem really nice…” Fluttershy stammered out slowly.
“Well…” He actually began to think at that point. Oh shit, I just realized… I can’t see my family… Holy fuck… His face immediately became crestfallen as he fell to his knees and tears began to fall unbidden from his eyes his previous excitement completely gone. Fluttershy panicked a bit and rushed over to him pulling me into a hug with her head sitting on his.
“Shh, it’s going to be fine. Shh, I’m here for you.” She whispered to him as tears continued to fall, his face pressed into her chest. If I wasn’t depressed this would be amazing. He thought as he wrapped his arms around her and just cried.