Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The story of Mr. Bleak

Quick note: This first scene was written late at night... so it isn't the best. I was tired hahaha! But, its still kinda good.

Chapter 61 audio

Chapter 93


I opened my eyes and sat up. I then rubbed my face. Oh man, this couch is uncomfortable!

I turned slightly to see Kara and Spark. D'awwww! Kara had her good wing over Spark and was snuggled up to him. So adorable! I looked over to Fawn, who's mouth was opened slightly.

I smiled and used my right hand to pet her mane.

<*Yawn* Lance? What are you doing up at this hour?>
{What do you mean?}
<It's one in the morning.>
{Oh... Well, go back to sleep Dawn.>
<Okay, but what about you?>
{I have to check on something.}
<K, night.>

I stood up slowly and popped my back. Oh yeah! That feels good!

I stretched out my arms and yawned.

I then made my way to my and Twilight's room.

I opened the door slightly and poked my head in. I looked over to the bed and felt a tug at my heart.

Twilight was in the bed, making groaning sounds. Her right hoof was stretched out on the empty spot next to her, my spot. Her hoof was moving around, as if she was searching for something.

I smiled a little and walked into the room.

As I neared the bed, she sat up, "Lance?"

I stopped and smiled, "Having trouble sleeping?"

She rubbed her eyes, "Yes... I haven't been able to sleep since you left."

I walked over and sat down on the bed, I then held my arms out to her, "I think I can fix that."

She sighed, "No Lance, you're being punished, remember?"

I chuckled, "Come on Twi, I only want to help."

She hung her head, then she crawled over to me, "Fine, you win."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. She instantly relaxed, the tension in her body began to slowly leave, "Better?"

She moaned and curled up in my lap, "Much better."

After a few minutes of holding her, I slowly stood up and sat her down in bed. When I began to walk away, she whimpered.

I turned and smiled, "I'll be right back."

I then made my way into the living room. Once there, I picked up Spark and Fawn. Kara woke up and yawned, "Come on girl, we're moving into the bedroom."

Kara smiled and jumped into my arms, right on top of Spark.

I smiled down at them and turned for our room. Once I walked back in, I laid the kids on the right side of the bed. Kara was attached to me, rubbing her head against my bare chest.

"Come on Kara, get on the bed. I'm tired as hell." I said with a smile.

She sighed and jumped onto the bed. She then laid down between Spark and Fawn.

I yawned and scratched my back... I know this is bad timing, but damn! I love those boxers!


I jumped at Break's sudden outburst.

{I'm going!}

I let out a sigh and climbed into bed.

The second my head hit the pillow, I let out a loud groan.

Twilight put her foreleg over my bare chest and cuddled up to me, "Good night Lance."

I smiled, "Good night Twi."

The next morning, 9:38 AM

"Good morning Equestria! This is White Noise and Grey Byte, and we're here to bring you the music! What should we play first Grey?"

"I don't know White, how about this?"

This song began to play.

What the... What's that?

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling, but I could hear music... very familiar music.. from earth.

I sat up and looked around. I was alone, everyone must have.. oh, never mind, Spark's still here. I looked over to the side of the bed to see a.. radio? What the hell?!

I slide out of bed and began to look it over. It was just like the kind we had back on earth, but this one had Bronies! written on the side.

"*Yawn* Hey dad!" Spark said as he began to sit up.

I looked over and pointed at the radio, "Where did this come from?"

He smiled and crawled over, "It came in the mail a few days ago. Isn't it cool!"

Hmmm, bronies on the radio... yep, Equestria is screwed. "Interesting."

Spark smiled and jumped off the bed, "I smell pancakes!"

I chuckled and stood, "Oh yeah!"

Spark turned, "Race ya."

I smirked and jumped over him, "Your on buddy!"

"HEY! NOT FAIR!" I heard him yell from behind me.

"To bad, I'm bigger and-OOF!" I said before falling to the ground.

Spark jumped on my back and ran over me, "HAHAHA!"

I looked up and smiled, "Cheater!"

I jumped to my feet and chased after him, but he had already made it to the dinning room. Oh, he's good!

I chuckled and walked in to see the rest of the family, even Dali. "Morning."

Twilight turned and sighed, "Lance, could you at least put your clothes back on?"

I looked down at myself, "What? I can't walk around in my boxers?"

Twilight chuckled, "No, no you can not. No matter how much I enjoy it."

I could help but laugh, "Fine, I'll put my clothes back on, but first..." I lunged forward and grabbed a handful of pancakes.

"LANCE!" Twilight yelled.

I ran out of the room laughing like a mad man.

"*Sigh* Remember kids, don't do the things your father does." I heard Twilight say as I walked away.

I smiled and crammed a whole pancake in my mouth. Damn, that's tasty!

*Knock knock knock*

I stopped and looked at the door, "I got it!" I then walked over to the door and opened it, "Yes.... Mr. Bleak?!" I yelled as I jumped back in surprise. The dude was still a little taller than me!

Mr. Bleak chuckled, "Good morning Lance... nice underwear."

I grabbed a pillow and put it over my waist, "It's boxers, not underwear."

Mr. Bleak laughed and walked into the house.

I looked at him, "Yeah, just come on in."

"I did." He said as he turned.

I sighed, "Why are you here?"

He looked around, "Where is everyone?"

"Kitchen." I answered.

He looked directly at me and sighed, "Good, I'm going to tell you a story."

I groaned, "Why?! What's it even about?"

"My life."

I smiled, "Wait! You're going to tell me all about you?!"

He nodded, "Yes, I've decided I can trust you.... just put on some clothes and meet me in your room."

I began to run down the hallway, but stopped, "Uhhh, wait out here."

He stopped and nodded.

I then rushed into my room and quickly looked for my clothes... where are they?!

[Behind you... dumbass.]

I turned to see my clothes in a neat pile. Hmmm, I wonder who washed them. I quickly pulled on my clothes, but had a few problems.

I turned and walked to the door, "Okay, now you can come in."

Mr. Bleak walked into the room and closed the door, "Okay Lance, what I'm about to tell you never leaves this room, got that?"

I nodded and sat down on the bed, "I won't tell anyone, promise."

He smiled, "I know you won't."

Mr. Bleak's POV

"Okay Lance, do not interrupt me, got that?" I said, giving Lance a very stern look.

Lance nodded and scratched his shoulder, "Sure, go ahead and tell me."

I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts, "A long time ago, around the beginning of the world..."

"WHAT?! You've been around since the beginning of time?!" Lance yelled out.


"I said don't interrupt." I said as Lance rubbed his face where my ruler had hit him.

He sighed and waved his hand, "Continue."

I smiled and cleared my throat, "Like I was saying, I've been around since the beginning of this world, so has my brother. We don't know how, or why we are able to live this long. But, we think it's because we are both Alicorns."

Lance raised his hand.

I sighed, "Okay, what is it? I'll allow this one time."

Lance rubbed his hands together, "So... you are a Alicorn? But, where's your horn?"

I nodded, "I am, and I'll get to that later. May I continue?"

Lance sat back, "You may."

"I will not bore you with all the details of what we did over the centuries, but I will say this: time has a way of making anypony, even brothers, hate each other. My brother and I hate each other, but, to tell you the truth, I don't fully know why. We fought over everything. This went on for a few hundred years, till finally, he snapped. He attacked me one night while I slept, and I would have died if it hadn't been for his knife. I used his own knife to cut his wings off... I still regret that, even if it was in self defense. Sadly, that's not all that happened that night, in his rage, he managed to break off my horn. That alone is one of the most painful things a male pony can go through.

"After that night, we went our own separate ways. I traveled alone for so long, I forgot what it was like to have a companion. I grew to care for myself and only myself... moving away from that now. I was there when Equestria was founded, I watched it all take place from a hill. It was a great celebration, I'll tell you that. But, it wasn't for me to enjoy. I wasn't a citizen, I was a outcast, somepony who was nothing but a freak of nature. The wilderness is a unkind mistress, Lance. Don't forget that. It can turn even the most loving of ponies into a heartless killer... I saw this many times.

"A few decades pasted before there was a full on government in the land of Equestria. The first ruler was a unicorn by the name of 'Golden Hoof'. He was a kind pony, but he was incredibly greedy. Always demanding more from the subjects. Talk of a revolution began to spread through out the land. But, before this could happen, two beings came down from the heavens and took over control of the land. You will know those two as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I did not know where they came from, or why, but what I did know was that I wasn't the only one of my kind anymore. I felt I could finally be accepted into the normal life of a peasant pony. Sadly, this was not to happen, because the same day I revealed myself was the same day I became the personal guard for the Princesses. Apparently, they felt safer being protected by another Alicorn... now that I think back, I should have been the king.... forget that thought.

"Life was okay, I could get the best kind of food when ever I wanted. I could take a actual bath with hot water, and best of all, I could spend the day in the Princesses presence. Now, I have to tell you this. They were much much younger back then, and I also mean they looked younger. Not much, but I was still taller than they were. I may have had feelings for them, but I couldn't act on them. It just felt to wrong, with them being so young looking. Well, a few hundred years went by and my feelings grew. I had trouble keeping them down sometimes... you know Lance, it sucks to have wings sometimes, they give off your feelings."

Lance chuckled and nodded.

"You should know this better than most ponies Lance. Peace never last. Sure, you can go for a long time in peace, but it'll never truly last. You know about the events of Nightmare Moon, am I correct? You may speak for now."

Lance nodded, "Yes, I know all about it. Luna got jealous of her sisters sun because the ponies were always out and about during the day time, but were all inside when night came around. Yeah, I don't know how she turned into Nightmare Moon though, but I do know that it only lasted one day."

I couldn't help but laugh at his explanation, "Lance, some of that is correct... but that's what the Princesses want you to know. You see, it didn't last one day, that was made up by Princess Celestia so she could hide the horrible details from future ponies. It actually lasted seven full months. Seven months with no sun light, and that my friend, was horrible. So much death... Anyways, I too do not know how she became Nightmare Moon. I walked into the chambers to see Princess Luna, but it wasn't really her. It was Nightmare Moon, and knowing me, I attacked her... why did I do that!

"I'm ashamed of this next part Lance, I really am. During this very brief fight, something happened... she kissed me... she bucking kissed me! And my stupid feelings got in the way of my duties and I bucking joined her side! I still wish I had never done that... but I did and I will have to live with that forever. I will leave out the details, but we became lovers... horrible lovers. I actually enjoyed being that way, can you believe it! We... did things... unspeakable things."

Lance stood up and began to walk over to me.

I pointed my hoof at him, "Sit down boy! I do not want your sympathy!"

Lance frowned, but he obeyed and sat down.

"Good. Her castle was out in the middle of the Everfree Forest, away from everypony else. There was a few followers... but they were not the kind of ponies you want to be around. I will now skip ahead to an important event, the birth of my son. Yes, my son was born of Nightmare Moon... but he was a good colt, I promise you that. His name was Blade, a name I've always thought about. Why? I'm old, get over it. He was a thoughtful pony, I loved him. I couldn't say the same thing about his mother though. Skipping ahead to the day Nightmare Moon was cast away. You see, after she was banished to the moon, that only left me, her lover, and her son, Blade. Princess Celestia took mercy on us and banished us from Equestria. I left with my son and set up a home a few hundred miles from the Equestrian boarder. We lived there for a long, happy century. But our peaceful life was interrupted by the progress of society. You see, a town was built a few miles away from our cabin. And the ponies there all seemed interested in us, not because of who we were, but because of my cutie mark... a cutie mark given to me by Nightmare Moon."

I then turned and raised my wings to show Lance my cutie mark. I always keep it hidden from everypony, I don't want them to know who I am... or who I was. My cutie mark is a grey shield with Nightmare Moon's head on it and a crescent moon below it.

I turned back and continued, "Due to this, my son found a mare... a mare I did not approve of. She was mortal, and I knew if my son fell in love with her, he would only be hurting himself. Why? Because, he would out live her. That is why I've never fallen or even tried to fall for another pony. I just can't bring myself to do it... even if it will bring me some happiness. Now, my son didn't listen to me and married this mare. I was furious, but I didn't get involved... I should have though... I wish I would have stopped what had happened. My son and his wife had a foal, Starch. They loved him, and I grew to love him over the years. Now, a few decades went by, and my sons wife grew older and older. The day came that she died of old age, and my son, he was still his normal self. He was like me, he couldn't age or grow old, only go on living. I left the house, I wanted to give him time to mourn over his lose, I took Starch with me... but when we returned... my son was dead." I stopped to wipe a tear out of my eye, "He had hung himself... but he left me a note. I still remember that note, word for word. It had read, 'Dad, I should have listened to you when you told me not to marry her. But you was wrong about one thing, I do not regret it. I love her with all my heart, and that still doesn't cover how much I love her. I'm sorry to say this, but I can't go on living forever without her. Father, I am sorry. I love you.'"

I turned away and began to wipe the tears out of my eyes. This was to emotional for me.

"Mr. Bleak?" Lance said behind me.

I straightened up and turned, "Sorry about that Lance, I will now continue: I was left to take care of Starch, even if he didn't need my help. He was pretty strong on his own, but he had a flaw. He had mortal blood in him.. he was born a Pegasus, a normal pony almost. Luckily, he kept the trait of immortality. He was a great stallion to have around, but he was like his father. Always trying to find a lover, he even got a cutie mark for it! Can you believe it?! A cutie mark for dating mares! *Sigh* I still love him though, he is my grandson after all. Well, to get back on track, we lived out there in my old house for a while, but finally, I decided it was time to come back to Equestria. It was easy enough, the Princess forgot about us, at least, I hope she has. I found a nice town, I already forgot its name. We settled down in it and stayed for a while, at least half a century, but then the residents became suspicious of us. So, we left. This went on for a few hundred years, town to town, city to city. It was fun though, but not full feeling.

"Over a hundred years ago, Starch and I broke apart. No, we didn't fight, we just decided to take our own paths in life. We meet up from time to time, but that was it. I just recently moved to Ponyville, and when I say recently, I mean thirty seven years ago. And, as you can tell, I took up the job of being the detention teacher at the local school, and that is fun. Now, I enjoyed my peace for a while, but then you bronies showed up. I'm not mad or anything, I actually enjoy having you all around. But here's the thing, when you came into town on the first day, I didn't pay you much attention, but I knew you were not a pony. I knew you were a human, I just didn't sense anything of worth in you. But, a few days later, I saw you again, but this time, I sensed a great power coming from you. I soon found out that you died and came back, how, I do not know. Now, when you died, you seemed to have gained more 'Holy Energy' than the other bronies. After this, I began to watch you, and soon, I started watching over you. Lance, you get yourself into a lot of trouble, you know that? Now think back, I actually helped you a few times through out your stay here in Equestria.

"I've done my best to keep you out of harms way, and I had fun doing it."

Lance jumped up, "WAIT! If you were watching over me, then why didn't you help me when Frederic's father attacked us?!"

I sighed, "Lance, I knew you could handle yourself. So I didn't intervene. I've noticed a change in you. You went from being the weak pony who couldn't defend himself to a stallion who can fight off a crowd of stallions. You've proven yourself on that one already. But, I'm sad to say you are still weak, compared to a lot of beings out there. Now, I'll move on. When you became a small colt, and went to school, I couldn't believe it. Especially when you got detention... I had so much fun messing with you that day." I let out a small laugh before continuing, "I loved fighting along side you against the those stallions, but it wasn't really that fun. *Sigh* Anyway, back tracking to when your son was born. When I first saw him, I couldn't believe it. I sensed something in him, something only a Alicorn should have. Lance, I'm very sure Spark has the ability to use magic."

Lance fell back on the bed, "What?! How is that even possible?!"

"Because, your a human, but your also part Pegasus, Reptile, and part Zebra. Lance, you are very special in the way your body is made up. Now, Spark's mother is Twilight Sparkle, the most powerful mortal unicorn alive. I can not really explain this, but somehow, Spark has taken some, if not all, of yours and Twilight's traits. He is very unique, a one of a kind. He will grow up to be something special, I can promise you that Lance.

"Anyway, I've been wanting to tell you this Lance. I've taken it upon myself to be Spark's protector. I will keep him out of harms way, even after you and Twilight are no longer around to be there for him. I only ask you this, do you approve?"

Lance rubbed his hands together, "Wow, that's a lot to take in Mr. Bleak."

"You can call me Darkest if you want, my full name is Darkest Bleak."

Lance nodded, "Okay... Darkest, I give you my approval. I want Spark to be safe, even when I'm not around. I trust you, so please keep our son safe from any harm that comes his way."

I give him a bow, "I promise I will protect him with my life if I must." I then straightened up and sighed, "Lance, I've done my best to keep from getting attached to another pony all my life. I have never had a real friend, just ponies trying to be my friends.. but Lance, I'm proud to call you my friend."

Lance sniffled and rubbed his eye, "Mr. Bleak, I'm glad your my friend too..."

Awkward silence.

I chuckled, "Whoa, we just killed the mood."

Lance laughed out loud, "I guess we did. First its all serious, then we're getting emotional. Funny shit man."

I laughed and turned with a sigh, "Lance, I will check up on Spark from time to time, does that sound good?"

"Yep, I want him to get to know his guardian."

I smiled at that thought, "Thank you Lance." I then opened the door and left the room.

Lance's POV

I sat down on the bed and sighed, "Wow, that's a lot to take in."

[I know, who would have thought he went through all that?]
<I feel sorry for him.>

I stood up and looked around, "I guess I should go talk to Spark."

[Do it man!]

I can't write anymore, I read Purple Blazes blog: This link. I'm no longer in the mood...