Ponies, Pirates and Peculiar Psychopaths

by Dropbear

Quantum Molecularization: Science is Magic... and Lasers

“…it’s Chrysalis. Well, it’s supposed to be Drone four-five-seven-one but I really wanted a name so I came up with one.” Chalmers stared down at his First Mate, the mare tapping both of her front hooves together.

‘I knew ‘Sea Biscuit’ was too good to be true,’ Nigel thought as he considered his next set of questions. He had noticed that Se-, Chrysalis seemed to be slightly nervous as she sat on the cobbled ground.

“Relax, I’m not going to kill you just yet,” he punctuated his statement by retracting his weapons back into his suit, the changeling letting out a relieved breath. “So far you have been loyal so I can afford you some leeway; I expect a prompt explanation however.” Chrysalis’s tail swished a little and she resumed her hoof tapping as she thought of how to reply.

“I’m called a changeling, as you’ve seen I can change form to look like ponies and pony-sized creatures. We use this to collect food for our hive which is love, mostly by posing as ponies and leading false lives for short periods of time. I’m only a drone, not an infiltrator however so I was always back at the hive storing the love or doing small tasks.” Chrysalis gazed up at the Captain as she bit her bottom lip.

“I wanted to do more, however the Queen wouldn’t just let a drone become an infiltrator unless it was an emergency. So one day when she had called all of the soldiers in for a meeting I absorbed as much love as I could from the stores and ran away,” Chrysalis’s eyes glimmered as she recalled that day. “I felt so free; I could do anything and see the rest of the world. I hide in a port town near the coast and when the ship,” the changeling gestured to their original pirate ship, “came to town I joined the crew the first chance I got. I managed to get extra love by finding out which of the crew liked each other, waiting until one went away then taking their form for a small amount of time.”

“Seems pretty risky,” Chalmers observed, Chrysalis nodding her head.

“I know it was but it was the only real option I had without actually seducing ponies, as you’ve probably noticed I don’t really do well in social situations,” the changeling smiled a little at her own confession, Chalmers also smiling under his helmet un-seen by her. “It was all going fine, even if I was the lowest-ranking unicorn on the ship. Then suddenly an alien shows up, kills the Captain and takes over the ship. Now I’m sitting in a port city which has just been conquered with ten Nymphs in a cage.”

Both beings turned to look at the prison that sat beside them, the ten creatures within huddled in a group as they stared at the pair.

“About that,” Nigel started, “they’re yours now, happy Eviltopia Foundation Day.” Chrysalis did a double take.

“What?” she asked as she looked back at her captain, “I don’t know anything about Nymphs, I’m not a nurse or queen!” the changeling did not even bother asking why the captain had decided to make a holiday out of the recent battle, nor did she quiz him on his choice of the location name. Chalmers removed his helmet, alarming some of the local inhabitants that were observing the drama from behind cover or through windows. With the concealing armour gone Chrysalis could see the look of befuddlement on the human’s face.

“You expect me to know more?” the Captain questioned as raised both hand to his face and moved them back and forward, “I can barely function around human children let alone changelings! I don’t even know what the Hell you are apart from what you’ve told me,” Chalmers looked back at the cage as he lowered his hands, “did not think this one through, did we?” Chrysalis shuffled uncomfortably, both the Captain and herself were at fault when it came to that. She had asked him to help her rescue the nymphs and he had threatened to shoot the Mayor.

“I couldn’t just let them be used for a pony’s entertainment,” the changeling mumbled as she looked back at the young changelings. Chalmers sighed and ran a hand down his face; this was not going to end well.

“Fine, we’ll keep them okay? Just don’t expect me to be of much assistance when it comes to looking after them, I’ve got a planet to conquer after all.” The Captain turned, replaced his helmet and headed back to the tavern looking over his shoulder as he did so. “Stay here, I’ll explain everything to the crew and organize to have the cage brought onto the ship. I’ll deal with the townsfolk later,” with that he left, leaving Chrysalis sitting alone next to the cage in the middle of the market as she nervously awaited the arrival of the crew.


Chalmers supervised from behind his desk as four earth ponies and Morning Sparkle moved the cage of nymphs through the door of his cabin, the quarters the largest on the ship with plenty of space. The cage was able to be brought in through the double doors of the cabin, Chrysalis observing the procedure as she stood beside the seated Captain.

The crew had reacted as expected to the discovery that she was a changeling. They didn’t know what a changeling was but she did look like a monster to them, in fact her new appearance only solidified the opinions that she was romantically involved with the Captain as a black, evil-looking insect pony that stole love seemed to be a perfect fit for the terrifying alien. They had treated her with caution, avoiding her almost like they avoided Chalmers. The exception had been Morning Sparkle, the mare as always merely observed Chrysalis’s new look with calculated indifference.

The cage was lowered to the floor with a light thud, the bars resting on a red circler rug that covered the floor. The Earth ponies gave a glance to the Captain as they anxiously alternated their gazes from the cage’s cargo to the Captain and Chrysalis.

“You can go in a minute,” Chalmers commented, “I need to sort something out first.” All attention was one him, the nymphs even looked at him as they stared at his un-helmeted face. Chalmers turned to look at Chrysalis, the changeling’s wings giving a little nervous flutter as the human drew focus to her.

“Chrysalis, in light of your new duties regarding our most recent… acquisitions I’m removing you as First Mate. This is not a reflection of any errors on your part, I just need a second-in-command who will be available at all times.” Chrysalis was not put out about this; in fact she was a little relieved that she no-longer had such great responsibility. “Morning Sparkle,” the Captain continued as the mare looked at him in response, “I’ve been observing your behaviour and I’ve decided that you are now the new First Mate. If you continue serving as you have been then I foresee you achieving an even higher command rank.”

Morning Sparkle true to form didn’t smile or grin, the mare merely nodded her head in respect at the Captain causing the human to chuckle at her minimal reaction. The normal crew members all seemed incredibly frightened at the Captain’s laughter, the human waving a hand at them as he calmed down.

“You can go now, you too Sparkle. The cage can be removed later on so feel free to head back to the tavern.” The five ponies all took his advice to heart, the four earth ponies rushing out in a hurry while Morning Sparkle gave the nymphs one last glance before calmly exiting the cabin and shutting the doors behind her. “I swear, that mare is either a master poker player or a sociopath.” Chrysalis declined answering, now that she wasn’t First Mate she wasn’t too sure about how she was expected to act around the Captain. Chalmers noticed this and stood up from his desk.

“Don’t go all quiet on me Chrissy; you’re still high up on the command chain.” Chrysalis was taken aback, not sure of what to make of the new nickname. “A new title is what you need,” Nigel continued as he strolled to the cage, four metres away in the centre of the room. He started to circle it, the nymphs within watching the human uneasily. “How about ‘Super nanny’? Maybe ‘The Master of the Swarm’? Oh, I know!” Chalmers exclaimed as Chrysalis tried to wrap her head around the offered titles, “the perfect one, ‘Brood Queen’. It sounds evil plus you can be royalty, ‘Brood Queen Chrysalis’ really rolls off the tongue!”

“If it’s alright with you Captain-“

“Nigel, please don’t bother with that Captain crap unless where in front of the crew or future minions Chrissy.”

“Okay, Nigel,” Chrysalis continued after the interruption, “is it okay if I just remain Chrysalis?” The changeling quickly waved her fore-hooves in front of her when she caught the dejected look on the Captain’s face. She did not want to find out how he acted when he was sad. “I’m perfectly fine with… Chrissy though,” she said through clenched teeth, her compromise working as the Captain nodded his head.

“Great!” Nigel replied enthusiastically as he eyed the padlock that secured the door of the cage, no key having been retrieved to open it. “How about we crack this open then?” Chrysalis and the nymphs watched in alarm as the human raised his armoured boot and stamped downwards upon the lock, shattering the device with a clang. The young changelings once again squeezed their eyes shut and flattened ears at the noise, the Captain opening the cage door before returning to his seat alongside the curious Chrysalis.

Both adults watched on as the Nymphs one-by-one slowly opened their eyes, all ten gazing at the open door that offered them freedom from the cage. One of them slowly moved towards the exit, sparking vigorous chatters and even some squeaks from its fellows. A small black hoof, the leg covered with holes stepped out of the cage and landed on the soft fabric of the red rug. The owning Nymph glanced at the human and drone watching it, the youngster’s small wings buzzing slightly as it advanced out of the cage fully.

This act of courage prompted the other nymphs to move out from the prison, all staying in a group as they vacated the bars. All of them began to explore the room together, keeping an eye on Nigel the entire time. They moved from the cabin door which they had investigated to the different-sized chests stacked against the left wall, Nigel having de-activated any explosive anti-theft devices before the cage had been delivered. Chalmers and Chrysalis waited patiently as the children roamed, Nigel watching them with amusement while Chrysalis was more intent on studying them intently. She didn’t know a lot about young changelings so she figured that she may as well try to find out as much about them as possible.

The nymphs eventually explored every nook and cranny except for the area around Nigel’s desk, the children still apprehensive about approaching the human. Chalmers looked down at his companion as the nymphs ambled around the room.

“Well then,” he started, “what are you going to name them?”

“I don’t know,” Chrysalis replied as the nymphs looked at the two, the small creatures forming a group in the centre near the cage. “I don’t know where to start, how will we tell them apart?” Nigel looked at Chrysalis expectantly.

“I thought you’d have some sort of ‘changeling-sense’ to tell the difference,” he inquired, Chrysalis nodding.

“Well, kind of. When a Queen is present she can create a ‘Hive-mind’, a way to share information and order around workers in a close proximity. With no Queen however that’s not possible, we’ll just have to find another way.”

Nigel rubbed his chin in thought, “I think I have an idea,” he stated as he turned and smiled at the closest nymph to him. The young changeling noticed the attention and huddled closer to its fellows, Chalmers extending an armoured hand as he slowly left his chair and crouched down beside Chrysalis.

“Come here little one,” he called gently, the addressed nymph letting out some chittering noises. It was smart enough to realise that the big scary monster that had scared off the other, less scary monsters that had been its former tormenters was trying to get it to come closer. The nymph was reluctant, its memories of the big creature consisting of lots of noise and light. There was another creature like itself next to the big scary monster though; the creature reminding the nymph of the other creature that looked like it that had used to always be around.

Nigel waited for a while maintaining his position and was rewarded when the nymph he had chosen started to edge towards him slowly. Chrysalis lay down upon the timber floor, watching as the solitary creature approached the Captain. The nymph paused about half-a-metre away from the offered hand, sniffing the air around Nigel. It seemed to not like what it smelt, Chrysalis guessing that some traces of blood still remained on the Captain’s armour but the nymph resumed its advance.

Upon reaching the out-stretched hand it warily extended its right fore-leg, briefly touching the cool metal before drawing the limb back quickly. Chrysalis was amazed that the Captain didn’t move, the changeling never having seen him sitting still. He was always moving around, attempting to converse with the crew or rambling on about his plans. What also surprised her was the small trace of love that was growing from the biped as the nymph looked at him with slowly growing trust. Chrysalis had always thought that Chalmers didn’t seem to be completely evil, the Captain generally rather passive with his treatment of the crew but she hadn’t ever expected to feel anything akin to love coming from the human.

Chrysalis held her breath as the nymph placed its head in the palm of the human’s hand, the head of the small changeling almost able to fit entirely on the armoured limb. Chrysalis and the nymphs all watched on as Nigel moved his other hand, the armour sliding off back into the wrist gauntlet smoothly and silently exposing peach skin and nail-tipped fingers.

Using his unarmoured hand Chalmers began to scratch the nymph behind the ears and rub its head, the recipient letting out a series of happy chirps as it pushed its head into the soothing digits. The rest of the nymphs started forward, intrigued by the apparent enjoyment that the monster was inflicting on the joyful member of their group. Soon Nigel was surrounded by the youngsters, all of them chattering as they poked him with noses and hooves in an attempt to find out more about the strangely friendly monster. Chrysalis was just amazed that the Captain proved to be quite good around children, she herself soon receiving the same investigative treatment that he had.

“Well what should we call you then?” Nigel spoke for the first time in ages, grasping the nymph he was petting with both hands around the small changeling’s torso. He lifted it up in front of him, the nymph squealing with delight, wings buzzing with excitement as it found itself in the air. Nigel scanned its body searching for identifying features, in particular the lower region to identify the gender.

“Hmmm, a girl then,” he observed, lowering the nymph’s smiling face towards Chrysalis who looked at the suspended youngster thoughtfully. “I was thinking,” Chalmers started, “you and the ponies seem to be named after attributes or mannerisms. This one here is both physically like you Chrissy as well as mentally, she was at first scared of me but now she’s quite happy around me.” Chrysalis hid a blush behind a hoof at the Captain’s words; it was true that she had quickly befriended the human much like the nymph had.

“I think I’ll call you ‘Reflection’,” Chalmers stated as he moved the child back so that it faced him, “due to the fact that you seem to mirror Chrysalis so well.” Nigel placed the child down, Chrysalis repeating the new name to herself and she had to admit that it was quite a good fit. The Captain’s armoured arm glowed blue as the human appeared to close his eyes in concentration, a small compartment opening on the arm which prompted Nigel to focus on it, the human reaching in with his other hand to withdraw a bright red collar with what appeared to be a circular gold name tag. He held out the collar towards Reflection, the child chirping curiously at the sight of the new item.

With care Nigel fastened the collar around the nymph’s neck, the small nametag reading ‘Reflection’ in bold black lettering. Chrysalis was a little confused at this, thinking as she sat and watched the other nymphs gather around the newly-christened child as they admired her new collar. Chalmers couldn’t read Equestrian, having tried to decipher a spell book found in the cabin of the late Sharp Shot earlier with no success. How did he expect to be able to tell the nymphs apart?

The human looked down at his left arm, a small blue object glowing in the shape of a rectangle. Chalmers pointed his arm at Reflection and the device beeped, the human smiling satisfied. He glanced towards Chrysalis, gesturing towards the group of chattering nymphs.
“Well, one down nine to go,” Nigel remarked, already reaching for the next nymph that jumped towards him with glee.

It had taken some time but eventually the duo had named and tagged every last nymph, the ten all racing around the room as their golden name tags jingled and clinked.

After Reflection nine new names had been chosen, Nigel and Chrysalis taking turns thinking up titles for the nymphs. Mirror, Swissy, Cupid, Holey and Joy had all been awarded red collars while Buzz, Shade, Chatter and Keith had all been given blue collars. With six females and four males named the brood was complete, all that was left was to organise where they were going to stay.

“Where are they going to sleep?” Chrysalis asked as Nigel ceased watching the little ones playing to face her.

“At first I was going to say your cabin but I doubt it has enough space for all of them. Considering that I think it’s best if you spend as much time as possible with them and that they are already familiar with this cabin I suggest that you have my cabin and I take yours, while we’re still living on the ship mind you.” Chrysalis was shocked that the Captain would give up his cabin; hers was much smaller and bland in decoration.

“I can’t accept that Nigel,” she responded, “my cabin is not fit for a captain and it’s a lot worse than your current one.” Chalmers chucked in response, his mood having remained incredibly cheery throughout the hours spent with the nymphs. Chrysalis wondered if the human was somehow receiving positive emotion back from the youngsters, she hadn’t heard of it happening with ponies but he was an alien so it was plausible.

“Nonsense, if I can survive on a planet with no atmosphere while under constant artillery attack with three-hundred fellow soldiers sharing my trench for three months then I can handle a slightly smaller cabin.” Chrysalis didn’t understand half of what Nigel had said but she got the hint, he was fine with the change. The Captain got up from the floor, dodging nymphs as he made his way to another door set in the side of the room. He opened it up, Chrysalis able to see that it contained various expensive linins and cushions which Nigel removed and carried over towards the large bed set against the wall.

He arranged the assorted beddings on the floor, the nymphs by this time tuckered out from their play. Nigel stepped back from the linen and cushions the children immediately made their way over towards the sleeping area as if guided by instinct, settling down upon the comfortable materials as they tucked in their legs and wings. Chirping wearily, eyes eventually closed and quiet descended in the cabin only interrupted by faint breathing and the occasional shift of a leg.

“I can’t take any more of this accursed cuteness,” Nigel whispered as he made his way to the cabin door. “You stay and watch them, I have townsfolk to terrorise,” with that the Captain left, quietly shutting the door behind him taking care to not disturb the sleeping occupants of the cabin. Chrysalis watched him until the door closed, walking over towards the nymphs before lying down next to them.

She had always been interested in the small beings, occasionally capturing glimpses of them around the hive accompanied by numerous nurse drones. Chrysalis herself couldn’t remember her time spent as a nymph, the daily drudgery of hive life quickly becoming the only memories that she possessed. Here she was, started off as a drone and now a nurse for ten nymphs under the command of an alien warlord who had his sight set on global domination.

‘Wonder what the Queen would think of me now,’ Chrysalis thought with a smirk as the faint sounds of a yelling biped could be heard from outside the ship.


“Listen up, for I command it and my word is law!”

The less-than-soothing voice of Nigel Chalmers boomed out through his helmet speakers, the speech amplified so that the entire could hear. The human was perched upon the top of the Saucy Mare, the tavern the largest building in the small port town. Alongside him was Morning Sparkle, the mare still shaky after the Captain had grabbed her and flew up to the top of the building riding a pillar of flame that had erupted from a device attached to his back.

Townsponies poked their heads out of windows and the more courageous even moved out into the streets to observe their new ruler. Word had quickly spread of the creature’s acquisition of the town from the former mayor, Penny Pincher and her lackeys having fled the town earlier carrying all of the valuables they could grab, their destination unknown. All eyes were focused on the biped and the unicorn standing upon the roof of the tavern as the remaining crew of the human watched from below in various states of intoxication.

“You shall address me as Captain Chalmers, Commander Chalmers or Glorious Supreme Ruler of Existence Chalmers! Every rule shall be obeyed and disobedience will be punished severely! Any questions!?” In response a multitude of hooves were raised hesitantly, most of the townsfolk reluctantly seeking clarification on a few points. Upon seeing the sheer number of hooves Nigel quickly pointed at Morning Sparkle beside him. “Great, First Mate Morning Sparkle will answer them, carry on!”

Morning Sparkle didn’t have time to protest before the Captain jumped of the roof and landed feet-first on the street with a thump, imprints of his armoured boots smashed into the cobbled stone. The unicorn watched on from her elevated position as the Captain stood up and sprinted for an alleyway, the human soon disappearing from sight. The First Mate remained expressionless during this, turning back towards the mass of townsponies all after answers once she was unable to view the Captain. She briefly wondered if this was karmic retribution for her life of piracy, the unicorn pointing a hoof at one stallion and prepared for a barrage of questions.


Three hours. Three whole hours of answering the same annoying questions from ponies who probably didn’t even know how to spell half of the words that they used, Morning Sparkle doubted that they even comprehended what had even happened.

The unicorn almost scowled at the memories as she stalked down the streets in the slum area of the port town, the lowest of the low all shrinking back into their hovels as the First Mate, armed with a cutlass strapped to a belt hanging off her torso searched for the elusive Captain.

After the questions had ended Morning Sparkle had asked a few of her own, tracking the Captain down to this area with the aid of bystanders who had witnessed the human’s path. An old sugar warehouse was her destination, apparently the Captain’s destination as well. Why the human had decided to head to an abandoned warehouse in the slums puzzled her, then again after Sea Biscuit had really turned out to be a ‘changeling’ named Chrysalis Morning Sparkle didn’t really know what to assume. However, with Sea Biscuit turning out to be an evil-looking monster the rumours circulating about the Captain’s infatuation with her seemed far more credible.

As she neared the warehouse faint sounds of… something could be heard coming from within, the sounds unknown and alien to the unicorn. Beggars clothed in simple dirty rags sat around in the street staring at the warehouse, not even glancing at the unicorn as she approached. Morning Sparkle reached the rickety wooden door, an unsettling blue glow coming for within. Bracing herself, the unicorn pushed open the door and trotted inside to be met with an amazing sight.

The Captain stood upon a metal catwalk suspended above a chasm carved into the floor of the warehouse, the tops of glowing metal spheres poking out from the rent in the earth. The biped’s right arm was glowing, lines of blue energy crisis-crossing over a semi-solid blue outline of a machine matching the rest in the pit. The blue-beams originating from the Captain’s armoured arm cut off, the object they had been aimed at solidifying as the blue-glow faded to form a grey sphere attached to a rectangular base. Multiple lights lit up on the constructed device as a yellow circle on the top pulsed a steady yellow light as a low droning hum rang out.

“Sparkle!” the Captain called out from the cat-walk, waving the unicorn over. Shaking, Morning Sparkle complied and slowly moved towards him across the artificial bridge that spanned the chasm. When she reached him Sparkle was able to see that half of the machines looked slightly different, their tops slightly more oval-like in shape while their bases were wider. The Captain swept a hand towards the machines with his face hidden behind his helmet.

“Beautiful aren’t they,” he commented as he observed his creations, “with these Antimatter and Matter Generators our base is well underway. Already half of the storage is filled,” a point of his hand drew Morning Sparkle’s gaze away from the generators in the pit to the far right wall of the warehouse, two large, featureless rectangular structures stood against the wall.

They extended five metres in height, almost touching the roof of the warehouse while they extended a further six metres along the wall, one with the sign of a lightning blot on it while the other sported a decal of a stack of what appeared to be bricks. Multi-coloured cables the size of the unicorn’s foreleg snaked into the pit, where they connected smothered in darkness.

“What are they for?” Morning Sparkle asked with a little bit of amazement in her normally monotone voice, Chalmers smirking under his helmet at the inquiry.

“Well,” he began, “there are two types of generators here, ones that produce power and ones that use power to form solid building material. Using some science which I have no clue how to comprehend or explain this matter or ‘Mass’ is transformed back into energy at a atomic scale for easy transportation, meaning that when I use a fabricator,” Nigel held up his right arm, the tool used to build the objects still glowing, “the mass is transferred back out into the schematic and then takes solid form.”

Chalmers raised a finger up in a gesture to gain Sparkle’s attention, aiming his right arm at the side of the platform they were standing on. The unicorn stepped back a little startled as a thin blue rectangle the width of the rest of the catwalk appeared in mid-air, thin blue lines emerging from the end of the Captain’s right arm that moved back and forth over the rectangle. Morning watched as the rectangle quickly solidified, the lines cutting out as once again the blue glow faded.

In its place was a perfectly formed one-metre by one-metre section of catwalk, Nigel stepping out onto the constructed surface which held his weight easily.

“Just like that,” he remarked to his stunned companion as she tested the surface with a hoof, confirming that it was solid and the Captain wasn’t playing a trick on her. “Of course this is just the beginning,” Chalmers continued, “this will be enough to start off, you know, getting some basic defences and drones up and working but in order to really get this occupation kicked off we’ll need to find a large area able to support generators ten times the size of these.”

“Ten… times?” Sparkle questioned. Already the ones built looked huge and seemed to be able to grant the human god-like powers of creation, she just couldn’t comprehend how much more powerful he would become if he achieved his expansion goals. She took a moment to be thankful that she was working for him and that he held her in high regard. If what he said was true, and it looked entirely possible considering what she had just witnessed then Morning Sparkle definitely didn’t want to be on the receiving end of whatever the biped would unleash next.

“Yeah, those monsters can power an entire planet’s infrastructure. It’s a shame that this tech is only just starting to be used; our conquering of existence would no doubt be sped up immensely.” Sparkle dismissed that last part as her imagination; already she was suffering from an information overload so ‘conquering of existence’, no thank you.

“I need some air,” Sparkle muttered, the Commander nodding in agreement.

“I could see that coming, I’ve spent enough time in here anyway and it’s going to get dark soon. You’re relieved from duty for the night; remember that the tavern’s drinks are all paid for. Why don’t we go and get smashed?”

“I’ll think I’ll take you up on that,” Morning Sparkle agreed, the two beings walking out of the warehouse, Chalmers briefly constructing a ‘Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again sign’ on the door of the building before leaving with Morning Sparkle with their destination being the tavern.


Chrysalis jolted awake as the cabin door slammed open, the nymphs also waking up with her. The changeling looked towards the door as Chalmers stumbled in, the human’s helmet firm on his head as he paused and stared at the eleven creatures all gazing at him in surprise.

“I could have sworn that this was my cabin,” the human slurred, Chrysalis shocked at the Captain’s condition.

“Your cabin is the next one down Nigel,” she gently said, afraid of angering the human while he was intoxicated. Her fears seemed to be misplaced and her word went unheeded as the human shakily made his way over to back wall, the Captain slumping down against the wall.

“I may have had a bit to drink,” Chalmers replied. “I think I’m just going to claim this spot right here,” he raised a fist towards the roof. “For the glory of the UIP!”

Chrysalis shook her head, walking over to the still open cabin door she glanced briefly out at the night sky before closing the barrier and turning back in preparation to go back to bed. She paused and watched as the nymphs took hold of various pieces of bedding with their mouths and dragged it over towards the slumped Captain, the young changelings all settling down next to human as traces of positive emotion flowed from him to them. They chirped and chattered as they fed, the increased amount probably to compensate for the likely minimal sustenance they had received while being transported to the town.

They paid no attention to Chrysalis as she clambered onto the bed, evidently she had an extra roommate tonight. She noticed a line of lipstick marks on Nigel’s armoured shoulders and around the armour that protected his neck, at least three different colours. Chrysalis questioned internally just how much had the human drunk and what exactly had happened. As she thought about it she felt… unsettled at the thought of random bar wenches attempting to seduce her Captain.

She brewed with jealousy as she glared at the multiple incriminating marks on the human’s armour, the biped fast asleep against the wall. Chrysalis blinked rapidly and shook her head, why was she getting so upset over this? Chalmers was a Captain and able to do what he pleased, she shouldn’t worry about what he can and cannot do in regards to his social life.

Chrysalis lay above the covers, her mind turning to another problem. Her reserves of love that she had stolen from the hive before she had left were gone and during her time with the nymphs she had felt like any remains she had was disappearing faster than normal. She would have to find a pony to feed off, however the rest of the crew was out as they knew that she was a changeling and Chrysalis still wasn’t confident enough to try to go for a townspony.

The changeling sighed, that would be something that could wait until the next day. Sleep seemed like a good idea, the day had been fairly draining and changelings used much less energy while sleeping. Chrysalis flung her fore-hoofs out behind her, one of them making contact with an extra blue pillow off to her right. The changeling shifted her gaze from the pillow to the Captain, Chrysalis slipping a hoof underneath the pillow as she stared at the lipstick marks that re-kindled the feeling of jealousy.

With a flick she flung the pillow at the slumbering human, the soft projectile colliding with his helmet before landing next to one of the dozing nymphs, the startled youngster waking up and looking at Chrysalis. The nymph, Shade according to his tag moved over towards her, sat on his rump and lifted his fore-legs up and waggled them at her. Chrysalis smiled and lifted the nymph up onto the bed with her, Shade curling up beside her.

Nigel snorted, the sound audible through his helmet as one of his arms twitched. Chrysalis was startled when a warm feeling surrounded her as well as Shade. It was love but felt different, no trace of lust or desire like Chrysalis was used to but still it felt nice. She felt her energy returning, as long as this kind of love fed her than she was happy with it. Letting out a content sigh as her belly was filled she allowed herself to drift off into slumber, at least one problem seemed to have been solved.


Nigel awoke to find that he was lying down and that a large black mass was obscuring his vision, his helmet still on firm. He blinked, this doing nothing to solve the issue leaving him quite confused. His question of just what was going on was answered when a loud chirp sounded from directly where the blockage was, the chirp answered by multiple others. The mass moved, replaced with a set of curious blue eyes peering intently at his visor. The nymph, the electronic chip he had inserted into the name tag telling him that it was Reflection, giggled and waved a hoof as she played with her reflection in the visor.

This was interrupted however when an armoured hand picked the changeling up, Nigel lifting the inquisitive nymph off his face as he sat up. The changeling squirmed in the human’s grasp as Nigel observed the cabin, nymphs spread around him all sleeping with Chrissy and another nymph on the bed. He removed his helmet, the changeling that he held giggling happily as it reached for his face with her front hooves. Placing his helmet on the ground Nigel stared at Reflection receiving a joy filled gaze in response.

“Just how much did I have to drink last night?” he asked, the changeling blowing a raspberry in response followed by a burst of laughter that roused the other nymphs and Chrysalis. “I drank that much, huh?” No other response apart from the hoof-reaching attempt restarting was supplied, Nigel sighing before placing Reflection on the ground beside him.

He could remember bits and pieces, drinks with Morning Sparkle, singing shanties with the crew and them something about keeping his armour clean, the whole night was kind of fuzzy. Chalmers let out a breath and went to reattach his helmet, Reflection attempting to climb inside of it. Shaking his head questioning just what he had gotten himself into Nigel pulled the nymph away and retrieved his head protection, the helmet sealing and lighting up as soon as it was on.

The rest changelings including Chrysalis were gradually stirring so Nigel gently got up off the floor and quickly made for the door, Reflection bounding along beside him. Chalmers pushed her away softly with a foot much to her displeasure as he opened the door and exited, making sure it was closed behind him to prevent any escapes. He failed to look behind him before moving away, bumping into an object that fell to the ground heavily. Nigel whirled around and spotted Morning Sparkle lying on the ground rubbing her head, the unicorn not looking to good.

“Damn, sorry about that,” he apologised as he grabbed one of her fore-hooves and helped her upright. The unicorn didn’t reply, Sparkle rushing over to the side of the ship before expelling her stomach contents into the sea. Nigel winced; evidently the First Mate’s morning had started off far worse than his. Sparkle let out a few more coughs before turning back to face the human, brushing her gold mane back with a hoof.

“It’s fine, I assume you’re feeling about as bad as I am?”

“About that, what exactly happened last night?” Chalmers question, eliciting a grimace from the First Mate which did not raise his hopes that it had passed without major incident.

“Well, after you showed me the warehouse we went to the tavern, sat down with the crew and drank far too much.” Morning answered with regret audible in her voice.

“I’ve got that bit figured out,” Chalmers remarked, the mare rolling her eyes at his comment.

“Yes, but only one of us proclaimed to be someone called ‘Thor’ and then proceeded to demand more wenches and mead. Then of course after receiving what they ordered due to the fact that they were waving a weapon around making slicing noises they then proceeded to, ‘bring the thunder’ was the quote I believe which turned out to mean passionately tongue-kiss four separate mares much to the delight of the rest of the crew still conscious.” The Captain stood frozen for a few moments before mustering a reply.

“…was it you?” he asked hopefully after a pause, Morning slowly shaking her head as she pointed a hoof towards Nigel’s chest. The human looked down to find lipstick smears all over his armour, the human pausing as he moved his tongue over the outside of his mouth, finding the same substance. “So that’s what that taste is,” he muttered, however a sudden thought came to the fore-front of his mind causing him to jolt his head up. “Oh god, please tell me that we only kissed,” he pleaded to Morning, the mare rolling her eyes.

“If you call spending half-an-hour shoving your tongue down multiple mares’ mouths kissing then yes, you only went that far despite multiple offers to continue it in private.” Morning Sparkle huffed in annoyance, “You rejected them on the grounds that ‘Chrissy’ would kill you and then spent the next ten minutes ranting about the problem that is ‘increased real estate prices in sector four-seven-three’ and their negative effect on ‘socio-political economics’. Luckily I passed out just as you began educating us on the importance of proper dental hygiene and that’s all I know.”

“You’re rather snarky this morning,” was all Nigel said, still trying to figure out just how badly he had messed up. Morning Sparkle snorted in response.

“I’m not nice when hung over,” stated the mare before the mention of her condition sparked another wave of nausea. The Captain watched as the unicorn rushed back to the side of the ship once more, silently wishing her luck with her hangover as he started towards the gangplank connecting the boat to the dock, steeling himself for any encounters resulting from last night that he would face.


Chrysalis heard the sound of the cabin door closing as she opened her eyes, the changeling letting out a yawn as sunlight steamed in through the square window above the bed. Movement to her side followed by a questioning chirp caused her to look towards Shade, the nymph by her side staring in the direction of the door. Chrysalis followed the gaze and spotted one of the nymphs, its name tag hidden due to the angle, pawing at the door in distress.

“What’s the matter?” Chrysalis asked as she moved to the side of the bed and poked her head over the edge, the nymph turning towards her at the question as it chittered at her franticly. Chrysalis had no clue what it wanted so she just watched as it seemed to sigh and return its attention to the door. The changeling was just about to hop off the bed and see what all the fuss was about when she felt a pair of hooves playing with her tail.

Turning her head around Chrysalis noticed Shade staring at her black tail as the nymph swatted it, appearing to focus on something within it. Chrysalis moved her tail so that see could see it better, a flash of teal catching her eye.

The changeling stared at the strand of teal hair which sat in her tail, the colour out-of-place within the sea of black. Shade was also gazing at it, his eyes fixated on the bright, colourful hair. Chrysalis was incredibly confused; drones didn’t grow different colours of hair so what was going on?


“One down, forty more to go!”

Townsfolk and crew members alike stood around and whispered as the human stepped away from his most recent creation, a three metre tall black tower in the shape of a pillar with a turret armed with a laser cannon at the top. The turret was shaped much like a square with triangular chunks cut out from the corners, a fat, black barrel sticking out from one end that scanned the area outside the town. Numerous sensors and spot-lights adorned the otherwise plain turret and at the base of the pillar sat a small half-a-metre tall box that was shielded behind a solid wall of metal, the command and control terminal for the deadly point-defence weapon.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit much, Captain?” Morning Sparkle commented, the mare having become a lot more confident around the human since the pair’s previous night’s escapades. The unicorn was standing next to her captain, eying the menacing tower as she watched the no doubt deadly weapon sweep across in a wide arc.

“You can never have to many defences Sparkle,” Chalmers replied as the turret swept over the crowd, most of the ponies flinching as the black barrel of the alien weapon passed over them however nothing happen apart from a slight pause in the turret’s traverse. “Besides,” the Captain continued, “this here is just a baby compared to some of the other stuff I’ve got in mind.” Sparkle gulped as the human rubbed his hands together and chuckled from within his helmet, “let’s see anyone try to take this town when the artillery batteries are all set up.”

The Captain let out a peal of laughter at his private thoughts of the sky lighting up with the fire of multiple high-explosive shells, every one of the ponies slowly backing away from the disturbing human. Morning Sparkle wondered if the Captain was still a little drunk from the night before, the biped throwing his arms up and making booming sounds with his mouth.

“Ah, all in good time,” Nigel stated as he calmed down, “for now I’ve got more turrets to construct, then it’s onto getting me some helpers.” With these words he turned and headed for his next destination, a ‘holographic map’ that he told Morning about lighting up in front of him with thirty-nine red dots flashing, all in various areas of the town.

The unicorn shook her head as she started to trot after him, wondering just what she had gotten into. She had briefly thought about grabbing her share of the loot that she had locked away and leaving town, however something was stopping her. Morning had always seen herself as wanting to succeed in life, gaining wealth and riches to help her forget her early childhood growing up on an Earth pony farm in poverty. Gaining nobility was her goal, hitching a ride upon the Captain’s coattails as the expression went seemed like a good idea right at this time.

Morning Sparkle noticed that Chalmers was humming merrily as he strolled along, the Captain a lot more cheerful and relaxed since they had arrived in the port. Well, apart from when he sprayed the market place with weapons fire on the first day but from what Sparkle had heard about the incident it was a predicable reaction from the human. No word had been heard regarding the former mayor, no travellers having arrived in the isolated town which wasn’t very popular to begin with.

Many townsfolk had raised concerns regarding the survival of the port when it came to money and supplies, most of the traders and merchants leaving after Chalmers had taken over. The human had assured the townsfolk that supplies and common items would soon not be an issue, promising the inhabitants of the port that they would be paid with goods and services in return for assisting the crew with tasks. The pirates still had a fair amount of gold and jewels from their previous voyage, Nigel even mentioning that he was considering heading back out to sea for a while after the port town was secured, Morning wondering who he would place in charge during his absence.

Probably her, after all he would most likely take Chrysalis on the ship with him. Now Morning was not one who normally put much faith into ship scuttlebutt, the unicorn preferring to base her opinions off what she could observe. As such, she had observed that the Captain and Chrysalis seemed unusually close but she didn’t believe that the two admittedly menacing creatures were in direct love with each other.

Chrysalis just seemed like a creature that the Captain treated as a close friend while the changeling treated him the same. Morning Sparkle just put it down to them being two creatures by themselves with none of their species around that had banded together because of this. Morning Sparkle herself had to admit that she was now far more comfortable around Chalmers; it couldn’t be denied that he was charismatic despite being slightly insane. He also had turned out to be quite the party animal if last night was anything to go by.

The First Mate sat down on the road as the Captain stopped and started building another one of his ‘Laser Death Turrets of Plus Seven Doom’ as he had called them, the faint blue outline of the soon-to-be-made defensive weapon slowly filling from the bottom up as the thin blue lines criss-crossed the glowing outline. Sparkle had made the mistake of asking how the ‘mass’ and ‘energy’ was transferred from the storage to his armour, the Captain shrugging and replying with ‘I stopped reading at the first mention of Quantum Molecularization, all I know is that I pick something in my head and the suit builds it’.

Morning Sparkle herself couldn’t think of any explanation other than some crazy type of human magic, she doubted that even the most powerful unicorn could replicate it. She did know one thing however as she watched the lethal automated weapon take form.
You’d have to be an idiot to attempt to take down a psychotic being with such amazing power.


Princess Platinum lounged on her throne in Unicornia, the regal ruler flicking her silver mane with a pearl-white hoof absentmindedly as Clover stood by the throne with a golden bowl of plump purple grapes at the ready should Platinum decide to snack. There was not a lot to do currently; despite the brewing war against the upstart Pegasi things had been slow.

The military, elite unicorn knights supported by earth pony troops lead by unicorn officers had been placed on alert, militias being quickly drafted and the navy was in top condition, the unicorns possessing the finest ships in the land. The Princess had received reports that griffons had increased naval patrols by almost three times after one of the King’s personal ships had been lost. Rumours had abounded that a demon from the depths of the underworld had risen as war seemed more likely.

A few Griffon survivors that had been picked up by a unicorn vessel had claimed that a beast twice the height and girth of a Minotaur had boarded the ship, the monster as black as night itself with a voice that could sheer the flesh off a griffon at fifty yards. Apparently the beast was leading a crew of pony pirates, the monster slaughtering hundreds of griffons by itself while laughing and demanding virgins. Platinum had dismissed these rumours as drunken sailors attempting to avoid having to return to their country and explaining the loss of the ship, ordering the griffons’ imprisonment as punishment for wasting her time.

Platinum raised an eyebrow as an earth pony servant entered through the throne room doors, the dark green mare bowing as she awaited permission to speak.

“What is it servant?” the Princess inquired as she pluck a grape with her magic and raised it to her mouth, the blue glow surrounding the fruit disappearing as the grape was consumed by the unicorn.

“The Mayor of Quayble requests an audience my Princess, she claims that it is urgent and concerns a threat to the safety of the entire land of Equestria.” Platinum smirked at the name of her kingdom, the title utter genius. The Pegasi could stay up in their clouds and mountain towns for all she cared, the feathered brutes will adapt at war where useless for everything else. Platinum might even go so far to say that Earth ponies were of more use, the common ponies proving to be suitable serfs after their leader met her demise completely by accident of course.

Sure, Platinum had ordered that cart to be set up right outside the former-leader’s door on a slope with a rope-secured chuck made to pull out when the door opened but everything else was the work of the gods. This issue with Quayble was not high on her list of priorities, however she had nothing better to do so she might as well hear what the Mayor had to say.

“Show her in peasant,” Platinum ordered, the servant mare scowling for a second before she nodded and trotted back outside. The servant returned a few moments later with a dishevelled looking cyan unicorn mare cloaked in red, the unicorn noble bowing before the throne. “Speak, tell me about this problem with Quayble,” Platinum demanded, the mayor raising her head with a combination of anger and fear in her eyes.

“The town has fallen to a monster! A beast from Tartarus itself has claimed dominion over it, renaming it to ‘Eviltopia’!” Platinum suddenly became very interested in the mayor’s tale, was this beast the same that the griffons had been rambling on about?

“Tell me Mayor; was this beast larger than a Minotaur and as black as pitch?”

“It was my Princess,” the Mayor responded, “it possessed no face and the ability to launch bright red magic without a horn! I myself was only able to make it out alive with a few loyal retainers after it attempted to take my life! It also was accompanied by a creature that was a twisted mockery of a unicorn, an insect that could hide amongst us at will! Surely the two are vicious fiends set on destroying the entirety of Equestria! They may even be aligned with the Pegasi, summoned here to weaken us before an attack!”

The Mayor ceased her rant, breathing heavily after the emotional turmoil of recounting events to the now scheming Princess. Platinum went over what she had just heard, coming to the conclusion that this threat would have to be dealt with quickly. Platinum glanced to a figure cloaked in shadows at the side of the white marble throne room.

“Knight Sunflare, your attention please.”

At her words the clanking of metal could be heard, a pony clad in full iron plate armour stepping into view. The Mayor gulped at the intimidating figure, a heavy long sword carried in a scabbard attached to the large pony’s torso almost the length of a pony. The armoured unicorn’s face was hidden behind the dull grey helmet that she wore; the only parts visible were her blood-red eyes gazing out of a slit and an orange horn extending out from the forehead of the helm.

“You are to organise a detachment of one-hundred commoners and head back with the Mayor here to re-capture the port Quayble from a vicious foe,” the Princess ordered, “I expect to have its foul head back here within the week.”

“As you command,” the knight, a mare acknowledged as she bowed her head, unable to bow fully in her armour. “I will not fail.”

“Don’t bother coming back if you do,” Platinum stated coldly, the Knight rising up and looking at her ruler.

“I understand.”

“Good, leave as soon as you are able.”

With that the Knight turned and exited, the Mayor following hesitantly behind. Princess Platinum sat back in her silver throne and picked out another grape, Clover’s legs starting to wobble as the Princess smiled to herself.

‘That so called ‘demon’ is as good as dead,’ she thought happily to herself, the red flesh of the grape bursting apart as the unicorn bit down, some red juice splashing onto her white chin with the force of the bite.