Doctor Whooves and the TARDIS Crew: Come Little Children

by Russell Dickson


Doctor Whooves and the TARDIS Crew.
"Come Little Children"

We all have night terrors. Every child will cry out into the night for a loving parent to come and protect them form the monsters that come in the night. Monsters of pure imitation only.

But, the solder after a war, has night terrors also. Doing battle with night terrors, only the solders are not just pure imitation, but also mix with ling lasting memories. The lasting memories of friends lost and enemies killed. Killed by the hands of the solder himself. The questions that can not be assured; how could I do that to another living thing? Did I do the right thing? What was it all for?

This were the sorts of dreams that the Doctor: Lord of Time, would have.

But, that was a long time ago, in a different place, on another world.

Safe in his new home with a female that he love. The old Time Lord had lay down his old life of wandering and fighting the good fight, for a soft bed and good food. And, lost of love, from mostly Derpy Hooves, known by her nick name Ditzy Doo, and there little filly, Dinky Doo. They were the best things ever to happen to the Doctor. But, even with their love, they could not take away the night terrors that would come and wake Time Turner up in a cold sweet. His hearts beating as if he had been running for his very life. NO! Not his life, his family lives.

Each time Ditzy would wake with Time Turner and comfort him as best she could, calling by his new name, Time Turner Or, her big brave Timey Wimey Turner, if she was in the mood to do so. For that was the name the Doctor had chosen when he applied for citizenship to Ponyville. Once he saw that his TARDIS was somehow stuck on Equestria.

Equestria being the home world of Pony kind.

After a number of adventures with Ditzy Doo and other ponies, the Doctor had fallen in love with both his Derpy Ditzy Doo Hooves and the Pony world of Equestria. He had stop trying to fix the TARDIS, for the most part. Just happy to take the time and space ship out for little spins thought time and space in his new universal home. He had even started to question why he like the Earth so much at one time.

But, now the only thing that reminded the old Time Lord, of the Doctor, were the night terrors that would not go away. The terrors that always started the same way by asking... Doctor Who?