//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: The King // by Ocean Heart //------------------------------// In ice and snow, in chill and wind, among the clouds and buried in stone walls; is the finest..and only city of metal equines. High in the mountains of Equestria, and nestled in a pocket where the wind was less severe was a grand city of ice and stone...but it was also the home of one particular pony. It was the humble beginning of the dark king of shadow and crystal... King Sombra. Though a long time ago, he went by a different name. This is a recounting of all the information contained in the great library of the Crystal Empire, and the recovered collection of journals and books from the kings personal collection. To enhance the immersion, I will be doing my research as I write, it will be one collection,but I will be imparting my own opinions as the book deepens; that way there is as much emotion as possible to give life to what is dead. What everyone knows about the dark king....that he was cruel, merciless, intelligent beyond belief and that he was haunting...he was the perfect tyrant. There are still stories rising that some of his old empire still tries to bring back their former master, their minds twisted by his evil. On the date of July 15, 1008; Sombra did return from a long period of silence, the sun sister having banished him to his shadow plane, though it was a shock when he took the entire empire with him...his return was harrowing to say the least, thankfully, one small dragon(to my surprise) was able to bring about the end of the king. No one can be sure what happened during that time in silence, evidence suggests that it was more like a slumber for the innocent he dragged with him,and a new form of hell for him... But everyone knows this story, I am here to bring light to a much different time...I am here to honor the memory of a dear friend and family. My name is Ivy Blood, and this is the biography of King Sombra. Birth: Year 146* (birth month and date disputed in different texts, estimates put it in august thirteenth) In a stone home, on the far side of town, quiet and quaint. Though today it is a little less than quiet...hours of pain and effort, the work of housemaids and a doctor, yielded a newborn colt. Though a close call when the cold weather was let in by an oblivious husband nearly costed his life before he even could live one. A newborn couldn't handle the negative temperatures outside, thankfully (or regretfully depending on point of view) the mother shielded him as carefully as she could. "You dense, fool!" Lucks Chance winced at his wife's shout...shutting the door as fast as he could before taking his boots off. Though the flabbergasted look came back as soon as his boots were off and scarf hung by the door...the tiny foal wrapped in a thick blanket, shivering slightly but leaning its head into his mother’s body for warmth. "You said next week...that he was coming next week..Goddess..you know I am not the sentimental type...but by the god sister of the sun...I can’t believe it." Chance said. The exhausted mare smiled slightly and sighed..housemaids and doctor escorting themselves out to give the new parents room.. "He is a cute one....I think he's the cutest in the city." Chance was next to the bed when his new son opened his eyes...hiding halfway under his mother dense fur but still looking up with deep green eyes... "You...are right. I think that even in all this cold, he will melt hearts." Chance said as he rubbed the foals head. "What should we name him, Lotus?" Lotus Lily looked down, gently kissing the newborns head and smiling.. "What about...Sombra...something proud and strong against all types of cold." She said. "Bit old timey, don't ya think? he looks like a quiet and shy type..it doesn't fit well..." Lotus looked down again, the foals eyes still locked on the unfamiliar father in silent wonder. "Somber Crystal...something quiet and strong, and its a midway for Sombra." Chance said. Lotus wanted to debate but...looking back down at the foal and taking a moment to think deeply...her husband had moments of unbelievable luck and moments of...poor choices. The poor choice was leaving the door open with a newborn...so she differed this to unbelievable luck. "Its perfect...my somber prince..." Somber Crystal had a normal childhood, though early texts suggest he had little friends, which implies that he was either a bit of a wallflower during his early years; or there was a choice to be an outcast, which opened up a few theories. No real school records could be found due to the culture's collapse; yet the stories of a refined nature and inherent mannerisms lead us to believe he was raised either by royalties or self taught in a desire for knowledge. Either way, it proves a theory that he was a very intelligent child, journals record that he had two friends, one colt named Diamond Blood and a mare named... "Blaze!" Somber shouted. A dark and dense coat ruffled in the wind, short midnight black hair tied up in the popular western style. When she turned around, her face half hidden by the black silk mane and deep ocean blue eyes. All hidden well under a tough exterior most of the time, most colts were afraid to even speak to her...not Somber though.. The colt caught up with her and walked along side, both of them half sunken in the snow but not cold, it was summer of course. "Hello, Crystal." She said cheerfully. "Have you seen Diamond? " He asked Blaze shook her head, though fate had a funny way of answering questions...in a bright flash, a pearl white colt with bright red eyes appeared; smiling cheerfully but looking a bit winded, the short mane a little spiked but blowing around in the snowy wind. "T-tada!" He said while panting. They both stopped and while Somber was jaw dropped, Blaze just smirked. "Teleportation? A bit over the top, don't you think?" She said, making Diamond just frustrated. "Oh come on! Some grown ups can’t even do that!!" Diamond was a lively colt, living in the more run down part of the city never hindered his positive outlook. Even when he was teased for his condition; Somber never saw something different about Diamond, adults talked though...Even Blaze had never heard of a disease called Albino. Somber shook his head out of thought and laughed a little, following Blaze as she started walking again. Diamond wanted to argue more but he resigned to roll his eyes and dash to catch up. School was about to start for a new year and for once Somber was looking forward to it; rumors of a new magic study class were confirmed the day before the start of the new year; making it a mad dash to get a spot...a little luck from his father though got him a spot, along with Blaze and Diamond. Stone halls and marble floor, torches flicker and dance shadows across the walls,it fit the bill for a haunted house in a children's book; fitting that it carry the same horror... Diamond pushed open the heavy wooden doors, Somber and Blaze rushing in. Once the doors shut, the howling wind was replaced with chatter from students echoing along the hallways. The trio walked along, keeping quiet until they reached the classroom. Diamond passed the bookcase on the wall and grabbed three notebooks, dashing back over to their table to toss the books to their owners. Diamond had a simple brown cloth and wood binding while Blaze preferred a leather case with a red silk cover stitched into it; Somber had a similar case, but his was a royal purple, velvety color with a red gem pressed to the center. "Thank you." Somber said quietly, opening the binding and removing the quill inside, ready to either learn something new, or draw when the instructor goes over something he already knows. Fate and destiny is...an odd pair. In one hand, it is the belief that we are all meant for a purpose; a singular goal or moment for which we exist for and everything is predetermined. The other, is that we stumble and trip along a twisting path, taking turns until we reach the same goal but then move past it to do greater things. Both though can be changed if enough force is applied. Somber took the special class with his friends and learned about the new study of dark magic...an archaic art thought lost until a book is discovered; unleashing the strength and power of the forbidden magic. Yet studies have determined that against popular opinion, Somber had little interest in it. Going as far as to loathing it and never speaking of it until his late teenage years. A true calling...a destiny if you will; was with art, seeing it as a sign of status, fine art meant...intelligence, refinement...it meant monarchy.(Further adding to the theory of royalty origins.) "I cannot believe you don't like the new age magic class!" Blaze said. The three took shelter from a blizzard inside a watch tower along the wall, old stone weathered against the snow for years, just to keep out undesirables... sitting together and hiding in their jackets; Diamond Blood shivering inside his coat regardless from the bitter cold. Somber rolled his eyes and buried his muzzle into his father scarf. "I just think normal magic is enough...why learn two languages when I only need to speak one?" Blaze shoved him to the side, making him sigh heavily when he righted himself. "It is a lot more useful to know two languages..." Diamond scoffed dramatically... "What are you scoffing at?" Blaze said, glare turning to him. "Just that I learned cool tricks though normal magic...now all this new age stuff is messing up my head..." he said before looking to the side to avoid Blaze's glare... "Fine...I guess it is the old saying, colts are a little slower." "Hey, I'm not slow!" Diamond yelled. Somber sunk into his coat a little more... Blaze felt the shift and turned her attention to Somber, seeing the slight shame and sadness in his ivy green eyes. Now it was obvious that he felt ashamed that he couldn't keep up with his best friend...New Age magic was starting to create a rift between them and as soon as Blaze saw Somber try and blink away the water in his eyes... "Oh...darn it, Crystal...I'm sorry. We just have different interests." Somber sat back up and Diamond even caught on..a little embarrassed that they let a petty argument hurt their more sensitive friend.. "Here, lets warm up.." Blaze said. A quick wisp of dark magic left her horn and a black fire took the place in the center of the group, only a few feet away. "Blaze! You know thats against the rules!" Diamond said. It was true, the new magic was still unstable among some of the adults and deemed dangerous for children to use without supervision. "Its fine, just a little fire to keep us warm..." A small green swirl filled her eyes as she suspended the small fire. The warmth definitely welcome as the snow was starting to slow down. Somber closed his eyes, even wanting to sleep after a long day stuck in a tower...suddenly the fire burst; sending shards of flame all over the tower...Blaze screamed and Diamond was trying to pat the fire off his coat, a green mist coming from Blaze's eyes and an empty look about them... "I told you!" Diamond shouted. "Somber!" Blaze screamed in fear. It was a crystalline moment...Somber jumped up and poured every bit of his strength into any way to stop the flames... Somber took control of the fire...bringing it to the center of the room again before it snuffs out. A sudden moment of strange understanding dawned on him, the fire flicked out faster than he thought, and it felt like...like he actually overcompensated to a massive degree. "Somber...how did you do that?" Blaze asked..still shocked. Somber sat back down and lit a bright orange fire in the center of the room with normal magic, Diamond looking up from his destroyed jacket and laughed. "I dont-" "Ha! Normal magic wins." Diamond interrupted. Blaze sent a burst of magic and thwaped Diamond on the head...getting a pained groan in response. "Hmph..you did better than me, Crystal, don't take that for granted.." Blaze got up, shifting the order a little to leave Somber in the center of the group. The shock didn't wear off until he noticed the green mist was gone from Blaze's violet eyes...it was something the instructor never went over, perhaps it should be brought to his attention... Somber jumped awake when he felt Blaze rest her head onto his shoulder. Diamond even leaning onto Somber's other shoulder. "Thanks for the fire.." Diamond said quietly..curling up a little tighter as the snow slowed down. I...thought I was the weak one.. Now according to a very old and nearly decomposed journal. Diamond Blood was a bit weary of dark magic after that event, he tended to skip the new age magic class from then on to practice his own tricks. "So what you're saying is...you actually agree with Diamond?" Blaze said incredulously. Somber nodded, the noise of the cafeteria was a little irritating but Somber knew there wasn't another place they were allowed to just sit and talk during the day. Diamond let out a surprised guffaw... "Oh shut up, bozo!" Blaze shouted. Somber laughed quietly, picking at his food idly, the teacher denounced his worry about the green mist...calling it a harmless side effect...but he knew something was wrong. This new age magic was dangerous, even if nopony would admit it. "So! Check this out though, Silver Tongue, she got a spot in the class!" Diamond said, mouth half full of bread. Blaze rolled her eyes and sighed heavily... "That little...you both know all she does is whine and complain; if that doesn’t work, daddy to the rescue with all their bits not far behind.." Blaze said with venom seeping on her tone. Somber nodded again, taking a bite of the bland sunflower sandwich. "Be calm...Blaze." He said quietly. Blaze sighed again and nodded, looking over and ruffling Somber's messy mane. "She just gets under my skin with what she gets away with, ya know?" Blaze had a very keen sense of right and wrong, it also compelled her to fix those wrongs; to a hazardous degree sometimes... Silver Tongue made it clear that she wanted to be bitter enemies with Blaze when she made it a mission to mock her at every turn. Simple, childish acts; but that didn't mean they weren't irritating. "How do you not get mad when she stomps all over the rules?" Blaze said looking at him. Somber looked up and thought, not sure why she never got under his skin. "Huh..?" Somber said quietly. Silver was walking through the cafeteria, dark and shimmering coat speckled in snow and her mane cropped short so it swooped around her jaw line in a graceful style. Silver glanced over and spotted the three, though when she saw that only Somber noticing her...she threw him a sly wink and continued on.. "Well?" Blaze said. Somber felt his face burn a little and he forgot what Blaze asked... "Crystal?" Somber shook his head and looked back at Blaze. "Yea, I uh...what were we talking about?" Blaze groaned in frustration, putting her head to the table with a thump.. "Silver and her being the worst, dumbo..." Blaze muffled. Chapter One part 2: The Winter War Somber grew up little by little, though he was well past the pack academically; he fell short socially; never talking about having any other friends aside from Diamond Blood and Blaze. Though during his early teens, I was able to find the 'hot drama' of a relationship between Somber, and a noble by the name of Silver Tongue. It was then that he learned of the strangeness of the dating world... "Somber! Somber!" A voice shouted. Somber was taking a walk, being his fifteenth birthday soon; his mother often shooed him outside to talk of plans for a celebration. Thankfully it was still summer, winter was on the horizon though. Somber turned around and saw Silver running to catch up with him, wearing an exquisite pearl scarf and taking the tie from her mane to let it fall across her neck. "Hey, Somber...actually didn't think you would slow down for me.." Somber looked down, not really sure what to say... "But its good that you did...I've been uh....working up the courage to talk to you for a bit..." she said just as she looked aside to hide her face, though her crimson ear tips were an obvious sign of the blush... "Talk to me...? I'm..okay?" Somber felt his throat tighten and heart quicken. Silver laughed quietly and looked back up at Somber, bright blue eyes admiring.. "And I thought I was anxious..." "Why would you want to talk to me?" He asked. Silver looked forward and thought carefully.. "We don't get to talk much, I can tell Blaze kinda tries to keep you and Dimond away from me. You're different though...you're quiet, smart...but I can tell that you're kind and sweet..that's why you're ignoring Blaze's little rule right now." Somber felt a little unfamiliar pride starting to grow in his heart...though the pride was shadowed by doubt. Silver did have a way about herself that set her to a different standard, the way she talked and acted was much more mature than most other mares her age...maybe that's what it was..Somber was mature for a colt still, were they drawn to each other because of that? Somber shook his head to snap out of the thought, fixing his scarf with a gentle wisp of green magic to buy time... "But you're also really cute.." Silver added suddenly. Somber felt his front leg fall though weak snow, causing him to stumble forward when his face burned red. Silver laughed again, a bubbly giggle that made Somber redden more... "See, you're not like the other thick headed colts.." "I don't think i'm that different." He said quietly. The pair were passing a closely built neighborhood, houses looking a little run down but cozy. Somber knew Blaze wouldn't be here,but Diamond lived in this area... "You are...that's why I wanted to ask you something." Somber glanced back quickly, face now stuck with a deep blush. "Would you give me the honor of joining you at the winter ball..?" "Oh come on!!" Somber stopped and lowered his head, pulling the scarf up over his muzzle to hide some of the crimson on his face... Diamond Blood was following them long enough to hear Silver... "Turn around, Somber..." Diamond said disappointed. Somber turned slowly and gave a weak smile. "Dude, really? You're falling for her crap?" Silver turned with Somber and looked taken aback, her face stark red as well but a glare that could cut glass boring into Dimond. "It's his choice, jerk!" She spat. Diamond just shook his head in frustration. "Then what's your choice, Somber? You know Blaze will kill you...like, knife in the juggler, blood everywhere and anarchy in the streets kill you." "It's pronounced jugular, jerk." Silver retorted. Somber looked back at Silver, trying to see any kind of sign that would reveal a darker motive...but he saw none. The genuine shyness, the honesty and even the fact that she wanted to go to the ball with him...plus It would be a lie to say Somber didn't take a lingering look at Silver every so often. Somber reddened again when she looked back up at him, under the irritation was a frail fear; it was a worry that he...just a weak and shy colt would reject her. The winter ball...I wish I could have seen one myself before the culture was lost. It was a celebration of life lived in the harshness of the mountain, a victory where all else failed. It had wine, food, friends and family; all gathered to mark the passing of another winter. From what records I could find, the ball was described as "The Winter War". Never in a malicious manner, just a joke that the city gossiped about. It was interesting at the time to see the captain of the guard and a esteemed noble fight over what would seem to be a petty prize. Somber though, wrote in his journal about that night though. August 14, 160 Why am I the token guest all of a sudden? Blaze hates me for a betrayal only she sees, Sil (assuming a nickname) is starting to get a little too brazen with boundaries, and Diamond refuses to talk to me. All I want is to drink and have fun...this winter ball nonsense is almost over though; after this dance, things can go back to normal... Somber Crystal...ironically.... used the other side of the page to practice his pencil work in an...interesting drawing of Silver Tongue....[Released in the uncensored version of the biography. Editor.] It seems that for those months until the ball, Silver Tongue and Somber were dating; even though Somber does not speak of it in his writings. Blaze on the other hand had quite a lot to say... October 4th If that devil thinks she can just manipulate Somber like that...I really thought he would be smarter but...colts will be colts. I just have to calm down and wait, she'll show her true colors soon...then I get to say I told you so...after I rip that whelps heart out of her chest...Somber...I swear if you get attached to her and she breaks your heart.........I'll be there, I'll pick up the pieces for you...just to be safe, I think I'll do some rounds around Gold manor. Something stinks to the high heavens about this Ball coming up... _ _ "You can’t go through with this...this atrocious book! This perversion of history!" "I have to." "But why?! You are trying to convince the masses that a torturous king was good! That it wasn't his fault!" "Because he was good! ....and he could've been great.. but he was denied that greatness! The world should know that what he did, he did because he was forced to! No soul is born wicked or suddenly becomes dark...it is forced by the time that makes it this way..." "This is your great- beyond great grandfather, these are things passed down as a token of shame that this family endures....he would've spit in you face if he were alive...to go through his personal things like this!" "We were his family! ....Apparently that means a hell of a lot more to me than it does to you...If you don't want to support me, that's your problem. This book is going to be published."