//------------------------------// // But, who to help? // Story: Fearsmenship // by Stencil //------------------------------// Sandbox wandered the streets of Ponyville in search of anyone that may need a little guidance. "Hey! Who are you?! I've never seen you here before!" Sandbox turned his head only to be met with a mass of Pink tackling him to the ground. "Hi! My name's Pinkie Pie! What's your's?" "Uh, Sandbox. Nice to meet you." Sandbox replied. "Well, it's super nice to meet you! So where do you come from?" Pinkie asked. With a smile Sandbox answered, "I just recently left Trottingham. It was a nice place, but I felt that I'd done my job there." "And what is your job?" The pink pony asked with eyes the size of bowling balls. She allowed Sandbox to stand again. "Helping ponies." Sandbox replied. Pinkie still had a smile, but it seemed to be fading. Apparently that wasn't enough. "I help ponies overcome their fears." "And how do you do that?" "Well, I'm able to see inside their minds and gain access to a wide variety of what frightens them. For instance, you are afraid of broccoli." Sandbox said. It was a strange fear, but it was fear. And that much was certain to Pinkie Pie whom had assumed the fetal position. "Because they're so weird!" She said; her mane began to sag. "It's like you're eating a tiny tree, but when you put it in you're mouth it feels like you're chewing on a sponge! It's got different shapes and textures all over it and it tastes bad!" She stood up and looked Sandbox directly in the eyes. "Really really bad!!" "Hey, it's not a problem. I can help you. But first, I need to know, is there anypony around here that sort of gives off and aura? Like they are trying to hide something?" Sandbox asked. Pinkie thought for a moment. "What do you mean?" "Sorry, you probably don't. It's my special talent figuring out what people are afraid of. If it looks as if a pony is big and tough but may be hiding something, it's probably fear." "Hmm..." Pinkie said as she tapped her hoof to her chin and looked around. "What about him?" Pinkie pointed off to the distance at a pegasus stallion with a light coat and a dark black/grey mane. He was busy talking to a few others at a bar of some sort. The pony looked to be the most confident guy in the group, but Sandbox was able to see through him like a Jock through a hole in the wall of the Cheerleaders' changing room. "Perfect! Thank you, Pinkie!" Sandbox said. "You're welcome!" Pinkie watched as Sandbox went off to address the stallion. "YO!" Sandbox yelled. The group turned to face him. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" Sandbox screamed pointing at the aforementioned pony. "Rumble? Who's asking?" The pegasus said. "WHO'S ASKING?!" Sandbox turned to his left then to his right while chuckling as if there were ponies there laughing along with him. "He's asking me who's asking-I'M ASKING!! THE GUY WHO'S GONNA KICK YOUR FLANK!!!!" Sandbox screamed. Rumble was confused at first, then began to laugh along with his friends. "Okay! Bring it on!" Rumble flapped beat his wings hard and landed in front of Sandbox. "But before I kick your ass, what are we fighting for?" Rumble asked. He didn't really care, a fight was a fight, he just wanted to know. "We're fighting because you're afraid!" Sandbox said. "I'm not afraid of you!" Rumble replied. He swung his hoof at Sandbox, but missed. "Maybe not of me, but I know what you are afraid of." Rumble swung again and Sandbox simply dodged. "So what am I afraid of?" Rumble asked in fake wonder as he swung at his unicorn challenger. "You see my cutie mark?" Sandbox asked. Rumble took a quick look. "STOP STARING AT MY ASS!!!" A pissed off Rumble planted a hit on Sandbox's face. The unicorn whipped his face back to where it was as if he hadn't even felt it. "My talent is fear! I'm able to see inside ponies' heads and pull out what scares them most!" Rumble took another swing. "Sure you are!" The pegasus replied with sarcasm. "Some ponies are afraid of spiders!" "So?" Rumble said as he missed again. "Some are afraid of being robbed!" "So what?" "Everyone has a fear!" Sandbox said as he cracked Rumble in the face. "You're afraid of looking bad!" Sandbox hit him again and sent him tumbling to the ground. "You're afraid of losing!" Rumble tried to block the next swing but only succeeded in slowing it down. Sandbox lowered himself down to Rumble's level. "But most of all..." Rumble wound back to try for a sucker punch. "You're afraid for Scootaloo." Sandbox smiled as Rumble went still. "What?" He asked. Confusion riddled his face. "You're afraid that she might not like you. And even if she doesn't, you want the best for her. You're afraid you couldn't give her what she deserves or that you couldn't treat her how she should be." "Of course I am, dude." Rumble said as he stood. "She's amazing. Who wouldn't give their life for her?" "From the moment you saw her, you've observed her from afar. Fearing the outcome of ever addressing her. You've always wanted to tell her how you felt, but you've never had the balls to do it. So you sit back and watch her. Maybe she'll come talk to you... But what if she doesn't? Will watch her your whole life? No... You just can't." "How do you know all of this?" Rumble asked. "I've never told anyone about this... about her." Rumble sniffled. "Look I can't just go up to her and tell her that I love her! I can't risk it... I can't risk the friendship we already have and I'm afraid that if I do tell her.." "...That you'll lose her completely..." "Yeah....." "There's just one problem with that." "What?" "If you don't get over these fears, she's going to continue to be beaten." Sandbox said. Rumble's eyes went as wide as saucers. "What?!" "Scootaloo has the world's best dad!" Sandbox started to chuckle. "One that doesn't let her go two seconds without telling her how worthless she is!" "No..." Rumble said as he held his head in his hooves. "A dad that is always willing to lend a hoof... Usually to her face!" Sandbox laughed as Rumble shook with rage. "Maybe her dad is right..." Rumble pulled his gaze from the ground back to Sandbox. "WHAT?" Rumble said through gritted teeth. "Maybe Scootaloo's dad is right... Maybe she is worthless." "SHUT UP!!" "She sure thinks so... And I don't see you doing anything to help her see otherwise." "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!" "MAKE ME!!!" Rumble stood tall and towered above Sandbox before he swung downward. His hoof contacted Sandbox's face and knocked him to the ground. Sandbox spat blood as he stood back up. "ARE WE FIGHTING OR PLAYING TAG?!" Sandbox yelled. "SHUT UP!!!!" Rumble shouted back as he knocked the unicorn to the ground again. "SCOOTALOO WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!!!" Sandbox screamed. Rumble cracked him in the skull again and, again Sandbox stood to face him. "YOU ARE JUST GOING TO LET HER KEEP GETTING ABUSED!!!!!" Rumble flapped his wings hard and dropped to punch Sandbox with another five feet of momentum. Sandbox stood again. "FACE YOUR FEAR!!!!" Rumble snapped his wings towards Sandbox and flew backwards, then flapped them again and sent himself sailing towards his enemy. His hoof and Sandbox's face made contact and the noise that sound was comparable to a small explosion. The last punch was heard for miles; apples fell from trees, birds were startled and flew off, why even Zecora was left wondering what the fuck just happened. When the smoke cleared, a tired Rumble could be seen panting in the middle of a small crater. Rumble's friends stood back, gawking at the sight. Rumble was confused until he looked down. Sandbox lied at his hooves, dead. "Shit..." Rumble said. Suddenly, the body shifted. The bones in Sandbox cracked and snapped as the Stallion was brought back up to a standing position. "You have enough bravery to kick my ass. So why not kick the ass of your fear?" Sandbox asked. Rumble stood there dumbfounded. The whole fight had been a lesson. Rumble looked to the ground, then back up to Sandbox. "How, though?" Rumble asked. "You just talk to her. Be there for her when she needs someone to talk to." "But what if I can't? What if she doesn't like me or she doesn't think I'm good enough?" Rumble asked with sad eyes. "She won't. But you won't know for sure until you try. Go talk to her. Look after her." Sandbox put a hoof on Rumble's shoulder. "Protect her." Sandbox smiled at Rumble and Rumble smiled back. Then he turned to leave. "Wait!" Rumble said. "Who are you?" "I'm Sandbox. And I just helped you get over your fear. Now go get her!" Rumble smiled big at Sandbox. "I will! I WILL!" Rumble flapped his wings and took to the air. As Sandbox turned to leave he heard a faint 'THANK YOU!!' Sandbox happily walked back over to where Pinkie Pie stood wearing a small smile of her own. "Now, how about I help you with you fear of Broccoli?"