A Gem in the Night

by BandNerdMafia

A Declaration of Love

Twilight was awoken by the sound of a very loud knock at her door; a knock so loud that she was surprised it didn’t wake her baby dragon assistant from his slumber. She arose quickly and quietly to keep it that way. After almost tripping down the stairs and carefully tiptoeing over many a book that she didn’t have the time to put away after yet another long night of study, Twilight finally answered the door.
Rarity ushered herself into the library with quiet effortlessness. “Hello dear, I’m so sorry to intrude at this hour, I really am, but I have a problem that I need to discuss with you in private and without anypony even knowing I was here in the first place. Is Spike still sleeping?” she spoke lightly.
“For trying to be so secretive, I’m can’t believe you knocked so loudly. I wouldn’t be surprised if half of Ponyville didn’t just roll over in their beds!” Twilight quipped. “Let’s go downstairs. I don’t think either of us wants to risk waking him. Spike can be very cranky, and if he knew you were here, he wouldn’t be able to sleep at all! What did you come here for anyway, and why in the middle of the night?”
“I’ll tell you once I know we’re absolutely alone, dear.” Rarity said while the pair walked through the piles of books still strewn across the library floor. “My my, you should really clean up, don’t you think?” Twilight gave Rarity the most disapproving look she could possibly muster in her dreary state, and then proceeded to open the basement door. “Yes dear; let’s get to business, shall we?” questioned Rarity with a nervous laugh.
Twilight closed the door as softly as possible, and turned to ask Rarity once more, “Why did you have to come so late at night?”
“Because dear, this is something that nopony else must know about, and you’re the only pony I trust that can help me. I have a very serious problem, and I just don’t know anypony else who can help. That is, except you, dear. I would have come to you sooner, but I had to make sure I could entrust this information to you. Now that I know that I can, I must, if I ever want this to be resolved.” Twilight could hear the anguish in Rarity’s voice as she spoke. A deep fear began to fester in Twilight’s heart; she hated to see her friends in pain, especially a pony so generous and pure of heart, but she had no clue if she could actually help Rarity or not. ‘What if I can’t help her?’ Twilight thought. ‘What if I fail her?’
Rarity immediately noticed the look on Twilight’s face; it was a look of doubt and of terror. She knew exactly what Twilight was thinking. “Twilight, dear, I know you can help.” The alicorn princess appreciated her friend’s confidence, but she couldn’t help but think that it was born from ignorance.
“Ok, Rarity, what is it?”
“I guess I can’t turn back now, can I?” the white unicorn said with a heavy sigh, looking nervously at the stairway.
“Please Rarity; just tell me what it is that you need me to do!” Twilight proclaimed earnestly, and with a small yawn afterwards.
“You know how the fate of Equestria rests within the friendship the six of us share, right dear?”
“Of course I do, Rarity!”
The marshmallow Unicorn knew there wasn’t any way she could leave without telling her purple friend exactly what she came here to tell her, even if she was to be rejected. “What do you imagine would happen if we were to, say, fall in love?” Twilight was pleasantly surprised, but she did everything she could not to show it. She thought this was something much more serious. Rarity continued, “How would that affect the Elements? Could we still use them?”
“I don’t know Rarity; I don’t think it could possibly affect our friendship. I could always do some research, even though there really isn’t very much information on the Elements. Why are you asking; did you happen to stumble upon Prince Charming in the middle of the night?” Twilight replied jokingly, not realizing just who Rarity meant when she said, “we,” and was certainly not ready for the answer that followed.
Rarity pressed her lips as hard as she could against Twilight’s. She needed to express what she was feeling, and mere words simply would not do. Not that Rarity could speak them anyway; she was much too afraid. Twilight needed to know somehow. It was the only other way the white unicorn could think of. Rarity loved her friend’s intellect, her diligence, her curiosity, her ingenuity, her beauty. She couldn't tell the purple mare how cute she was when she worried over the little things, or how she adored the way Twilight took care of Spike in such a loving manner. Rarity decided to tell her all of it with just a simple kiss. Well, so to speak, anyway.
The princess had always shared the same feelings her unicorn friend had just so abruptly and haphazardly shared with her, but was never certain if showing them was really appropriate. Twilight loved her friend’s elegance, her brilliance, her curiosity, her ingenuity, her beauty. She has always thought the way Rarity overdramatizes everything was just too cute, and has always loved that adorable face the dressmaker sometimes makes when she gets angry. The purple mare no longer had to hide any of it anymore. Suddenly, Rarity withdrew from the kiss Twilight had been waiting so long for, but never had the courage to attempt.
“I… I have to go.” the marshmallow mare said before turning and fleeing from the basement. In a hurry that would have made even Rainbow Dash dizzy, Rarity left the library and bolted home, making more noise than she had really intended, and leaving Twilight confused, and very suddenly alone. The alicorn princess wasn’t sure whether she should be worried or not for her newfound special somepony, but for now, she couldn’t have been happier. After what Twilight felt like was eternity of thinking about everything and nothing at all in the library’s dimly lit basement, Spike called down from the top of the stairs, “Twilight, what are you doing up right now? And why is the front door open? Is everything ok?”
“Everything is going to be fine, Spike.”