Brotherhood is Magic

by Yang96

1. The Moon Monarch's Rage

“My power is as great as yours!” Prince Aster, Monarch of the Night, was furious “I am the Night’s Monarch, King of the Moon, just that no one sees her!” the young monarch glared at his older brother, Celes “you said that if I made the stars, much more ponies would wish to enjoy my night, but it didn’t worked, so you said of doing the Moon’s Phases, and you only gave more useless work!” Celes sighed, both were the same height, both were alicorns because of their connection with Sun and Moon, Aster had dark blue colors on his fur and mane, his horn was an almost-black, blue color, while Celes had white and golden colors.
“Aster, calm down, it wasn’t my…” a Lunar Ray zapped form the Moon Monarch’s horn towards his brother who could barely avoid it.
“Wasn’t you intention?! If you really think I haven’t heard the chats with the other kings, you’re wrong!” Celes sighed while dodging more rays “I really doubt my brother can reign over the Moon! I doubt he can control the constellations! He is only a filly that has no idea of what he is doing!” Celes was only staring at his brother.
“It was the truth, the first days, you couldn’t control the Lunar Phases or Constellations…”
“That was just after Eris’ decay! I was barely learning how to control my powers!” Celes sighed and jumped away from the Lunar Ray that destroyed a wardrobe.
“You’re explosive, your emotions cloud your judgment and your powers, you don’t know when to stop until someone tells you to do so or it’s too late, your powers are still developing, everything slip out of your hands and worse, you want to do things no pony can, when you barely know how to do things anypony can” Celes was calmed, with a serious look upon his younger brother “just give me the control over your Moon and Constellations, until your powers are fully developed and…” another Lunar Ray, this time stronger, flew to him avoiding it again.
“I’ll never give away what cost me a hoof full of nights! Its mi work, my effort, my reign, my power! It’s the only thing that makes your shadow go away!” Celes was hurt “I hate you brother, I hate you with all my heart, I wish I would never see you again!” And with a blast of moonlight, Prince Aster went into exile.
A lot of months passed, almost a year, in which no one had a clue where the kind and great Prince Aster could’ve gone, no pony knew, until it was too late.