//------------------------------// // The Beginning // Story: Friends Never say Goodbye // by CDasher60 //------------------------------// Clip-Clip Clop. Clip Clop-Clop. Two ponies walk in the dark of the night. Wind whistles and trees swish. The moon gives small light for the pair of stallions to walk in. Crows from the mists of the shadows, swirl around the ponies and fly away, disappearing back to the shadows. An eerie structure looms over the stallions. Neither say a word as they climb up the stairs to a cracked door. Inside, broken fruniture lies on the floor. Winter leaves crunch under their hooves. They find a set of stairs and climb up, careful not to fall through the holes and cracks. Reaching the second story of the haunted house, they see that a table sits in the middle of the floor. On the suspicious table rests a crystal orb. They walk towards the orb. "Please give us the answers we need..please." "Quiet Shermin. Oh Lady Fortune, your powers are not as great as they were, with you in this crystal orb, but please. We need to know if anypony can defeat King Thanatos. Our world will be doomed unless anypony can stop Thanatos. There must be somepony..." Mystic swirls of blue and purple mist surround the pleading stallion. Billowing clouds form inside the orb. The clouds clear, and reveal a mare, old and shaggy but dressed in gold beads and spiritual attire. As she speaks to the stallion, her voice is rough but strong. "There will be an end to the darkness that covers. There is a mare, with wings as blue as the night sky." "A Pegasus? Blue as the night sky? Well, when will this pony come?" "When the world is most at lost, there will be four: One with the ability to disappear. A love for ponies that is pure and strong. Another Pegasus with talents that give great cheer. And a mare, with wings as blue as the night sky." "Four ponies, will defeat King Thanatos? That is very splendid Lady Fortune, but when will these ponies come? All of Equestria is on the hooves of these ponies!" "Wings as blue as the night sky..." *** The winter's night blew a deathly breeze through the air. A terrible snow storm was once again seeping over Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres had been abandoned years ago. Sugar Cube Corner, the Carousel Boutique and any other business that have brought many joys, are all deserted. The only standing buildings, are the Golden Oak Library and the Schoolhouse. Places now used to brainwash ponies into placing their unwilling trust in King Thanatos. The schoolhouse turned to a place where the knowledge of fun, joy, or happiness was banned. No colt spoke of laughter. No filly dared to frolic in the spree of a merry time. Their spirits were broken, crushed, and deserted. The darkness it brought spread to all of Equestria. As for their hope? There was none. Any hope in the world that was cherished, slowly and painfully drifted away. The whole world of Equestria was at a lost. Until a very significant pony was born. A mare that is sky blue in color. Young purple eyes, filled with kindness. Most important, a pair of wings, blue as the night's sky. Her father, Colonel Nighthawk, was dressed in a suit of luster armor, and a sword of matching awe, gazed upon the newborn mare for a moment, before turning his back away. He was leaving for a battle again. The foal turned toward the sound of sobs, coming from her mother, Sunset Beauty. She was afraid. They both were. A sudden burst of energy surged through the blue Pegasus. Caught off guard, she gave a loud whinny. Pangs of grief shot through her. A speck of anger and sadness mixed along. What is that? Another wave washed over her, but this time it was more welcoming. Like somebody opened a door inside a dark room. It was a warm and happy feeling, but still strong and fierce. What is it? Just as quick as it came, it vanished. Her answer unfulfilled. Yet, she could feel something. Just a little spark of that wondrous feeling once more. Only just strong enough to give her an answer. It was hope. And there was much more to come from this destined pony. As her parent's awe stricken gaze fell upon her, they too felt this. They began to feel something either has felt for a long, long time. They too felt the same spark of hope. The warming energy flowed through their body again. The War of King Thanatos was going to end. Soon. *** Two months passed and the young filly had shared her gift of hope to many. Ponyville was slowly beginning to regain their prior hopeful selves. But they were careful. Very careful, never to show their revived selves in any sight that King Thanatos would see. Two ponies were lost already. A beloved couple. The parents of a little filly. Their memory still haunt her dreams each night. She remembers it all. The foul smell of death, sticking to her lungs. Piercing screams from her mother. The sicking silence that fallowed. That still fallows. She lies her head down, ready for the night. Pulls a thin piece of cloth tightly around her, not yet reaching her hindquarters. Howling winds cause the empty house to creek. Looking out the open window, the full moon's light shines down. "Mommy? Daddy? I miss you." Her eyes filling with tears as she chokes on her own words. Looking at the moon for just a moment longer, she closes her eyes. The nightmares already replaying. "Listen honey, stay inside. Don't come out, no matter what. Understand?" "Yes daddy, but whats happening? Wheres mommy?" "Mommy's busy hun. She cant come right now. Just stay inside. Please, just stay inside." Nighthawk's voice cracks at the mention of his lost spouse. The colonel takes up arms. King Thanatos's spies raided their home in the middle of the night. Sunset Beauty ran for cover, but she was already too late. One of the two, a unicorn, cast a death spell on her. She lies still. Never to move again. The two spies walk slowly up the stairs into the bedrooms. They creep through a dark hallway. One of the two stops and glances toward a picture frame. The picture inside shows a family of pegasi, happily enjoying a family picnic in a field. The pony sneers at the picture. He knocks it down with his tail. Glass shatters to bits. The pony rejoins his partner, stepping on the picture as he goes. They enter the parents room first. Empty but the sound of the ghostly wind. Turning around, they creep further down the hallway. Reaching the door with colorful drawings of ponies, rainbows, and suns with smily faces drawn on them. The ponies turn the door nob ever so slowly. Careful not to make a sound. The door creeks open. The evil ponies enter the quiet room. Looking around, they see nothing. The bed's sheets are overturned. Toys crowd the floor and the closet is cracked open. Satisfied that nopony is there, the unicorn pony walks out and back down the hallway. The second spy, an earth pony, glances around the child's room for a long moment. He too turns to leave, but stops in his tracks as he notices the slightest movement in the closet. He slowly moves toward it. Reaching the door, he opens it wider. A row of clothes hang limp on hangers. The earth pony shuffles through them, one by one. Upon arriving the far corner, he draws out his blade. Rising his weapon upwards, he holds for a second. But only just. The pony gives a terrifying battle cry, throwing his weapon towards the corner. His blade is met with the Sword of Lionheart, a prized possession that is owned by Nighthawk. The two stallions battle for their lives. Clang! Clack! Harder and harder their blows become. Deadlier each second! Nighthawk launches a blow to the rival's leg. The pony winces under the pain, struggling to stand. Now finding his chance to end the scrimmage, Nighthawk raises his sword. But as he does, the rival pony finds his footing, and launches his sword upwards. He won the fight. Nighthawk falls to the floor with a loud thud. His sword clashing to the ground. The spy now gathers himself, and limps away down the hallway, rejoining his partner. Their hoofbeats fade away, until all that can be heard is the howling wind. The blue filly, still shaking with fear, peeks out from her hiding spot inside her wooden toy chest. Her room is empty, but not quiet. Raspy breaths begin to form, opposite side of the bed, and slowly fill the room. The small blue pegasus climbs out, and rushes over to her father's lying body. He's breathing, but only just. "Honey? Are..you okay?" Nighthawks struggles to speak. Pain shoots through him each breath he takes. "Yes papa, I'm alright. What happened? Who were those ponies?" "It doesn't...matter. Come here..I need to tell...you something." "Im here." "You need..to be strong. It'll be just..fine sugar. Okay?" "Okay daddy. Ill be strong, I promise." "It'll...be okay...sweetie. Be my..lil' cloud..dasher. Remember...what I told..you?" "Yes papa. I remember. Cloud dashers are pegasus ponies who make all the bad clouds go away. I remembered daddy." "Thats my...little girl. Can you...be my little..cloud dasher...for me?" "Ill always be your little cloud dasher for you. Momma's too. Shes alright, isn't she?" "I love you..sweetie..." "Daddy?" Silence. "Daddy! No, no.." Only the wind dares to stir. "Daddy! Don't go! Daddy?! Wake up! Please, say something.." *** "Hey Squish, check this out!" "Whatcha want?" "Just come look at this! Bring Yippy with ya too! Y'all are gonna wanna take a look at this.." Clip-clopping sounds drift closer. Then stop. Minutes past and the three mysterious ponies regain their thoughts. "Wha..What do you think happened guys?" "Im not sure. But I can take a guess. Look at the window. King Thanatos's spies were here. See?" "Yeah. I see it. You think anypony is in there? Alive?" "Theres only one way to find out. Lets go check it." The three ponies hesitate for a moment. One takes a step forward, the other two fall in step with the first pony. Shadows seep over them. The morning light disappears over their eyes. They enter a house, broken down and dangerous for three fillies to wonder in. One of the ponies stops. She stepped on something, but couldn't quite identify it. Lifting her hoof up, she sees its a photo. A family of pegasi enjoying a happy picnic in a park. "I dont like it here. Something bad happened. I know it." The little mare walks back to her friends who are making their way upstairs. The hallway is dark and cold. Broken glass everywhere and traces of blood here and there. They look inside the first room they see. Nothing unusual except that theres graffiti all over the walls and the room looks as though its never been cleaned. They leave the room and walk towards the second room. The ponies look at each other with an expression that they know theres something awful beyond the door. They push the door open, but its too late. "Guys...theres..a pony..is he..do you really think he's.." Unable to finish her thought. "Yeah Yipps..I think so. But didn't you see the door? That stallion was obviously protection something." "Or somepony...Come on, we have to check. She could still be alive." The ponies open the door again. Closing their eyes and looking away from the blue pegasus on the floor, they inspect the room for any little filly. They looked in the closet. Nothing. Under the bed..empty. They move to an area sprawled with toys. Two ponies check around the area. The last one notices a tiny, little crack in the toy chest. She investigates. The pony stops two hoof steps away from the chest. She knows. The little filly that their looking for is inside. "Hello? Were not here to hurt you. We want to help." Silence. The two other ponies stop and slowly walk towards their friend, curious in thought. "Its okay. I promise. You can trust us. We only want to help." This time the chest creaks open. A little blue head with soft purple eyes pop out. Her mane is matted with dirt. Her coat is dull in color from the lack of food and water. But she looks up at the pony standing in front of her. The pony smiles at her. "See now, ain't that better? Would you like to come out so we can help?" The blue filly nods her head. The climbs out slowly. As she does, scratches and cuts show on the pony. They look infected. Dry blood and more dirt cover her. A deep gash at her hindquarter startles the three ponies. The one pony who was speaking earlier walks up to the little pegasus, and places a wing over her. She motions for the other two to help her walk the filly outside. The blue pony leans into the ponies. All four ponies stagger towards the door, but paused for a moment. The little filly looks back towards her father. A tear runs down her cheek. No words spoken, the four ponies continue walking. They reach the front door where the previous morning light has faded to a golden afternoon. Setting the blue filly down in a patch of grass, they all look up at each other and huddle in a circle, out of hearing range. "So know what? We cant just take her." "Well why not? Shes an orphan obviously. Shes probably doesn't have anypony else, otherwise don't you think they would've gone looking for her?" "Squishy! What do you think our parents are going to think? We cant walk in and ask if we can keep her! She isn't a dog you know." "Calm down Eileen. I know that! But just look at her. Shes badly hurt and needs to be fed. Gumdrop, your mom is a great chef! Do you think we could take her to your place?" "Well..I don't know..Probably. My mom hates turning down a hungry pony." "Great! Its settled then. Well take her to Gumdrop's house, have her taken care of. Yipps and I can get my dad, and Eileen can watch her till we get back. Good?" "Sounds great." "Yeah. I just hope she can make it." "I'm sure she will. She looks like a fighter. Come on, lets introduce ourselves first." *** The blue filly looked at her surroundings. She hadn't been outside for over some time now. She almost forgot it all. What a bird's chirp sounds like. How lovely a flower smells. Even that she wasn't the only pony left in Equestria. But not anymore. The mare looks towards the other three ponies. They look about her age, but from their height, its clear that shes just a little older. One of them is a bit shorter than the other two. Not to mention that the other two are pegasi like the herself. Two pegasi and an earth pony. Odd.. As she looked closer, she could tell that there was something even more odd. First off, the shorter filly wasn't your average looking pony. She was, well..blended in. Different shades of green and brown. Must be hard to play hide-and-seek with. But she sure seems like fun to play with. Another interesting fact she discovered, is that one of the two pegasi, was a Paint! Well, she hadn't seen a Paint since her parents took her to the Country Fair, four years ago. Her mane and tail looked pretty though. Her forelock was black, and turned to white below her ears. While her tail started out white, and faded to black. Wonder where she got that pink color in her mane though.. The last pony, pegasus also, was a dapple gray. She seems like a bunch of fun to play with too. Out of the other two ponies, the dapple gray was the only other one with a cutie mark besides her own self. An adorable smiling goldfish sat on the ponies' rump. Wonder what her talent is though. Goldfish wrangling? Deep sea diving..best fish aquarium business..? It couldn't just have been a random cutie mark. How crazy that would be Still deep in her thoughts, the blue filly looked up to see the three other fillies standing there. They all looked like their worried about something. However, the green camouflaged pony sticks her hoof out in a greeting. "Hi there. My name is Eileen. These are my friends, Squ-" "Squishy! I'm Squishy McMiffin, and this here is Yippy." "Its Gumdrop actually. I'm not sure why Squish calls me Yippy, but its kinda stuck. I'm sure that she'll give you a nick name too. Everyone else in Ponyville has one." "Oh yea! Iv already thought of some already. Hows-" "Ah! Hold up! Before you continue Squish, whats your name hun?" My name? Well...oh golly. What is my name? Staring off into the clouds, the little blue pegasus tried desperately to remember her name. But she just couldn't. A thought struck her: "I remember. Cloud dashers are pegasus ponies who make all the bad clouds go away." "Can you...be my little..cloud dasher...for me?" "Ill always be your little cloud dasher for you." Ill always be your cloud dasher, daddy. Always. "My name is Cloud Dasher." *** "C'mon! We can get in from the back, but we gotta hurry. My neighbor has a vicious dog that'll bite ya." "A vicious dog?! That sounds really scary!" "Gumdrop! Your scaring Cloud half to death!" "Oh, sorry Cloud! Ahm just joking around." "My dog aint anywhere vicious Cloud, Baylee is the sweetest dog ya ever met." "Aw, that's a cute name! Can we go pet him?" "Later. Right now we gotta get you filled up with some of Butter Dash's cookin!" "Sure thing! And here we are, home sweet home. Mmm, smells like mamas already cookin up somethin. What we waitin for? Lets go!" The pack of little fillies hobble on into a cozy house with delicious smells coming from the kitchen. Setting Cloud Dasher down, Squishy and Eileen pile pillows all around her and even found a ball of yarn to keep her entertained. The trick worked beautifully. Gumdrop walks towards the kitchen with her two friends following. Putting on their best puppy dog eyes, the group looks up at a light blue earth pony with a fluffy brown mane, stirring a big pot of something magical. "Momma?" Gumdrop's voice comes out in an adorable squeak. "Well howdy-do Gummy! I'm fixing up a pot of some gumbo. Would any of your friends- Did y'all bring in another lost puppy?" "Well, not exactly Ms. Dash." Squishy answered before bursting out laughing. Eileen joins McMuffin in a laughing fit herself. Looking over at her friends, Gumdrop rolls her eyes and turns back to her mom. "We got ourselves another friend, and she looks real hungry mamma. We were wonderin if she could come over to eat?" "Well, I reckon so! If somepony is hungry then they ain't goin anywhere till their filled up! Where is your friend Gumdrop?" The fillies and mare turn the corner to the pile of pillows with a blue pony sitting in the middle, transfixed on a ball of yarn that is now all around her. Butter Dash's face changes from excited to beyond shocked. She stares for a moment, then walks toward the pegasus, picks her up, and props her on a chair at the table. Squishy and Eileen climb up onto a chair too, while Gumdrop gets bowls and spoons for everypony. "Now child, ah know that not everyponies cookin is a wonderful as mine, but starvin yourself aint gonna do you no good. Heres a bowl of tasty potato soup, to get you back to health." Cloud looks up at Butter Dash, gives a small smile, and takes a spoonful into her mouth, before melting into bliss. Ahm in heaven. Taking more bites of the magical soup, the filly's coat slowly regains its color to a rich sky blue color. And her face lightens up along with her spirits. Seeing that the filly is enjoying her time, Squishy and Gumdrop leave their own empty bowls in the sink, and head out the door. "So, step one: get her fed. Check. That was pretty easy Squish." Gumdrop remarks. "Yeah, real easy. Step two: get my dad to check her over." Squishy looks over to Gumdrop, with a look of worry. But continues walking. Upon reaching her own house, Squishy and Gumdrop wipe their hooves on the "Welcome" mat. She opens the front door, and they both walk into a spotless house with shiny windows and mopped floors. Walking into the study room, Squishy looks up at her father's desk with a nameplate that reads "Doctor Skyheart". "Hey daddy, I need some help with something." "Sure thing hun, what'cha need? "Well, see, my friend is really hurt, and she needs some fixing up." "Okay then, where is she? I'm off my shift right now, so I'm sure I can help your friend." "Thanks dad! Shes over at Gumdrop's house getting a bite to eat. Eileen and Mrs. Dash are watching her. She has a nasty cut on her quarters, and shes banged up bad too." "Darn howdy! What happened to her? She didn't stand against Thanatos did she? Lemme get my bag and Ill check her over. I'll be over at Gumdrop's shortly." Doctor Skyheart leaves the room looking for his bag of supplies. "I hope she didn't go against Thanatos.." "Yeah, you and I both know the punishment if anypony does that." Squishy looks toward her friend, her eyes beginning to water. "Right. Sentenced to..to..." Gumdrop chokes on the last word. Looking up at Squishy's tear-covered face, its clear what shes thinking. Gumdrop looks away as her own eyes fill with tears. "Death." The paint pony finishes her friend's sentence in a rough squeak. Neither say another word as they leave the room. ***