//------------------------------// // New Beginning // Story: My Little Pony: Digital Friendship // by LivingNightmare013 //------------------------------// Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. One day, creatures began appearing across the lands of Equestria. These beings, filled with power and hope, came to unite with the ponies and under the guide of their leaders, The Holy King, Seraphimon and The Holy Queen, Ophanimon, the ponies and the newly named Digimon lived in balance and harmony with one another. But as time went on, the younger sister and the holy queen became resentful. While ponies and digimon alike frolicked in the older sister's daylight and faithfully worshipped the holy king, they rejected the holy queen and slept through the younger sister's beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn as the holy queen took from the lands the blessings she had bestowed upon them. The elder sister and the holy king tried to reason with both beings, but the bitterness in their hearts had transformed them into wicked beings of darkness: Nightmare Moon and Lilithmon. They vowed that they would shroud the land in eternal darkness. Reluctantly, the elder sister and holy king harnessed the most powerful magics known to pony and digimon kind: the Elements of Harmony and the Crests of Light. Using the combined magic of both sets of relics, the eldest sister defeated her younger sister and the holy king vanquished his queen, banishing both permanently in the moon. The elder sister and holy king assumed the responsibility once belonging to their counterparts; the moon, and the land their subjects thrived upon…. “...and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since.” Lying on a grassy knoll near a large pond, a young lavender unicorn pony finished reading aloud from the book. Her mane was a dark indigo complemented by pink and purple lengthwise stripes, and a dark pink star symbol adorned her flank on both sides, a design known to pony kind as a cutie mark. Her mane bobbed slightly as she leaned closer to examine illustrations of six colorful gems in a golden compass-like case, as well as six colorful square-shaped items in a similar case. “Hmm... Elements of Harmony and the Crests of Light… I know I've heard of those before…” The mare crossed her front hooves and looked up to the sky with her dark purple eyes. “But where…?” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The purple unicorn pony happily walked down a peaceful path, carrying the book she read earlier in a white saddle bag slung over her back. Her content smile melted into a frown as three ponies, accompanied by a Palmon, an Otamamon, and a Nyaromon, suddenly stopped her in her tracks. “There you are, Twilight!” the white unicorn pony exclaimed. ”Moondancer and Nyaromon are having a little get-together in the west castle courtyard. You wanna come?” All three ponies, along with their digimon partners, gazed expectantly at the purple mare. This caused Twilight to back away slightly. “Oh, sorry girls,” Twilight replied hesitantly. “I got a lot of studying to catch up on…” She took a glance back at the book in her bag and gave the group a sheepish grin. As Twilight suddenly bolted past the group, the white unicorn sighed and turned to her digimon partner, Palmon, and a yellow unicorn. “Does that pony do anything but study?” she asked. Then she looked towards the direction the pony in question galloped off to. “I think she’s more interested in books than friends” the Palmon said as the group eventually walked away in the opposite direction. “I know I’ve heard of the Elements of Harmony,” Twilight told herself as she continued running. A couple of ponies and digimon tried to greet her as she passed by, but she ignored them, instead focusing on getting to where she needed to go. She eventually started running up the spiraling staircase of a tall, exquisite white and gold tower. At the top of the tower, a small purple and green dragon walked towards the door, a small round pink digimon bouncing behind him with a red present that had a yellow ribbon tied to it on its head. Off in the corner, near the window of the tower, sat a humanoid being with a tattered cape, a pointed wizard hat with a false skull on it, and a strange suit with various zippers and stitches here and there. The only part of him one can see was his blueish grey skin, blue eye’s, and yellow hair. In his hand was a little brown book labeled ‘Spells of Equestria’. As the small dragon and round digimon were right in front of the door, it flew open and smacked the dragon back into the small digimon. “OW!” the dragon and digimon yelled as they were sent flying across the room and into some bookshelves. The other being simply looked up, spotting Twilight entering the room before frantically looked through her collection of books, “Oh welcome back Twilight” he said as she waved at him “Spike! Koromon!” she yelled, looking down and spotting the dragon and digimon laying on the ground. “Spike?” The dragon sat up, rubbing his head, “Koromon?” The digimon rolled over, getting back upright, “Wizardmon?” The figure, known as Wizardmon simply got off from his spot and picked up his sun bolt staff. “There you three are,” Twilight said and ran past them. Spike got off the ground and started walking, still rubbing his head as Koromon followed behind him. Wizardmon simply walked over to Twilight as she began picking up book after book, tome after tome. “Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies,” Twilight exclaimed as she darted back and forth. Wizardmon simply sighed softly, wondering when his mistress would simply take the time to simply relax and spend some time doing something that was actually fun. As Twilight was looking around she suddenly noticed something on Spike’s tail, pointing the item out,”What’s that for?” Spike looked at his tail to see that it had pierced through the gift Koromon had been holding, the item completely smashed and ruined. Koromon helped Spike pull the wrecked present off of his appendage and looked at it sadly.”Well, it was a gift for Moondancer, but…” A broken toy inside the gift wrap suddenly fell to the floor with a weak little squeak. Koromon sighed softly, remembering how he and Spike spent awhile trying to find a good gift. “Oh Spike, Koromon, you know we don’t have time for that sort of thing,” Twilight said sternly as she moved a stack of books around. Wizardmon’s stitched mouth contorted into a frown as he watched Twilight move around more books. “But we’re on a break!” the two younglings whined, Twilight simply ignoring the two as she closed her eyes in concentration.”Her horn started glowing a sparkly purple, a few books sparkling with the same color and soon began floating off the shelves and towards her. “Spike and Koromon are right Twilight, we’re on a break and we should be enjoying it” he said, hoping she would listen but his pleas fell on deaf ear’s. “No, no, no,” she mumbled as she checked the title of each book, “Nonono!” she grunted in frustration, “SPIIIIKE! KOOOROMON!” she yelled. Spike had been standing at the top of a ladder, Koromon perched on top of his head with a blue book in his mouth, “It’s over here!” Spike called, pointing to the book Koromon had been holding in his mouth. It started to sparkle and tried to fly out of Koromon’s grasp. He desperately tried to hang on to it but ended up nearly falling. Spike reached out and grabbed Koromon but he too soon plummeted off the ladder, thankfully caught in a golden shine, coming from Wizardmon’s staff. Twilight took a brief glance at the book’s title and smiled. Every other book floating around her soon dropped to the ground. “Ah!” She said, walking away with the book and leaving Wizardmon as he gently set Spike and Koromon onto the ground. The two stood up and sighed as they looked at the mess Twilight had left behind in her search for that book. Twilight flipped through the book’s pages, searching for a particular subject, “Elements and Crests, Hmmmm…” she stopped on a page and smiled, “Aha! Elements of Harmony and Crests of Light; see Demons of the Moon?” Twilight looked confused. Spike, who was putting some books back on the shelves with Koromon’s help, looked just as confused as she did. “Demons in the Moon? But that’s just some old ponies’ tale.” Koromon looked over to the two and hummed, “Come to think of it I think there a old digimons’ tale by the same name” Nevertheless, Twilight looked for the term in the book. “Demons, Demons…” Once again she stopped on another page. “Aha!” She began reading the passage. “The Demons of the Moon: myth from olden pony and digimon times. A powerful pony and digimon who wanted to rule Equestria. Defeated by the Elements of Harmony and the Crests of Light. They had been imprisoned in the moon.” As Twilight continued reading, Spike and Koromon was attempting to put a stubborn book back in its place as Wizardmon watched the two. Spike pushed the book into the shelf and accidentally knocked the ladder’s balance off, making the two flail around as they tried not to fall. “Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in their escape, and they will bring about darkness eternal!” Twilight gasped fearfully and looked at her friends, “Spike! Koromon! Wizardmon! Do you know what this means?” Spike and Koromon were still attempting to put the books on the shelves, even with the ladder barely standing still. “No-whoooa!” the two yelled as the ladder suddenly fell, taking Spike and Koromon with it. Luckily, Twilight was standing under them to cushion their fall. Wizardmon simply sighed, knowing Twilight was overreacting over an old fairy tale told to naughty little ponies and digimon. Twilight soon handed him a blank parchment and a feather quill pen. “Take a note please, to the princess and king.” Twilight said, sticking her tail straight out. “Okey-dokey!” He bounced off her tail with Koromon and landed safely onto the ground, prepared to write down whatever Twilight said. She began walking away, Wizardmon following her, as she began her note. “My dearest teachers, my continuing studies of pony magic and digimon power have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster.” “Hold on…” Spike interrupted.. “Preci-...preci-...” He looked at Koromon cluelessly, “I think there’s a S in it somewhere” Koromon said. Twilight blinked and sighed, “Threshold,” she suggested. “Thre-...” Once again he looked at Koromon then to Twilight, unable to spell the word. “Uh, Brink?” Spike didn’t even try to pronounce the word as Wizardmon simply face palmed, “I suppose my spelling lessons meant nothing…” Twilight gave an exasperated sigh. “That something really bad is about to happen!” Once Spike wrote the sentence down, she continued. “For you see, The mythical Demons of the moon are, in fact Nightmare Moon and Lilithmon and they are about to return to Equestria and bring with them eternal darkness! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true! I await your quick response. Your faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.” “Twilight...Sparkle. Got it!” spike exclaimed as he finished the letter, Koromon bouncing around in joy. “Great! Send it!” Twilight ordered. “Now?” Spike asked uncertainly, Wizardmon and Koromon looking at each other concerned. “Of course!” she replied. “Uh, I dunno, Twilight,” Spike said, shrugging. “Princess Celestia and Seraphimon are busy getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration, and its the day after tomorrow.” Wizardmon said, looking at Twilight who suddenly popped up right in front of him, leaning over him and invading his personal space. “Thats just is, Wizardmon,” She said and stood up straight. “The day after tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration.” Twilight looked up at the sun shining through the large window and back down at the three. “Its imperative that the princess and king are told right away.” Once again she leaned in close, this time to spike for a longer moment and stood up straight again. “Imper...I-impera…” Spike and Koromon tried to pronounce, Twilight looking extremely annoyed. “IMPORTANT!” she yelled and sent the two falling to the ground as Wizardmon sighed again. “Okay, okay!” Spike said and got back up. He held the rolled-up letter up to his face and inhaled sharply. Then he blew a stream of green fire at the rolled-up scroll, causing it to evaporate into sparkly purple smoke, which went flying out the nearest open window. “There, it’s on it’s way!” Spike said reassuringly. Koromon then said in a singsong voice: “But I wouldn’t hold your breath…!” “Oh, I'm not worried,” Twilight told him with a smug look on her face, much to Wizardmon’s annoyance when he see’s her act smugly. “The princesses trust me completely. In all the years she’s been my mentor, she’s never once doubted me.” The three gave her a skeptical look, but then Spike suddenly gagged. He belched out more green fire, but this time it turned into a rolled-up letter with a pop. “See? I knew she would want to take immediate action.” Wizardmon picked up the letter, unrolled it and, after clearing his throat, began to read it. “My dearest. most faithful student Twilight, you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely…” Twilight gave a small ‘mm-hmm’ as he finished the sentence. “...but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books.” Her smug face suddenly became shocked as she gasped and looked at Wizardmon with wide eyes. High above the clouds, four familiar characters, Spike, Koromon, Wizardmon, and Twilight Sparkle, were riding in a flying golden chariot being pulled by two of Celestia’s pegasus guards as well as two Buraimon following behind. Wizardmon was holding the letter from before in his hand, reading it to his partner as Koromon and Spike was watching the ground go by. “My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony’s life than studying. So I’m sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration this year’s location, Ponyville.” As he read, a small village suddenly came into view as the chariot approached it. “And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: Make some friends!” While Spike and Koromon looked extremely pleased, Twilight was the complete opposite. She whined dejectedly as she laid her chin on the side of the chariot in annoyance. “Look on the bright side, Twilight,” Spike said,attempting to cheer her up. “The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn’t that make you happy?” Koromon nodded in agreement, though the fact it was a library meant more cleaning than usual which Koromon never really enjoyed in their last home. Twilight suddenly perked up at the news, “Yes. Yes it does. Do you know why? Because I’m right! I’ll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon’s and Lilithmon’s return.” This exclamation made Wizardmon, Spike, and Koromon frown since they had expected such a task would make her learn to relax and to not worry. “Then, when will you make friends, like the princess and king said?” Koromon asked. “They said to check on the preparations,” she told him matter-of-factly as the chariot flew closer to the ground. “I am they're student and I will do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.” The chariot slowly pulled to a stop as it landed and the guards whinnied to signal that they had reached the destination while the two Buraimon landed behind them and helped the four out of the chariot. “Thank you, sirs,” Twilight said politely, the guards giving a proud snort in response as the two digimon bowed slightly to Twilight. As the group walked away, Spike and Koromon saw a pale pink pony with wavy, lumpy dark pink hair, sky blue eyes, and three balloons for a cutie mark trotting towards them. “Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about,” Koromon said, Spike nodding in agreement as the pony came near. She stopped right in front of the group and gave a friendly smile. “Come on, Twilight, just try!” Spike said. Twilight sighed and looked at the pink pony, giving a meek smile, “Um...hello?” the pink pony suddenly jumped about three feet in the air and gave a loud, sustained gasp before zipping away in a blur. The group stared after her, surprised at her reaction. “Well, that was interesting, alright,” Twilight commented sarcastically and walked away. Spike, Koromon, and Wizardmon simply sighed and followed close behind her. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight, Wizardmon, and spike walked down a path, Koromon perched on Spikes head, through a hillside filled with apple trees. Spike had another piece of paper and a pencil in his claws. “Summer Sun Celebration Official Overseer’s Checklist," he read as they approached a humble farm, “#1: Banquet preparations, Sweet Apple Acres.” “YEEEEEHAW!” The group jumped in surprise and looked in the direction of the voice. An orange pony with white freckles, wearing a beige cowboy hat with blonde hair tied at the ends, emerald green eyes, and three red apples for a cutie mark on her flanks was running toward a apple tree with a large bipedal light brown being that seemed to be made completely of wood followed behind her. The pony skidded to a stop and gave a powerful kick to the tree’s trunk with her hind legs as the digimon did the same, its limbs disconnecting and flying outwards connected to cables and struck four apple tree’s at once. The apples in each tree’s shook and fell into multiple baskets set below the trees. The orange pony crossed her front hooves proudly and the wooden digimon pounded his chest proudly, laughing uproariously. Twilight sighed and walked towards the pony and digimon with her head held low. “Let’s just get this over with.” She approached the orange pony and digimon, whose backs were turned. “Good afternoon,” she greeted politely. “My name is Twilight Sparkle-” The orange pony suddenly turned and grabbed her hoof before shaking it violently. “Well, howdy-do, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin’ ‘yer acquaintance!” she replied as she continued shaking Twilight’s hoof. The Digimon seemed to, though no one could even tell as his mouth was simply a round hole with what they believed to be teeth in it, grin as he walked over to Wizardmon and roughly shook his hand, “I’m Arbormon and this here missy is my partner Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin new friends!” he said, Wizardmon trying to support himself with his staff as Arbormon shook his hand violently. “F-friends?” Twilight stammered. “Actually-y-y, I-” Applejack soon stopped shaking her hoof as well as Arbormon stopping his shaking of Wizardmon’s hand. “So, what can I do ya for?” she asked and winked. Twilight’s leg continued shaking by itself, Wizardmon’s arm doing the same as Arbormon walked back over to Applejack. Spike and Koromon grabbed they’re friends limbs to stop, both snickering. They both gave the two a look as Twilight cleared her throat. “Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you’re in charge of the food?” “We sure as sugar are!” Applejack replied as Arbormon raised his hand, “Would ya like to sample some?” Arbormon asked. “As long as it doesn’t take too long…” As soon as Twilight finished the sentence, Applejack zipped away. She found a rusty metal triangle and hit it repeatedly with a metal spoon. “SOUP’S ON, EVERYPONY!” Out of nowhere, a large stampede of ponies and digimon nearly trampled Twilight, Wizardmon, Koromon, and Spike before they could react. Arbormon extended his arms and grabbed the four, pulling them over and settling them at a small table as Applejack popped up besides them. “Now, why don’t I introduce y’all to the Apple family?” She gestured to the many smiling ponies and digimon standing around them. “Thanks, but I really need to hurry-” Twilight said but Wizardmon interrupted her, “Nonsense Twilight, we’d love to sample some of you fo-” he never finished as a yellow-green pony holding what looked like an apple turnover appeared and put a dish on the table. “This here’s Apple Fritter,” Applejack said. A pale yellow pony holding two caramel apples in her mouth appeared and dropped them on the table. “Apple Bumpkin…” As Applejack introduced more ponies, more plates of apple-themed food were put on the table. “Red Gala. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp…” Applejack took a deep breath and continued. “Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom, aaaaaaand…” Applejack and Arbormon stuffed a pair of green apples into Twilight’s and Wizardmon’s mouth in under a second. “Granny Smith.” An old apple green pony wearing an apple-print scarf, with white hair put into a bun and an apple pie as a cutie mark, was sitting in a rocking chair, fast asleep. “Up’n at’em, Granny Smith! We got guests!” Arbormon called, the old pony snorted as she woke up. “Mm, wha…?” Granny Smith got out of her chair and slowly walked over to the table. “Soup’s on? I’m up, here I come…” she said as she slowly made it to the table. “Why, I’d say you’re already part of the family!” Applejack exclaimed. Twilight and Wizardmon spat out the apples and gagged. Twilight laughed nervously, “O-kay, well, I can see the food situation is handled so we’ll be on our way!” she said as Koromon and Spike whined, wanting to enjoy the food before them. “Aren’t you gonna stay for brunch?” Applebloom, a small, pale yellow filly with crimson hair and a large pink bow as well as a Gotsumon, a small digimon taller than Applebloom but shorter than Applejack, made of rocks, both made a pleading pout with large, sad puppy eyes. Twilight felt a pang of guilt. “Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do…” she replied reluctantly. The entire family made a disappointed ‘awww’ in response. Wizardmon, Spike, and Koromon gave Twilight a look, wanting her to be polite and accept their invitation. Twilight bit her lip hesitatingly, before grudgingly giving in. “Fine” The apple family cheered happily at her decision. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The group continued walking down the path, this time towards the town. Spike was checking the next item on the list, While Twilight and Wizardmon were dealing with they’re overstuffed stomachs. “Food’s all taken care of, next is the weather,” Spike said, Koromon hopping after him and humming a tune. Twilight and Wizardmon groaned in response, “...I ate too much pie…” they both moaned out, they stomachs noticeably distended. Spike and Koromon looked up at the sky, seemingly searching for something. “Hm...there’s supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds…” Spike said, looking around the sky. Twilight looked up at the sky as well, spotting several white clouds, “Well, she’s not doing a very good job, is she?” All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a flying object slammed right into Twilight, making her fall into a nearby mud puddle. Wizardmon gasped and rushed over to her, looking at what crashed into her. The flying object was actually a sky blue Pegasus pony with spiky rainbow-streaked hair, magenta eyes, and a cloud with a multi-colored lighting bolt for a cutie mark. A crashing sound behind Wizardmon caught his attention, making him turn around and spot another figure. This one was a large dragon-like being in a black rubber-like armor, torn up red wings and fearsome look put Wizardmon on edge. The Pegasus pony got off of Twilight and chuckled sheepishly, “Uh, ‘scuse me?” As the Pegasus pony started flying again, Twilight groaned and lifted her face out of the mud puddle. “Lemme help you,” The Pegasus pony offered and turned to the mysterious dragon digimon, nodding to him. The Digimon nodded and flew away in the direction the pegasus came from. A few seconds later, he came back carrying what looked like a rain cloud and dropped it off in front of the Pegasus. Twilight raised an eyebrow curiously. The Pegasus pony positioned herself above the cloud, and started jumping on it. Water soon began to heavily pour down on Twilight. By the time the rain cloud was completely empty of water, she was soaking wet and did not look very happy about it. The Pegasus pony giggled and the Dragon Digimon simply snorted, “O-oops, I guess I overdid it.” The pegasus said, tapping her chin thoughtfully, “Um, Uh, how about this?” The Pegasus pony started flying rapidly around Twilight, engulfing her in a rainbow-colored tornado. The digimon chuckled as he watched the action go about, “Well looks like that little unicorn gets to experience my partners patented…” The pegasus stopped abruptly, the tornado diminished, “Rain-blow Dry” he finished as the pegasus landed. “No, no, don’t thank me,” she insisted as she smiled proudly, “You’re quite welcome.” She and her digimon suddenly noticed that Twilights hair was a tangled, frizzy mess, and Twilight did not look happy at all. The Pegasus tried to stifle they’re laugh, but suddenly fell to the ground and started to laugh uncontrollably, the Digimon simply letting out a light chuckle at the sight of her. Spike and Koromon took one look at Twilight’s hair and instantly fell on top of the Pegasus, laughing as uncontrollably as she was, Wizardmon chuckling lightly as well. “Let me guess,” Twilight said. “You’re Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash sat up, knocking Spike and Koromon over. “The one and only,” she boasted and started flying about in the air before landing near the mysterious digimon, “And this fellow is my partner, Cyberdramon” she said, Cyberdramon simply crossing his arms as he looked at the four, “So, you heard of us?” “I heard you were supposed to have the sky clear.” Twilight sighed tiredly, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and the Princess and King sent me to check on the weather.” “Yeah, Yeah, that’ll be a snap,” Rainbow Dash said dismissively as she and Cyberdramon laid on some clouds. “We’ll do it in a jiffy, just as soon as we’re done practicing.” Twilight raised an eyebrow at what she said. “Practicing? For what?” Rainbow Dash and Cyberdramon suddenly sat up as Dash pointed her hoof at a nearby poster with a picture of some Pegasus ponies wearing goggles with a sunset background. “The Wonderbolts! They’re gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow,” She explained, then jumped off of the cloud and did a loop-de-loop in the air. Cyberdramon shot off his cloud and spun in the air, flaring his wings wide, “And we’re gonna show ‘em our stuff!” They both soon landed back on another nearby clouds. “The Wonderbolts?” Twilight asked with a hint of doubt. “Yup!” Rainbow Dash said. “The most talented fliers in all of Equestria?” Wizarmon said, a hint of curiosity in his voice. “That’s them!” Cyberdramon said. Twilight scoffed, “Please. They’d never accept a Pegasus and Digimon that can’t keep the sky clear for one measly day!” Wizardmon looked at Twilight, shocked at her rudeness. “Hey!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, obviously offended with Cyberdramon growling at the rude unicorn. “We could clear the sky in ten seconds flat!” Cyberdramon growled, Twilight giving the two a taunting look. “Prove it.” Suddenly, Rainbow Dash and Cyberdramon zoomed off in a blue and black blur. Rainbow Dash started kicking at clouds faster than a blink of the eye as Cyberdramon slashed and clawed at the clouds just as fast as Dash. The clouds soon quickly started disappearing as the two smashed through them at lightning speed. Rainbow dash did another loop-de-loop as they finished. “Loop-de-loop around!” she exclaimed as she smashed through a cloud. Cyberdramon’s claw’s glowed brightly as he slashed them in a X formation, slashing two clouds in two at the same time, “and WHAM!” They stopped abruptly and landed on a bridge under them. “What’d we say? Ten. Seconds. Flat. We’d never leave Ponyville hangin’” Rainbow Dash said, a look of shock and awe on the groups face as they stared at the now crystal clear sky. Rainbow Dash chuckled at Twilight’s facial expression. “You should see the look on your face.” She started flying away with Cyberdramon, “Ha! You’re a laugh, Miss Twilight Sparkle” Cyberdramon said as Rainbow Dash popped up next to Twilight, “I can’t wait to hang out more” she said as they both flew off. “Wow…” Spike muttered admirably as Koromon looked up at Twilight and Wizardmon. “They’re amazing!” he exclaimed. Spike looked at Twilights still messed up hair and started playing with it, snickering. She just ignored it and walked away towards a tall building, Wizardmon following behind. “Wait! It’s kinda pretty once you get used to it!” Spike called as he and Koromon raced after the two. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The group were now standing in and observing a large room with complicated, elaborate decorations for the celebration. Spike was checking the next thing on the checklist as Koromon bounced next to him. Many colorful banners were hung everywhere, and bouquets of flowers were placed on the walls. . "Decorations." He looked up ahead, awestruck. Koromon noticed the awe struck look on his partner’s face and looked at the direction he was looking at, freezing in place with a similar awestruck look. "Beautiful..." They both said at the same time. "Yes," Twilight agreed as they walked. "The décor is coming along nicely. I'll be at the library in no time. Beautiful indeed." Wizardmon simply sighed, looking at Twilight with a sad expression. "Not the décor!" Spike and Koromon corrected as they approached a pony and a fox-like bipedal digimon with their backs turned. "Them!" A white unicorn pony with curled, dark purple hair, sapphire blue eyes with powder blue eye shadow, and three diamonds for a cutie mark was concentrating as her horn glowed a sparkly pale blue. Several sparkling ribbons of different colors floated by her, and she was apparently trying to decide on a color. "No, no, no, oh goodness no!" As the unicorn was sorting through ribbons the Fox digimon was jumping from place to place, hanging up various decorations and banners in high places, her movements graceful and elegant. Spike's green eyes and Koromon’s red eyes momentarily turned into hearts as they stared lovingly at the unicorn pony and digimon. They snapped out of their trance, Spike patting the green appendages on the sides of his head self-consciously and patted down Koromon’s antenna-like appendages down. "How are my spines? Are they straight?" Spike asked Twilight. “How do I look?” Koromon asked Wizardmon. Twilight and Wizardmon playfully rolled they’re eyes at they're lovestruck friends and approached the white unicorn pony and digimon. "Good afternoon," Twilight greeted. "Just a moment, please," the unicorn pony immediately replied. "We’re in 'the zone', as it were." The Digimon said, picking up some of the ribbons the unicorn pony was looking at before. The unicorn pony made a sparkly red ribbon tie itself around a nearby pole. "Ah, yes. Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent. Don’t you think so Renamon" The digimon, known as Renamon, turned to her partner and smiled, “Yes Miss Rarity, you truly have a talent for beauty.” The white unicorn pony, apparently named Rarity, turned to Twilight along with Renamon. "Now, um, how can I help you-" The second they saw Twilight's messed-up hair, they screamed in horror. "Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure!?" Rarity shouted, staring at Twilight. "Oh, you mean my mane?" Twilight asked as Rarity and Renamon continued to stare. "Well, it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair." "Out of my hair?" Rarity exclaimed, still shocked. "What about your hair?" She started pushing Twilight, who tried to hardest to resist, towards an exit with Renamon following quickly. "Wait? Where are we going? HELP!" Spike and Koromon just continued staring at Rarity and Renamon with the same lovestruck look in their eyes. Spike’s tail suddenly started spinning like a propeller, and he floated after them, Koromon strangely floating after them. Wizardmon simply stared and facepalmed as he walked after the group, wondering why this place was so weird... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight found herself standing in front of a mirror in a pink room, and Rarity was currently putting random outfits on her with Renamons help and pointing out their flaws. "No, no," Rarity muttered as Twilight tried on a green armor-like suit. "Uh-uh. Too green." Up next was a yellow dress with flowers and a matching hat. Renamon shook her head as she looked at the outfit, "Too yellow." Twilight continued trying on more outfits, and Rarity and Renamon continued giving her opinion about them. "Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. Too...shiny." Rarity and Renamon finally settled on a gem-encrusted suit with white ribbons to tie at the back, and she was currently levitating the ribbons. "Now, go on, my dear. You were telling me where you're from." She said as Renamon pulled the ribbons to tighten them, practically strangling Twilight as she struggled to breathe. "I've...been..." Twilight wheezed. "Sent...from...Canterlot...to-" Rarity and Renamon eye’s suddenly went wide as Renamon released the ribbons, causing Twilight to ricochet in the other direction. "Huh? Canterlot?" both Rarity and Renamon squealed as they rushed straight in front of Twilight. "Oh, I am so envious!" Rarity said, Renamon doing model-like poses behind her. "The glamour! The sophistication! We've always dreamed of living there! We can't wait to hear all about it!" They jumped back in front of Twilight. "We are going to be the best of friends, you and I," Rarity told her, then suddenly noticed something about Twilight's outfit. "Emerald!? What was I thinking...? Let me get you some rubies!" While Rarity and Renamon went to get the rubies, Twilight ran as quickly as possible towards the exit, telekinetically grabbing Wizardmon, Spike, and Koromon with her magic. "Quick! Before she decides to dye my coat a new color!" Spike and Koromon, however, was too busy gushing with love to hear anything she said, and sighed dreamily. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The group had started walking down another path, and Spike sat on Twilight's back with the look from earlier still on his face and Koromon resting on top of Wizardmon’s head with the same look as Spike on his face. "Wasn't she wonderful?" he asked, talking about Rarity. “So beautiful and pretty” Koromon sighed, dreamily. "Focus, Casanovas," Twilight told them as they walked. "What's next on the list?" Wizardmon looked at the list in his hand he had gotten from Spike when he was doodling images of Rarity onto the parchment and cleared his throat. "Oh. Music! It's the last one," he informed. The beautiful, harmonious sound of birds singing suddenly made them stop in their tracks. They looked at each other curiously and ducked into a nearby bush close to the source of the singing. They popped their heads out to see a pale yellow Pegasus pony with pale pink hair, teal eyes, and three pink butterflies as a cutie mark was hovering in front of a group of singing birds perched on the branches of a practically leafless tree. Floating next to her, moving around as if dancing to the harmonious singing was a small pink digimon with small fluffy wings, a red heart on its chest, teal eyes and a golden band with digimon writing around its neck.. One of the birds, a blue jay, started to sing off-beat. "Oh my..." the Pegasus pony uttered quietly. "Um, stop please, everyone." She flew right next to the blue jay, who jumped slightly. "Um, excuse me, sir?" she asked politely. "I mean, no offense, but your rhythm was just a teeeeny-tiiiiny bit off." She then floated back to her original spot. The small digimon letting out a small soft coo’ing sound like a bird, smiling as it flew around the ponies head. "Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one-two-three-" the pony said, only for Twilight to pop out. "HELLO!" Twilight's loud greeting scared the birds away and caused the Pegasus pony and Digimon to yelp in surprise. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" Twilight apologized. "I didn't mean to frighten your birds. I'm just here to check on the music and it's sounding beautiful." The Pegasus pony landed softly and the small Digimon tilted its head curiously at Twilight as she waited for a response. When the Pegasus pony didn't speak, she grinned awkwardly and continued. "I'm Twilight Sparkle." Another long pause. "What's your name?" "Um...I'm Fluttershy..." the Pegasus pony muttered barely over a whisper. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Wizardmon asked, unable to hear her voice. "Uh...my name is, um, Fluttershy..." Fluttershy backed away slightly. "Diiidn't quite catch that." Twilight said, trying to be friendly. "Fluttershy..." she squeaked and turned her head shyly. As a moment of silence passed, the group of birds gradually came back and perched themselves on the branches again. The Digimon soon floated away from the two, flying around the birds again, letting out a quick chirp of happiness. "Well, um," Wizardmon began nervously. "It looks like your birds are back, so I guess everything's in order. Keep up the good work!" Fluttershy squeaked incoherently in response. Twilight and Wizardmon backed away awkwardly. "Ooookay." as the two backed away, Spike suddenly came from behind the bush into view with Koromon. "Well, that was easy," Twilight told him. Fluttershy looked at the group and gasped excitedly. "A baby dragon!" She zipped straight towards Twilight and Wizardmon, knocking them to the ground roughly, and observed Spike and Koromon, who both grinned, closely. "Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before! They’re so cute!" Spike and Koromon turned around and gave a discombobulated Twilight and Wizardmon an amused smile. "Well, well, well." Spike said as he held his head up high and crossed his arms proudly. "Oh my, The baby dragon can talk," Fluttershy said. "I didn't know dragons could talk. That's so incredibly wonderful." She jumped for joy and hovered for a few seconds. "I...I just don't even know what to say." Spike and Koromon suddenly started glowing a sparkly purple and flew over Fluttershy's head onto Twilight's back. "Well, in that case we'd better get going," Twilight told Fluttershy, but she started following them, her digimon quickly flying after the group when it noticed them leave. "Wait, wait! What's his name?" "I'm Spike," Spike replied. "Hi, Spike," she greeted. "I'm Fluttershy. Wow, a talking dragon. And what do dragons talk about?" "Well, whaddya wanna know?" Spike asked curiously. "Absolutely everything." Twilight gave an annoyed groan as Spike began his story. "Well...I started out as a cute little purple-and-green egg..." ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ "...and that's the story of my whole entire life!" Luckily for Twilight and Wizardmon, as Spike finished his story, the trio were not far from their destination with Koromon asleep on Wizardmon’s head. "Well, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?" he asked Fluttershy. "Oh, yes, please!" She said, her digimon who she told the group was MarineAngemon, squee’d having enjoyed the story of Spike’s life. Spike suddenly yelped as Twilight turned around to face Fluttershy. "I am so sorry," she said without a hint of sadness. "How did we get here so fast?" The trio had stopped in front of a large tree with a house built into it. "This is where I'm staying while in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep." "No I don't-woooah!" Spike was interrupted as Twilight knocked him off of her back. "Aww, wook at that. He's so sweepy he can't even keep his wittle bawance!" Spike gave Twilight an unhappy look as she grinned at Fluttershy, Wizardmon watching the entire scene and sighing softly as he shook his head causing Koromon to fall off and awaken with a yelp. But Fluttershy and MarineAngemon zoomed past her and Fluttershy scooped Spike up in the air bridal style and MarineAngemon kissed his cheek and coo’d. "Poor thing," she cooed as she flew over to the tree house's door. "You simply must get into bed..." Fluttershy opened the door and took him inside, but Twilight followed her in and immediately pushed her outside, MarineAngemon tilting its head curiously. "Yes, yes, we'll get right to that," Twilight quickly assured Fluttershy. "Well, good night!" Twilight then proceeded to slam the door in her face and walked further into the dark house. "Don’t you think that was rude Twilight?" Wizardmon asked disapprovingly with his hands on his hips. "Sorry, Wizardmon," Twilight began. "But I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon and Lilithmon is coming, and we're running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time?" She looked around the room. "Now, where's the light?" The light suddenly turned on by itself to reveal hundreds of ponies and digimon surrounding them in a room with shelves filled with books carved into the walls. "SURPRISE!" Dozens of balloons and streamers floated in the air, and party music played in the background. Twilight groaned as a party blower squealed next to her. "Sur-prise!" The pink pony from earlier and A strange puppet-like suddenly popped out of nowhere in front of Twilight, plopping party hats on Twilight, Koromon, and Spike head. The puppet-like digimon knocked off Wizardmon’s hat, replacing it with a similar party hat.. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie and this is my partner Puppetmon and We threw this party just for you!" Pinkie Pie started jumping around energetically. Puppetmon cackled and jumped up and down in a similar manner as Pinkie Pie. "Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?" Puppetmon asked, stopping in front of Twilight and staring her in the eye’s. "Very surprised," Twilight replied. "Libraries are supposed to be quiet." Pinkie Pie giggled. "That's silly. What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet?" Twilight shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I mean, duh! Booo-ring!" Twilight ignored Pinkie Pie and walked away, but she quickly followed suit. Pinkie Pie bounced side to side as she continued talking rapidly. "You see, Pinkie saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all "Hello!" and She was all *gasp*, remember? You see, She never saw you before, and if She never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause We know everypony and Digimon, and We mean everypony and Digimon in Ponyville!" Puppetmon sputtered out, causing Twilight to groan again as she approached a small table with bottles of refreshments. She grabbed a red bottle with her teeth and poured its contents into an empty cup as Pinkie Pie and Puppetmon continued they’re rambling. "And if you're new, that means you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I went *gasp*!" Pinkie Pie said. Twilight stuck a straw in her drink and took a long sip. "We must throw a great big gynormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville!" Puppetmon said as Applejack, Arbormon, Rainbow Dash, Cyberdramon, Rarity, Renamon and Fluttershy and MarineAngemon gathered behind Pinkie Pie and Puppetmon. "See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!" Twilight's eyes widened as she lifted her head from her drink and puffed out her cheeks. Her face had turned dark red, and a waterfall of tears fell from her eyes. "Are you alright, sugarcube?" Applejack asked with concern. Twilight jumped about three feet in the air with steam shooting out of her ears and zoomed up a nearby staircase. "Aw!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "She's so happy she's crying!" Wizardmon grabbed the red bottle off of the table and read the label. "Hot sauce." Wizardmon read, Pinkie Pie grabbing the bottle and tilted it, making the sauces spill on two of the many colorful cupcakes on the table. She grabbed the two cupcake and stuffed one in her mouth and one in Puppetmon’s mouth. Everyone looked at them strangely as they chewed. "What?" the two asked with their mouths full. "It's good!" ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, Twilight was upstairs laying in a twin-sized bed holding a pillow over her head, trying to block out the music from downstairs. She lifted her head to look at a clock on the wall. She groaned as she realized it was past midnight. The door to the bedroom suddenly opened to reveal Spike with a lampshade on his head and Wizardmon with a drink in his hand. "Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie's starting 'Pin the Tail on the Pony'! Wanna play?" Wizardmon asked, smiling behind his cloak. "NO!" Twilight yelled. "All the ponies in this town are crazy! Do you know what time it is!?" "It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration," Spike replied. "Everypony has to stay up, or they'll miss the Princess raise the sun!" She turned the other cheek. "You should really lighten up, Twilight. It's a party!" Wizardmon said, frowning at her. Spike pulled the lamp shade over his head and walked out the door with Wizardmon following soon after, Twilight mocking them and grunted in frustration. "Here I thought I'd have time to learn more about the Elements of Harmony, but, silly me, all this ridiculous friend making has kept me from it!" She turned on her side and happened to notice the moon's pale light through her window. She got out of the bed and walked over to the window. "Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in their escape, and they will bring about everlasting night." Twilight opened a large book and looked at a picture that looked exactly like the moon that night. "I hope the Princess and King was right..." she said as stared back out the window. "I hope it really is just an old ponies' tale..." The door suddenly opened, and Twilight snapped her head around to see who it was. It was Spike, who still had the lampshade on his head. 'C'mon, Twilight!" he exclaimed. "It's time to watch the sunrise!" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That night, everypony in Ponyville gathered together at the building that Rarity and Renamon had decorated, anticipating the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration. As the ponies and Digimon chattered amongst themselves, Pinkie Pie and Puppetmon once again seemed to pop out of nowhere next to Twilight, Wizardmon, Koromon and Spike, who were waiting quietly. "Isn't this exciting!?" she asked in excitement. "Are you excited, 'cause We're excited, We've never been so excited! Well, except for that time Pinkie saw you walking into town and went *gasp*, but, I mean really, who can top that?" Puppetmon rambled. The sudden orchestral sound of birds singing made every pony present turn their attention to a stage at the front of the room. A spotlight shone on a tan pony wearing a white shirt collar fastened with a green ribbon tie, wavy grey hair, dark blue eyes with half-moon glasses, and a scroll tied with a blue ribbon for a cutie mark. "Fillies and gentlecolts," she began. "As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" Everypony and Digimon in the room cheered at the mayor's announcement. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!" Twilight looked up at the moon through a large window worriedly as she continued. "And now, it is my great honor to introduce the rulers of our land, the very pony and digimon who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day as well as the blessings of the land, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..." "Ready?" Fluttershy, who was the musical conductor, whispered to the birds as the crowd waited anxiously, MarineAngemon chirping as it sat atop its partners head. "...Princess Celestia and Seraphimon!" The birds started singing as Rarity and Renamon, who was standing on a balcony high above the crowd, quickly pulled a rope with her teeth and paw’s, making some curtains part. Princess Celestia and Seraphimon, who was supposed to be behind the curtains, was nowhere to be seen. "Huh!?" Rarity exclaimed as the rest of the crowd chattered nervously. "This can't be good..." Twilight muttered. "Remain calm, everypony," the mayor said. "There must be a reasonable explanation..." Pinkie Pie suddenly started bouncing, taking Twilight by surprise. "Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding?" "She's gone!" Renamon declared in shock. The crowd gasped collectively. "Ooh, she's good," Puppetmon muttered obliviously, then suddenly screamed. A sparkly midnight blue fog and swarm of midnight black bats emerged from the balcony and swirled around, causing everypony and Digimon to gasped again. "Oh no..." Twilight mumbled fearfully. The fog formed itself into a tall, extremely dark purple pegasus pony with an unicorn horn, or Alicorn. The Alicorn wore light blue armor and had sparkly, flowy midnight blue hair and teal reptilian eyes. Her flanks had what looked like a paint splatter of purple on them, and a white crescent moon was her cutie mark. Next to the Alicorn was a tall human-like digimon with pale skin and two golden horns atop her head with her raven black hair flowing in the wind. The tall dark woman wore a demonic purple courtesan robe, over what appeared to be a leather catsuit. The most threatening, dominant feature of the mysterious digimon was a small gauntlet on her right arm, the sharp nails looking as if they could pierce through solid stone. "Nightmare Moon! Lilithmon!" Twilight exclaimed with dread. Spike and Koromon sighed as they both passed out and fell on the floor. Wizardmon stood in front of Twilight, staff out and prepared to defend his partner. "Oh, my beloved subjects," Nightmare Moon began as everypony stared in fear. "It's been so long since I've seen your precious sun-loving faces." "What did you do with our Princess!?" Rainbow Dash asked angrily and flew straight towards her and Cyberdramon following behind. Applejack grabbed Rainbow Dash's tail with her teeth and Arbormon extended his arm to grab Cyberdramon’s ankle, the two holding them back. "Whoa there, Sugarcube," Applejack said, still holding Rainbow Dash's tail. Lilithmon chuckled maliciously. "Why, am I not royal enough for you?" she replied. "Don't you know who I am?" "Ooh, ooh, more guessing games!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Um, Hokey Smokes!” “No! How about...Queen Meanie!” Puppetmon shouted. “No, Black Snooty, Black Snooty-!" Before the two could say anything else, Applejack stuck one of the many apples she had in a basket on her back in their mouth's causing they’re words to be muffled. Nightmare Moon suddenly flew over to Fluttershy and MarineAngemon, causing the birds to fly away. Fluttershy closed her eyes and turned her head away in fright as MarineAngemon hid in it’s partners mane. "Does my crown not count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?" Nightmare Moon asked. Then Lilithmon flew over to Rarity and Renamon, who simply tilted her head up and closed her eyes. "Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" she said, tracing her Nazar Nail gauntlet across Renamon’s chin. "I did," Twilight declared. "And I know who you are. You're the Demons of the Moon-Nightmare Moon and Lilithmon!" Everypony and Digimon gasped in shock. "Well well well," Nightmare Moon said, amused. "Somepony who remembers us. Then you also know why we’re here." "You're here to...to..." Twilight gulped nervously. Lilithmon and Nightmare Moon laughed evilly at her response. "Remember this day, little ponies and Digimon, for it was your last. From this moment forward, the night will last FOREVER!" As they cackled maliciously, a peal of thunder sounded in the background, and Nightmare Moon’s hair swirled around the room and a dark aura surrounded Lilithmon’s hands. Twilight could do nothing but stare at the frightening scene, completely powerless against the wrath of Nightmare Moon and Lilithmon. To be continued...