//------------------------------// // Pony Purple // Story: The Ponyful 101 // by Durant //------------------------------// As Celestias spell was cast Twilight felt weird, like more magical power was flowing thought her than ever before. the light from the spell was so strong Twilight had to close her eyes, and when she opened them again Celestia was smiling at her. Twilight was about to ask what she did, but stopped as she realized she was wearing something, a tight suit of some sort. It was purple and covered her whole body, the only thing not covered was her muzzle, and her element was connected to her though her suit. "Princess...what is this thing?" Twilight asked. "Its called a Wonder Garb, its made of a very durable material. With it you should be able to find the last element without to much trouble from Discords magic. With that garb and your element you can "untie" with of ponies to do amazing things." Celestial explained. "How do I do that?" Twilight asked. "Its different for everypony, your power is unite magic. Your element will glow on its own and give other ponies some of your own power. After that everything will become clear to you" Celestia answered. "I understand ." Twilight said nervously, slowly nodding. "And you won't have to do this alone, your friends will help...as soon as we find them" Celestia assured her. "I have one more question, where do I find the seventh element?" Twilight asked. "There are rumors of a cave north if the Crystal Empire, that holds a jewel, witch sound like an element. We don't have a moment to spare, you leave now, I can Feel Discord magic reaching us." Celestia told her. Twilight nodded and headed out of the throne room and down the hall, Spike jumped on her back. "So, do have any idea on what to do first?" Spikes asked. "We have to get to the Crystal Empire first, but I'm not sure how we should get there. " Twilight answer. "We could always use a tr-" Spike was cut off as I giant thorn covered vine burst though the window and pinned Spike against a wall, as more vines crawled in though the hole. Twilight started to panic as her horn started to glow, after a short while a small ball of purple energy shoot out of her horn and burn a hole thought the vine. Twilight smirked as she continue to shoot destroying the vine. It didn't take long until the vine was gone and Spike was free. "Twilight, that was amazing. How did you do that?" "I'm not sure, my horn just kind of did it on it's own." More vines started to break in though other windows, some even come though the walls.The vines formed a thorned wall in the hall stopping Twilight for moving forward. "Now what?" Spike asked. Without a word Twilight pick up Spike, jumped on a vine and fallowed it out the window and down to the courtyard. In the courtyard there were many guards trying to fight off the vines, but they were losing badly. Twilight tried to shoot the energy balls again but they wouldn't form. Twilight continue to try and cast any spell that could help them but she couldn't. She was about to give up as her element let and bight purple light. As the light enveloped the guards they teleported behind her giving off the same bight, purple light and they had saddles on their backs that had the same color in looked like Twilights wonder garb. "I feel amazing." One of the guards said. "Me too." Another added "Me three!" Spike said. Twilight turned to face him, he was glowing as well and he had on a strange mask that match her wonder garbs in color. The vines stated to come towards her she started to back away, but her body moved on it's own. She ran, jumped in to the air, and she shouted "United Magic!". The guards and Spike became some sort of gas, the gas gathered around her horn. The gas hardened forming a giant, purple, transparent horn and a large energy ball shoot from it frying the vines. As the fiery remains the the vines fell to the ground the horn disappeared and the guard's, as well as Spike, reformed behind her. "Are you all ok?" Twilight asked? "Yeah I think so, but that felt odd." one guard said. "I'm not even sure what happened." said another. "I felt light then ho, then I was right back here on your back." Spike replied. Twilight shook her head, not sure about what happened herself. She wanted to ask a few more questions, but it would have to wait. Celestia had given her a mission and she was going to complete it. "Ok, everypony follow me." Twilight instructed as she started to head for the front gate, it to was in cased in vines. Even though she didn't want to do it again she had to get out. "Unite Magic!" Again the horn appeared and a large energy ball destroyed the vines and gate. As she ran though the castle gates her eye widened at the sight. Canterlot was in ruins and there weren't any ponies around. Building had clasped, a fountain was in pieces, a pipe was leaking water everywhere, and a giant metal griffon was above them, letting out a low growl. Without warning it Flew downward and swiped at Twilight and her group but they rolled out of the way. "Long time no see, loser." The griffon said laughing a little. It took Twilight a few moments to recognize her. "Gilida? What happened to you?" "Discord happened and my orders are to stop you right here, right now." Gilida smash her tail on the ground leaving a small crater. "I have a job to do, I don't want to do this but Untie Mag-ugh!" Gilida headbutted Twilight into a building along with the guards and Spike. "What's the matter did I hit you to hard?" Gilida joked as she flew in front of the hole. "Unite Magic!" A giant energy ball came out of the building and was coming right for her. Gilda dodged it, but to her surprise Twilight was hidden behind the ball ready headbutt Gilida back. Gilida hit Twilight with her tail sending Twilight and her group off the mountain. "That was disappointingly easy. Oh well I'm sure Discord will be happy to know that Pony Purple is no longer a problem."