Guardian Pegasus

by DarkMoonPony_117

Gentle Dreams

As Fluttershy slept Rainbow dash picked her up, and began to fly her carefully towards Fluttershy’s house. Rainbow dash felt Fluttershy shift around in her arms, trying to get comfortable.

“You don’t know how cute you look right now.” Rainbow dash said quietly, smiling happily.

_-_-_-_Inside Fluttershy’s dream_-_-_-_

Darkness surrounded Fluttershy like a cloak of darkness, nothing but a never-ending black. Fluttershy tried to be brave and stand up tall, but then she heard nasty voices.

“Nobody likes you!”

“You're a weakling!”

“Your all alone!”

Fluttershy began to run, trying to escape the horrible voices but it seemed the more she ran, the louder and more intrusive they got.

Eventually Fluttershy stopped resisting and laid down on the ground curling up in a tight ball, desperately trying to block the voices out.

Yet it seemed just as she had begun to give up, she heard a new voice.

“Your not alone! Don’t listen to those losers, their just jealous of how amazing you are.”

Rainbow dash.

Fluttershy looked up at the crushing darkness, then she cried out as loud as she could in her most brave voice.

“I’m not alone! I have my friends!”

Then the darkness faded, starting from Fluttershy. The floor turned into green grass and rolling fields, a blue sky and trees dancing in the breeze. The landscape was beautiful, Fluttershy felt at peace in this place. She began to look around, admiring the beautiful nature.

Then Fluttershy heard a voice calling her name from behind her, then just as she turned around everything turned white.

_-_-_-_Back in the real world_-_-_-_

Fluttershy stirred in a comfortable bed, she shifted around a bit, slowly coming out of restful sleep. She was in a nice state of half-asleep and half-awake, when she felt fur.

She mumbled quietly.

“Is that you Angel?”

Opening her eyes she first noticed that the fur didn’t belong to Angel, but in fact a pony and the room wasn’t hers, it wasn’t even a room it was in actuality a cloud.

First she looked at the sleeping pony –who had most likely brought her up here- once her eyes stopped being blurry, she realised it was Rainbow dash soundly asleep.

Fluttershy giggled quietly and whispered to herself.

“She is kind of cute, when she’s sleeping.”

Rainbow dash was turned towards Fluttershy, she had a small smile on her face Fluttershy watched her contently for a few minutes. It was only after around five minutes of watching Rainbow dash sleep Fluttershy realised something, She was watching one of her friends sleep! As it that wasn’t bad, she had thought she was cute!

“Do I like Rainbow dash?” Fluttershy asked herself.

Well of course Fluttershy like Rainbow dash as a friend, right. Fluttershy knew she didn’t like colts growing up, but she had thought she would find the right one eventually.

Just as these thoughts went through Fluttershy’s mind, the certain Pegasus on her mind began to stir. In a panic induced flurry Fluttershy pretended to be asleep, but in doing so she began to fall off the cloud.

The sudden motion caused by Fluttershy falling woke Rainbow dash up, she heard a cry of shock below the cloud. She looked over and saw Fluttershy falling, Rainbow dash flew down to grab her.

She caught Fluttershy quickly and as she held her in her hooves, she remembered… Fluttershy was a Pegasus. Looking down at the still stun Fluttershy she asked her.

“Why didn’t you just fly?”

Fluttershy pouted, crossed her hooves and said in a small voice.

“I was about to when you caught me.”

Rainbow dash blushed before flying down and placing Fluttershy back on the ground, Fluttershy giggled shyly.

“Thank you Rainbow dash”