The New Bearer

by Infinty Blade Brony

Chapter 4 Our Own Little Army!

"So how did The Doctor drag you into this Lyra?" asked Ditzy Doo trying to make small talk while The Doctor went to find the pony that could help us.
"Oh I wanted to come along so badly after you told me he used to be human as you know I'm obsessed with them!" said Lyra.
"Well hi there every pony my name is Ruby Spark, I own the small jewelry store over there down the street, and if you all were interested could you buy a few I've not had the best of luck here lately and could use the sales." said the red unicorn her mane was a pinkish tint though. Her Cutiemark was an ruby necklace.
"I suppose it couldn't hurt to get some souvenirs!" said Twilight.
"Thank you all!" said a smiling Ruby Spark who trotted away towards her shop.
"Nice lady hope everything works out." said Ditzy.
"As do I." I said it would be ever so sad if she lost her job wonder if she had a family to care for? My thoughts were cut short when The Doctor arrived with a smile on his face he opened his mouth and said "All right I've found our friend, and he's agreed to assist us in any way he can!" said The Doctor who was interrupted by Twilight who asked.
"Does he know why the changeling tried to kidnap me?" asked Twilight Sparkle.
"That he does now if you my purple friend want to know your self come with me!" said The Doctor, and Twilight, Lyra, Ditzy, and I got up and followed The Doctor.

"Welcome back Doctor." said a hooded pony this was our so called help she sounded like a mare but you couldn't always be sure. "Oh how rude I really should take this hood off." she said as the hood dropped revealing a blue unicorn with an hourglass cutiemark.
"Well Colgate my friend Twilight wants to know why the changelings want her so badly." said The Doctor.
"Well I should suppose so now sit down I'll get us some coffee." said Colgate walking off to the kitchen.
"Do you think we can trust her Doc?" I asked.
"Absolutely I've known her almost as long as Derpy!" said The Doctor.
"My name is Ditzy not Derpy." said Ditzy
"Oh whatever." said The Doctor.

In the kitchen

Colgate was humming to herself as the coffee machine was whirring along, but she didn't see the small creature in her closet until it was to late. The changeling attacked, but he didn't anticipate the unicorns magical ability. Colgate slowed down time stepped out of the way bucked the creature in the face, and jumped into the door behind her into her living room.

The Living Room

"Little help here!" said Colgate, I answered by lighting my horn, and created a baseball bat smacked the changeling, and then stabbed it with a magic knife.
"I think we need answers now!