Screwed Up

by A friendly face

Breaking The Barrier

Got to sleep surprisingly quickly. All it took was getting comfortable, and cranking the white noise up so high that no normal person (or pony) would be able to sleep, and we were out like a light. That's when things got weird. First, The field was dark and stormy, instead of clear. Second, there was a very faint scent of strawberry on the air, while the melody to the Major General song played on repeat in the background.

It would appear that I am singing to a waxing lyrical
To claim that I have gone insane would be very satirical
My mind it is a chorus, and our hats they lay before us
So let's get a move on Screwy, or we're really gonna bite the dust!

Cheesy I know, but it suited the moment. The glass wall that Just hours ago seemed so pristine and clear was cracked and chipped. I knew what needed to be done. It was time for us to do what needed to be done by us. We needed to bring down the wall.

"Do the honors?"


"ONE!" The storm howled, almost in protest.

"TWO!" Okay, the wind definitely picked up right there.

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Just like that, Somebody else's life, THE WHOLE THING, flashed before my eyes.

Endless hours in the park watching that statue, waiting for him to come back. Those blissful days void of logic and reason.
I missed those days, days where the only real limits were in your mind. Days where you could howl at the moon and sleep in the middle of a summer afternoon, and nobody would get mad, or call you a tyrant. Those few blissful days.

That I was THERE for.

It felt real, like a memory. It was like a past life. A fantastic reality. Living a life in a body never suited to vessel my thoughts.

There's my TV Tropes password!


Or, I guess that doesn't make sense anymore does it, or what.

Wait, what the hell do I call myself now?

Let's go with Screws Maxwell until further notice.
I have never honestly thought that astral projection or Out of Body Experiences were real, but after tonight, I still don't and that was irrelevant to the plot.

Heheh, I said plot.

Irregardless (is not a real word, LOOKITUP), I need to contact discord.
The fate of the world may rest in my capable hooves.
STILL Not used to saying that.

Time to break some molds and put in the story of my journey by train to New York. Speaking of Yorkees...