Running With Draconaqui

by Tiaa OwO

Exotic Eccentrics & Peculiar Ponies

"I found it!" Pinkie shouted. Twilight, Jasmine and Science all gasped and practically dog-piled her. They struggled to find the building they were looking for.

"Where is it?" Twilight asked. "Where, Pinkie, where?"

"I don't see anything." Fluttershy said. "I only see buildings."

"What are we looking for again?" Rainbow Dash yawned. Applejack yawned too. She fiddled with her stetson.

"Yea, we've been in Fillydelphia fer almost a week now. Discord ain't here."

"How are we supposed to search a whole city anyways?" Rarity whined. She looked tired and ready to go home.

"Good question. You didn't even tell us what we're looking for. If Discord was kidnapped, he wouldn't be out in the open." Spike pointed out to Jasmine. Twilight yawned. She didn't even realize she was tired until now.

"We're looking for a building called Exotic Eccentrics." Pinkie frowned. She blushed and giggled.

"Okie dokie then. Never mind. I guess I found the wrong thing then. I was talking about a carrot dog stand. I'm super duper hungry." Twilight face hoofed. The group bought carrot dogs and continued to search. They didn't have to search much longer because right there in the middle of the block was the very store they were talking about. Science squeaked with delight. Jasmine pulled Spike in for a brief hug and walked right up to the store. Applejack and Rarity were to her left while Twilight and Rainbow Dash took her right. Fluttershy and Spike hung back to watch how everything went down. Pinkie bounced in place.

"Alright guys. If Discord is in there, their not going to hand him over. They work for my dad and will not hesitate to hurt you. He's probably in a holding cell of some sort. They probably will have innocents in the crossfire so you gotta be careful if you are firing magic beams." Jasmine peeked through the door and frowned. "Yup. I know those guys. They work for my dad. They'll definitely put up a fight. Spike and Fluttershy, you two keep watch." Twilight stepped forward.

"Dash, you and Applejack will deal with any hostile ponies. Rarity and I will help Jasmine look for Discord. Pinkie, you'll go ahead of us and pose as a distraction so ponies won't come and surround Applejack and Rainbow Dash or my group." she ordered.

"Your group?" Jasmine narrowed her eyes. Fluttershy started to tremble. She wasn't to happy about the violence or the danger.

"Yes, my group. Now lets move." Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie entered the store first. There were two stallions and a mare. One stallion (a pegasus) stood at the register behind a counter while the mare (an earth pony) leaned against the wall, counting money. The second stallion (a unicorn) was fiddling with a key. The first stallion looked up and scowled at the trio.

"Whatcha want, punks?"

"Is that any way to greet the Elements?" Rainbow Dash asked. She folded her forelegs and flapped her wings tensely. The pegasus counter stallion narrowed his eyes. His eyes darted left and right. Applejack noticed the mare put her money away and was awfully close to Pinkie. Pinkie seemed oblivious to the danger. The key stallion was approaching her and Rainbow Dash with a grin.

"Elements huh? And I suppose you want a discount on whatever you're here to buy?"

"That would be nice." Applejack answered, playing along.

"And what were you here to buy, miss stetson?" the key stallion sneered.

"Ahm interested in exotic creatures. Ahm sure you got 'em."

"Applejack, their closing in on us." Rainbow Dash whispered. So, she had noticed too. Pinkie clapped her hooves together.

"Is that so?" the mare joined in. "How do you suppose that? You can clearly see we don't."

"Well, I know something none of you know!" Pinkie shouted randomly.

"Not now, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash sighed. The party mare ignored her. She pulled a rope that hung from the ceiling that strangly enough, hadn't been there before. A shower of candy rained down on the three ponies while Applejack and Dash watched in shock and surprise. They were buried in a matter of seconds.

"Tadaaaaaaaaaaa!" The party mare laughed and bounced to the door behind the counter. She inspected it, went to a pile and pulled out a key, and opened the door with it. Applejack signaled to the others. Jasmine whispered something to her.

"Alright. Jazz jus' told me that Science will communicate anythin' we gotta say to everypony else without us havin' to talk. C'mon Dash. We got out part to do."

"A'ight." The two went through the door. Pinkie followed after waving to the rest of them.

There are more ponies inside this building.

"I know. I just hope we find who we're looking for before they swarm us." Twilight sighed.

"How big is this building, exactly?" Rarity asked.

Good question. It's actually huge. There are about five floors beneath us holding many things. I can't see exactly what.

"Alright. Lets hope Discord is here then." Suddenly Science doubled over and coughed out blood while clutching her head. Her bald tail twitched in pain. "Science!? Science, what's wrong?" Science cried out in agony.

S-some . . . somepony . . . ah . . . is in . . . my h-head . . . GAH! Jasmine petted Science and asked her more questions.

It seems like somepony is somewhere they shouldn't be.
They all froze. They didn't know who that voice belonged to. It echoed in their heads even after it finished its sentence.
"W-who was that!?" Rarity and Twilight asked in unision. Jasmine shook her head and she held her unconsious rat.

"I. Don't. Know."