A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

35 - Martin v. Apple Trees

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 35 - Martin v. Apple Trees

The two ponies slowly made their way through town, Martin tripping several times but AJ caught him. Out of the corner of his eye, Martin saw a flash of pink darted behind a tree. He turned, staring at the tree before he noticed a pink fluffy tail. He slowly headed towards it. “Pinkie?”
Somepony tapped him on the shoulder. “Yes?”
He gulped and turned around and flinched once he saw the happy pink pony an inch from his face. “God damnit Pinkie! Geeze…”
She giggled. “Hiya!” The tail moved away from the tree and revealed a small green alligator with the poofy pink tail on his head and walked away. “Do I know you? You seem awfully familiar…” Pinkie said, squinting at him.
“It’s me Pinkie, Martin.”
She tilted her head like a clock, going full circle before it dawned on her. “OH!! Martin! You’re feeling better!” She gasped and hugged him tightly. “And you’re a pony now too!”
He chuckled. “Yes I am..”
“Hmm… wait. Does that mean I get to throw you another party?” She tapped her chin with a hoof. “But he’s not new here but he’s a pony now…”
He rolled his eyes. “Pinkie, I really don’t need another party.”
She was silent, lost in thought.
He looked at AJ, who was waiting for him. She watched the scene with a smile. “Um… Pinkie, maybe we can talk about this later.”
She came out of her daze. “Okie dokie lokie.” She said, hopping away.
He shook his head and caught up with AJ. “Let’s get going aye?”
She laughed. “Eeyup. What did Pinkie want?” She asked, walking towards home.
“Just another party… anyways, lead the way.”
She smiled. “That’s just like Pinkie, always with the parties.”
He smiled. “Yeah…” They walked next to each other silently. He didn’t falter as much, a stumble here and there but otherwise he seemed to be learning fast on how to walk. He looked at her and thought of when Discord took over. “Um… AJ?”
“Yeah?” She asked, lost in her own thoughts.
He took a deep breath. “D-do you remember when Discord made me attack Michael?”
“Ah do.”
He gulped. “Well… I-I just remembered…. that you kissed me on that day…”
She stumbled and almost tripped, her face going red. “A-ah did, didn’t Ah?”
He nodded. “Aye…” His voice uneven.
She nervously kicked the ground. “Y-yeah…” She turned to look at him.
He blushed. “I-I have to tell you something AJ.”
She tilted her head slightly. “Yeah?”
He tried to calm down, taking a deep breath. “I wasn’t sure at first but thinking about everything now… I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life. I-I’ve fallen in love with you…” He forced himself to say, his face bright red.
AJ’s cheeks turned bright red, her freckles more noticeable. “Y-ya what?” She asked, pausing like she heard wrong. “Ya… do?”
He nodded. “Yes… I can understand if you don’t feel the same way…”
She was silent for a moment before she kissed his cheek. “What do ya think?” He looked at her surprised. “Just cause AH ain’t good with words and Ah tend ta freeze up… doesn’t mean AH don’t agree with ya…” She stumbled over her own words.
He smiled at her, his face getting redder. “It’s o-ok… we all have our flaws.”
Her mouth moved seemingly of its own accord. “Ah… A-ah love ya too…”
He moved closer, his heart beating faster and after a moment’s hesitation, she did as well. They closed their eyes as their lips met. Time seemed to slow down and the world evaporated, the two locked in a kiss neither wanted to end. Both hearts beat together, their faces red. After a minute or so, he broke the kiss and they stared into each other’s eyes. She smiled, her green eyes sparkling in the sunrise.
“Guess… being a pony is better than I imagined.”
She chuckled, adjusting her hat. “It does have its advantages… and it makes things easier.”
“At least yer not hesitatin’ anymore like ya used ta…”
He took a step closer. “Nope.” She blushed and leaned towards him and they kissed again. He quickly broke the kiss and chuckled. ‘We should get going, we have work to do at the farm.”
She nodded. “They’re probably wonderin’ where we are too.”
They walked down the dirt path in silence, enjoying the sun rise gracefully in the sky. After the hectic night, they were glad to return to some form of normalcy. By the time they arrived, Big Mac and Applebloom were already well into bucking the trees.
He grinned. “Let’s see if I’m any good at kickin’ trees, aye?”
She laughed. “It might take some practice but we’ll knock it into ya one way or another. Should be good practice to get used to yer new body too.”
“If you’re there, I’m sure I’ll manage.”
She blushed slightly and grabbed his hoof. “Come on, let’s see what ya got.” She led him to the nearest tree. “Alright just a small kick and aim fer the center of the tree.”
He thought for a moment. “Ok…” He kicked but it was more of a poke. He glared at the tree. ‘Oh, playing dirty are we?” He tried again, the kick strong enough to knock off two apples. He looked at her and smiled.
She chuckled. “Well looks like ya need to aim a bit more and work out how much of a kick ya need but ya’ll get that with practice.”
He nodded. “Aye.” He tried again and again, finally getting the hang of it and moving onto the next tree. After several hours of kicking and falling, he sat down, exhausted. “Phew…” His body screamed as it tried to relax, the muscles tightening.
She passed him a cup of water. “Here ya go.”
He smiled and grabbed the cup, which nearly slipped from his hoof. “Thanks, I have to get used to grabbing with hooves…”
She placed her hooves on top of his, making sure the cup wouldn’t fall. He blushed and took a sip. The cold water helped his dry throat and he finished pretty quickly. Once he was finished, he let AJ take the cup and held it.
“So what did ya think of apple bucking?”
He tapped his chin. “Definitely something new but I think the smith is where I belong.”
“Can ya even work there anymore? Ya have ta get used to hooves and all.”
“Ya… I’ll have to talk to Forge though. He doesn’t know I’m A back from the border, and B a pony now.”
“Wonder what he’ll say.”
“I have no idea.”
The sun was setting as shadows grew through the farm. Applebloom yawned as she walked into the main house, Big Mac glancing at them. He shared a look with Martin before joining Applebloom. AJ was staring off into the distance.
“Everything alright AJ?”
She nodded silently. “My pa said that when the sun lowered, the pains of the day would be washed away until tomorrow.” She sighed. “Ah wonder what he’d say now.”
Martin watched the sun setting. “I’m afraid I don’t know…”
She leaned against him. “Neither do I.”
He rested his head on hers. “Maybe next time I see Death, I could ask him?”
“Ah hope ya don’t anytime soon.”
“Aye but only he knows when to he’s gonna visit…”
It was silent for a moment. “It used ta just be Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon we had to worry about. Seems ta have gotten outta control.”
“Aye but there will always be grim times.” She nodded. He looked into her eyes. “No matter how grim things are, as long as you’re by my side I’ll be happy.”
Despite everything, she smiled. “That had ta be one of the cheesiest things Ah’ve ever heard.” She kissed his cheek. “But Ah with it and you.”
He chuckled. “I had to say something, I don’t want you to be sad. It’s painful to watch…”
“Everypony’s sad, she just has ta find what makes her happy for it to go away.”
He nodded and pulled her into a hug. “I found what makes me smile.”
“Ah did too.” She said, kissing him gently.
He kissed back just as the sun gave way to the moon. They stood there for a few minutes and ignored the crickets as they began their nightly performance. The kiss ended moments later and she took off her hat, clutching it in her hooves and rested her head against his shoulder as he rested his on hers.
“Why can’t it just stay like this?” She asked.
“Because time doesn’t stop for a single per-pony… and with time flowing like a river everything is bound to change.”
She closed her eyes. “But ya don’t have ta leave…”
“I won’t.”
“Promise.” He kissed her cheek. “Death might have to do the grim task but he ain’t no monster.”
She was silent, staring at him. “Ah was never mad at Death for what he did or does… Ah was more worried he’d take something precious away from me again.”
“I’m sure Death knows what it means to lose someone precious. He knows when its right and when its not… But I fear the same. I can understand that you’re afraid…”
She nodded, afraid to speak.
A few more minutes passed. “Should we go inside?”
She got up and stretched, turning away from him and wiped her eyes. “Yeah… we should probably head inside and get ready for dinner.” She said, gazing at the moon one more time.
He got up and nodded. “Alright.” They walked back to the house, Martin hobbling inside.
Once inside, AJ and Martin went to work making dinner. Afterwards, he was ‘elected’ to clean up the mess as AJ went to take a shower. A few minutes passed as he heard a pair of hooves come down the stairs. He turned, half expected AJ, only to stare at Big Mac, who stared calmly back.
“Um… you ok?”
“Eeyup.” He said, making his way to the fridge. “Seems you and mah sister are in a relationship.” He said, rummaging.
Martin nodded and scratched his neck. “Yeah… funny story…”
Big Mac shut the fridge and held a bottle of milk and raised an eyebrow, staring at the pony.
“It didn’t quite begin like anypony else would meet…”
“Not all relationships do.” Martin shrugged and turned back to finish the dishes. Big Mac leaned against the counter and took a drink. “So funny story?”
Martin quickly glanced from left to right. “...Um… I guess. I mean, just this morning I was still a human and now I’m a pony. Me changing was kinda what I needed to… ya know…”
“Help ya get in the mindset?”
“Sorta… maybe, I’m not sure what word would describe it best.”
“Seems ta me ya were worried bout how it’d work with ya being a human and she a pony. Still thought of her as a horse somewhere deep inside. Finally being what she is let you accept yer feelings.” He said, taking another drink.
Martin blinked. “Yeah… why don’t you talk more often?”
He chuckled. “Why should Ah? Ta everypony, Ah’m just a simple farm pony.” He shrugged. “And Ah’m ok with that.”
“If you’re happy then I can only advise you keep doing what you’re doing.”
He nodded before putting the milk back inside the fridge. He looked at Martin. “It’s hard for me ta say this but all Ah ask is ya make AJ happy.”
“I wouldn’t try doing anything else.”
He blinked slowly. “Goodnight Martin.” He said, leaving the pony alone in the kitchen.
“G’night…” Martin said hesitantly.
It was silent for a few minutes, Martin thinking about his chat before he heard another pair of hooves heading his way. “What did mah brother want?” AJ asked, her mane wrapped in a towel.
He looked at her and smiled, his face slightly pink. “Nothing important…”
She smiled and looked at the kitchen. “Well Ah say that’s good enough fer tonight.”
He yawned. “I’m getting tired… a lot happened today. Things I’ll never forget.”
She nodded and turned around. “Then Ah’ll see ya bright and early tomorra.”
He gave her a kiss and walked into the guest room. He looked at all his human things. He found the stenson that Rarity had made him. He grinned and put it on his head, the hat almost covering his eyes. He jumped on the bed and got comfy, the hat covering his eyes.
“Ya look goofy.” Applebloom said.
He jumped and lifted the hat, looking at her. “Hey Applebloom.”
She smiled. “So are you AJ’s coltfriend?”
He nodded. “Yep.”
She jumped up and down excitedly. “Oh that’s so cool! When ya two get married, can Ah be-”
“Whoa there sugarcube, Ah think it’s a tad early fer that.” AJ said, cutting her sister off.
He chuckled. “Aye…” He got up from the bed.
Applebloom pouted as she looked at AJ. “Ah this it’s time for some shut eye.” AJ said before Applebloom could say anything. The filly slowly nodded her head.
“G’night Martin! G’night sis!” She yelled before running to her room. AJ shook her head.
“Seems we’re not the only one that’s happy about this, aye?” He said, walking over to AJ.
She smiled. “Guess not. Applebloom was never really fond of Strong Gears and he didn’t like her either.”
“Awww… well, I’ll be different.”
“We’ll have ta see bout that, won’t we?” She kissed his snout. “G’night.”
He blushed. “Sleep tight…” He walked back into the room and shut the door, dropping onto the bed. He heard her walk into her room and a click as her door shut. He smiled How lucky does one have to be? He smiled, drifting off into sleep.


Death stood on a hill not far from Ponyville, watching the lights turn off in a domino effect. There was no flame in his lantern as he reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a golden pendant. It was covered in scratches and rust. He sighed and clicked it open, revealing a picture of a young woman. She had long black hair and dark brown eyes as she smiled happily back at him. A tear formed in his yellow eye and dripped onto his bandages. “I’m sorry…” He muttered.
A breeze tugged at his jacket before he sighed and put the picture back into his pocket. “Why hello there Death…” Discord said, floating along on a cloud.
He glared at Discord. “What do you want?”
“Oh you know, just floating around.”
Death looked towards the forest. “So many die… everyday… and they’re still happy. First Michael and Fluttershy, now Martin and Applejack. How can happiness even exist? Love won’t last forever…”
Discord was silent. “Happiness is a delusion that every being experiences. It gets us through the years, knowing that there’s something worth all the pain.” He put a paw on Death’s shoulder. “For what’s it worth, I’m sorry about her John. I truly am.” He paused. “Now love… that’s a whole nother story.”
Death sighed. “Why… why did you give me this task Discord? I never wanted to get her killed. It was all my fault..”
“I just follow the flow, I didn’t mean to give you this task but someone had to do it. But you might be able to see her soon.”
He shook his head. “No… I mustn’t interfere with the flow of time. She died, I can’t change that. I could bring her back but the balance in this world would fall apart.”
“You have two human souls now…” Discord tempted. “Think about it, you’ll never get another chance if you let them go to limbo.”
He closed his eye. “No… no one is allowed to return. The fact that she saw the afterlife is enough for her not to return. And even if, she wouldn’t be the same. I left too many scars Discord. I could never look her in the eyes again.”
Discord shrugged. “Your call but certain people can heal scars and wounds.”
“Time may heal all wounds but not mine.” Tears began to roll down his face. “Veronica always told me that I had a choice… she always said I could reach the stars and make every wish come true.”
“Well you can reach the stars just not the way they expected.” Discord chuckled. “I do miss her, she was always entertaining.”
“I miss her… she was the only human that would ignore the way I look, ignore what I do. She only cared about my personality… everything else wasn’t important to her. Her death tore a wound so deep, it’ll never heal. And yet it’s my fault.” He sobbed. “I don’t understand… why I had to decide upon her like everyone else… I live to witness everyone’s dying moments. It was bound to happen… My existence isn’t meant for more than what I was created for. I knew it would end that way… still I stayed with her.”
Discord poked him in the chest. “The heart is a fickle thing, even knowing all the pain it’ll cause, spending time with the ones that make it beat will forever out sound any logic otherwise.” He paused, trying not to smile. “I think I’ve been hanging out with those humans too much.”
“I don’t want to be the one to tear them apart…” He muttered.
“All things come to pass, every mortal knows it.” Discord stared at the farm. “With Martin who he is, he’ll go first and Michael will die with him, trying to stop him.” He looked at the moon. “Or Mike will be forced to take the medallion off… and we both know what happens then.”
Death glared at the moon angrily. “I won’t… I will not watch them die… Veronica would never forgive me… I will change what is not meant to be changed.”
“Even Death bows to time; you can prolong it, delay it, but never avoid it.”
He glared at Discord. “I bow to no one. Time will learn to bow to others. Veronica knew something, she said I always have a choice. Time might be almighty but nothing is untouchable.”
“Everything bows to something, even us immortals.”
It was silent, Death clenching his fists. “The Princess of the Night shall no longer make others fear her. I will show her whom to fear as I am the end. Time might tell me when who has to die, but I could always act away from the flow… and every time it changed.”
Discord laughed. “Before you rebel against time, just think of who’s your superior. Luna may fear you but she can’t die. The four of us are immortal.”
“But a soul can be taken away. Leaving nothing but an emotionless shell. No personality, no goals, nothing but a living corpse.” He gazed towards the castle in Canterlot. “And I will make her suffer. One way or another, I’ve seen too many die. Too many torn apart from her meddling…”
“I don’t think Celestia would take too kindly to that. She did already defeat you once for Star Swirl remember?”
“I didn’t choose for him to die. I only did as time told me but I will not let her do the same again. No Element of Harmony or magic shall be able to reach me… for its nothing more than snipping my fingers and one’s soul is in my hands. And time is on my side. Something neither Luna nor Celestia have. They’re bound to time. I am not.”
“That may be but it still didn’t end well, if I recall.”
“I know but if she will realize that I am required to live, without me the souls will never find rest.”
“Which would be very interesting to see her explain that one.”
Death laughed. “Luna will keep her soul and Celestia cannot protect her sister from me everywhere. I am still the only creature that can travel between the worlds without using the rift.”
“Indeed and it’s a shame I won’t be able to play with the humans now that they’re ponies.”
It was silent between the two before Death cleared his throat. “Now if you’ll excuse me… I have to get something.” He turned and opened the world like a flat image. “Make sure Luna keeps her hooves off Michael.”
Discord chuckled. “I’ll do what I can but I’ve already saved him more than I should have.”
“I’ll talk to her soon.” He closed the door and it disappeared.
Discord watched the rift close before floating away, staring at the moon. “Oh the chaos…” He said dreamily.


Death walked along a dirt path and stopped after a few steps. He looked at the body lying on the ground and sighed. He continued his trek until he found what he was looking for. He bent down, wiping some dirt off it, grabbing it from another corpse's hoof. Luna’s medallion was covered in scratches and burn marks. He looked around, staring at the destruction. “This shall not happen.” He said to no one, making another door and walked into the darkness.