Artemis grumbled as he sat in the steam room. He was very reluctant to tell Solaris about Silver but he had to. After all, he had made a deal with Solaris. Solaris watched with amusement as his brother grumbled and mumbled to himself. Artemis then became startled as Solaris sat down next to him. Solaris chuckled.
"Why are you so paranoid, Artemis?"
Artemis glared at him. "And whose fault is that, Brother?" Solaris laughed again. Artemis grumbled to himself, crossing his arms.
"Fair enough", he replied. "Now its your turn. I want to know what's biting your flank".
There was a long silence. "It's about Silverspirit", he finally replied back. Solaris sat a little straighter.
"What?", Solaris shocked, his guilt surfacing. Long ago, due to his ignorance, he had cause Artemis to become Nightterror and cost Artemis a pony that loved his night as much as Artemis did. He did not listen to her warnings and he regretted it ever since.
Artemis nodded sorrowfully and put his head in his hooves. "The stars were showing me some signs. They showed me her favorite flower". Then he looked up from his hooves. "I remember the damaged I caused her before I transformed. Brother, what happen to her after that?"
This time it was Solaris' turn to be silent. It started to frighten Artemis a bit. "Do you really want to know what happened to Silverspirit?", he asked. Artemis nodded. Solaris sighed then began to recall those memories from long ago.
After Artemis had transformed into Nightterror Nebula, Solaris fought against him but Nightterror was too much. Solaris was in the same position Artemis had been when he lost but before Nightterror could perform his final strike, Silver appeared and struck him with a powerful blast from her horn. It was powerful enough that it made Nightterror to slam against the wall, causing him to be stunned but only for a bit. Silver bought Solaris time as she fought against Nightterror the best of her abilities. Before Solaris turned away to go and activate the Elements of Harmony, he saw her cry as she fought with Nightterror.
"Then what happen?", Artemis quietly interrupted, his voice shaky. Solaris took another deep breath and continued.
By the time, Solaris got to the Elements, Silver crashed from the glass ceiling above him then Nightterror came in right after. Before he could finish her off, Solaris activated the Elements just in time to push him away from Silver. Solaris felt heartbroken as he saw her injuries and how much he had caused both of them so much pain.
".... Silver was still crying when I lifted her to hear her heartbeat. She opened her eyes and lifted her hoof, touching my cheek. 'Save Artemis', she told me before she disappeared in a blinding flash. With a heavy heart, I used the power given to me and fought you again before I finally banished you to the moon. I went back to where her body had once lay and all that was left of her was a moon blossom", Solaris said.
He couldn't say anymore what happen after that. Right after he found the flower, Solaris looked up at the moon that now held his brother. Solaris couldn't take it anymore and with one deep breath he roared with such grief that the castle shook.
After a few minutes of silence, Artemis got up. "Thank you, Brother", his voice cracked and left the room. Leaving Solaris reeling from the pain. And as for Artemis, he went to sword practice again, venting out his anger and frustration.
Silverspirit puffed and wheezed as escaped the Everfree Forest. Next time I'm bringing more food!, she thought. checked the cloth she wrapped over her body and sighed. Then she looked around her. Silverspirit was in AJ's Sweet Apple Acres and the barn seemed to be miles away. She shook her head and slowly made her way to the nearest apple tree. She barely had any energy left to even walk toward it.
She laid down with a thump and sighed as the shade gave her comfort. Those apples look do delicious, she thought as she looked up. A red apple was dangling from the nearest branch, enticing her with its color and smell. Silver shook her head again.
It's not mine. It's not mine, she repeated as she lay her head on her hooves. Without even knowing, she fainted under the apple tree due to exhaustion.
AJ smiled as he came out of the barn. "An' other day for apple pickin'!", he cried. His big sister, Macareina walked out and stood behind him. AJ smiled at his older sis. "Right sis?"
Macareina nodded her head. "Eeyup", she replied. "Time to do some apple buckin' ".
AJ smiled and hooked himself to a large cart. Both them went to the edge of the Sweet Apple Acres. He was very proud and happy of the apple farm. The apples nice and ripe, the trees nice and strong and full of those good ol' apples. Just another wonderful day of hard work. As they got closer to the edge, AJ started to notice a white body laying under the apple tree.
AJ was starting to become angry. That pony better not do anythin' to mah apples, he thought but as he got closer, he realized it was a mare. Her mane was a mess, full of twigs and leaves. He gently tried to wake her up but couldn't.
Macarenia kicked him. "What're you standin' there, AJ?! Waitin' for her to pick herself up? She's tired that poor thing. Go an' be a gentlecolt", she said.
"Landsakes", he grumbled and quickly put Silverspirit into the cart, rushing back to their house.
After they got back, they put Silverspirit into Macarenia's bed. With a few hours of intense caring, Silverspirit woke up. She was confused to see two ponies at the edge of the bed, let alone that she was in a stranger's house as well. No wonder I felt more comfortable!, she thought, eyes flitting from one pony to another. Macarenia smiled reassuringly at her as she saw the mare looked around in panic.
"Don't worry sweetie. You're all safe an sound". Silverspirit relaxed and returned a smile.
"Thank you so much", she said. "I didn't mean to faint on your apple orchid". Macarenia chuckled.
"No matter. When there's uh pony n need, we're happy to help", Macarenia replied then stuck out her hoof. "The name's Macarenia. The stallion, over there is my littl brother. We have an' other little siblin name Apple Core but he's at school right now".
Silverspirit took her hook and shook it. "A pleasure to meet you, Macarenia. My name is Silverspirit, Silver for short".
AJ chuckled a bit and went over to greet Silverspirit. "The name's AJ. Ah'm uh fraid mah sister forgot to mention my name".
"It's a pleasure to meet you too". Silverspirit bowed her head to AJ. "I should really thank you for carrying and taking care of me. I didn't mean to sleep on your land".
"No prob, Ms. Spirit", AJ said.
Silver slowly got out of bed and managed to steady herself. She looked at Macarenia kindly. "May I have some water please, Miss Macarenia?"
Macarenia nodded. "Don't cha worry. AJ, take care of our patient ya hear?" AJ nodded and ushered Macarenia out of the room.
Once AJ closed the room, Silverspirit decided to ask some questions. "I'm sorry for asking so much but could you help me find some answers?"
AJ raised his eyebrows. "Well, what do ya need?"
Silverspirit sighed. "The thing is, I don't remember anything except for my name. I was hoping that I could ask for someone to help me recover my missing memories".
AJ scratched his head with his hoof. "Ah don't know anythin about lost memories an all that but Ah do know someone who might. It's mah friend, Dusk Shine, maybe he can help'.
Her hopes began to raise, just a little though. "When can we meet?", Silverspirit said, her eyes glimmering. AJ laughed.
"Right after mah sister brings back that cup of water", he replied. As if right on cue, Macarenia came back with not only with a cup of water but also a slice of apple pie. Silverspirit laughed and accepted the food before she went on her way with AJ. Now it was time to meet the Element of Magic and hopefully find some answers.