Surviving Spark

by JackTheEpic

The Mad Women or The Extreme Historian?

"Why does everything hurt?" I say groaning as I try to sit up. Only to realize I can't. I open my eyes and see what looks like a stone floor. I use my hand to try and touch the stone to see if it real. And when my hand connects, I feel the cool touch of stone. It takes me a minute for my brain to connect the dots, but when it does I push up and jump to my feet. Only to have excruciating pain jolt up from my legs to the rest of my body, and end up falling to the ground on my knees. That's when I remember that I was in the hospital for Rainbow practically breaking my legs. I take the next moment to take a look of my immediate surroundings. Ahead of me is a set of iron bars. and in front of those I can only see darkness. I turn to look behind me and all I see is single light surrounded darkness, and a simple wooden chair with wooden arm rests, sitting under said light.

I force my self up despite the excruciating pain, and work my way over to the chair and sit down in it... and find that it is rather comfortable. And just as I was starting to relax, Iron bands sprung up from the side of the arm rests and clamped around my arms, then more clamps sprung out from the front legs and clamped around my legs. I just sit there stunned... I could tell the chair was a trap, but I didn't think it would be something like this. I look at the clamps around my arms to see it there was a way out of it. I saw that there was a seem in the middle of the clamps. But before I could even attempt to think of a way out, a row of lights appeared in the darkness, that seemed to go on forever, and my chair was enveloped in a minty green hue. And before I could even say, "Oh shit" I was shot forward into the light at an a astounding speed. I could feel all my blood rushing from my head, and as my vision started to tunnel and a black out approach, the chair slowed down immensely. Eventually coming to a steady pace, until coming to stop in front of another set of bars, but this set had a door in it. For a moment I just sat there with my head dropped forward, until the blood finally came rushing back to my brain, jolting me awake. Pulling my head back up I started to pull at the clamps, tying to force them off. Until a very, VERY creepy voice spoke to me from the darkness ahead.

"You... are quite difficult to find aren't you?" Said an obviously female voice from the darkness

I looked towards where the voice originated from, and admist the darkness a light appeared from behind the bars. And in that light sat a figure dressed in black, wearing a black mask and orange goggles which prevented me from getting a look at her. I did notice her hands though, which were a mint green. Then at that very moment, I could practically hear the alarm bells ringing in my head, as I connected the dots, the mint green hands, mint green light, the waking up in the cage.... oooohhhh, I am screwed if this is who I think it is.

"Let me guess, Lyra. Am I right?" I say in a low baritone voice

The woman takes off her goggles and mask, and leaves without a doubt that it is Lyra, due to her cyan hair with a white streak in it, "So you know who I am. But do you know why I brought you hear?" she asked

"Because you are a crazy mad women, with a fetish for creatures that no one has ever heard of before?" I say with a smirk

That seemed to do something, as her hair suddenly became more wild as she yelled, "I am not CRAZY!!!" The room seemed to shake, and the lights turned a blood red, as a look of sheer rage crossed her face for a split second before returning to normal, before saying in a sad tone, "I'm not crazy." followed by a few tears hitting the floor.

I just sat there as she cried for a minute just thinking, "Either she is bad shit crazy with a side of OCD, or she's OCS and that hit in the head caused a form of Bipolar disorder. Why do I know that? Well there is another thing that I need to try and figure out. But that can wait, right now im bound to a chair, in a cage... a long ass on at that, and I have no idea where I am. Oh, she stopped crying. Better pay attention."

"Now, don't do that again, or you will regret it. Now tell me, what are you? And you better tell the truth." She said

"I'm just someone looking for home and a lost family member." I replied with a sly smile while all the while thinking, "If this plan works, if I ever make it out of here, I will eat the first hat I see."

"I meant what species are you, not a riddle." She replied

"I told you the truth, and answered your question. Now if you want any more from me, you will have to answer my questions. Do we have a deal?" I ask

"You know that you are in no position to argue right?" She asks with a raised eyebrow

"Oh, I know. And I can tell, not talking would annoy you to beyond what you can handle." I reply

She sits there for a minute, crossing her legs and interlocking her hands together, before saying, "I don't know what Luna and Fluttershy told you about me at that hospital, but im pretty damn sure they didn't tell you about my personality. So either you are some kind of psychologist, or you were playing quite the dangerous game." She leans in closer before saying, "And lucky for you, I like dangerous. So yes, we have a deal."

I honestly can't believe that plan worked, but now what kind of shit have I worked my self into.

"Now what do you want to know?" she asked.

"Why am I here and not back in the hospital?" I ask

Lyra simple chuckles at this, "The better question is why are you not in some lab." She leans back a bit, "Don't you know that you should be in some myth? Something that shouldn't be real? Something... that could shake the very foundation of all life as we know it. For you see, according to much research, and various "deals" with other fanatics, I have been able to trace a lost history to an age before we were here. The rise before the fall, the time before time. The age of Man, the age of Human kind." she says with a glint of something in her eye

"What are you talking about? And how does that answer my question?" I ask more confused than ever

"What I am talking about, is the fact that according to records found, your kind, the humans, should be extinct over 7 million years ago. The fact that you are here, is simply amazing. I want to study you, find a way to revive your species. So to answer your question I brought you here to try and revive your species, by any means necessary." she answers

"But what does that MEAN!" I practically yell

"It means, that due to the fact that I could never know whether or not you were going to be male or female, I have taken one of every sentient species I could find, in attempt to find one compatible with your species genetic code. But even this might be all for nothing, because for all I know, your DNA might not match any of the species I have taken, for all I know your species may be doomed. But I would give my life for the opportunity to revive an entire species." She said in an early calm voice, and before I could respond a beeping noise came from behind Lyra.

"Aww, is it that time already? Damn." She said with a sigh, "Oh well, looks like my yearly vacation is up. But don't you worry, a year for me is simple a week for you and your soon to be friends." She said standing up, and with a snap of her fingers, the entire room lit up, and my legs and arms were released from the clamps. I rubbed my wrist with one hand and watched her head towards a door that I could now see in the corner of the room. "Ta, ta darling. Oh, and before I forget, see this light?" She points to a purple light on the wall, "If this light goes on, well, the door will open, as well as supplies. For I will have no idea where you will end up. Well I do, but I don't know where that is. To be more exact it will be by your home, or where ever you have been hiding." She said before opening the door and walking out.

Behind me I hear the sound of hooves, claws, and foot steps or is it paw steps? I don't even know anymore. The come to a stop beside me, and I look down to see a sword by my neck, turning my head I see a giant of a beast. Horns on it's head, blue fur, and gigantic muscles. It says to me, "What did that woman mean that you are the one that she has been looking for?"

I simply look at it, and say, "I have no idea what she meant. Also I am more afraid by what she meant, than that sword to my neck."

It looks at me with a death glare for a moment, before bursting into a hardy laugh as it pulled its sword away from my neck, and into a sheath on its belt. "I like you. The name is Bruce, Bruce Ironhorn. Who might you be?" Bruce asks as he sticks out his hand

"Names John. And you are the 3rd person I have met so far who doesn't want to hurt me." I say as I grab his hand and shake it