Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Pleasant Fields: Brother against brother

Chapter 90

Mr. Bleak stood there, his hoof still pointing at his brother.

The stallion smiled, "I'm going to pay for this? Do you think you can fight me brother? Remember the last time we fought?"

Mr. Bleak snarled, "It won't end like that this time Val!"

Val chuckled, "We'll see, we'll see."

Mr. Bleak cracked his neck to the side, "Yes, we will see."

Val shot forward, slamming into Mr. Bleak. They both tumbled to the ground, both snarling and grabbing at each other.

After a few seconds, Mr. Bleak ended up on top. He glared down at Val and growled angrily. He brought back his hoof and slammed it into Val's face, causing a small amount of blood to pour out of his snout.

Val yelped in pain, and his horn flared.

Before Mr. Bleak could hit him again, a large wagon slammed into his side, sending him sprawling to the side.

Val jumped up and used his magic to launch the wagon at Mr. Bleak.

Mr. Bleak winched in pain and jumped up. He then slammed his head into the oncoming wagon, breaking it down the middle.

Val nodded with a smile, "Very good Darkest, I see you've improved."

Mr. Bleak glared, "You haven't seen anything!" He then launched himself towards Val, using his wings to give him an extra boost.

Val smirked and stepped to the side, but Mr. Bleak was waiting for this.

As he pasted Val, he spun, slamming his hind leg into Val's jaw.

Val's eyes widened in surprise and he spun around and grabbed his jaw, "Very good, but not good enough."

Mr. Bleak jumped for his brother, before he reached him, he flashed out of view.

Mr. Bleak stopped and looked around, waiting for Val to make a move.

* Whoosh*

Mr. Bleak's head shot up and he jumped into the air as a large rock flew past him.

He looked up and saw Val on the roof of a building, but he was gone a second later.

"Come out you coward! Fight me like a stallion!" Mr. Bleak yelled out.

To answer his question, a barrel flew towards him. He jumped to the side, but the barrel followed and slammed into his side, sending Mr. Bleak to the ground.

Suddenly, Val appeared in front of him, a smirk on his face. He twisted and bucked Mr. Bleak's head, causing his vision to fill with stars.

Val's horn began to glow, and Mr. Bleak's body was lifted off the ground. Val let out a laugh as he threw Mr. Bleak's body into the air.

Mr. Bleak tried to open his wings, but they wouldn't comply with him.

As his body began to fall, Val's horn flared again. He caught Mr. Bleak before he hit the ground, he then began to swing Mr. Bleak around and around. He then threw Mr. Bleak towards a house, causing it to collapse. (Yeah, he threw him that hard!)

Mr. Bleak stood and winched in slight pain. He looked up to see his brother laughing, "You're still that weak little colt who tried to stop me from releasing the Nightmare."

Mr. Bleak growled, "No! I'm stronger you foal! I will not let you release Him again!"

Val shrugged, "That's what you said last time, but I still released Him. And look at what happened, He took over the Princesses body and caused her to be sent to the moon."

Mr. Bleak stepped out of the rubble and looked at his brother, a plan forming in his mind, "So, what's your plan this time?"

Val smiled, "What it should have been from the beginning. Let Him take over my body, causing me to be the most powerful being alive!"

Mr. Bleak smiled and suddenly appeared in front of him, "Not while I'm around!"

He brought his hoof up and it slammed into Val's chin, causing him to rear up.

Mr. Bleak spun around and bucked Val in the stomach, making him gasp. He then spun around and stood on his hind legs.

He held his hooves up in a fighting position and began to slam them into Val's face. He slammed one hoof into the side of Val's face, while he slammed the other into snout.

Val finally fell back and growled. Before Mr. Bleak could act, Val slammed his back legs into Mr. Bleak's stomach.

Mr. Bleak gasped and fell forward, but not before receiving a second kick to the chest from Val.

Val shakily stood and jumped on Mr. Bleak. He sat on his back and laughed, "To easy!" He then began to repeatedly slam his hooves into Mr. Bleak's head.

Mr. Bleak tried to move, but Val was holding him in place with his magic.


Val flew off of Mr. Bleak's back and slammed into the side of a building.

Starch landed next to his Grandfather and held out a hoof, "Need help old timer?"

Mr. Bleak growled and stood, "I though I told you take care of the others?!"

Starch smiled and pointed behind him.

Mr. Bleak looked past him to see the streets littered with unconscious ponies, "Uhhh, very good."

Starch chuckled, "Now, lets take care of him,"

Mr. Bleak smiled, "Thanks Starch."

They both turned towards Val, who was smirking.

"What are you smirking about?" Starch said with a smug look.

Val pointed upward and laughed.

They both looked up, and both of their eyes opened in shock. Above them floated a house, yes, a house!

"See you two later." Val said as he released the house.

"Oh buck..." Starch said.

*Crash* *Sounds of brick and glass breaking*

Val looked at the completely destroyed house and smirked, "I know you two are still alive."

Mr. Bleak broke through the rubble, followed by Starch.

Val smiled, "There you are."

Mr. Bleak took a deep breath, "Starch, you remember the maneuver?"

Starch looked at him, "Dark Moon?"

Mr. Bleak nodded, "Yes, that one."

Starch smiled, "Oh yeah, I remember it. You want to use it on him?"

Mr. Bleak smiled, "Yep."

Starch looked ahead, "Then lets do it."

They both shot forward, flying towards Val.

Val laughed and prepared to catch both of them in midair.

But, before they reached him, they broke off into different directions.

Before Val could react, both Mr. Bleak and Starch flew towards him. They both hit him at the exact same time, both of their hooves slamming into each side of Val's head. While he was dazed, Mr. Bleak and Starch landed and grabbed his forelegs. They then tossed him into the air.

As he flew upward, Starch flew up and slammed his head into Val's back. Mr. Bleak flew ahead of him and bucked him downward. As Val's body flew towards the ground, Starch flew into him, sending him sideways. While he flew sideways, still in a daze, Mr. Bleak caught him by the hind leg and tossed him higher into the air.

Next, Starch flew up to meet him, slamming his head into Val's stomach. He then grabbed him by the throat and began flying downward, picking up speed.

"You... will... DIE!" Val said, struggling for breath.

Starch just smiled and stopped suddenly, sending Val towards the ground.

Mr. Bleak flew to the ground, directly under Val, and stood on his hind legs, he then held his right foreleg above his head. Seconds later, Val landed on Mr. Bleak's hoof.

Mr. Bleak laughed and threw Val forward, causing him to skid across the ground.

Starch landed next to Mr. Bleak and smiled, "We get him?"

Mr. Bleak nodded, "Oh, we got him."

Starch chuckled and turned, "Shall we go get Lance?"

Mr. Bleak turned, "Yes."

Starch took a few steps, but suddenly stopped, "What the-AHHHH!" His body was slung towards a large brick building, which came down on him upon impact.

Mr. Bleak spun around to see Val, blood pouring from his mouth and left eye. He was smiling in a crazy kinda way, "So, you think you can beat me that easily?! Well, you've seen nothing!"

He flashed out of view and reappeared at a house down the street. He ran inside, slamming the door behind him.

Mr. Bleak growled and sprung forward, with Starch stumbling after him.

Mr. Bleak landed outside of the door and grunted. Instead of opening it via doorknob, he used his front hoof to break it down.

On the other side stood Val, but there was something else. Next to him was a table, and on the table was a cage. Inside the cage was a Phoenix, a female by the looks of it.

Val smiled, "Have you ever been on fire Darkest?" He then opened the cage and forcibly pulled out the Phoenix. He tossed it into the air and yelled for it to attack.

The Phoenix hovered in place, shaking its head.

Val snarled, "Either you attack, or I end you!"

The Phoenix squawked in fear and flew towards Mr. Bleak.

As it neared him, it let out a stream of fire, which hit Mr. Bleak's chest.

Mr. Bleak shrugged off the pain and struck out with his hoof. His hoof slammed into the Phoenix's wing, breaking it. Before the Phoenix could fall, he caught it and twisted around, "Stupid bird!" He then threw it out the door with great force.

When he turned back, he saw Val charging towards him, his horn aimed for his chest.

Mr. Bleak's eyes widened, but luckily, he was fast enough to dodge him. He reached out and grabbed Val's horn.

Val screamed out in pain as Mr. Bleak pulled him to the side. Mr. Bleak held Val down to his side, he then pulled his hoof up and slammed it into Val's face.

Val fell to the floor, blood pouring out of his right eye.

Mr. Bleak sighed and looked down at his unconscious brother, "I didn't want to do it Val." He then dropped Val's broken horn in front of his face.

Pleasant Fields: Meeting hall

Twilight galloped through down the small hall, looking for the stairs to the basement. Luna was on the other side of the building, also looking for the stairs.

Twilight ran past doors, opening each one, but each one lead to a office or meeting room. After the eighteenth door, she screamed out in frustration.

Thankfully, she finally found the door, which was at the end of the hallway... of course.

She ran down the stairs, which circled around a pillar.

Once she reached the bottom, she found herself in a small room with a single door. Upon opening this door, she saw Lance and... Frederic? They were both humans again... how'd that happen?

They were both strapped to the wall, but she could only see their chest and heads, as the light in the room wasn't very bright and only showed so much.

"Lance!" She yelled in happiness.

Lance looked up and smiled awkwardly, "Huh, Twi... Don't freak out but..."

Twilight used her magic to brighten the room, "Lance, I'm so happy you're...." She looked down to Lance's waist. His pants were unzipped and a stallion's head was bobbing up and down on his.... Yeah....

Lance began to panic, "It's not what it looks like Twi!"

Draco pulled his head up and turned, "Who are you talking to..." His eyes widened at seeing Twilight, "You!"

His horn flared, but before he could do anything, Twilight's own horn flared to life. Draco was flung upward, where he crashed into the ceiling, before he could fall, Twilight slammed his body into the floor. She then began to slam him into every table, chair, and bookcase in the room. To finish, she threw him face first into the stone wall.

She then ran over to Lance and Frederic, "What happened to you two?!"

Frederic looked over and sighed, "We'll tell you later."

Twilight nodded and looked back to Lance, "Let me fix that for you." She then used her magic to put Lance's member back in his pants and zipped up his pants, "Really Lance? What have you gotten yourself into this time?"

Lance chuckled nervously, "Oh you know, the usual."

Twilight chuckled and used her magic to break the straps that held them to the wall.

Lance fell forward and wrapped his arms around Twilight's neck, "I'm so happy to see you Twi!"

She smiled and wrapped her forelegs around his neck, "I love you Lance."

Lance squeezed her tight, "I love you too Twi."

Frederic stumbled over and wrapped his arms around the two, "I love you guys!"

Lance and Twilight chuckled, "I didn't know this was a group hug."

Frederic laughed, "Well, it is now." He gave them a final squeeze before standing up, "Where's Luna? I can sense her."

Twilight pointed up, "Upstairs."

"Frederic!" Luna screamed as she galloped across the stone floor.

"Or she's right there." Twilight said with a chuckle. She then gave Lance a quick kiss on the cheek and broke the embrace.

Frederic and Luna were in a tight embrace, giving each other a deep passionate kiss.

Lance clapped his hands together, "Come on you two! We have to get top side, before that stallion comes back!"

Twilight shook her head, "Don't worry about him, Mr. Bleak and somepony else were fighting him when we came in here."

Lance looked at her confused, "Mr. Bleak's here?"

Twilight nodded.

Lance smiled, "And he's fighting that stallion?"

Twilight chuckled and nodded.

Lance began running for the stairs, "I got to see this!"

Three minutes later, outside of meeting hall

I ran out of the towns meeting hall and looked around, where are they?

<Twilight is so awesome! I love that mare!>
[I love her too! I love the sex too!]
{Shut up Break.}
<Look over there Lance!>

I looked to where Dawn was instructing me to look.

I could see Mr. Bleak breaking down a door with his front hoof... that guy is just pure badass!

I began to run towards him, but then I saw a second stallion, this one just as tall as Mr. Bleak. This stallion was standing behind Mr. Bleak, looking into the house.

Who's he... doesn't matter! I got to see this!

As I neared, I saw Mr. Bleak throw a red thing out the door. The thing slammed into the wall of another house.

Once I reached the door, I saw Mr. Bleak standing over a unconscious stallion... HOLY SHIT! He beat the shit out of that big ass stallion! FUCKING AWESOME!

Mr. Bleak turned and smiled, "Aw, Lance, good to see you."

I chuckled, "Good to see you too Mr. Bleak."

The other stallion turned and held out a hoof, "Good to meet you Lance, I'm Starch, Mr. Bleak's grandson."

I shook his hoof, but looked at Mr. Bleak, "Grandson?"

He smirked, "I'll fill you in later."

I nodded, but heard a faint sound behind me. I turned to see a large red bird... no, a Phoenix, trying to stand.

"A Phoenix!" I said as I ran over to it.

Once I was next to it, I bent down and examined it, "Now how did you break your wing... MR. BLEAK! Did you hurt this Phoenix!"

"Maybe!" He yelled back.

I sighed and reached out for it, "Come here."

It looked at me fearfully and jumped back.

I slowly moved forward, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. I only want to help."

It looked at me and took a step forward.

I reached out and grabbed the Phoenix by its mid-section and gently lifted it up. "Don't worry, I have a friend back in Ponyville who can help you with that wing."

The Phoenix looked up to me and smiled... smiled? They can smile?

I chuckled and cradled the Phoenix in my arms, "Do you have a name?"

It shook its head sadly.

I furrowed my brow, I want to give it a name.

<Lance, if you give it a name, you'll be attached to it.>
{So, I want to be attached to it! This Phoenix is awesome! I'm sure Spark and Fawn would love it.}

I smiled, "I'll come up with a name, just give me time."

It smiled and snuggled into my arms.

Yep, I'm gonna like this thing.