Chapter 1
The wind pass through the dark forest. The leaves rustled. The night sky was full of stars, brightly shining with some intensity as if signifying the arrival of someone. Prince Artemis (Princess Luna guy version) looked up into the sky and wondered what was going on with the stars. I wonder what the stars are trying to tell me, he thought as he watched the night sky.
As Artemis watched longer he began to realize the stars lightly showed a flower. Not just any flower, it was a white star flower that only bloomed at night. A flower that some pony important to him said it was her favorite flower. Prince Artemis began to clutch his head with his hooves as some memories began to come back to him. A cheerful smile, no flank, fur white as snow. Then eyes full of pain and sorrow that made his heart pound with guilt and sadness. One tear fell from his eye as he now fully remembered who he had lost before and after he had turned into Nightterror Nebula (Nightmare Moon).
"Silver", he whispered mournfully. "What have I done again?"
During that same night, a bright light flashed somewhere in the Dark Forest. An opening to an underground cave appeared, revealing a white unicorn inside it's wonders. A crystal vine grew and began to gently tap the white unicorn awake. Slowly, the white unicorn began to wake and stretched to get rid of the kinks from her body. She yawned widely and opened her eyes, revealing light cyan blue eyes. She looked around puzzled.
Where am I? she thought. The white unicorn tried to walk around the room to get a sense of things except that nothing seemed to come up.
I don't remember a thing, she thought sadly. The only thing I can remember is that my name is Silver-spirit. What am I doing here? I need answers. The magical cave seemed to sense her confusion and tried to comfort her by brushing her mane with it's crystal vines. Silver-spirit giggled and rubbed her head against the vine.
"Such a sweet thing", she said in a melodic voice then began to stand on her hooves and walked outside of the cave. Silver-spirit looked around the Dark Forest. Although to many ponies it would be dangerous, the Dark Forest somehow felt comfortable to her. Before she began to explore the Forest, her stomach began to growl. She blushed, a gentle pink hue colored her cheeks. Then she went back inside to find that the cave had produce it's own food before and began to offer her an apple. Silver-spirit smiled and took the apple gently with her teeth.
"Thank you", she giggled, her laugh like little silver bells. The cave responded her back with a small tinkling sound. Silver-spirit was in deep thought as she munched on her apple and other fruit. Silver-spirit seems like a long name to continue to pronounce, she thought. Better keep it simple and call myself Silver. Once she was full, she gave a small burp and sighed with satisfaction. Silver smiled at the cave and walked to the nearest vine.
"Hello, cave", she said. "You have been taken care of me right?" The cave replied with another tinkling sound that sounded like a "yes".
"Do you mind telling me what happened in the first place?", she asked. There was a small silence before a vine began to curl around her horn and show her it's memories. The cave was just opened long ago, letting the moonlight shine through until a white body appeared out of no where. It was her. Her body looked like a mess. Blood was trickling down from her mouth. Large bruises appeared on her pale fur. Her body was heaving. After a few minutes that she appeared, the crystal vines began to investigate this interesting looking thing. Then the vines began working on her body, healing her as much as they could. From what the cave showed her was that many days had passed before she finally woke up.
Silver's eyes grew sad as the vision ended and patted the wall with her hoof.Then she yawned largely and giggled. She had just awoken and yet she is tired already. The cave, already sensing her need to sleep showed Silver her sleeping quarters, with a sigh of thanks she lay down on the fluffy bed and sleep, hoping to find some answers.
Solaris was eating breakfast with Artemis the next morning, wondering what was wrong with his brother. Artemis picked around with his food and sighed quietly. After a few minutes, Solaris couldn't take it anymore.
"Brother, is something wrong", Solaris asked. Artemis was dazed and didn't answer so Solaris with his magic levitated a napkin into his face. Solaris started to chuckle at Artemis' expression. Artemis was so shocked that he fell out of his chair. He got up annoyed.
"Brother, that was a foul move", he complained and did the same thing to Solaris. Solaris blocked it in time and grinned.
"I just wanted your attention but I guess I have it now", Solaris said. Artemis sighed but gave a small smile.
"Now I want to know what's eating your tail", he demanded as he shove some more food into his mouth. Artemis sighed and shook his head.
"It's nothing much brother", Artemis replied. Solaris grunted.
"Nothing my hoof. Since you're so down in the dumps how about a duel Artemis, just you and me. If I win, you have to tell me", Solaris challenged. Artemis then gave a surprising loud laughter.
"Then I guess if I want to win I don't have to tell you. A duel then Brother", Artemis said and bowed his head then left the dining room to go to his private chambers to prepare for a duel.
Solaris and Artemis stood opposite of each other in the training arena. Both had their armor on and looked each other in the eye. The soldiers crowded around the two rulers, excited to see a duel between the brother for the first time. The soldiers parted as one of the generals walked toward the center, in between the two brothers. He looked at them, side to side. He raised his hoof.
"On the count of three, your highness, let the duel begin", the general said. "One. Two. THREE!" Then quickly brought his hoof down. Artemis and Solaris quickly drawn their blades and clashed with each other. Artemis smiled inwardly as he clashed swords with Solaris.
I forgotten how long since I done this, he thought. Again and again their swords strike. The soldiers wondered who was going to win. Some began to cheer for Solaris while the other began to cheer for Artemis. Then for one moment the thought of Silver passed his mind. That moment was all that took. Solaris quickly went up to his brother and kicked some dust into his face, blinding Artemis. By the time his vision cleared, Artemis found himself laying on his back with Solaris' sword pointing at his neck.
Solaris grinned as he looked down his brother. "The battle is mine", he declared.
Artemis frowned. "You have not fought honorably, Brother Solaris".
"Ah, but I want to hear was has gotten my little brother down in the dumps", Solaris said and gave Artemis a hoof to help him up. Artemis took in then sighed as he got up.
"Fine. You win this time", he said. "Next time we will fight honorably, Brother". Then left for the showers to wipe off the sweat from his coat.
Solaris chuckled. "Next time, next time". And followed his brother as well, to hear what is on his mind.
Silver was ready to part from the cave that morning. She looked around the cave and packed what she needed. However, there wasn't really much that she could pack with. The cave was kind enough to lend her a cloth that she could use to bring some fruit with her. Silver smiled and patted the wall before she left.
"I'll try to be back home as soon as I can", she promised. The cave another tinkle and waved her goodbye as she left the cave. Silver sighed and started to run in one direction, hoping that she would find at least something.
Once she was out of sight, the magical cave then closed up. It had only accepted her as it's friend and anyone else would not be acceptable.
She ran through the trees as fast as she could. To Silver, she somehow knew that if she linger anymore, she would have encountered more danger than necessary. After a few hours of running, her legs began to protest.
How long is this forest anyway?, she thought. I need to take a break and walk the rest. Then her stomach began to rumble right on cue. Silver landed then took out the fruit that the cave provided for her. By the time she was done, Silver had eaten all of the food. She chuckled as she saw the empty cloth.
So much for packing anyway, Silver thought and continued on her way. What she didn't know however is that she was getting closer to Ponyville, where the lavender alicorn Dusk Shine and his friends live.