Attack On Pony

by NihilWinterfeild2

Chapter 1

"Nihil...hey, wake up"
I open my eyes, at first it is nothing but blinding white light until my eyes adjust. I was laying on the ground, the soft grass ticking the my back as I squirmed to get in a sitting position. I took a look around, seeing a few farm houses and the occasional ox.
"Nihillll..." The voice whined again. It was my childhood friend Fjora. Her coat was a beautiful purple. Her mane was a wondrous chocolate brown. But one abnormality was her right canine tooth, it was longer and pointed than the rest of her teeth.
"What" I replied softly
"I'm hungry...let's go find food"
I nodded in agreement. Both her and I had been orphaned ever since wall Cadence was destroyed by the Giant Titan, thus causing titans to overrun the cities and towns inside. A titan is essentially a giant hairless pony that stands between 3-17 meters tall.

Fjora and I went to go find some food. As we were trotting around, we heard the loud distinct 'clang' of the city bell
"THE SCOUTING LEGION IS BACK" My dear friend squealed in delight and galloped off to see them march through the town. I just barely kept up to her pace. As we arrived, we had to stand on a box to see the Legion. The scent of blood held heavy in the air as we saw the sorry group of ragged, beaten and broken ponies trot and limp through the town. Some even needed to be held up by their friends. Despite their sorry look, an odd aura of respect surrounded the group. I looked over at Fjora, her smile seemed to stretch from ear to ear, the look in her eyes was of sheer awe and admiration.
"I'm going to join the scouting legion when I'm old enough"
"Well, we can join the Trainee corps next year...but then we need to do that for three years..." I said hesitantly. Knowing that no good could come from this decision.