//------------------------------// // Chapter 21: Once Again Unto The Breach // Story: Equestria Is Not Enough // by Canon Fodder //------------------------------// Chapter 21 Once Again Unto The Breach After many long hours of travel, Twilight and the rest of the team trotted into the Canyon around ten in the morning, arriving two hours ahead of schedule. Everypony was exhausted and found it hard to trot any further but knew that they couldn't stop now. Taking another glance at the map, Twilight calculated that it would only take another few hours of walking to reach Nova's mine in the heart of Suffolk Valley, a vast landscape of deep tranches and rough terrain. The girls could notice tracks in the dirt, indicating nearby stagecoaches. They notified the team to be on full alert through the rest of the way. They were in Nova's territory now and knew he'd be looking for them. They continued along their way and descended into the lower levels of the Canyon through the hills. The girls discussed the plan on the way, "So are you girls still familiar with the plan?" Asked Twilight. Applejack chuckled nervously, "I think we got the general idea Twi. But maybe ya'll should go through it one more time just to be sure." The three friends laughed and Twilight nodded gladly, "Of course Applejack. Well after some thought, I think there's no other way to enter the mine than the front so were just going to have to charge through..." She took the map of the mine from her saddlebag and unfolded it, "As we can see. This mine isn't the most complicated. It's only some mine shafts with the main compartments; A refinery room, a couple long tunnels, two laboratories, a missile room, an office, and a dungeon below the main level. What we should do first, is destroy Sparks' refinery machines and break everything in his labs. Next we'll storm through this secret door which is right here. That will bring us into another large room which will be the chamber for project: meteor. Were going to have to find a way to deactivate it before it goes off. I have the blueprints for the missile in my bag so I'll have a look at it. Then were going to have to split up. I want you girls to go down this stairwell here to rescue Spike and the girls. I'll be heading up to pay Nova a visit in his office. We need discuss a little business. Oh Remind me to give you the girls the apple slices, and don't lose them. It's our last hope. Finally I'll confront Nova and hold him there until you guys show up. Then we can figure the rest when you girls get there, got it?" Rainbow was getting excited over the upcoming action and flew around Applejack and Twilight repeatedly, "You bet! I can't wait to get there and kick some Nova flank!" Applejack caught Rainbow Dash from the air and hauled her down, "Are ya'll tryin to get us caught? Calm down, were not there yet." Rainbow giggled softly, "Sorry ladies, just getting a little excited..." Twilight and AJ laughed with her, "Come on girls, were almost there!" Twilight shouted proudly. They took off galloping and the team followed eagerly. The rugged roads made it hard trot over but they couldn't let that stop them now. They were nearly there. The odor of factory smoke filled the air, signifying the manarite quarry. As the smell got stronger over time, everypony noticed they were nearing the tall trenches of Suffolk Valley and could see a slight grey haze over head...They weren't far away from Nova Sparks. ----- The jail cell opened and a groggy, confused Spike awoke being dragged from the corner. He groaned from the friction of the rough cavern floor that felt like sandpaper. He was forced to his feet by two steeds and lead up the stairs with the guards behind him and another pony up ahead leading him. He couldn't recognize that pony, his eyes weren't adjusted to the light yet, although the mane seemed familiar. He asked where he was going, but got no answer. Then he was brought out through an opening into the massive production room of the missile, meteor. His vision eventually focused in and he immediately fixed his sight on the rocket. His fixation was soon broken by the startling and brash voice of Bradshaw Buckingham, "Quite a sight, isn't it Mr. Spike?" Buckingham descended from the adjacent stairwell from the upper deck. Spike roared at him angrily and showed a vicious look on his face, "Bradshaw...What's going on here?!" The brown stallion chuckled jokingly, "Just a lil science experiment Mr. Spike. But unfortunately, you won't be around to see it." The dragon was puzzled yet again, "...What do you mean?" "Let's jus say were gonna...Set your soul free." Bradshaw teased, smiling arrogantly. He gestured somepony over, "Mr. Spike, I think she has something to say to you..." Spike turned around and saw Rarity in front of him, smiling mysteriously, "Ooh Spiky Wikey...I'm sorry you had to find out this way..." Spike shook his head, not understanding and little on edge, "Rarity what's going on? What are you doing with these guys?" Rarity laughed innocently and trotted over to smooch Bradshaw Buckingham which sent a furious rage through Spike's body as he propelled forward. But he was held back by the two guards, "I'LL KILL YOU! What have you done to her?!" Bradshaw pulled his lips away from Rarity's and agitated Spike again, aggravating him to the core, "Hmmm...She tastes like strawberries." Spike did nothing but stare at him demonically with a pulsing vein jolting from his neck. Buckingham stood out of the way and pointed towards the staircase to the upper deck, "Come along Mr. Spike. Your freedom awaits...Rarity my darlin, lead the way." The guards pushed him ahead and he was surrounded with a pony on each side of him for which he could not escape. They lead him upstairs and passed Nova's office where he could catch a glimpse of him through the window, kissing Trixie's hoof. Spike was disgusted and shook his head. He was brought through a tunnel that lead to a dead end. He wondered why he was brought there and waited until Buckingham stepped forward, then he pushed a button that was made to look like a part of the rock wall. It opened another secret door that showed yet another long tunnel with a dim light at the end of it. To Spike's confusion there was a badly installed elevator. Bradshaw, Rarity, one of the guards, and Spike were loaded in. The other guard activated the elevator and the four ascended. While on the way, Spike tried to breakthrough to Rarity, "Rarity snap out of it! This isn't you!" He was struck in the gut by the guard's hoof, "Shut up you!" Rarity only continued to smile and hold on to Bradshaw's hoof. Her magic repelling horn cover had been removed. After a quick minute, they reached the top. The elevator appeared to bring them to the cliff of a plateau. It was windy and very brisk outside. Windy enough that it made the clouds speed across the sky. Spike was shoved out of the elevator door, out on to the cold, hard ground towards the edge over looking the cliff. He was held against the edge by Buckingham and his assisting guard. He stared down the cliff and almost fainted over it's terrifying height. About a full couple miles downward. Spike was turned around and faced Rarity who again, stood in front of him, "Whenever yer ready darlin." Bradshaw hollered loudly over the incredible winds. She proceeded to shove Spike off, plunging him to his tragic death on the bottom of the Canyon. Just before she could charge him, Spike pleaded, "Please Rarity...Please...Just one more kiss...For me?" The influenced mare halted and suddenly looked dumbfounded. She looked over at Buckingham for approval. He thought about it momentarily then nodded, "Make it quick...I guess you can call it...The kiss of death." He smiled chuckling. Rarity moved closer and Spike leaned in while his arms were still restrained. Before they locked lips, Spike told her, "Remember...I'll always love you...No matter what." She felt the words sink into her heart as they kissed. A long kiss that for a second, took them through a flashback of their times together. Memories that appeared to last for an eternity. Ending with their first kiss and for some reason, Spike was happy, and relieved with this last kiss. Happy that it may have reached into the real Rarity...somewhere. They split apart from one another and Rarity just stood there, gazing up into the sky. Buckingham called to her impatiently, "Well? Finish him off!" Rarity broke away from her confusion and nodded, "..Right, finish him off." She backed up and scrapped her hoof against the ground, getting ready to strike the dragon off the edge. She began to run and quickly gained speed and rammed into the...other guard that restrained Spike and knocked him off, sending him to his definite downfall. Bradshaw was shocked and flipped his wig, "You crazy buckin mare! What's yer problem?!" She expressed a keen smile, "You didn't expect me to hurt my Spiky Wikey did you?" Spike's face lit up with excitement, "Rarity! Your back!" Buckingham panicked and proceeded to shove Spike off himself. His plan was quickly foiled as Rarity restrained his hoof with her magic. Spike took the opportunity and swiped his free claws into the Buckingham's leg. A thriving sting shot through his leg and let go of the persistent dragon, clenching his front leg. Spike quickly scurried away and climbed on Rarity. She used her magic again to force Bradshaw to jab himself. The steed fell to the ground, and nearly rolled off the cliff. But he was able to catch himself and get a hoof hold. Seeing that Rarity and Spike were galloping away into the Canyon, he rushed to the elevator and went to send for back up, limping in pain from his bleeding knee. Spike and Rarity receded into a patch of grassland and hid behind a tree, crouching into the bushes. Spike embraced her, "Rarity. I'm so glad your back to normal." Rarity hugged him back and explained, "Oh Spike it was simply awful! Imagine being locked away and being able to watch a copy of yourself commit terrible acts and not be able to do anything about it. I can't believe I kissed that sorry excuse for a stallion...Thank you for being my hero." Spike laughed, "Rarity please, you saved me." They kissed each other once more, then Spike tried to conjure a plan, "Well...What do we do now?" Rarity pondered too and looked around. They were up high and could look out at quite a long distance. She gazed around and suddenly stopped when she seen a small movement a few miles away. She alerted Spike, "Look! There's some ponies over there. Let's go get help!" The dragon nodded with her and mounted Rarity once again. They galloped off towards the crowd of ponies and climbed down from the plateau tall trenches using the steep paths of the Canyon, hoping to find help to liberate their trapped friends from Sparks' clutches. ----- Bradshaw burst through Nova's door and slammed his hooves on the desk. Sparks was startled and spilled some of his coffee he was drinking, "You bloody buffoon, what's the matter?" "Rarity and Spike got away!" He hollered, panting. His eyes went wide and noticed the open wound on his leg. With a disgusted look, he stood up and splashed his hot beverage into the cut and Buckingham fell down in agony. Nova scolded him, "You were supposed to get rid of him! How difficult is it to get rid of a damn reptile!" Bradshaw tried to save himself, "No sir no sir! It's not my fault. Your all powerful Trixie didn't make the damn spell strong enough. It was broken jus like that! She pushed one of the guards off the cliff and galloped away." Nova sat back down and put his hoof on his head, now annoyed, "Get up and send a squad after them. But you stay here...I'm beginning to think your a jinx." He stood up and limped away embarrassed, "Right away Mr. Sparks." Another pony rushed in. It was one of Nova computer technicians, "We've picked something up on radar!" Sparks waved his hoof down to calm him, "Don't worry it's only a puny dragon and a prissy mare. It's no big deal..." He shook his head frantically, "No sir. This is more then two blips. It's a whole lot of them. Their coming this way!" Sparks suddenly felt a sickening feeling in his stomach and almost gagged. He stood up once more, slowly then trotted around his desk over to a large painting of his cutie mark hung on the wall, "Really? Just out of curiosity. How much longer until the missile can be fired?" He looked around nervously and took an estimated guess, "I say about 45 minutes. I know it's less then an hour for sure. But around that time frame." Nova nodded slowly with a blank look on his face, "Good, good...Do me a favor and tell guards to be on full alert, and send Trixie in." "Got it!" the pony exclaimed as he ran out the door. Nova used his magic and shut the door, locking it. He opened the portrait away from the wall like a cupboard door and looked at a safe that was behind it. He turned the knob around and unlocked it. Pulling the handle, he opened it and a light flicked on inside of it. From the safe he retrieved documents and his silver energy blaster he taunted the Mayor and threatened Rarity with. He slammed the safe shut and sat back down in his desk. Sparks wiped some anxious sweat from his forehead and opened his desk draw. Inside were several specially manufactured cartridges. Nova picked one up and loaded it into the gun. Then he aimed it towards a wine bottle in the corner, on top of a filing cabinet. With a precise aim he fired the high-tech gun, shooting a small, yet powerful, fiery projectile at high velocity, shattering the bottle into pieces. Then he calmly leaned back in his chair and chuckled proudly, "Still got it." He concealed the weapon inside the inner pocket of his suit and loaded his other pockets with a couple more cartridges. At last he took his secret files and put them in a saddlebag with a couple syringes filled with silverblood. He rushed over to his office window and opened it to call down to Dr. Know, "Sir! Have you prepared yourself in case Twilight and her comrades should arrive?" Know looked up from his computer and confirmed with a small, cunning grin, "Of course Mr. Sparks...If they come anywhere near me, I'll certainly show them my..how the kids say, kicks. They'll certainly get the point." Nova laughed briefly, "Good. Oh and have you prepared our special team?" "They're on stand by as we speak Mr. Sparks." Know said calmly. Sparks laughed again, this time a little longer, "Excellent. Is meteor ready?" "Another 20 minutes then we can initiate the countdown Sir. Were nearly there." He assured boldly. "Good job Dr. Know. Good job." Nova praised. He shut the window and sat back down in his chair, waiting. Waiting for the first sign of commotion. He used his magic and opened the fancy cabinet mounted on the wall and pulled another bottle of wine from it, laying it on his desk next to an elegant gold chalice decorated with diamonds and sapphires. He popped the cork and filled the royal-like cup with the wine that was labelled Canterlot Cranberry 45. He laid the bottle down and toasted by himself, raising the chalice with his magic, "To project: meteor...and to you, Twilight Sparkle. To your impending death!" ----- Approaching the entrance of the mine, Twilight halted the team around a corner. They all crouched down trying not to make a sound. She seen that there were many guards placed around the perimeter, being lead by the audacious Bradshaw Buckingham who stood on guard as well. Twilight whispered next to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, "I guess they knew we were coming...Now on my mark, were going to rush in. But first I have something to give you girls." "What is it Twilight?" Rainbow questioned. She opened up her saddlebag and pulled out two cylindrical objects and showed them from behind a rock, "Now they're only proto-types so they might not work entirely. Just push here and...there!" The beam sword extended out and Dash and AJ were astonished. Rainbow held on to it with her hooves, "Whoa...Cool! This is awesome." Twilight tossed Applejack hers, "Much obliged Twi. This'll come in handy." She thanked. Rainbow swung hers around a couple times then switched it off again. She put it in her saddlebag and crouched back behind the corner with Applejack and Twilight, "Whenever your ready Twilight." Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath and counted down, alerting the team, "Alright everypony...5...4......3.........2..." "Wait!" Somepony cried out. Twilight and the girls turned around and to their shock, Rarity and Spike galloped towards them with an excited motivation. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash lighted up with ecstasy and ran at them as fast as they could. The five collided and embraced each other with an incredible cascade of relieving and joyful tears. Spike and Rarity were in the center of the rush and couldn't believe it, "Oh Girls...We thought we'd never see you again!" Rarity cried happily, yet softly. Twilight wondered, "Where did guys come from?" They dispersed and Spike explained the story, "Well we got away after Rarity pushed one of the guards off a cliff. I was the one supposed to go off but I managed to break Rarity out of her brainwashing spell and she saved me... But Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are still in there, we just got to save them." Twilight, AJ, and Rainbow understood. Twilight suddenly remembered and took Rarity's slice of apple from her bag, "Here Rarity, eat this..." She didn't take long grabbing it away, "Oh Thank goodness. I am simply famished! They never did feed us very much." Rarity ate the apple and Twilight went on to explain, "Now this is hard to accept and even harder to explain but that apple had your element of generosity inside of it. When were ready, us four, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie are going to hit Nova with the elements of harmony. It's the only way to beat him and his magic. We can't fail. Are you in?" Rarity looked back at Spike and smiled an affectionate smile at him. He too, smiled and nodded. She turned back around and hugged her girlfriends, "Oh Of course I will! For Equestria right?" "For Equestria!" the girls whispered proudly. They broke up again and peeked around the corner. Spike whistled slowly, "Now that's a lot of guards." "You got that right." Added Rainbow Dash. Twilight scrapped her hoof against the ground, "Everypony ready?" "Ready!" the team answered. "Ok...5...4...3, 2...1......CHARGE!" The team of thirty guards were frightened and looked over to see the freedom fighters racing towards them with authority. Buckingham shouted out, "Alright let's make Mr. Sparks proud! LET'S GET EM BOYS!" The two factions closed in on each other and collided with paws and hooves flying everywhere. A riot of dogs and ponies battling with bucking, scratching, jabbing, biting and even using magic. Rarity and Spike tussled with a canine while Big Macintosh took on two at the same time and even managed to hold his ground. Twilight and the other Unicorns used their magic to fight their battles, using blast orbs and levitating various objects to throw at the enemy. Rainbow fought with one of the larger stallions, jabbing and tackling one another. Rainbow got a few good shots in but the steed's shots were powerful and made Dash somewhat dizzy when she got hit. Then there was a courageous Applejack who decided to take on Bradshaw Buckingham, "So...Were finally gonna settle this. You and me!" AJ shouted. Buckingham swung his hoof but missed, "Yer quite agile Miss Applejack! But I'm gonna make Apple Cider outta yer remains. Yer fightin with the wrong southerner." Applejack laughed at the pitiful pun and tried to buck him but the stallion caught her back legs and flipped her over, "Nice try!" AJ landed on her back then Bradshaw jumped on top of her and smacked her around. Applejack managed to get some leverage and turned over, allowing her to get on top, also swinging her hooves at him. But Buckingham was quite strong and flipped her over again to get on top and this time, taking his baton and trying to choke her with it. Forcing it down across her neck. She began to cough for air and struggled to push him away, but could no longer muster the strength as Bradshaw had too much of an advantage point. Then only a few meters away fighting two dogs, Big Mac noticed her sister was in trouble and quickly disabled the two mutts by ducking a punch and making one dog smack the other, knocking him out cold. Then he bucked the conscience dog in the stomach and grabbed on to him. He backed up and used him as a battering ram against Buckingham. The brown steed glanced over but couldn't react fast enough to the incoming mutt. Then instantly as it was, Bradshaw was checked off of Applejack and had the dog land on top of him, "AH YOU DOG GONE IDGIT! Get off of me!" Applejack sprang up and got prepared for another fight as Big Mac went to take care of another guard. Rarity and Spike used teamwork to handle one of the burly dogs. Rarity used quick agility to trip over the dog while Spike climbed up his back, digging his claws into him. He put the dog in a choke hold and held on for dear life. The troubled canine tried to back against the wall but Rainbow came to his aide to hold him away from the wall. Then Rarity trotted over to join Twilight who was battling with two ponies. They used their combined magic and forced the two guards away, slamming them against the walls of the trench. All around, the bodies of dogs and ponies were being flung left, right and center. Each team taking damage. Bradshaw realized the resiliency of the rebels and wondered if they should retreat or not. Before resolving the issue, he decided to deal with Twilight Sparkle who was distracted with another incident. He snuck up behind her and clubbed her in the head with his hoof. Twilight fell down and became groggy. Buckingham twisted his N-Tech and brought out the neuro-toxin. Twilight finally focused in and swiftly dodged the thrusting strike from Buckingham, failing to inject her. They circled around slowly, Bradshaw with his needle, Twilight with her beam sword she took from her saddlebag. He looked her very cross, "Where the buck did ya get that?" "...A very loyal friend!" Twilight exclaimed sharply. She used her magic and swung the sword forward. Bradshaw leaped out of the way and surged forward with his hoof in the air and loud battle cry. With one split second to react, Twilight fleetly turned the sword upward and slashed the stallion who just nearly stabbed her. Buckingham landed a couple feet away on his hooves and checked himself over to find out his N-Tech was gone. He looked around hastily and seen it in two halves on the ground, sparking. He was tapped on the shoulder and turned his head. Finding Applejack's hooves bashing into his head. He staggered around and looked up with a melting look on his face, staring next at Rainbow Dash hovering in front of him. She smiled slyly and spun around with a roundhouse kick impaling into the side of his already damaged skull. He too then spun around and fell to his knees. One more time he looked up and seen Twilight Sparkle who simply laughed and pushed him over. Buckingham toppled over and hit the ground out cold. The full team of 27 ponies and one dragon had managed to lay out all thirty guards with a few injuries along the way. A couple members of the team were too hurt to continue and agreed to stay behind while the rest went in to siege the quarry. Twilight panted and praised the team, "Great work everypony!...Now let's finish the job and clean them out!" Applejack threw her front hooves up in the air and cried out, "Yeeeeee-haw! Let's go!" Everypony cheered and galloped into the cavern with Applejack leading the way, followed by Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh, Rarity and Spike riding right behind them. Not only that, but another 20 faithful ponies who were ready to put their hooves down and lives on the line to finish off Nova's evil ways for good and restore Equestria's harmony. The last push, last struggle...and last chance. [...To be continued]