Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Pleasant Fields: Rescue plan

Chapter 89

Twilight paced back and forth as she awaited for a reply from the Princess. Its only been about ten minutes, but to Twilight, it felt like an eternity.

Rarity was watching her with a worried face, "Calm down Twilight, I'm sure he's okay."

Twilight stopped and gawked at her, "You don't understand Rarity! Me and Lance have connected minds! I can tell when he's in intense pain!"

Rarity's eyes widened, "You do?! Since when?"

Twilight began to pace again, "Since he left for Manehattan the first time. I may have taken away the ability to communicate, but we can still feel when one of us is in pain or feeling down."

Rarity slowly nodded, "So.... he could be in trouble, and the only one who can help is Celestia?"

Twilight nodded furiously, "Yes! UGH! What's taking her so long!"

As if to answer her question, there was a small boom and a flash of light.

Twilight turned, expecting to see Princess Celestia, but instead, she saw Princess Luna.

Twilight and Rarity were taken aback by this, "Princess Luna?!"

Luna looked at them with a grim face, "So, you felt that pain also Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight gave a slow nod, "Yes... how did you..."

"Frederic and I are magically bound, we are able to communicate over long distances via our minds... but, a hour ago, I was unable to contact him. It's like he's being blocked from me, then I felt that horrible pain in my head. At first, I though it was a magical back up, but after Tia read me your letter, I knew it must mean something."

Twilight blinked twice before answering, "Do you have any idea of what's wrong with them?"

Luna shook her head, "I do not, but I think we should get to them at once."

Twilight bit her bottom lip, "But, we don't know where this town is. How will we get there?"

Luna let a smile form on her face, "I may be blocked from my love via mind, but I can still sense his magical aura. I can teleport us close to them, but we're on our own after that."

Twilight sighed in relief, "That's good. When can we leave?"

Luna thought for a second, "It's up to you. We can wait a few hours for my sister to gather the Guard, or we can go now. Your choice."

Twilight thought hard on what to do. If they wait, something could happen, but if they go alone, there's no telling what would happen.

A slight pounding in her head helped her make up her mind, "We should go now. I don't want something to happen to them."

Luna nodded, "Agreed. We leave at once!"

Pleasant Fields

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as he finished up the spell.

He finally stopped sending energy into my body, allowing me to hang in the restraints.

Frederic also let out a scream of agony before they stopped the flow of magic that we had both endured.

As we hung there, sweat and blood pouring down our bodies. The blood was from our noses, as the pressure in our heads was increased due to that fucked up spell.

The large stallion chuckled, "And that's the end of stage seven. Only three more to go!"

Draco was jumping with joy, "And only one more till I get to have some alone time with you two!"

The stallion sighed, "You only get an hour Draco."

Draco stopped jumping and aww'd, "Only an hour, but..."


The large stallion glared at Draco as he rubbed his face, "Take it, or you get no time!"

Draco winced, "Sorry sir."

[*Groans of pain* Lance... we have to get out of here...]

I gasped and tried to take in air, but I wasn't getting enough. It was like my air passage was blocked, restricting the air flow to my lungs.

The stallion looked at me and chuckled, "Having a little trouble breathing there?"

I looked up and glared, "Fuck... you..."

He just smiled, "Don't worry, it'll all be over by morning."

[Fuck this, I must do this!]

Break forced himself past me, taking control of my body, "Listen here you sick fuck! I will fucking end you and your little gay ass friend there! Don't you fucking..."

My body seized up as a beam of magic hit my chest.

I could no longer feel anything, it was as if I was paralyzed.

The looked amused, "Hmmm, you sounded different there. As if something else was controlling you."

{Way to fucking go Break!}
[... I'm fucking sorry...]

The stallion walked up to me and examined me, "I knew you were special."

"Special?" I questioned.

He nodded, "Yes, special."

I cocked my head, "How?"

He chuckled, "Well, you've died twice, correct?"

I nodded, "Yes, so what?"

"Since you've died twice, you've been in the presence of this energy more, meaning you've absorbed more of it than the others."

Oh shit.... why me? Why am I so damn unlucky?!

The stallion laughed and turned, "Ready for stage eight Draco?"

Draco smiled happily, "Sure am! I want my time alone with Mr. Greenfield!"

The stallion chuckled, "Well, get on with it then."

Draco smiled and looked at me, "With pleasure!"

He aimed his horn at me and Frederic, "Prepare yourselves, this will hurt!"

"Screw you..." Frederic said weakly.

Draco laughed, "We'll get to that soon, now prepare!"

Pleasant Fields, hill one mile outside of town

Twilight and Luna stood on the hill overlooking the small town. The night sky above gave them a little light, showing off the layout of the town.

"Hmmmm, nice town." Luna said, eyeing the town with suspicion.

Twilight furrowed her brow, "Are you sure they're down there?"

Luna nodded, "I am certain."

"Should we ask them if they know where they are?" Twilight asked.

Luna shook her head, "No, that is a terrible idea Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight looked at her confused, "What? Why?"

Luna sighed, "Twilight, our lovers came to this town. We know they're here, and we know they're in trouble. Now, if we go around asking, we could put ourselves in danger."

Twilight nodded in agreement, "I see. What should we do then?"

Luna shrugged, "I do not know, but I want to find my husband!"

Twilight looked at the town with rage filled eyes, "Me too Princess! Lets get down there and find them!"

"Agreed!" Luna yelled as she galloped down the hill.

Twilight smiled and charged after her, ready to get Lance home.

Two miles away.... (I have to say this, but damn, Twilight and Luna sure got in the mood to save their husbands pretty fast XD)

Mr. Bleak soared over the forest, Starch off to his side, flying with a determined look on his face.

Mr. Bleak and Starch had been flying a full night and a full day, and they were almost there. Just a few more minutes.

"Grandpa." Starch yelled over to Mr. Bleak.

"What is it Starch?" Mr. Bleak yelled back, his attention still focused forward.

"What if we're to late and they complete the ritual?"

Mr. Bleak sighed, "I don't know. I just hope we don't find out."

Starch bit his bottom lip, "But what if we are to late."

Mr. Bleak remained silent.

Starch sighed and focused on getting there.

After a few more minutes of flying in silence, they landed in the forest, only a few meters from the first house.

Starch looked out over the town, "Where are they?"

Mr. Bleak began to walk towards the center of town, "The same place as last time."

Starch ran up beside him, keeping pace, "Which is?"

"Underground." Mr. Bleak answered simply.

Starch frowned and looked forward.

"Hey! Who are you two?!" A dark red Pegasus yelled as he galloped towards them.

He stopped in front of Mr. Bleak and eyed him, "I said, who are you?"


The poor ponies body went flying as Mr. Bleak's hoof made contact with its snout.

"Grandpa?! Shouldn't we be trying to remain stealthy?" Starch questioned.

Mr. Bleak shook his head, "Nope, I've had enough of this place! It's coming down tonight!"

Starch smiled, "Really? YES! Finally, I get to test my new moves!"

Mr. Bleak looked at him, "You can take care of the ponies who fight you, I'll go for Lance."

Starch nodded, "Got it!" Starch then bolted off, ready to kick some flank.

Mr. Bleak smiled and began to make his way to the towns meeting hall.

"You!" A pony yelled from the doorway to its house.

Mr. Bleak looked over to him and glared.

The pony backed away in fear, retreating into its house.

Mr. Bleak continued to walk, getting more and more pissed off with each step.

Pleasant Fields, underground chamber

I hung on the wall, breathing heavily. That spell was the worst one so far!

Frederic was breathing heavily also, but he sounded more pissed than anything else.

Draco was talking to the stallion, getting permission to... have his way with us.

"Please sir! Can I do it now?!" Draco whined desperately.

The stallion sighed, "Can you just wait..." His head shot up, "On second thought, I have something to attend to. You have till I get back."

Draco jumped with joy, "Thank you sir!"

The stallion looked determined, "I'll be back soon." He then turned and began to climb the stairs.

Draco turned to us and smiled, "Who first?" He looked between us, but then rested his eyes on me, "How about you Mr. Greenfield?"

I snarled, "Fuck you!"

He smiled, "You'll be doing a lot of that very soon."

[... Nice choice of words Lance!]

Draco began to walk over to me, a happy smile on his face.

Pleasant Fields, outside of town hall

Mr. Bleak stomped towards the building, already pissed off to the max due to his pent up rage.

He stomped up to the double doors and growled, "I'm going to make you pay."

He then slammed his head into the doors, breaking both of them off the hinges.

On the other side stood a unicorn, the same size as Mr. Bleak. He was dark blue with red splotches all over his body. His mane was light grey and combed back. His cutie mark was the chaos united symbol. (To clear up confusion, its just the stallion from before.)

The stallion smiled, "So, we meet again Darkest."

Mr. Bleak pointed his hoof at him and growled, "You will pay for all of this brother!"