Doctor, Derpy, and Family: Episode 2: The Alicorns Have the Phone Box!

by sharkray24

The Sun is Setting

Derpy and Amethyst were searching frantically through the rubble but to no prevail. There was nothing but brick and stone. Suddenly they heard the whirring engine of the TARDIS, and suddenly a second TARDIS appeared. Out hopped little Dinky, perfectly unharmed. She was followed by none other than the Fifth Doctor.
"Why hello there everypony." said the Fifth Doctor. "Found this little lass wandering about so I asked her where her mum might be and she told me here, so here we are."
Derpy dashed over to Dinky and gave her a big hug. "Thank you so much! Are you okay muffin? It didn't hurt you did it? How far back did it send you?"
"What is going on?" asked Amethyst.
"Well you see," said the Doctor, "I knew that the lonely assassin was desperate to feed, and would go after an easy food source like dinky, but the moment it touched her, Dinky was sent back in time, cancelling her spell, and crushing the lonely assassin! It's brilliant isn't it?"
"Then I, found her and brought her back." said the Fifth.
"And how long ago was that?" asked Derpy.
"Well it was just now as you witnessed." said the Fifth, "Well this has been fun, but look at the sun. I must be off." He jumped into his TARDIS and left as fast as he could, revealing a nice sunset.

"Okay, everypony safe and accounted for? Good! Now let's go." the Doctor said prancing around his TARDIS.
"Doctor." said Derpy.
"Yes?" he replied.
"When was it that he found her?" Derpy asked.
"I don't know."
"Yes you do you were there." said Derpy.
"Yeah and who was that guy again?" asked Amethyst.
"I'll explain it later." said the Doctor. "But Derpy I don't remember, that was lifetimes ago." But the Doctor did remember, even if he had to be reminded telepathically by the Fifth, "I found her yesterday."