//------------------------------// // Boon // Story: That Which was Lost // by LadyRFC //------------------------------// “I will ask you again,” the unicorn repeated like a skipping record, “what is your name and sector?” Chrysalis smiled through her pony disguise. Her subordinate and herself had rightfully chosen the cover of unicorns, but as they didn't really know of any specific ones that worked with dragons they couldn't just blend in. “Look,” the hidden queen moaned in a pitiful manner, “we're new here, were worked all day and now you don't believe me when I give you my name? I told you! My name's Florescent and my friend here is FreeFall. Can we go home now? I'm tired.” The three unicorns did not budge, nor did their faces show either disbelief or acceptance. “Your name is not in the list of names for the caregivers. Please state your real name.” Chrysalis' eye twitched. “I. Just. Did!” Suddenly a loud whistle broke across the field, rising up from the dragon valley. It was if the blank masks covering the unicorns' faces had been ripped off by an invisible hand. “They are intruders! Capture them and-” Chrysalis closed her eyes and zapped them with a bright green light. All of them became encased in a green gelatin like substance. The speaker of the three, clearly a leader type, attempted to free herself with a magic blast from her horn. The magic frizzled out instantly. Chrysalis smirked, changing back into her normal form for a breather. “I wouldn't try that again, if I were you. You'll only wear yourselves out. The Cradle is magic resistant.” She looked over at Sprint and nodded, transforming herself to look like the unicorn she had just addressed. Sprint took the form of another of the unicorns. She poked at the green glob prison with a hoof. “We can't hide this now, so we'll have to get inventive if more show up.” A strange low whistle echoed over the grass, making Chrysalis flinch. “Do they have to be that loud? They'll bring out the entire palace at this rate.” A few seconds later, the ground began to shake, and a very loud, very unmistakable roar filled the air. Sprint looked back in the direction of the dragons, his eyes wide through long pony lashes. Chrysalis let a low, sharp sound escape her throat. There was no way anypony was going to overlook that. –--------- “Get down!” Twilight called out as she and Fluttershy hunkered close to the rocky earth as Timber let out a screech so loud their hearing almost went out. The dragon shifted his legs again, the ground shaking in excitement or fear, depending on how optimistic one was about the whole situation. Then Timber yawned, eyes blinking slowly, not quite awake. He glanced down at them and laid down again, head resting on the ground, eyes staring at them. After the quaking stopped, there was only the loud sound of the dragons breathing and the heat radiating from his body. Twilight blinked, remembering what Blitz had told her. She would need to speak first. “Um, Mr. Timber? Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle.” She wondered if she should mention being a princess, but discarded the idea. Somehow it didn't seem to mean much when a reptilian was staring at you with bright yellow eyes the size of one of Applejack's trees. "I'm, uh, I'm trying to help my friends. You see, some of them are changlings. This country knows them as darklings," she wondered if there was a flicker of recognition in that large eye or if she was only imagining things, "and they want to become allies with this nation. Princess Lily has already negotiated and made an agreement. But the emperor has tried to harm us, is currently using you all to harm the country beyond the mountains," Timber now rose his head slightly, obviously paying close attention now, "and so we need you to stop following orders from the Great One." Timber blinked once, slowly, and then arose towards a standing form. "Is that all you want?" The voice that echoed out from the giant dragon's toothy mouth was deep, like an ocean and wide like a field. Twilight and Fluttershy blinked in surprise and Blitz nearly jumped, his sister sharing his grin. "You can talk," Blitz shouted up in awe. "Of course," Timber's deep rumbling voice answered. "But nodragon has tried to talk to me in a very long time." He looked down at Twilight. "What you ask is simple, but we need good reason. We have followed and protected this young nation for a long time, as payment." "Payment?" Fluttershy asked, rising in the sky with his wings, no longer scared thanks to the old dragon's calm voice. Timber tilted his large head. "The Great One, who is not the current Great One, saved us when we were very sick. As such, we offered a boon. He asked for protection for his entire tribe and his decedents. We agreed. We have stayed and protected, doing as we are asked." "So," Twilight asked slowly, "you're still clinging to a promise to a long dead emperor?" Timber's head snapped upright. It was the quickest action the dragon had made and the speed put all the ponies on edge. "He is not dead. The great One still exists. He still gives orders." Silverline walked forward. "His legend continues in his descendants, yes. But the current emperor is not one in spirit with the Great One who Built. This emperor wishes to conquer other lands. How is this protecting Sheon?" Timber tilted his head again, seeming calm once more. "They are dangerous and attack our own first." "Did the emperor tell you that?" Fluttershy asked, her voice soft. Timber blinked again, his eyes clouding over. "You mean to say we have been lied to." Twilight wasn't sure about that situation and she looked over towards Silverline, who was focused on the dragon. "Yes," Silverline admitted, holding the yellow reptilian eyes with his own. "You've been deceived. The lands over the mountains have no quarrel with us. You are being used as weapons."