//------------------------------// // Finally, We're Here! // Story: Meet the Rappah // by RickiRappah //------------------------------// Vinyl spun the record on her hoof, trying to keep it balanced like a basketball. She stood on her hind legs, merrily trotting around with the disk. She lost the balance, but before it hit the ground she used her magic to levitate it back up with her blue aura. " This is great! " she exclaimed with glee, floating the record around, " Ha, ha, yes! This is so awesome! " The three had worked almost an entire day, trying to come up with the best music suitable for a public introduction. Sure, they had played live twice, but that was before their fame. Well they're not exactly famous yet, rather none by few. But today, the hip-hop artists were about to get more well known, as they were on their way to the one-way ticket to radio broadcasting. Thanks to their victory at Canterlot's Talents, the protagonists' prize was a certificate regarding their music, and they couldn't wait. " Oh this is unbelievable! " Frizzy pumped his hooves in the air, few ponies starring at him confused. " They better like what we made. I mean, we did win the contest with our music...right? Right? Dude, Ricki I'm talking to you bro!" Frizzy waved a hoof in front of his friend's face taking him back to reality. Ricki couldn't stop thinking about his " backstage action " with Vinyl last night. Waves of pleasure waved around him, remembering what may have been the greatest moment of his life...for now. " Oh, s-sorry. It's just I'm so happy I just can't seem to think straight, " he blushed looking at the ground. He didn't want to tell Frizzy about his manly transformation. He knew his best pal would feel betrayed. Which doesn't make much sense to me and I'm the damn narrator. I mean if your friend lost his virginity before you (which he/she probably did) you can't be mad at them. They fucked, you didn't. Oh well assholes. *Ahem*, back to the shitty story. Vinyl knew what exactly what Ricki was thinking and feeling, blushing equally as red. The three walked, taking their time despite their excitement. The streets of Ponyville were peaceful and warm, but at the same time full and busy. Some ponies even acknowledged the musicians which was totally unexpected. " Hey, nice rhymes dude, " or " 'sup Poem Pony, " is what Ricki would receive. " Poem Pony, huh?" Vinyl smiled, raising an eyebrow. Ricki shrugged it off, not really knowing what that was about. " I can come up with few poems about last night, " Vinyl whispered to herself, biting her lip. " Wha?" " Uh, I-I said we should probably hurry up! We don't want to keep anyone waiting, " Vinyl quickly corrected herself. The three sped off to Spinning Record Studio. ************* The three could see their destination, a five-story building, radio tower on top. Their haven was just before them! The three dashed off like snakes in a barrel. Okay, that made absolutely no sense but I think you get what the author is trying to say. Ricki was a few feet away from the doors when he stopped. What he saw was terrifying. The most unbelievable, blood-curdling sight any living thing could bestow their sight upon. " Dude, what's wrong with you? " Frizzy asked concerned. Ricki didn't respond. He just kept starring in shock, his eyes wide open as if they were going to pop right out of his cranium. It was fucking Rocket. The stupid Mohawk, tattoo and piercings, there was no doubt. It was our hero's rival in the flesh-er fur. Whatever. Vinyl turned her attention to where Ricki was looking and gaped. " Hey, isn't that..." Rocket was talking to his band, Wind Rave and the quiet pony who the author STILL didn't come up with a name for yet. " Oh crap, " Wind Rave looked up seeing their musical enemies, " Rocket, look. " Rocket turned around and smiled. " Well, well isn't this just fucking lovely? What, you guys came to celebrate my early release? " he joked. " How are you already out? " Ricki asked walking up to Rocket, getting ready to punch him, " I thought I put your ass in prison. " " Uh no, that was the old fart 'member? But what the fuck do you care? I should beat your ass right now..." Wind Rvae and the blue pony stepped forward facing off Vinyl and Frizzy. " I don't mind as long as you don't mind losing. Again. " Ricki smiled, sparking his eyes into Rocket's. " But, " he said pulling away, " we are actually kind of busy. You see, we came here to make some real music. Besides, you're a public menace now. You should be behind bars with a dick up your ass." Rocket didn't say anything. He just starred blankly at Ricki, remembering the events from prison last night. " I was almost killed, " he said in a surprisingly saddened tone. " Punk came into my cell, me thinking he was just another criminal. Guy tried to choke me while I slept...asshole..." Rocket said softly as if he were about to cry. Ricki was wide-eyed and everyone else was silent. They couldn't believe. I mean yeah, Rickets a dick but death? That's just too much for me and I'm a complete asshole. Ricki looked down at the floor, not knowing what to say. " I-I'm sorry, man. " he said quietly. Rocket quickly fixed himself, snapping his attitude back to the real Rocket. " I don't need your pity. I whooped that guy's ass! The guards said I was so dangerous, they had to let me go! Not even prison can save ponies from the Inhabitant! " Rocket cried out with pride. " But, whatever. Wind Rave, Iron Heart let's go. I can't make music with these chumps around." The Inhabitants turned and started to leave before Ricki stopped them. " Hey. You better be careful. Don't get yourself killed Rocket." " And don't get the wrong idea! " Frizzy added, " we just want you three alive so we can have someponies to laugh at! " Wind Rave just rolled his eyes while Rocket smiled. " 'Till next time Ricki Fappah...we've got some unfinished business. " Rocket called out before they were on their way. " Damn that sucks..." Vinyl thought aloud, " nopony would ever do something like that. There has hardly ever been murders here in Ponyville. Or in all of Equestria! Rocket must feel awful..." the DJ took of her famous glasses, revealing her bright red eyes. Thoughts of what might've happened in that cell raced through her mind. " He'll be fine, " Frizzy said trying not to sound too worried, " If he's out, nothings going to happen. Anyways guys, we're here! Let's get going! " he exclaimed. " Oh, yeah. You're right, I completely forgot! " Vinyl said retreating her shades back to her eyes. Frizzy was already in the building. Vinyl was about to follow when she noticed Ricki still standing still, a worried expression on his face. " Hey..." Vinyl whispered walking over to her coltfirend, " are you okay? " Ricki turned back his head and smiled reassuringly, " Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hard to believe y'know? Anyways, we should get going. That record isn't going to get itself broadcasted. " he said now back to his cheerful state. The inside of the building was just an ordinary lobby. Blue walls, carpet, with some chairs on the side of the room. There was a pony sitting on a desk, filling out some paperwork. " Hello, welcome to the Spinning Record! Is there anything I can help you with? " the mare said with a warm smile. She was a unicorn, grey fur with a purple, smooth mane. " Yeah, we have an invitation from..." Ricki was about out the paper when mare stopped him. " Oh, yes! You must be the musicians from Canterlot's Talents! I just wanted say you're performance was incredible! I've never heard a pony sing like that! The charisma! The power! It was unbelievable! I...oh sorry...I may have gotten too excited..." " No problem, " Frizzy said leaning against the desk, eying the receptionist, " I like excited..." The mare blushed and looked away from Frizzy. " Y-you want to go to floor three, room five on your left, " she addressed to Ricki and Vinyl. They walked off to the elevator, leaving Frizzy alone to do his thing. The receptionist slowly turned around, facing Frizzy still blushing. " I like your mane. " " And I like your eyes, " Frizzy leaned a bit closer, " What's your name? " The elevator doors slid open, revealing the third floor. The couple's eyes widened, not expecting what they saw. It was a whole area full of radio station rooms! Ponies were speaking into their mics, listening to music through headphones, and setting adjustments to their studio, making sure every listener heard what they wanted to hear. Ricki looked around, walking forward and peering through the glass of some rooms. Stallions and mares were enjoying their time broadcasting on-air, music pulsing through their ears. " Wow, " was all Vinyl could muster. This far exceeded what she had at her home. She took off her glasses, wanting to visualize everything. The two made their way to the room which they were told, still glancing around, amazed. Room five stood right in front of them. Ricki reached for the door, but hesitated before turning the knob. " Am I really here? " he thought to himself. " One second I'm at my house, dreaming to be a star, the next..." " Hey, Ricki are you sure you're okay? Look if you're not feeling well it's okay. We can always come back another day, " Vinyl gestured reassuringly, wrapping a hoof around the rapper. " It's just, " Ricki said softly looking down, " I'm so freakin' excited! " he said in a sudden change in mood. He turned the door open and the two saw a single pony sitting down at his studio. He was a stallion, a bit older than Ricki,. The pony was a Pegasus, crimson red fur, with a dark brown mane and tail. His mane was a straight ponytail, that stretched down to neck. His cutie mark, surprisingly, had nothing to do with music. It was an open book with a quil and ink next to it. The pony was probably a writer of some sort. Ricki rubbed the back of his head confused. Was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I mean, just look at the guy! " Uh, are we...like, supposed to be here? " Vinyl asked awkwardly. The pony turned around and looked surprised at first. As if he weren't expecting the two. His attitude quickly changed, spreading a large smile across his face. " Oh my Celestia, " he started walking froom his seat, " I can't believe you guys actually came! " " Are you kidding? " Ricki offered out his hoof for a shake, " we wouldn't miss a chance like this for Equestria! " The pony accepted Ricki's hoof, shaking it violently. Ricki's body bobbed up and down at the destructive force of the DJ's strength. Vinyl watched in shock as Ricki was about to pass out. The DJ finally let go, allowing Ricki to breathe. He fell to the floor, his hoof still shaking. The red Pegasus then turned to Vinyl, still smiling. She gulped in fear and slowly backed away, not wanting to meet the same fate as her coltfriend. But the guy was too quick. He zoomed in, and grabbed Vinyl in a bear-hug position. " Oh, Celestia h- " she tried to say, but it was too late. She could already feel her body move up and down as the Pegasus shook her like a maraca. Vinyl saw the world flash in a swaying motion as her sight faded away, making he shades fly from her face. The stallion in front of her turned into a blur as it seemed he made the whole planet tremble before his might. Just before she died, the pony released Vinyl. she tried taking a few steps, but it was no use. She may as well have been drunk as she collapsed to the floor next to Ricki. The DJ seen what he had done and scratched the back of his head, ashamed. " Whoops, heh heh, " he laughed concerned, " I may have gotten a bit excited. " Ricki mustered whatever strength he had left, and slowly rose to his feet, his hoof still throbbing. " I-It's cool, " he forced out, trying to sound as if nothing had happened. " So what's your name? " " I'm Silver Pitch. Sorry about that, really. It's just I've heard so much about you guys around town. I was just so eager to meet you! " Silver exclaimed, helping Ricki tend to Vinyl, who was currently unconscious. " It's cool, don't sweat man. We've been getting a bit of attention like that lately, so we're kinda used to it. " " Well, you three should start getting some more recognition beca-wait...where's the third guy? " Silver asked, barely noticing the absence of Frizzy. " Oh, him? Actually, " Ricki laughed, " He's at the lobby, flirting with the receptionist! " Silver and Ricki shared a laugh, thinking about what the hell the guy was up to. Now being the narrator, I would have to say he's up to now good or something pathetic. It's barely the fifth chapter and that already sounds like Frizzy. Vinyl groaned as she woke, rubbing her head which was still throbbing in pain. " W-wha...? " she stuttered. The three acquainted and Silver guided the two through the studio, giving them a tour. They talked about their love of music and a bit about eachother's backgrounds; leading up to where they stood today. The musicians enjoyed their time getting to know one-another and having a pleasant time. Ricki and Vinyl were ecstatic. They were on the verge of greatness! What they have thrived for was now about to be bestowed upon them! The glory! All of their desires will now take place...in a bit. " And this is our hangout, " Silver opened a door which was located an floor above his office. The room was a studio, consisting of...everything that's in a studio. Popular records were displayed on the wall, microphones were up and ready, everything was waiting to be used. " Whenever you guys want to work on something, this is the place to do it. Now, I already set up blah, blah, blah " Ricki and Vinyl weren't paying attention. They were too busy eyeballing the room, mouths dropped open. It was beautiful! It was like a haven full of dreams. Fuck Disneyland, this is where real dreams come true. During the midst of their daydreaming, a pony entered the room joining the three. And no, it was not Frizzy. Geez, who even cares what the idiot is up to? Oh, you do? Well too bad asshole, you'll just have to wait. " Is everything okay? Are we all getting acquainted? " the voice asked, sounding quite familiar. " Yeah, everything's cool. Thanks Regenald. " answered Silver sounding a bit rude. Ricki's ears perked up, as he turned around in surprise. It was him! The old gramps who saved Ricki's flank back at Canterlot. " Pops? " Ricki said confused, " what're you doing here? " " Well I told you, remember? I was going to be your manager when you arrived at the studio. " the rusty fart explained. Now don't get me wrong, I love the elderly even if they do end up being ponies. I'm just joking assholes, so chill. The guy's not that old. " What, our manager? " Vinyl asked equally lost. " How do you guys know eachother? " Silver pitched in. Regenald brought Silver up to speed at what happened at Canterlot, providing every detail of how Ricki almost got his little, brown ass kicked and arrested. " Unbelievable. Are you guys okay? " Silver asked concerned. " Oh, it's really nothing to worry about, it was just a small fight, " Vinyl said hugging Ricki, " besides, this guy can handle himself just fine. " " Well, that's very relieving, " Silver sighed, " anyways, enough of this mushy stuff. Let me bring the papers and contracts. I can't wait to start working with you guys! " Pitch walked out the door with Regenald following. " Okay, " Vinyl said, turning back to Ricki, " we most likely have ten minutes tops. Lets go find a bathroom! " and with that, well...I'd rather not say... **************** " CHEERS! " The three protagonists, along with Octavia, were out at a fancy restaurant in Canterlot, celebrating. They all took a sip of their gentle, red wine and laughed. Everyone was hard at work and it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a night out. Of course, money was no problem, as Ricki still had plenty from Vinyl's club. " Well, I must congratulate you three, this is most certainly good news! " Octavia smiled, " Vinyl constantly tells me how it's her dream to have her music sent out to the public. It's nice to have such a chance as this. " " Well, it was easier than I thought Tavi, " Vinyl said , taking another sip, " after I met these two, things have been a breeze! " " Speaking of which, " Octavia said looking at Ricki, " tell me a bit like yourselves. It's a shame we never have time to talk, and I'd love to know about you and your music. " Ricki stopped for a second, not expecting the question. He had never told the story of his musical invention and it should be practicing for interviews. He cleared his throat and began; " Well, it actually started back in highschool..."